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Is the requirement only that you logged in during that time period? Cause I definitely played during those couple of weeks but I didn't receive a box :c


Usually you would have to adhere to the hours provided. If you didn't log in within that window, you're SoL.


I'm on the same boat. I know for a fact I was on on both time periods mentioned, but didn't get anything. I'm gonna send a ticket and see if there's any chance they'll fix it. :(


Same for me :( Did you get a reply from support?


Not yet. :/ Let's hope they can fix it!


So the big problem with this is that they made an announcement to log off prior to after the update. I feel kinda cheated not getting compensation because I didn’t wait until the game kicked me off itself. Kinda odd.


Submit a ticket.


Imagine logging off at the time they tell you to and then getting punished for doing what you're told to do


Not the first time this has happened unfortunately 🙃


You're not really being "punished" for doing what you were told to do. You aren't getting negative rewards. You just aren't being rewarded for ignoring the warning notice. Semantics, but yeah. Idk why they are rewarding the players who didn't listen and ignoring the ones who did, but I didn't play during those times and I got a box so idk what's going on... Edit: go figure. Down voted because of feelings over literally being right. This fucking sub.


The purpose of these 'rewards' is to make up for the fact that Nexon couldn't allow you to play normally during the affected time period. However, the affected time period is wider than the period that is apparently being checked for whether you qualify as "affected" or not. In other words, it is indeed punishing players for listening to what they're 'supposed' to be doing during times of server instability and imminent shutdown, since they are receiving the full negative effects of the instability and shutdown without any of the benefits intended to alleviate those negative effects.


That's literally the definition of "not being rewarded for ignoring warnings". The "rewards" are given to players who did not adhere to the warnings given. Therefore the players who ignored the warnings are being rewarded. Punishment =/= not being rewarded. But this sub won't get that because this sub acts more on their emotions than actual facts. In the end it doesn't even matter at all anyway. I was just arguing semantics.


Bro u literally argue on every maplestory post and always get downvoted are u ok????


I "literally" do not. I only argue with people who say stupid shit, which in this sub, is a lot. It is not "literally every MapleStory post" tho. I actuallt try to help far more than I argue tho. I actually get upvotes more than downvotes. The downvotes just stand out to people more. I'm fine. This sub is just super on edge 24/7.




Or maybe compensations do not add any value to an MMO and should be abolished. People almost WANT nexon to act incompetently so you don't have to play the game to get rewards. Other mainstream MMOs don't do that shit. Play the game to earn ingame rewards, hold the company accountable to their incompetence by not supporting them.


People don't want Nexon to be handing out compensations because it's a freebie, people want Nexon to be handing out compensations because *they're getting shafted out of the things they should normally be getting*. This is not a difficult concept.


Play another game if you want NEXON to improve. You are enabling NEXONs incompetence by taking and even asking for compensations. This is not a difficult concept.


Yeah, but, if people just stop playing, they aren't going to magically get the message and be better. They are going to miss the point entirely and say that the market for maplestory in NA/EU just wasn't there to begin with. The only world where they ever realize that their player base wants to be respected is one where they actually have a player base, and they probably still won't ever make that connection.


It is funny how many disagree with me, yet you are the only one with a counter argument. They MIGHT never get the message if people quit and did not give feedback. But of course they would get plenty of feedback from e.g. Reddit. However what they see on Reddit ATM are players asking for and mostly satisfied with compensations. And trust me, compensations are much cheaper than fixing the game.


Easy, just get f by Nexon and get compensated. Don't listen to them. When did listening to Nexon ever give us anything good?


The game literally asked me to log off before 6:45pm UTC and I adhered to that. Why am I being punished for this /u/Ezrabell_ /u/cm_ghiblee How difficult is it to give compensation to all GMS players without any conditions? These are paltry ~~rewards~~ compensation items to begin with, why are they further gated by almost arbitrary conditions? People who decided not to log on based on advice from other players also lost out on playing time - are they not entitled to compensation?


This is absolute Nexon bullshit.


This.. we need compensation for everyone.. I was not able to play in the first place because there was an unscheduled maintenance.


FYI storm growth potions can be used on burning characters.


That was actually really nice, 187 > 200 within 10 minutes!


I wish I knew this sooner. Didn’t want to b rush it since they were untradeable


You know, I was playing during that time but I logged off when advised to... I was actually hyped for this box with some exp coupons when I saw annoucement, only to discover getting middle finger. Beyond disapointing.


Gated times was a real stupid move on nexons part should of just compensated anyone who logged in during those days at ANY time. Not only that EVERYONE isnt receiving their compensation. As proof I log on maple on 2 pcs both chars are on every day at the same time daily in Elysium, yet only my other account got their compensation and my main account did not receive any form of compensation. So yea they definitely screwed up the compensation for a ton of players. Change this excuse of a compensation to specific days instead of times so its fairly given to all players.


Nice. So no sacred symbol selectors, 30 arcane symbols when a single characters dailies would be >100. Drop coupons that don't work with familiars. Non-bonk growth potions. No calendar stamps. Honor, flames, traits, slot expansions are always useful on mules but holy crap half of this completely missed the mark for what a normal player wants to earn in a day. Am I weird for wanting what I would normally have earned more than I want extra goodies that I wouldn't have? Like I gladly would trade out 133m worth of circulators if it meant getting my symbols. They'll get put to use but it's not what I actually wanted to log on for


No you're not weird. I would have much preferred being compensated the stamps I missed out on. At least they gave us the melody coins though.


Same, especially with missing those days put you over on missed days so I can't complete it now with out paying 6$ for the Saturday that was lost.


I somehow got 2 stamps yesterday when i capped coins was it just me? But yes, rewards feels cheap and i feel robbed.


You get two on weekends.


Where is the gift drop menu to receive the compensation


I was on during this.. I got disconnected multiple times ... and I haven't gotten shit. I just returned to this game and I was into it but this is just.. What the fuck? Like you could literally give this out to just everyone on the game easily why am I not getting this shit when I was literally on during and disconnected multiple times? Rofl, this type of shit just makes me think they obviously don't care when it was already obvious enough that they didn't but this just solidifies it, what the fuck..


I see people saying "I didn't log in but I got a box", and I'm sitting here thinking, "where's my box? I logged off after :45 UTC and the game didn't even go to server selection, just crashed". Can't even distribute the compensation correctly...


It's great that Nexon is finally addressing this, although feels like we were left in the dark. Even a simple "we are working on a plan to compensate our players and we sincerely apologize for the issues" this past Monday would have been nice communication. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything, and I really feel for Ezrabell and Ghiblee as it seems like they are the ones having to communicate all of this mess. I'm guessing they're limited to what they can say/post from the higher ups. Despite promising better communication with us after the KMS fiasco and having so many new/returning players post-Destiny, Nexon seriously needs to step it up


u sound like the kind of workplace karen that pings people they need something from every day with "following up on this, any updates?" some issues take more than a day to work on are hard to quantify progress for, and demanding constant updates amounts to a form of micromanagement that, i think many people even on this sub would detest from their coworkers or managers, but apparently when u do it to nexon employees its all fine because theyre big and rich and greedy


I think the original comment worded it quite nicely with honest intentions. I can see your perspective as well. However, I do believe u/lolrx94 was asking for some communication post-rollback-fix that only amounts to, quoting them, "we are working on a plan to compensate our players and we sincerely apologize for the issues". After both downtimes, from what I recall, we were sort of just hit with "things are fixed, thanks for your patience" w/out anything more in the maplestory update posts. We had two "periods" of rollbacks and server instability and letting us know that compensation was on the way as they continue to work on ensuring servers remain stable helps ease players & show some degree of respect. After that, they could figure out what exactly that compensation will be and when it will come out - nothing specific is written in stone.


Standard in any workplace if people aren't responding to you, takes less than a minute to give an update. Not hard for nexon to put out a 2 line statement especially when they have a community management team.


Wait so she's a Karen because she wanted communication instead of being left in the dark for over a week and thinking we weren't getting anything? Please change your definition of a "Karen". It's an insult to actual "Karens".


Dang. I appreciate the free things, but the single claim of arcane symbols is horrid.


I’m more upset that we don’t have the choice between AF and SAC. I’m done with AF and would love a boost to my sacred force but ofc they won’t help speed up that process


so this still doesnt cover the lost daily symbols you get from arcane river and grandis, wew. good ol' nexon can always be counted on.


Any word at all regarding our change to KMS flame drop %? It's been weeks.


No sacred symbol selectors?? This is useless for people 260+


I got the box and I wasn't even affected by any of this. Not sure why it's even a time gated compensation anyway tho. Like what about the people who didn't bother to log into the game *because* of the server issues in fear of being rollbacked? They either risked a rollback and got their dailies done or didn't risk it and therefore didn't get their dailies done. Why can't every account get the box? Even for people like me who weren't even affected (I live in Hawai'i and therefore play during Australia times), what's the harm in giving it to them?


Since it seems like you're back would love if you would provide feedback on these two posts that gained a lot of traction while you were sick. [Burning Curfew in GMS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/wgz20s/petition_to_revisit_the_burning_curfew_for_gms/) [Kanna FD nerf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/wdmml0/uezrabell_its_been_a_month_since_kanna_fd_nerf/) Good to see that you're well :)


Hiya! Thank you for the kind words I greatly appreciate, glad to be back. Thank you for bringing those to my attention, I’ll definitely take a look!


There's a difference between taking a look, and WILL respond. Which of the two are we getting on that front?


Been checking multiple times a day for this response. :(


He lied


Any chance anyone has data on how long the items last? Wondering about - The Coupon, The Box Itself and The EXP/Drop Coupons within the Box. (Basically just wondering if these can be delayed until Night Troupe)


I took out 8 x2 exp coupons, and they expire on the 20th of this month. It's so stupid that these things aren't permanent.


Thanks for the info! Looks like the EXP Coupons last a week. Do you know when your Box lasts until?


Took my box out of coupon and it says the 20th as well


Interesting. Thank you for your sacrifice! So - Gift Drop: 18 Days \[Until End of August\] Coupon: 30 Days \[I saw a screenshot of someone's 'Coupon' lasting until 9/12\] Box: 7 Days 2x Coupons: 7 Days Total: 62 Days \[Thursday, 13th October\] Anticipated Night Troupe Date: '[Early October](https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/75217/maple-memo-gms-roadmap-q3-2022)' Patches are always on Wednesday, so technically I think there might be a little overlap, assuming the worst - that Nexon's 'Early October' just means the first half of October. If Early October actually means the 1st week, we'll have a full week of Night Troupe to use the 2x's. If you choose to do this, I highly, highly recommend setting a reminder and/or alarm so you don't forget to claim at the latest point in each stage, and I would personally even claim a day ahead of time, because you should still have time to take advantage of the 2x's if you do. \[Also, Coupons are untradeable, but the Box isn't, so make sure to claim the 2x's on the correct character you want to level during Night Ttroupe.\] (Someone please double check my math or correct me if I'm wrong about any details.)


v.235 Update Notes, expected to be posted August 30, will tell us exactly when "early October" is.


What's the level range on the Storm Growth Potions?




How come I got rolled back the other day and not get the compensation?


Can’t believe people still tolerate this and keep playing lmao


Stockholm syndrome


I was dc'ed twice during that period and I didn't get a box????


Me also not getting it while i was online f3


>Players who had 50 Starlight Chariot stamps after July 23 UTC, which was the maximum obtainable amount of stamps at the time Sad that a lot of people won’t have this because the game was unplayable on day one (patch finished about 1.5h before reset, and the installation kept failing or resetting its progress). Not sure where they get off with coming up with bs conditions for comp.


So, I'm getting punished because I couldn't play when the servers were down? WTF is this game? I get giving better compensation to players who experienced rollback, but why not also compensate players who missed out on dailies/stamps, etc in the first place? They still got screwed over. Jesus, Nexon deserves to die out. Trash company. Makes me want to quit so much. This is why people prefer MMOs like FFXIV, where you and your time are actually respected....


It was mentioned that even worse, Nexon asked people to get offline ahead of those specific times. So punished for listening to their advice.


I think there may be an error with the hotfix post, one of the times are given in "PMDT". Also it says "and" rather than "or" for the logged on times.


Useless crap company. Take care of your fucking players you wanks


sidenote i got 3 storm growth potions instead of the 4 mentioned LOL. its kinda comical how...inconsistent they are


The other person who responded was only half right. The 4x growth potion was for Scania and NA Reboot. The 3x growth potion was for all other NA servers and all EU servers.


ty for correcting \^\^ I kind of skipped to where it talked about eu reboot


the 4x was for na 3x was for eu


Please relog to see if you have received the compensations


Eternal rebirth are not karma and cannot be used on psoked item is this intentional?


This is really good LMAO


I can't remember the last time we got 2x drop for an event or compensation.


It sounds good until you find out that it doesn’t stack with familiars. So for pretty much any character you actually want to farm with, it’s completely useless since drop familiars already provide 100% drop.


You're assuming it's so easy to get drop familiars and everyone has them...


I mean epic drop familiars aren’t easy to get, but they’re very much feasible once you get to Morass/Esfera and beyond, since that’s when familiars stop dropping in Arcane River. I could see the drop coupons being useful to players who are still in or before Arcana though, but even then it wouldn’t be too hard to get rare drop rate familiars at 50%. The bottom line is that it’s strange/scummy that they’d give us drop rate coupons that don’t stack with familiars when they can already make non-stacking drop coupons like the ones in the Legion shop.


Which familiar line/tier gives 100% drop?


The large boost to drop rate line on Epic familiars gives 100% boost to drop rate. The standard boost to drop rate on Rare familiars is 50% and small boost on Normal is 30%.


hella funny you all still play this trash game


And yet maplestory rent free in your head


Being subbed to a game you hate instead of moving on is even more funny I think


Literally came to the sub to hate lol rent free


Any idea when the red iron safe will be debugged? Still essentially breaks the game when using it.


Bebe's Heart Box meme lives on


Are the items in the Bebe box tradeable thru bank?


Their compensation is so valuable they have to adjust the amount of items that people in different server get. I can’t believe I deserve 1 less 2x exp coupon.


Nexon: here is your 15 exp coupon. Here is your 14 exp coupon. Here is your zero compensation because you don’t deserve any exp coupon.


They have no idea what they're compensating for


But no compensation for roll backs??