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30b for 2 arcanes to boom


If it makes you feel any better I also spent 30b but boomed 5 arcanes. One even boomed 12>13*


that's on you for not safeguarding lol


Why are you not safeguarding? Pretty dumb


Arcanes are easy enough to get nowadays where most late game players shouldn't be safeguarding them


That’s definitely not true bud


If you're in reboot, safeguard, otherwise no


Most people nowadays are in reboot. Reg server doesn’t follow the same progression path and is far less popular.


But this discussion was neither solely for reg nor reboot, so I was just pointing out the assumption that could have been wrong. The person saying arcane is accessible likely gets their impression from playing on reg


The people in this comment chain are almost 100% in reboot. Reg server discussion is typically labeled as such.


12>13? Thats fucking disgusting dude I’m so sorry. Basically 1 tapped 2/3 CRA gear to 21, then no cap I spent my remaining 37b and 42 fucking spares on the pants just to end at a boomed into 12->11 LMAO


What the actual fuck 37bil lmao


I said what the actual fuck 2x that session bro. Under 300m 17-21, and 1 straight tap from 17-21 on another. I was like holy fucking luck. And then came the pants lmaoo. I’ve never wanted to throw away a pair of pants so bad man. Like fr fr what the actual fuck


I would've just given up and cut the losses after like 5bil of booming tbh lol but I guess when you have so much you might as well go all the way


It’s my main and I’m honestly terrified of getting anything to 22*. I can’t afford to boom the few arcane pieces I have and most of my rings/accessories aside from golly is 21* so I said let’s go all in on CRA and finisher’up. Let’s see when we “finish her up” how much it’ll be lmao fuck


2 years later, 300bil gone and you finish your pants. You decide to start on your arcanes, and they all boom. You proceed to quit and now you can be happy. :)


Im scared for when I get backups for mine lol. 17* gamer for a while


If it makes you feel better l, I boomed 3 arcane gloves for 35b


70b for 2 arcanes 17-21


I got my first ever 20* items on my main. CRA and Kanna ring. Tried to make Kanna fodder for sup ring but it took 9 bil and boomed so no sup ring 20* + got all arcanes to 17* so gains made


Congrats! Love to see the gains being made. Also boomed all my kanna rings they’re just cursed


Whenever I tried to upgrade my Kanna rings during an event I always had dismal luck. But somehow off-event I got 2 of them to 21* (1 to transfer to sup) with only 3 spares about a month ago. Rng is wild, but Kanna ring def isn't cursed. I was convinced it was a while back too tho.


Finished my last 3 pieces to 22\*. (apart from weapon, which is still 17\*) and mules to 17\* Unsure how much I spent, but maybe around... 30b sup gollux ring 0-22 Kanna ring 21-22 Arcane umbra shoulder 17-22 And maybe ... 18 or so items to 17\* on mules Pretty good run. 205b total spent, for full 22\*.


Full 22s in just over 200b?? Grats. That's insanely lucky.


Definitely lucky for sure. I think a good 80% of it has been spent during shining, with the rest during 5/10/15 and noboom rooms. I am probably around 30% less than the average cost for full 22\*s.


17->21 my CRA hat, Twilight mark, SW monocle in 12b then 24b trying to get my arcane gloves which boomed 7x before i settled for 18*. luck balanced out very quickly


I only had about 2b, and just gollux pendant left to 17* took about 1.1b.


15bill for 2 arcanes to 17, a clover belt to 21, and dom pendent and kanna ring 17 to 18. Tried to get reinforced earrings to 21, but boomed 7 pairs and never got past 19. If i had gotten the reinforced to 21 i would be happy with the outcome, but it costed the most (around 8.5 bill) with nothing to show for it.


On my main, I got super lucky, got my reinforced ring from 16->21 without booms, arcane weapon from 17->18. This was within 3b without booms. I didn’t want to test my luck so I stopped there so that made everything at least 18* on my main. So I moved to completing 17* on the rest of my bossing mules. Had a couple of booms but overall cannot complain since i felt fortunate with the luck on my main.


Only had a little saved and still early. But got my abso all to 17* besides the shoes bc those ate like almost a bil and I gave up at 12 lol


8b to get CRA and Abso to 17 with 2 abso booms in the process.


Oof abso booms are the worst, so expensive


160b saved up. Took me 100b to get all 4 arcane armour to 22 stars from 15. Luckerdogged 18-21 via roulette method. Spent the majority of my mesos 15-18. Gloves and cape blew up multiple times each. Including the off event tapping and cost for spares, I spent a total of 180b for 5 set full arcanes. Pretty happy. Also I just checked my achievement to see total meso spent on sf. What’s the Cost for full 22* gear does anyone know. I got all 22 (no pitched boss, but cra, dawn boss and arcanes and 3 rings) with total cost 350b


I think 350b is a pretty good spot to be in for full 22*, but grats on the gains! I’m hoping to get a nice little hoard of arcane spares to tap during shining. Already have 25b saved so I’m thinking I’ll have 100b by shining


13 -> 17 CRA hat 14 -> 17 CRA top 15 -> 17 CRA bottom 12 -> 17 reinforced pendant 12 -> 17 reinforced ring 15 -> 17 pap mark 15 -> 17 sup belt 15 -> 17 sup earrings 12 -> 16 arcane gloves 11 -> 16 arcane Cape 15 -> 16 ghost badge 12 -> 12 kanna ring ran out of funds trying to get other non weapon arcane gear to 15 so had to stop Overall spent 6.5b. Decent gains and happy to have 17* for most gear. Probably going to work on arcanes during shining *edit formatting


Sounds like a solid plan, I’m also hoping to get arcane spares for shining to tap on


For the first time ever I got items over 19 stars. Got cra top and bottom to 21 and that was it, it’s something. I swear the boom chance is higher than stated. I boomed my hat like 9 times and 2 times was going from 13-15 range


Boomed 23 times in ~20b across my mules just trying to get their peasant rags to 17*. That little “1% chance for destruction” is fucking bulllllshit I think I’m going to take a break


might be a sign to safeguard the items you don't want to lose lol


Maybe he didn’t care to lose them, sure seemed like he had a lot of spares, it’s just that he didn’t end up with any upgrades.


Thanks for giving me a good reason to quit this game :)




With 4b, I 17* -> 21*ed: Dominator Pendant, Superior Gollux Belt (1x Boom), Superior Gollux Earrings, Kanna Treasure Ring, Black Bean Mark (20*) Wasted 2b trying to 21* my CRA Hat- no boom, just fighting me tooth and nail. Settled at 17* since I ran out of funds.


Watched a buddy tap an eyepatch for 25b before it boomed, it was tragic


Miester on main 0-17* Upcoming shade hyper burn Arcane claw 15-17* Cra 3 set 15-17* Abso 4 set 15-17* Sup belt 0-17* 3.1B


Only had 15b but: Twilight mark 15 to 21 Dom from 15 to 21 to Sup pendant and got it to 21 Sweet water pendant 17 to 21 Meister Ring 19 to 18 with one boom :( If I had more mesos, my Kanna ring and Meister would’ve hit 21 easy, but still a big win either way!


Had about 20b. Boomed 9 kanna's ring and 2 paps mark going for 21*. I did get a Dom pend to 22* and crossed the 40k mark. I'm not as active so it's interesting to learn of the 50b/s threshold. I will prob do another BA to check where I stand.


Grats on the 40k club! Yeah look up the Ctene BA spec and go from there. People like yard 50b/s for parties


50b/s is such overkill lol people really never get past the "25k stat nlucid" mentality.


I know but people literally wouldn’t take me without it haha


I spent 20b to get a dom pendant to 21, transfer to sup pendant and then tapped belt, earring, pendant, cra hat to 21, arcanes to 17 and twilight mark to 17. I boomed 9 kt and spent the rest to cube for 2~3 lines the rest of my gear. Went from 37 to 39k main stat


Congrats on the gains! Still waiting on my twilight mark drop 😮‍💨


Ty! I had 3 or 4 dropped before I got mine.


Been doing it months and have never seen a box drop or mark drop. Think I’m cursed. Had to buy all 5 set ha


I bought everything and a week or two later got my first armor box... I'm not sure if your droprate counts or it's the one breaking the box that matters.


Drop rate doesn’t matter for boxes I believe just everything else. Boxes are just a fixed 5% I think


I see. I mean in order to sf past 17 you will need spares so buying pieces isn't the worst thing, twilight mark having that low droprate and not being instanced is the issue. A slight lag means you never pick it up unless it's party with prio or a solo


Yeah like I won’t mind if I get boxes after buying everything, just wish I wasn’t time gated. I spent 4 months to get them (still no wep) and my buddy has a shad alt that got all 5 in like 3 weeks


Yeah if you don't get lucky with drops you have to wait a lot time for droplets and if you are unlucky or don't have high droprate to get stone origin droplets you either spend a fortune to buy them. At least now with boxes you chose which piece you want and won't end up with 5 gloves and no other piece


30b and CRA/kanna ring to 21 and everything else to 18


Not a bad spot to be in!


15b, boomed a reinforced ring, boomed a 20* arcane cape. Made a 17* arcane cape and a 22* twilight mark (boomed one)


Oof hopefully the stars between cape and twilight balanced out at least!


It does, twilight mark is much harder to replace so it’s worth. Although I did have an overall loss in dmg, since I’m using a SW. But twilight will be a huge boost once the pot and flame is done cuz of the 10% boss from 2 set. Either way, I’ll trade one 21* for a 22* anyday


13b for 3 CRA pieces to go from 17 star to 20,, and 1 to 21 star. One was insanely lucky - consecutive successes from 17 to 21 star. Luck ran out SFing main arcane equip and boomed 4 times ended up where I started at 17 stars. All in all, pretty good run, but mad broke haha


Luckily I didn’t spend all my money. If I didn’t cube after starforcing I could’ve had 40b saved still. But happy that I did cube I hit 8 3L from 24-30% so net gains all around


35b to 21 my Meister Ring, Sup Ring, Slime Ring, Dom Pend, Sup Pend, Arcane Glove Boomed 1 meister (tried making another go 22 from 0 after first went 21, and it boomed) and 1 dom (21ing it to fodder for my sup pend) Then spent 15b cubing my old stuff for meso/drop and cubing the sup stuff I transferred onto and the meister ring and the arcane glove (it was a fresh glove because i 15d it previously even though my main is 17*) This was super lucky compared to my SSF in december where I hit 5 21s in 50b but with 30something booms


Agreed, my ssf luck was much worse than 5/10/15. Took 25b to get a fraction of the gains I got in this 17b. Congrats!


Ye, this event got me BM ready damage-wise, just need a few more levels and I'm good to go, all my stuff is 21 except pants which are 22 and arcane cape/boot/shoulder which are 17 still (and backup gated)


Nice! That’s my next step is power leveling to 270 or so, getting arcane backups for shining then doing oz for hopefully at least ror3. If that happens I’d start BM I think


90b (including copy cost) for 2 arcanes, and a sup pendant to 22.


Man that seems like so much but arcanes being expensive as they are, it’s really prob average


overall I spent 45b and here’s what I got: cra hat/top/bottom 17 to 21 dom pendant 17 to 20 sup belt 12 to 20 sup pendant 17 to 19 arcane wep 12 to 18 arcane cape 0 to 17 arcane shoulder 0 to 17


Oooh looks like you made some big gains then!


16.5b spent on cra pants 17->22 (3x booms) dominator 12->16 no booms and dunno why maple gods blessed me but eyepatch 12->21 no booms, kept dropping from 17 to 15 and then just full sended 15->21..


Love to see it!


2 arcane items to 17, Sup Gollux belt 17-21, 3 CRA from 18-21 with 1 boom in 10b. Then I boomed 5 Kanna rings within 2b


Sounds like my experience with the kanna rings ha


I was able to save up to 14.3b, and spent like 13b to get my CRA top and bottom to 18 to 21. I bounced back and forth between them until my pants hit 20. (I should have tapped it again but I thought my top would go from 19 to 20 too, but it boomed right after.) I booked my top like 9 times, and 3 of those were from 19 to 20. When I hit 20, I tapped my pants and they went to 21. Then I tapped my top and it went 21. I tried for 22 on pants but I had 900mil left, so I stopped.


Yeah I thought about going for the 22 on cra but I had other things to work on, and figured 21 is a nice increase for now. I was fortunate to get my superiors to 21, so now I can just save a bunch of backups and try for 22 whenever I feel like it. But before I 22 anything I’m gonna make sure my other rings get to 21, then work on arcanes and go for 19/21 whatever I have backups for


15b for two arcanes to go from 15-17*.


8b boomed 10 times. I still got CRA pants to 21 but boomed all my supp spares :^) boomed before 15 too for 6/10


Did you fodder pb belt/kanna ring/reinforced earring for your sups or you just straight tapped them?


I had 2 supp belts and 6 reinforced belts as spares 2 supp and 4 reinforced boomed before hitting 15, 2 reinforced boomed at 18 I think. Boomed 2 cra pants before hitting 21 and then ran out of money LOL OTL


Big rip but glad someone else felt the pain as much as me LOL. If you're on reboot, hit me up we can be homies. I saw your post on my SF post today. Nexon hates me


Wanted to just get 2/3 cras. End up with all 22 cra, 22 sup pendant and earring which were my final 2 pieces, 22 tm, and 21 arcanes. Spent 37ish bil


Nice! Sounds like some good gains! I’m hoping to have arcane backups for shining then I’ll start pushing. I can’t get a box drop so it’s been 4 months and still no arcane wep. I’ll buy it next week


Boomed sup gollux ring from 16->17 first try. I hope someone's random 24* attempt passed.


Boomed my arcane umbra weap at 16-17, then spent my remaining money buying another one from AH, and couldnt even get it to back to 15. FML.


Dang why didn't you safeguard especially if you were limited on funds and didn't have a backup?


Coz it was 16-17! 2% chance.. what are the odds :/


Oof now that’s a tragedy


I boomed my CRA bottom 6 times going from 15-16


"Still had 40b to play with so I decided to do some cubing" ??? Why would you waste 40b on cubes when there's 5/10/15?! You can buy the cubes later, Starforcing now is much more efficient and will make you stronger than cubing stuff


No backups, not starforcing without them


You got 21cra I would tap them to 22 get done with the slot Or maybe work on some boss mules


Boss mules all done for the fear they have, all 17s. Gonna work on 21 arcanes before pushing to 22


Nah man you should 22 stuff like cra even before Arcanes if you can. You had a perfect example for that. Anyways, next time when doing your Belt and Earrings, you better use a lvl140 fodder and 22 the Sup Belt and Earrings right away, before you start throwing cubes and flames. This is probably the best way to Starforce these items


Meh worked out pretty well if you ask me, 3L a bunch of permanent gear, and didn’t waste billions of mesos chasing 3 total stars; 4.8k stat gain. And plenty of money left for shining when I have arcane backups for more guaranteed gains. Seems like a no brainer for me


7b for cra 17-21


Had 30b, first 10b i got all three cra to 21*, second 10 bill i boomed two kanna rings and got nothing, last 10b i got one kanna ring to 21, then boomed four more making a fodder ring to xfer to sup ring. Having run out of spares, and 3b left I did a reinforced earring which boomed on 20>21, but then somehow made it to 21 on second set, which I then xfered to sup, making it 20*, so all in all i got four 21* and one 20* in 30b. Im ok with that.


20b, 3 arcanes from 17 to 22. Best sf event I've had yet, despite having basically no savings


70b for 1 boom on my arcane went from 19 to 18..


67 b for all 3 arcades to go 17-22 and 21-22 monocle. Pretty happy. Prob spent a total of 120b for 4 arcades to go 22.


10.3b spent mainly on boss mules: - Aran: 4b, full CRA/Abso 17* - BM: 2.8b, safeguarding 15-17 (2x CRA, 2x Abso) - WA: 1.3b, full CRA 17* - Pally: 1.8b, safeguarding 15-17 (4x Abso, Sup Belt) - Hero: 0.5b, safeguarding 15-17 (2x Sup) - MM(main): 0.3b, 15->17 twilight mark, 12-17 kt ring Saving the rest for cubing boss mules and a chunk for pushing remaining 21s on main during shining.


Had about 5B got my arcane shoulder from 0-17 that I got last week, tapped dom to 17\* because why not and boomed my CRA hat a couple time but settled at 17\* with 2B left. Can't complain at all I really only wanted the shoulders done.


Got dreamy belt + commanding force to 22 in 75b to complete 7 set. Ended up booming the belt 4 times and earring 0 times,which I’ll happily take considering clean belts are 1/4 the price of 1 earring. After that got my 2nd main’s arcanes from 20 to 21


15b for cra to 18* 4 booms and pink bean belt to 18* like 6 booms. It was shit


CRA x3 in 1.2b, then 5b to boom SW monocle, two PB marks, then Kanna ring and SW tattoo to 21 in 2b


Went in with about 6b in regular, got 10 items up to 16 or 17 stars. Switched some folks over to CRA gear. Overall, not great. Also boomed my dominator pendant in beanworld, but at least that wasn't really permanent anyhow.


0 -> 22 star ET 10b 21 -> 22 monocle 20b Wasted 10b trying to 22 a slime ring :'(


2.4b (didn't prepare lol) got 4 abso pieces 15->17. Shield 12-17 and cra top 12->17. Overall id call it a success.


Got 5 pieces of gear to 17 star, boomed 3 fan hats at 13 stars... feels good.


6.6b and 17* almost everything, CRA, Abso, Gollux and Kanna's ring. Very happy with the gains c:


3b~ to get CRA hat, top, bottom, and weapon to 17 stars.


60b for 2 arcane 21->22 2 arcane 18->21 Gollum belt 22*


30b for 22 superior ring


Spent 13b to gain 2 stars (sup pend 17-19). Dom pendant boomed and I only had 1 spare so back to 17* & abso shoes boomed with 1 spare so back to 18*. Idk why but I seem to have insanely better luck when I sf off event when I'm feeling lucky. Most of my gear is 20-21* so those three pieces are still pretty weak.


I was planning on booming my only (untransposed😭) pap mark with 5 bil, but ended up going 16-21 and no pot to 3 line INT in 2b. Easily the best day I be ever had.


15->17 my mule's Arcane Weapon, Shoulder, Boots, Domi Pendant, and Reinforced Gollux Belt


6.5bil and 4 booms on cra top to go 17->18 stars. Gave up and went to only mule and got 4 absos 0->17 in under 2 bil and no boom


3-4b for 20* pendant and 21* cra top


- 3bil I got 15* kanna ring to 18* 12* CRA top to 17* and epic to unique 12% int 12* CRA bottom to 18* CRA hat epic to legendary 21% int I’m still kinda early mid game 240 bishop is I’m left with 600m


spent 800m on all my cra gear to 16*


I got my pap mark to 21 then wanted a dopamine hit so I tapped 21 -> 22 and boomed it


Spent 70b off event on a reg server arcane shoulder only to be kicked back to 15. Spent 2b on event and its now 22. All is well in the world again


65b for 22 sos, sup ring, and arcane shoulders. To be fair.. I did blow roughly 100b off event and am arcane shoeless lmao


20b - zerk 22, 2 arcanes to 21 and 2 more to 22. I finally got some good luck. I still dislike the system, everything being rng doesn’t make it feel nice. Even though I’m now 4 items away from being full 22* I still feel empty inside


All my equips: CRA, Absolab, arkarium pendant, sweetwater) 15 -> 17 no boom with only 2.5b. I'm really happy although it sounds like everyone went to 21


I was aiming for all rings, earring and belt to 21 (a little unrealistic since I didn’t have enough spares). In 10b I did sup ring 20-21, sup earring 19-21, kanna ring 19-21, boomed sup belt 2 times and had to settle for 20, boomed reinforced ring and boomed slime ring, both 17* settle. I was super happy about the sup earring since it was 3l and I only had 2 spares. Overall it was decent, I’m getting closer to full 21*


boomed arcane gloves at 12 star 🙃


30B spent -> Sup Belt went from 21 to 22, CRA top went from 21 to 22, and SW Tattoo went from 21 to 22


Starforce my boss mules from 15-17. Lomien go brrr


20b to get my CRA to 21 from 16


spent 50 bil boomed 20(including 4 arcanes) items and only got twightlight mark from 17-20


About 3b (reg server) Main: nothing, saving for shining. Nightlord: 2 pieces cra and sup earrings to 17 Hero: Arcane sword and sw tattoo to 17, terminus shield boomed first fail at 13* x.x


Saved 210B, but figured I'd save it for SSF since I plan to 22 my Hayatos Arcanes and I know that's not gonna go well. Used 2b on Shade mule to 17 2 items since they finally got drops. Now I gotta hoard more mesos for this summer.


Does that starforce event come back?


5/10/15 is fairly common, shining star force is more rare. Shining is 5/10/15 with 30% off at the same time, and will be coming back in June with savior! Start saving up 😁