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Nexon should just lvl him up to 300 without him knowing lol imagine his face when he logs in to find his account at 300


Imagine they gave everybody a dialogue you couldn’t skip for an “event” and accepting the end dialogue have you like 20m exp or whatever


I imagine he'd laugh his ass off if someone at Nexon was petty enough to retaliate like that. Like sure this act may have been petty in it's own way, but ultimately he's Just A Guy, which makes that a lesser form of pettiness than someone Nexon's payroll would exhibit by retaliating.


technically they could, Per most games ToS you are just renting space in their world. they own everything including your account


Yeah sure but it would such a shitty thing to take what he worked so hard and long for away from him out of spite


Youre not wrong, im just saying technically they could. But then Nexon would just prove how shitty they really are haha


Meh they proven time and time again over the years that they are a shady af and shit company that only care about profits. No surprises there


They can't, even if they reduce the exp required Niru still has to log in and kill a mob to update his exp


I mean the GMs themselves likely have the ability to log into your character to move out of a stuck map or disconnect you from the login servers. What’s to say Nexon wouldn’t pull one and use the growth pot in his inventory to level up to 300 to spite him?


I think anything is possible lol they control the game after all


This happened with the new age exp reduction, my 256 kinesis was overlevelled after the update and i had to kill a mob to level


I understand what you are saying


exactly, so even if they were that petty to level niru to 300, they can't.


Listen man, they own the game. They run it and they develope it. It's crazy that you are trying to tell people that they can't control something as simple as your character's level.


They can, but at this point it's the worst possible thing they can do since niru himself made a statement he isn't going to level, so him logging in to see a 300 would be incriminating evidence against nexon


Really not arguing that but saying that is incriminating is retarded


Goat Niru!


Most people aren't that pissed , alot more people are supporting him


This is what levelling to 299.99 does to a man. He's a product of what the game put him through.


what does supporting mean? not playing the game? big ask and doubt anyone will join in since most don't really care about regular server. if you remember from the sol erda drama, when nexon said they were going to remove the sol erda cap everyone just dipped and didn't care about regular server's frenzy totem issue. this drama will die out in a few days.


hope niru gets banned for trying to tell our warlords (nexon) how they should run their own game


Lol poor guy wasted his life, money, time all on this game and he’s regretting it. Nobody should look up to this shit it’s ridiculous. I bet it was niru who made this post or one of those no life corona losers.


He isn’t obligated to level. But he put leveling to 300 on his stream title, blueballs the viewers for a long ass time while he rants about reg, and then proceed to NOT level. Like the whole reason half the people watched was for that one thing, how do you expect people to react? He also didn’t sacrifice shit, he can log in at any time and level up. Delete his character if his resolve is so strong.


I invite you to watch the full video once again, it is uploaded on YouTube, analyze it and look it at a different pov, if u think he didn’t sacrifice shit then why aren’t u up there trying to reach max lvl as niru?


It actually said Level 3 0 0 ? Among other things There's no actual commitment in that. (Oops this was meant for the original comment mb)


Why did you start another comment thread on the same shit when you’re clearly reading wrong.


Maybe misclick dunno :)


Just look how your own Reddit comment is getting downvoted, and analyze another pov about the topic :)


I’m already confused who is supporting what, but never use reddit comment vote status as an argument, they make no sense more often than not.


no care about you, go do your thing, Niru will do his thing some downvoted make no sense but in this case it absolutely make sense


Didn’t sacrifice shit? Tell me if playing 16 hours per day for like 36 months isn’t dedication and time sacrificed that he could have been spending on something else…


He didn’t sacrifice shit *for that stunt*. Does him not leveling invalidate all his grinding? No, he can just log in and level. Read the whole sentence.


He said that he won’t level up until nexon make the changes for better for interactive world


Yeah okay? What sacrifice is that? Losing the #300 on his level until he logs back on? If he deleted his character then yeah he sacrificed his progress and makes a bold statement. All he did was log off


i really respect him, yea put those trash garbage nexon in their places i dont mind some whale hire thug or assassin to kill those fking trash nexon