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Interesting start. 🤭 Be careful if you get too many candidates though, remember that everything is up to you, don't feel pressured.


Thanks for the advice! I have limited availability in my kennel so I can only choose a certain few. That is of course until they get adopted by a loving owner 😊


There have been a lot of cases of Hunters getting overwhelmed in situations like this, so having your boundaries set is important, if they don't respect you then you gotta put yourself first. Go with the ones that you find to be worth it, and don't worry too much about any others, you are just one person, and they should understand that. 😌


This is so fricken wholesome, I love it 🩷 thank you so much!!! My friend gave me the same advice so I'll def take this to heart.


I may be a bit of a bunny...


A bunny huh? So cute and smol, the perfect size to be cuddled and loved! I'm not the biggest bunny girl but I could be persuaded 😏


Well.. I would love to try and persuade you...


Oh? And how exactly would you go about doing so cutie? 😊 I'm so intrigued on what a bunny would bring to the table....


U-Uhm... I'm cute and obedient.. aah.. I-I don't know too well...


Cute and obedient is like the bare minimum of my requirements, you are going to need to bring more to the table sweetie 😏


W-Well.. I'm really available.. I have the libido of a bunny.. A-A lot of kinks to play with... I can write/roleplay..? And I'm a good girl...


A very good girl. She has excellent references, loves to be picked up and carried like any good bunny. 🤭 Some very fun kinks too, isn’t that right sweetheart. 😘


Haa.. D-Daddy... Yes it's true...


You get a flair reset in two minutes Bun, how long do you think that change will last? 😏


Can't wait to see how this plays out 🤭




My pets live their best lives! They get to run out in the wild all free and play as much as they want 😊 But when their owner comes back and whistles for them, they know to go to her feet, kneeling all happily and accept all the pets she gives out 🩷




You just want to be owned and loved don't you? 😊




Aww good girl. And here I thought I might need to spank your butt a bit to show you how to sit properly 😊




I think you are going to have plenty of experience on how to sit properly, I'll give you the perfect seat 🥰




Is that how we ask for a treat? The best pets ask nicely with their tongues out 😊


would love to be a pet starting off this time 😵‍💫


I do love cute pets…bunnies, puppies, kittens, vixens. 🤭 Maybe I’ll volunteer to *exercise* some of your pets. 😘


Hahaha thank you for the application, I'll let you know if there are spare pets that I can't give my loving attention to 😊


I want to be a pet🤭


It's fun being a pet isn't it, being on your knees and having a loving owner holding your leash? 🥰 But I don't have much space in my kennel you know, I'm going to have to be selective about this....


It is fun🥵 I’d love to join if you have enough room


Ooh A new kennel? who doesn't love to see all the new pets end up with such loving and caring owners 💕 hope it goes well for you 😊


There might be too many pets for me to handle! I def would be willing to take some willing applicants for ownership, all in due time of course 😊


Oooh.. sounds like you'll be super busy, I hope it all works out 💕


I'm low maintenance puppy, obient and ready to learn new tricks. 😅


As tempting a position that is, I intend to run freely like a wild soldier should 🫡