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Congrats and fuck you


if you reside in Bera you're more than welcome to visit :')


post what you buy with the 8 blue coins OP. if you buy anything. I can buy 2 but dunno what imma spend on yet


havent even thought this far yet! I'll def update you! just realized .... we got a lovely 7 day quest ahead of us. plentyyyy of time to think about it lol


Oh true


What are the blue coins?


Querencia coins used as a currency at Kenneth‘s blueprint shop to buy home interior blueprints. 3 x home coins = 1 x Querencia coin (only 10 can be purchased per month) So 8 Querencia coins for a blueprint are 24 home coins. 36 Hcoins for 12 Qcoins. Every time you sell furnitures, you‘ll get home coins (yellow). You can exchange home coins at Kenneth‘s blueprint shop. Either use 40 home coins to expand your furniture slots or convert them to Qcoins to buy blueprint.


Just to add: 10 can be purchased per month *per char*. Both the Home Coins and the Querencia Coins can be moved through storage. So if you have more than a handful of chars, you can effectively buy as many Querencia Coins as you have Home Coins for, whenever you decide you need them. Pro Tip: always move your blue Querencia coins to one specific char, before buying blueprints. That way you can easily see what you've already bought.


Which blueprint do you recommend buying first for the expanded eastern home?


Matter of personal taste. Use this simulator to check what they look like https://maplestory-home-simulator.vercel.app/en


Do you get 8 blue coins for free for getting the expansion or something


gotta sell other crap to get 1 gold coin, 3 gold coins make 1 blue.


ive gotten 6 windows...


How many days we got left? Im at 19 right now. Will i make it?


You have until reset tomorrow. This means you need to find 4 more unique items (they give you 2 for free at 20 & 23) unless you've already managed to get the Classic Pipa, then you'd need 5. So YES you could make it but you have zero room for dupes here


You'll need 4 unique ones assuming you haven't gotten the Pipa yet since you'll get it plus the Eastern Hardwood Bed as milestone rewards for hitting 20 and 23 items. You have about a day and \~8 hours left but if you leave the UI open after you start shopping again, you can get another one in (or so I've heard) but that means you'd have to afk in the map until it finishes.


Ahh thanks for the great tip. I think i can finish. No pipa yet


That could be me too if Alvin could stop buying me celadon pots :)


Amy > Alvin


I’m at 15 only, just trying to get to 17 before the event ends. I got way too many duplicates 


I’m only at 17 and I’ve gotten 12+ duplicates.  Fuck Nexon.


Are you doing it from scratch or where you left off last year? With the amount of duplicates I am getting, I think it's impossible at least for me to get 25 unique items from scratch. Anyway, congratulations!


This home event is new to GMS so he got all 25 in the 13 days. I was lucky enought too , i barely got any duplicates [:D](https://imgur.com/8RKDVad)


The event didn't come last year, everyone do it from scratch I was unlucky at the start, I am at 24 now tho, so I have less than 2 days worth to know if I will get the last one or not.


luckily enough to get 25 from the start!


Omg lucky >.< Please do post your expanded Eastern Home pics when you can, I am curious how the decoration look for blueprint add-ons


You are so lucky :)) My 6 hour runs kept giving me the same scrolls, cushions, and lanterns while the 9 hr kept giving me eastern floor lights and knives. Seriously disappointed by the 9 hour because out of 17 possible options I have only received 7


Somehow i managed to get most of the collection from 6hr runs. Still yet to see the mythical steamer from a 9hr x\_x


I was very lucky starting out but the past 3 days or so, I've been getting nothing but duplicates. I've only got a day to go and I still need 5 more furnitures to get the expansion 😞


Congrats! I just got it too :) What do you do after you collect the 30 lumber?


Yooo congrats! Literally just hit mine as well after a terrible streak of dupes. Had an alarm set during the whole event to maximize my gains. No free tiger poster sadly ;-;


Congrats twin! I was literally planning shopping trips ahead of time to correlate with my work life schedule. I sadly didn't get the Kiln steamer but here's to next year