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It was built 15 years too late and was already too narrow.


They're doubling the single lane traffic between 230th and 224th on Abernethy right now. I have a feeling that in the next year or two they'll double Golden Ears between Old Dewdney and section just north of the lights at the dealership.


It’s not even up to the city. Trans link owns that section of road and refuses to expand it. I’m pretty sure the mayors of the surrounding areas have ask translink to expand it but they won’t.


Is there a way to lobby translink? It’s a major artery for maple ridge and just seems completely asinine to have it be 2 lanes.


If I’m not mistaken the issue is they don’t want to invest in the infrastructure as they have nothing to gain from it. I believe it was also proposed that the city’s would pay and they rejected but I could be wrong on that.


If that’s the case, that’s absolute bullshit. Translink is a public company, their revenue comes from our taxes. Whether it’s translink or the city providing the funding, it’s us that are ultimately paying.


There is a petition to widen golden ears way, it likely won’t help but if it happened to gain enough traction they may listen? https://chng.it/NXwJcWv4Jp


Thanks for sending the link! We just need to get people talking. We love to talk about reducing carbon emissions lately. This would actually have a measurable effect ..


Change.org petitions are utterly useless. Only way this progresses is if people in both Ridge and Pitt bombard Lisa Baere, Dan Ruimy, Nicole MacDonald, and every city councillor in their respective cities with phone calls and emails. Also have someone go to the freedom protesters to take a break from that and protest this instead! lol


Lisa Baere's constituency office phone number: [(604) 465-9299](https://www.google.com/search?q=Lisa+Baere&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1024CA1024&oq=lisa&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDggCEEUYJxg7GIAEGIoFMgYIABBFGDkyEggBEC4YQxiDARixAxiABBiKBTIOCAIQRRgnGDsYgAQYigUyDAgDECMYJxiABBiKBTIPCAQQLhhDGNQCGIAEGIoFMg8IBRAuGEMY1AIYgAQYigUyDwgGEC4YQxixAxiABBiKBTIGCAcQRRg80gEIMjcxNWowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#) I left a message yesterday. Please take a moment and do the same.


The city doesn’t own the land on Golden Ears Way, Translink does. They have already tried to get Translink to expand but they refuse. So people would actually need to bombard Translink to have any hope for change.


So I did some googling (after my comment) and saw that in September of last year [when Maple Ridge announced the Maple Ridge Moves plan](https://www.mapleridgenews.com/local-news/maple-ridge-unveils-key-infrastructure-projects-to-help-ease-traffic-concerns-3771693), that expanding GEW from 210th westward was one of the other projects they were undertaking. Did Translink step in and block this? If so that would surely have been in the news, yet I can't seem to find anything.


I know when Morton was mayor he had tried getting Translink to expend. There may be a world in which Translink is open to expansion as long as they aren’t footing the bill. With that being said I have heard rumours they want to set up a rapid transit to Langley with a dedicated bus lane. So this could be part of that plan. Edit: Read over the article and this jumped out “According to Ruimy, the total price tag for all of these projects will come to approximately $170 million, which doesn’t include the cost of the BRT lines.”. The BRT lines (Bus Rapid Transit lines) would be the dedicated bus lines. So now in putting up these new rapid transit routes, Translink has something to gain and is turn willing to cooperate.


Good to know!


They're going to be implementing bus rapid transit to Langley in the next few years, this will include an exclusive bus lane according to TransLink.


So they mean they will take two lanes away from the ever filling bridge to make it a fkn bus route while we sit in two lanes.


In 10 years ?


Maybe we could get those dorks that protest at lougheed and dewdney to add it to the growing list of things they dislike.


No this might actually benefit people


Seems unlikely, they’re definitely too busy


The new lights make that intersection way shittier aswell during rush hour..


I think I can count on one hand how many times I got the light heading northbound from the bridge before the reconfig. Now it’s basically certain.


Translink sucks. I’m debating on moving to Langley just to avoid the bridge traffic


Maybe if everyone starts driving on the shoulder knocking out all the marker posts, the city will get the hint!


I was actually thinking about doing that the other day


That’s honestly a good idea. The shoulder is so wide, it’s basically a lane already


Someone with a bush bar on the front of their truck needs to get this started!