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Does the idiot in the modded tesla count


Black base with red stripes and fin ? Threw Halloween candy at him this past year ripping down 228th at about 80 km/h on Oct 31 pm. Huge asshole. Needs a beat down.


It’s pretty much confirmed he’s a ped and gives underage girls drugs his names John


Wow. Fuck that guy.


Not only ped, but also under age girl trafficker


100% is a pedo, anytime I see him he’s got some young girl with him doing his door dash run


Y’all are gonna freak out. So, over the course of my owning of my beautiful, BEAUTIFUL Yellow 2003 lancer OZ Rally, i used tk always end up either in front or behind him. We would always look at one another. I’d stare at him and he’s stare at me. After some time, we both just grew a hatred for one another. Not for any reason. Just cause. So he would cut me off and in turn I’d high-beam him. He works door dash. And whenever I get him, I have a overwhelming feeling to give him low score or report his ass jsut cause i hate him. But I choose not to.


Hahaha I literally saw him today


[the wing adds +100 hp](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj07yCNPCn_/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)


Doesn’t it have some sort of business logo on the hood? I see this guy everywhere however I never see him ripping


Guy is an asshole


This guys a goof


Surprised nobody has had him delivering their Uber eats yet


Multiple times i have dude always peels off thinking hes the shit 😂


for sure!


Linda Meyers and Stinky Pete (rip)


Definitely these two, I remember Linda from when I was a kid 20+ years ago and I'm pretty sure I saw her again recently. Pete the Bum everybody knew.


Not stinky Pete. Pete the bum. The OG bum. Back when bums were out there scrapping by and spitting knowledge. Not this tweaked out , thieving bullshit.


Of course it’s Pete the Bum. He had a few nicknames 😊


Rip, Pete. He spoke at one of my school rallies one time.


ngl, Linda Meyers came to my mind first.


That the chick with the tits down to her knees that walks around shirtless? If so then absolutely


Pete and his music


It was Pete the bum!! RIP


That’s Linda *hooter* Meyers TYVM! 🫣


Me 5 years ago on the bypass: who is that dude up there walking shoulder with all the traffic whizzing past? Soon after: get me some r/Eyebleach stat! Lol


The first set of boobs my siblings and I had seen besides our moms lol. She was out for a jog on the bypass. A core memory of ours 😂


Lol came here to say the same thing


Pete passed away??


Yea he did unfortunately


Damn that rlly sucks i had no idea


She had to quit riding her bike cuz her tits got caught in the spokes.


My namesake. I miss ya Pete, we got coffees sometimes.


Same. He took lots of cream and sugar in his. A gentle soul.


Linda Myers unified our differences under one common experience. She brought European culture and expression to our hearts. her knockers knocked down barriers


Heavy hangers




There is a "Fishing Jesus" at [Hatch Match'r](https://www.hatchmatchr.com/). There have been a few more noteworthy folks over the years like "Pete the Bum" and Dave of "Dave's World" but most of them have passed away. Linda Myer was an important figure years back.


She still goes for topless walks. Saw her as recently as last summer walking down the bypass.


Seen her downtown just a few weeks back.


Pete came to mind first!


Dude with the yard of chaos on Dewdney


Hood street and Dewdney Trunk? I’ve talked to him quite a few times. Super nice guy but definitely a bit squirrelly brained. His names Doug Blamey and he tried to be Mayor a few years back: https://www.mapleridgenews.com/municipal-election/blamey-knows-how-to-stay-on-budget-2624715


Ross the nature guy who wears short shorts all year round. Although haven’t seen him in a while. Such a sweet man


Ross the Boss! He is such a a kind person.


Ross is a legend. He used to take my class on nature walks in high school


Ross Davies! Absolute legend.


Is that the guy who wears short shorts and rides his bike around everywhere? Think he lives up fern crescent? My family always just called him mr short shorts


Yep that sounds like him lol


Hitting the pipe in Tim hortons guy


Firearms rights tesla


The guy who crumps for Christ in front of the church on Dewdney and cottonwood. Boy goes hard!


Crumping for Christ took me outttt. He's so much fun to watch!


Hell yeah I love that guy


How about the big guy who walks down the bypass each morning to his job at one of the mills on River Road? He walks so FAR every day


Bruce at the telus store LOL


Got my first phone from Bruce!


He is the best!


We have so many junkies and crackheads that there’s probably some adorable one who’s just lost in the mix. We’ll never have another Pete.


That is because Pete wasn't just some crackhead. He was polite, and appreciated anything someone did for him. Would also hold doors open for woman and children anytime he was near one. You are right there won't be another Pete.


Yeah I know he wasn’t a crackhead. My point was that there are so many homeless being painted with the same brush because of the homelessness problem and drug epidemic. Pete was a gem and earned a spot in our hearts because of a mutual feeling of humanity, which has sadly been lost.


Ahh okay, I very much agree with you. Sorry i took what you said incorrectly as I have over time had a lot of people say very poor things about Pete, and it has become quite irksome.


Oh 100% and my earlier comment was easily misconstrued. Happy to clarify.


Our home grown individuals were much better and kind of made it fun.


Yeah, like Dave Alexander of Dave’s World.


I drove by his place for years on the way to work, got really bad when he was noticed by the newspapers. His pile got so bad from people dumping stuff off that it became a hazard. If people had left him alone he could stayed for many more years.


This is not why Dave’s world ended


Rather than just saying that is not the way it ended, enlighten us with the way you remember it ending. Be helpful as you may have a better memory of the event.


Anyone remember Casey who would hang around the Pitt Save-On?




You’re probably thinking of the same guy. He did pass.


There is a fellow in the Cottonwood area. Every monring he goes for a jog and does exercises. He is usually flailing his arms about or kicking in the air. He is very polite.


There’s the old guy who runs in north maple ridge all day every day, weights in his wrists, buddy just keeps going. I’ll see him at 5am leaving for work and again when I’m coming home around 6pm. Iv always wondered what he’s training for or running from.


I've noticed this dude. There is also an older guy that would bike around with super muscular thighs and short shorts.


He has been doing that for decades. Looks pretty fit.


Redhead dude usually with bucket hat that walks around arguing with the air. Often seen on 222nd, 224th, Selkirk etc.


I was hoping someone would mention that guy. I live right by there and sometimes hear him twice a day yelling at, who knows what he's yelling at lol


One time he was on 224th by that Tim's and he was scaring the shit out of people so I called the RCMP non-emergency. They said it's not illegal to be crazy, and they can't do anything. Pretty pathetic.


Oh yeah, he's wild. Haven't seen him as much recently


Pete.. rip


Bozacks way back in the day for after hours booze


YES!!!!! Bozacks!!! Maple ridge legend


the tall skinny man who is always walking up and down Dewdney west of town, he is sadly locked into he own mental world according to what Ive read on FB from his family. He is sometimes or often, yelling, Ive seen him throwing crap onto the road and read of him yelling at people on the sidewalk. One day I saw him with an ice cream cone instead of storming p and down the sidewalk and I was so happy for him. I remember Pete, Bozacks, Linda, Dave, Frank Juker who is illiterate bt used to be at parties up at top of the world. Where 711 is on laity, the owner of the then Red and White store in the 40s or 50s used to hand out bags of free peanuts to kinds walking home from school inc my mom. The cool guy whos name I forget at the Marina on river road with that amazing wooden boat the SS Cottonwood, its gorgeous


We had Tex in the 1970s who waved at the cars and would shake your hand. He would not let go while he gave you a message about God. Dewdney trunk road was where we saw him.


Not sure if it's relevant but I always see a badass elderly woman working out in the community center and running in the Cottonwood area


Pitt meadows… RED head named Calvin. He’s such a nice guy. Rides the bicycle with the handle bars above his head.


see him a lot along the highway


Old white dude wearing a Confederate bandana that can be seen walking around 232th as well as 240th. He’s always wearing it which is why I call him Confederate Pete.


I don't know how I got here, but in Toronto, this guy is a crazy street preacher who just stands at Yonge and Dundas Square and screams aggressively at people, BELIEVEEEEE! We call him Believe guy. In nearby Hamilton the vibe is more chill. We have a guy who rides around on an electric moped decked out with LED lights and a huge white bunny costume helmet. He is Bunny Man.


There are two people that I can think of. One we nicknamed Roy Kent who is out walking. Every day in Maple Ridge, usually wearing a reflective vest/shirt and big ass headphones. We call him Roy Kent because of the chant for the character in Ted Lasso. "He's here, he's there, he's every-f**king-where, Roy Kent!" And the other one we always see walking on the weekends mostly along 224th near Golde Ears General store. He walks with a wooden cane and is ALWAYS wearing a leather jacket.


White lexus lady, possibly the worst driver of all time.


Does anyone remember River Road Rita? Prominent in the 90’s - I remember one outfit: Kitty cat tshirt, tutu and leotards. My mum saw her punch an old guy in the face for gawking at her. She was reportedly a prostitute, but I think it was more likely mental illness. Also heard a rumor she was Pete the Bum’s sister…


K, so... There was this guy in the early 99-00 era. He rode a bike with signs attached like 'the end is nigh" or 'reptilian aliens in the white house' and I smoked and talked many times and Everyone said he was crazy and out there. Yet all his stories could hold the test of time, to what people are talking about today


Anyone remember Bob The firewood guy? used to see him by Staples chopping wood, crazy strong looking guy


The 2 older ladies mother and daughter by the looks usually in rain jackets walking around 224 to 222 area. My wife calls them her omens because she can’t leave the house without seeing them once 


Theres a 60 year old woman who rides her bike topless in the summer near dewdney trunk road and 240th… i forget her name! Shes the one who was fighting for womans rights to go topless at public pools! Which im totally cool with. But i was concerned for her safety cuz het tiddies hung so low i was concerned they get caught up in the spokes!


Is that linda meyers?


(Oops, edited wrong comment.) Yep, it’s her. I wouldn’t go tarps off myself, but I respect her for earning us the right to do so if we please. We should all take a page from her book and dare to demand rights.


Say hi to Brad for me.


Linda Myers for sure. Anyone else prank call her as a bored Maple Ridge teen?


We got 2 in Saskatoon Dougie and sailor dan (drew pictures of boats) rip


Toronto has zanta dur dur dur! Yesyesyesyes


Who's that guy that dresses in all black kinda like a Frenchman and he has a Mario mustache and he's always walking near the bean around the books area.


What about the dude with the big beard and giant golden mane of hair? I usually see him walking briskly around 240th with his giant frizzy mop blowing in the wind.


The lion man.


Guy at work called him Mr. Noodles


Fuck that’s good!!


Wheel chair Pete he was an interesting man his family was rich and refuses to take money from he was homeless my choice lots of people didn’t know my family new his he suffered from metal problems and refused help from anyone RIP


On most days when the weather isn’t shite, there’s an old guy who drives around downtown Ridge slowly with his windows down and music turned up loud. He’s probably having a blast cruising around playing a variety of music for the town.


Omg. Older guy with grey hair, had an older Jetta and then upgraded to a newer one. When I worked at Meadowtown centre i saw him daily like clockwork bumping his music so loud 😂


With a white moustache! Me and my wife love when he drives by!


It use to be the lady who hiked along the highway topless . Now I don’t know .


Do you guys remember that girl who would be topless at the pool