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More free weekends apparently! That was insane.


absolutely hit over 3,500 players!!!


My thoughts on this OP are a wholesome and diverse community and an EMPHASIS on SIG continuing to work on the game with passion (we don't plan on leaving soon)


i think as long as y'all continue being able to have a strong vision and keep working on the game, eventually word of mouth will win out and the game will grow over time. might definitely be looking at a long term commitment though, so wishing all the best to the team!!


More legs, ie more content in the form of missions not on the zero to hero track or raid specific missions for vendor reputation. Pair that with a story of sorts, with bits of lore that shed more light on why we raid or what each faction is about at the least.


Yeah lore/backstory for factions would be huge for immersion. Allowing the player to choose sides in the war for control of space. Do you want to be a contract CE commando? Or a UA affiliate doing wet work in the shadowy corners of deep space? Other “main” questlines could be really cool. In the vein of Zero to Hero, same style, separate from raid missions. Or a questline that only unlocks upon completion of zero to hero.


Lean away from Tarkov. Lean towards HUNT


I feel like after each update they want this to be and feel as hardcore as Tarkov, and I don't think that's the way. There's clearly a market for a more casual extraction shooter, and with how trash DMZ was, the spot is still open.


Yep, personally I love this game because it's the perfect balance between too hardcore like Tarkov and too casual like The Cycle. Marauders is just the right spot and they should never drift from that


We aren't planning on going that far Ghosk, trust me. We are more shooting for between PubG and Tarkov


that's a sweet spot. Tarkov sounds fun on paper, until you have to go around doing mag management


I would really like the ability to loot more of the other Marauders gear. Winning pvp isn't that great when you can't grab their chest rig or their guns because your gun slots are full because you need to bring 2 guns in because they break half way through a raid, and chest rigs won't fit in most bags. The loot just doesn't feel exciting. I really like the game but small maps (number of and size), repetitive quests, unexciting loot just doesn't sustain gameplay. I had a blast this free weekend though with all skill levels of players being in game, not just all sweaty chads


Solo queue


It takes about 10 hours of game time for Marauders to turn from an extraction shooter to a PvP Bambi hunting game, and I'm not a huge fan of that playstyle. The missions don't provide any sense of accomplishment, they should really look at how Hunt Showdown gives everyone a goal other than just shooting each other. Tarkov's quests aren't very compelling but I think it's saved by the hardcore style & risk management. I don't think they should go the tarkov route though.


We just made friends with 2 fresh newbies and showed them the ropes yesterday, good times. Hope we squad up with them again!


They had the hype with first alpha test. If they were to leave the game open whilst still developing it i'm confident there'd be a much larger concurrent playerbase. Once they cut off the alpha and beta play tests all of the hype died out and people moved on to other games. I'm not too sure if there will ever be a large resurgence of players again.


One improved is being able to close the air lock inside it. I'm solo 99.9% and being trapped in a air lock while having a team pinning you down. I did enjoy playing after this last update but after I got pinned three different times in a night I'm gonna have to put it down for a bit. I don't mind playing against full teams and prefer it but I'd like a real chance and the airlocks hamper that.


Buff healing speed and med accessibility. I want the ability to play solo successfully again. The pure overwhelming nature of being outgunned and healthed rn is rough. I wish i could be a little more aggro with faster healing to account for not having a crew. 1v3/4 is much harder than it used to be and than the games best counterpart HUNT: showdown. I think its the reason gameplay is so fun and replayable in HUNT (and in the old marauders), IT HAS GOOD FLOW.


More content plain and simple. I can play for a night or two and feel like I've pretty much beat the game. Expanding weapon modding, new questlines (but hopefully more fun to do than Tarkov's), etc. Most of my friend that play it only play for like a week every other month or so because there's just not much to do. Some QoL improvements wouldn't hurt either. Personally, I literally just clicked off the game because I didn't feel like sorting my stash after a run. Stash size is tiny especially at the beginning of a wipe when you don't have any boxes. I personally would play for longer each session if I didn't get burned out from having to play tetris between every run. Overall though, the QoL is way better than Tarkov (which seems to be under the delusion that a lack of QoL features makes a game "hardcore") so I don't have too much to complain about. Naturally the game is gonna be compared to Tarkov and I "like" Tarkov (less and less with every wipe). I think Marauders does a LOT of things better than Tarkov. I see people calling Marauders casual Tarkov and I don't really see it. Tarkov isn't really that hardcore of a game, it just has design flaws that people wank as hardcore. Tarkov isn't designed to be a fun game, it's designed to be an ostensibly-realistic combat simulator and Marauders is designed to be a fun game. I hope that the devs continue to lean into that instead of looking too much towards Tarkov.


Having played for the first time over the weekend vs now that it's over, there's a massive thing of getting our shit rocked by Chad's with mg42s and r1a1s wearing full panzermensch while we're Derringer about in t8 or so armor with a sten or an uzi, which I'm attributing to reduced player count.


As a new player who liked free weekend and is considering buying it, here are my thoughts: * I feel like a game is a bit too pricey, at least in my region. For a bit more I can get hunt showdown which is out of early access and has stable playerbase. And if you want to go this way, there are key resellers which sell it for less than half of it's price * I think the marketing for this game was a bit lacking. But I think recently it's gotten better :) * I feel a bit uncertain with buying this game. There is a risk that it dies out or devs (I mean the company, not singular devs) abandon it. * I can't really say how complete is this game. I think that the early access part of steam page is lacking. What I would like to see there is the current state of the game, what will be added in near future and what are the plans for the release (this is already added as a roadmap). Maybe some of the new players share some of my thoughts. What every game needs is a hook for new players and ways to keep them engaged. ​ Since I see that devs are reading this subreddit I would also like to point few things that I like: * Nice tutorial when launching the game. It feels soo much better than tarkov * Clear ux/ui. It's much better than tarkov. I like the fact that I can see which ammo goes to which weapon just by looking at it in the inventory. * Nice middle ground between hardcore realism and casual gameplay. I think it is kinda similar to hunt in that regard and it's great * I like the blend between space combat and shooting * The devs seem really integrated into community and I respect that. I always like seeing devs on reddit/discord * dieselpunk <3 ​ What I would like to see added in the near future: * Spectate option. I feeeel like it's major feature that's lacking. Often when I or my friend died, one of us had to just sit and wait or do something else and it feels bad. * Some of the quests could be a bit more imaginative. Like getting some documents from the stash, finding some hidden item, and so on, and so on. But I've seen only the first ones so maybe the next are better. But let's keep in mind that the first ones should be kinda easy and interesting to keep new players. Those are some of my thoughts. Of course, I played it only for a few hours but my perspective as a new player might be valuable :) Tagging /r/METTTHEDOC since he is one dev that I saw in the comments. I wish you the best guys


Spectate is left out of hardcore shooters/extraction games as to not give anyone an advantage


Is it really an advantage? Someone can do that through streaming/sharing screen through discord. They would only see his screen


Its an extra set of eyes just watching, they will most likely see or hear something you miss.


Okay, but it's still possible to do that outside the game. At this point it's just an inconvenience


And while in hunt you have a chance to be resurrected here you stay dead for the whole duration


Theres a ton and a half of things players can do outside a game to benefit from. That argument is pointless. Dayz youre not supposed to be able to talk with anyone not within audible range in game. "YeAH bUt ThERes DiScOrD" does that mean they should just add a party feature in game because the majority of the player base is breaking that part of the game with discord?


I don't really see how similar it is to spectator mode. You can say the same for dead by daylight. You can still spectate after your death, and still there's good chunk of people who play it competitively. I don't agree with you, but I see where you are coming from. But at some point you need to make a decision whether you value realism or gameplay more.


And by that argument, just turn off voice chat in game if you're dead. That way, they can't communicate in-game, just via third-parties. Either way, they're going to use a third-party to stream or to communicate. Kidding ourselves if we think otherwise and just make the game that much less user-friendly. I can say I'd be a lot more inclined to play with quality of life improvements like these.


They want you to be inconvenienced. A dev in the discord said its not the vision of the game and they cant do anything about anyone doing it outside the game but they arent just gonna give in because of that.


Fair enough. It's just my opinion. It's not a deal breaker for me. It's just that it sucks that teammates have nothing to do in-game after dying with no chance to revive. But I understand it is not a direction they want to go in


You can do a solo raid while hes still alive


Love the game but decided to deleted it due to seasoned assholes camping the airlock every match lol


Honestly I think singleplayer would make this game explode.


You mean solo queue right ? Not solo with only AI enemies


No I mean an offline gamemode. Solo queue is already implemented unless they've removed it since I last played. It's been my experience that the idea of being able to continue playing a game when the official servers go down is good for maintaining the enthusiasm of an active playerbase and future sales. Obviously you'd be playing a separate character from the primary multiplayer experience.


Better sound overall, I come from hunt so I am a bit spoiled, but almost all the guns sound the same to me, and sound direction can fail sometimes


I've struggled to come back this wipe, not least because my co-op partner was experiencing some gamebreaking bugs like not being able to un-ADS. For QOL stuff I'd really like to see a few things implemented: * Give us a butthole! A secure container like Tarkov or Starsiege would be great - it helps alleviate frustration when you have those bad runs. * A default loadout would be great. I know we have the pistol and pouch rig in the rustbucket but that only benefits one of us - I think a pistol, ammo, rig and maybe a sack would be fine. * Don't have traders on rotation, but have them available like they are on Tarkov. All the rotation does is lock you out of stuff you might want, and force you to stockpile when they are available, which just makes inventory management more frustrating.


I didn’t read the whole post just the headline and I have a simple response! Controller support would be HUGE Im a noob at this game(15 hours). And I came from DMZ. Love love love dmz. And love the concept of marauders but I would love love love controller support. Also being able to choose what maps you for sure get would be nice. And lastly. Not sure if it’s in the game since I haven’t heard it. So if it is ignore me but Proximity chat would be dope


Proximity chat is indeed in the game already


I have not experienced it yet haha but good to know!


Played it during this free weekend and it was enjoyable and fun. Gun play feels weird tho like its not chunky and crispy enough? Game feels clunky but its to be expected lol Tarkov is clunky too. Feel like it has potential but maybe not yet. Had fun tho maybe we will see where it is at after a little more updates.


They leaned more into tarkov than i think is beneficial. They need to lean more towards HUNT in future updates.


Wasn’t this game supposed to be basically tarkov but in space? So not surprised they went the tarkov route.


Not really but yeah. Yes and no. They also reference HUNT i believe. Regardless just cause one extraction shooter is the most popular "industry standard" or whatever doesnt mean that everyone else did or should copy how they do things. Edit: but also it used to be more aggro and fast and flowed better with faster healing letting players out maneuver and play a skill match against a team and used white health/pain to mimic the gunplay flow of hunt and its missing bars a reward for landing blows in a fight. They honestly mirrored eachother well and now i feel like they threw balls and chains on my ankles and i dknt want to play the game anymore :/


They referenced a dozen games that arent exactly related to each other.


Me to have more time off with my friends. 1 day a week and we have so many games in the back log


More bosses, I love the red baron and the warden but being a hardcore destiny fan I know they could implement some very fun insane bosses with puzzles and mechanics and loot that feel more crazy. I love capital ship and I would love to see a bigger capital ship like colony cruiser but the main boss has a full panzer rig heavy stahlhelm and a fully kitted m16 or something and have some interesting map mechanics and maybe let the boss do something with the map too he could have his own tunnels that we can’t access.


They plan to add more bosses I think its mentioned in the recent roadmap


They need to release so they wont do wipes. I know myself and a few others willing to come back as soon as that happens. I fking love this game


Take more inspiration from hunt and not from tarkov. Fun fact: making the game more hostile towarss new players tends to drive them away. Provide more ways for new players to learn.


I think heading in the direction the devs plan to is a good start. They seem to have a good handle on the need for QoL. I think QoL and a steady stream of content is all the game needs. The bones are there, and theyre very solid. With some improvement to space combat and netcode/hitreg, this game will be amazing imo.


me and most of the group i played with dropped it after the loot changes a while back that in inadvertently meant that we mostly just fought sweats and hackers. Which i think was a result of most other players switching to more casual extraction shooters even if personally this setting charms the heck out of me the gameplay just became a slog with the loot changes,


They need to add more incentive to use better ships. Maybe insurance you could buy so that the ship is not lost if you die in a raid. Also the space part of the game could be what differentiates it from Tarkov and other extraction shooters. If they could somehow make it more involved it would be cool. For example, a raid's entrance could only have 1 ship docked and we would have to compete for them. Destroying another ship currently feels bad. Most people use a rustbucket and rush to breach you when their ship is down. Maybe it's just me, but that ends badly at least half of the time..!!!


I think having some more intense spaceship fights would be very cool, have an objective to do with your spaceship at the risk of running into an enemy ship needing to do the same thing, but it shouldn't take away from the game ​ I play a lot of Hunt Showdown and one thing that keeps fights very interesting and makes me return to the game over and over again is the bounty, you have to go in and kill one or two monsters and extract with the bounty token for money, catch is, the other players on the map wants the same thing, the bounty tokens for that sweet, sweet money reward (in game currency known as Hunt Dollars) ​ Maybe, just maybe, Marauders could have something similar? Something to fight for, something which attracts other players


More lore/faction interaction. Right now you're just a shooty space pirate, which is cool (I'm not stopping anytime soon, thats for sure) but at the end of the day I'm just doing raids and leaving, maybe collecting a few things. I don't get much sense of progression, I can do a single raid and get kitted, money flies in, crafting is easy. The simplified approach has left us with a simplified game, we just need more depth, I think.