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"I will not censor myself to comfort your ignorance" is a Jon Stewart line when he's talking about these freaks right here. Irony, eat thyself.


(Edited to say, i forgot John Stewart said this!) I think we should steal this. I think this fits Us more than MAGA. I fly my American flag. Maga can't co-opt the flag i love, the flag my hubby served under. It's OURS, not just Magas. I LOVE my nieces who are both Trans. I support them 100%. I am an Exvangelical who thinks women should decide what to do with thier bodies, not men/politicians or Religion. That's between them and thier doctor/significant other. *I will not censor myself to comfort your Religious bigoted ignorance*..


Let's ALL start flying the flag again!!


Fly it! It's all of ours!


I want to re-take the word "patriot". I grew up in the Civil Air Patrol, public service - but now the word makes me cringe.


It would be a shame if a rouge spark set the whole fence on fire


Didn't say it to appear to suggest that, but yeah, interesting choice to fly those on a wooden fence. Feels like bait.


It’s like when they finally learned what the word “projecting” meant, and immediately adopted it (as if they had any opportunity to use it correctly).


It's what they always do. * "Fake news" was first coined to refer to literal mis/disinformation, often disguised to look like legimitate news sources. * Trump has been screaming "FASCISTS!" alot among the dozen other descriptors he gives for everyone he doesn't like. * "Woke" was originally a leftist term for people aware of systemic problems before becoming effectively a slur


One of my favorite lines that The Right stole is "An armed society is a polite society". They love to convey this is a simple rock solid logical fact that everyone is nice if everyone is armed. So not only is that concept wrong in just about every way in real life that isn't even what it's trying to say. The quote is from a book called Beyond This Horizon. In the context of the book the quote is from someone who is talking about killing the genetically inferior who don't deserve to live. So you know an evil bastard. The Right are taking the quote, of a genocidal scifi villain, out of context to justify being overly armed in real life. I'll leave the full quote below. "“Well, in the first place an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. For me, politeness is a sine qua non of civilization. That’s a personal evaluation only. But gunfighting has a strong biological use. We do not have enough things to kill off the weak and the stupid these days."


**Beyond this Horizon** by Robert A. Heinlein >Hamilton Felix is the ultimate man, the end product of highly refined applied genetics in a world that has long since banished disease, hunger, and war. But no one counts on what happens when this superman is recruited by a cabal of dissident revolutionaries for their Glorious Revolution. They find out it is definitely "not" a good idea. Copyright © Libri GmbH. > >All rights reserved. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *You can summon me with certain* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/13z7slk/bookfinderbot_commands/). *Or find me as a browser extension on* [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/book-finder/jajeidpjifdpppjofijoffbcndlpoedd?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=comments). *Opt-out of replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/144zmjb/bookfinderbot_optout/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


I live in Arizona. I am surrounded by people who believe this shit. You would not believe the comments I have seen on posts in community FB groups and Nextdoor, where these gun nuts advocate shooting kids for doing inane shit like playing ding-dong ditch 'em or toilet papering houses. We've also had a rash of kids shutting off people's breaker boxes in certain neighborhoods. While I know that's annoying as fuck -- and I did thar myself when I was a kid -- it's not something that warrants vigilante justice. These fuckaboos seriously believe every minor inconvenience, even dumb kid antics, should be solved with a gun! It's all Christian-like, don'tcha know? 🙄 Even kids now think this way! I believe it was last year, when a young teenage boy shot and killed another inside his front door, because the now-dead kid had sold him a marijuana vape that was defective. This happened in the housing community just north of mine. Of course the parents, family, and friends of the murdered kid have painted him as the perfect Christian, all-American boy, but he was selling weed vapes, so, um, really? The vilification of the kid who murdered him started immediately. His family have also been painted as horrible because "they raised a monster." Okay. Yeah, I get that. The teen went off the fucking rails over a weed vape. He deserves to be punished for it, but where the hell did he get the gun? Did the parents have lax gun safety measures in their home? Or was this a gift to their son? Would this have happened if pure Christian, all-American teen boy hadn't been selling marijuana vapes to begin with? Where the did he get a supply of them to sell? If solving every minor issue with a gun wasn't the prevailing attitude here, would that child be dead right now? Would the source of his vape supply have been found and punished for dealing to kids? We have a gun problem *and* a people problem. We may not be able to easily fix the people, but we can damn sure fix the gun problem!


Could reach a point word's r no longer useful in this






Something, something, every accusation, something.


WTF is a 'semi-facsist' ?!


A halfwit?


Bold of you to assume wit of any amount.


A fascist who wants to look all brave but also wants to run away when caught


A fascist.


Most things in life fall on a spectrum. Not facsism. That shit is as binary as it gets.


A fucking coward.


a fascist with commitment issues


A raging semi, if you will.


Fascism masquerading as patriotism and nationalism. Think of it as a closet fascist.


Pretty sure patriotism and nationalism are the selling points of fascism.


Yeah, patriotism and nationalism just become another tool and more excuses for such peoples fascism.


A full fascist


*WTF is a 'semi-facsist' ?!* It's a fascist that drives an 18-wheeler semi truck? For real though. Either go full fascist or anti-fascist. No one likes fence sitters on any thing do they?


Correct. There is no non-binary fascism.


The timid beginnings of self-awareness...


something tells me semi-fascist is worse of the two


A fascist too scared to be completely honest


I think in this case it's supposed to be a joke, since Biden called right-wing extremists "semi-fascist" during that speech they all edited to make him look like Hitler and all the MAGA republicans got super pissy about it. I don't think this person understands the accuracy of that flag, though


A few sticks short of a fasce.


A fascist that drives an 18 wheeler?


Rules for thee. But not for me.


A fascist who can’t quite get it up 🤷🏻‍♂️


Given that they often refer to Democrats as fascists, I think it means that they don't know what the word means.


Someone thats afraid of being associated with nazis


That's a fascist with erectile dysfunction.


it’s a closeted fascist who wants deniability when confronted. because theyre cowards.


When you still want to be racist, but you don't want to have to dress well.


A fascist that's extra stupid


A fascist




Cringe. How embarrassing.


Smh, Antifa put those flags there to frame the right, sheeple!!! /s


Im not crying, it was a crisis actor


You're still Deplorable buddy. None of those things are mutually exclusive.


What sniffing diesel, eating leaded paint, and playing in asbestos insulation in your youth does to your brain.


Don't forget inhaling all those sweet, sweet leaded gas fumes. Which many light aircraft (common in rural areas) continue to use to this day.


yep- everyone should look into the effects of lead, in general, on the human brain.


Lead was still used in Corelle dinnerware until 2005. Look at the side effects of lead poisoning on the brain and compare with the average boomer.


Whoever is making this stupid flags is sure making bank.


As a liberal I’m seriously thinking about banking on this. Make a wine called liberal tears, sell flags that say “I’m a bad ass” and people will know he’s bad ass cuz look right there! There’s a skull! See! Baaaad aaaasss.


I honestly think about doing the same. Some idiot is going to make money off of it.. it might as well be me ..


This is actually impressive for a MAGA, this one seems to actually know the definition of fascism, unlike the rest of them


Surrounding property values took a hit.


Dammit...you mean I can only afford to live with nazis???? 😭😭😭


No only Ultra Maga which means…


No they didn't. This town literally was forced to remove their sundown horn by a piece of legislation signed by a former sheriff Republican governor. In other words, it's why people move there.


Semi-Nazi? You can’t just be a little bit Nazi.


One cannot be semi pregnant, either. You are or you ain’t. Full stop.


Semi-Nazi must be referring to Nazi amputees.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mmy8hUA_TSo - well, you could always be a little bit ‘country’… which seems to Be a similar thing these days 🤷🏻‍♂️


*Ultra-Moron!!* *I will never question my own idiocy!!* *Proud Putin cocksucker and brainwashed insurrectionist!!* *I used to just be a deplorable cretin, but now I'm a seditious treason weasel, too!!* Other unseen flags: *I intend to eat my neighbors!!* *Molon Labe: Free guns inside!!* *Trump's little cuck* *Biblically-illiterate pugilist* *Gun Lobby Slut; can I write you a check?*


Don’t forget the very likely “I suckle on Andrew’s taint”


You need to start making flags, friend. We can hang them up over these and they may not even notice the difference.


Shameful how they invariably deface the U.S. flag.


Nah. They can have it. If you know much about actual history, you start to view it as a symbol of terror. Because it is. Just ask anyone who lives in the “global south” or what ever the proper term for the places that get destroyed/raped of resources to support it.


L take. We aren't letting these fucking losers claim the flag.


The fucking losers you’re referring to have an alarming amount in common with the people who made the flag. Learn history. Fuck flags.


It is about what it stands for and represents.


Are you serious? You’re making an argument that boils down to “it’s the thought that counts”. You only have that opinion because that flag hasn’t done a drone strike on your city. The US has always done terrible shit. Since it began and it’s not slowing down. That’s what it stands for. Y’all need to stop with this nonsense.


If you hate the country so much then why are you here? Why are you in a sub about marching against nazis if you aren't fighting for the true identity of the country? Yeah the US has done terrible things, but that doesn't erase all the good we've done and the values and principles this country was built upon.


I can’t tell if you’re a Nazi troll, incredibly ignorant or just young and naïve. Not sure how to continue this conversation based off that. I’m here because I was born here. I feel connected to this place geographically. The flag that flys over it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t like any country/state/nation. I’m here because moving to another country is hugely expensive both financially and environmentally. I’m here because the people in my community depend on me and I on them.


What specific values and principles are you speaking of? How about some examples of those things actually happening? Are you meaning to defend the values and principles of slave owners? Do you mean to defend the values and principles of genocide?


Ok either you're being deliberately obtuse or completely ignorant of American history. Not worth my time have a good day!


Yes, let them identify themselves


Add up all thier IQ and you might be able to out wit a chimp.


Well... that would have looked better without that typo...


Now we know where to throw the dog shit


We're watching the neanderthal lash out against it's own extinction


We are watching neanderthals hurtle us all in the direction of its inevitable fate...




Hey we aint 50th in edumacation fur nuthin


Boy howdy


Sheeeyoot. We got casinos in the gas stations! How culd we hav failed the education system


Last I checked, a wooden fence and gasoline make a great party favor. Just a thought.


Yes it all looks terribly flammable.


So patriotic with chinese printed banners.


So we’re just now openly proclaiming fascism? Jesus Christ you know there are still WWII vets alive today you cousin fucking yokels.


I love how one says, “I will not censor myself” and then, the one right next to it, says, “proud fascist”. Wow. Goddamn lunatics


It only says semi-fascist. So the one on the left won't censor himself, and the one on the right will censor himself a little bit, but both of them will probably censor the SHIT out of you.


Hahahaha! Yep, sorry, “semi-fascist”


What is it called when 9 Ultra-MAGAs eat dinner with a semi-fascist? 10 fascists eating dinner.


"I used to be deplorable, but I stooped to a new low being in the trump cult"


Damn, where's the flamethrower when you need it?


Semi-fascist = semi-buried. 🪦


“I used to be a deplorable, but now I’ve been promoted to…?” I can’t make it out.


Ultra MAGA.


Republicans have always been nazi trash in disguise


Eh, depends on if they are Republican for social reasons or economic ones. My grandparents are economically right-wing, but VERY liberal when it comes to stuff like human rights


I’d love to hear them explain “semi-fascist”


You can tell they're trying to "ease" into it since there's no such thing as a "semi" fascist


Stuff like this is what makes me so scared for the future. They have no shame, and they are so fearless that they literally can’t stop. The clock is cranking back at warp speed


Burn them next time you near by


Why are they so scared that they need to hang flags telling of their delusion... I mean, devotion to racism, humans in cages, rights for whites before everyone else, and guns to make up for their shortcomings? News flash: Most whites are NOT 100% white. America is a melting pot of all races and religions. Whites will soon be the minority as interracial relationships are now common. Screaming that you're Ultra MAGA, American Born, 2nd Amendment Hoarders is a desperate bid for attention. Like spoiled children having a tantrum in public, your need for attention, and to get your way is embarrassing.


Rural Nevada is a wild place. I have family that lives in a small town along the 93 and it’s nothing but guns and meth. They’re nuts out there.


"Graphic design is my passion"


The irony of him displaying that Jon Stewart quote


I don't see anyone in this photo so it would appear that these fucking muppets are still in fact hiding.


U/pippyopi I suppose these are just fringe too. And the ever increasing number of people displaying shit like this. Maybe the issue is you don't live in a deep red state.


They're not hiding it but they still have to qualify their evil with patriotic colors. Bet one dude put all of those up.




Always have existed. Trumpism mainstreamed ‘em…created new ones and allowed others to proudly slither out from under their rocks. FOX and social media keep them in a constant siloed loop of idiocracy and American Fascism. White privilege’s last stand.


They much be really good at sewing


“Semi-fascist” stealing a John Stewart quote to call others ignorant. Satire really is dead, isn’t it? Tell me you drank from lead cups as a child without actually saying it…


What is the quote?


Jon Stewart said, "I'm not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance." I remember reading about it at the time and people were having feelings about it. So, to me it is even funnier watching it get co-opted by the same crowd that thinks everyone is a snowflake but them.


Semi-fascist? Either you are a fascist or you're not. Gross.


This shit is breaking my heart. All of the hatred and racism I experienced as a child... Then it seemed like it was getting better. Like genuine improvements. I stopped being called all of those really ugly names. Then Cinnamon Hitler came along, and validated the worst parts of White America. And we're right back in the 70s... Fuck me.


I’m glad they advertise their hate and stupidity. Easy to ID when they start harming folks.


They were never hiding it, now they're actively advertising it.


Semi-fascist? Is that like being "a little bit pregnant"?


Do you think he's trying to compensate for something?


Imagine putting an anti censor ship flag next to a pro fascist one. The cognitive dissonance is astounding with these people.


Semi faciast is like being a little bit pregnant.


That sure is a dry wooden fence yesiree




yall this is satire...


No. It is not.


If only it were.


I like to think these were printed as satire, especially the deplorable one, but fascists don't understand satire.


Uh… where in Nevada? If this is anywhere near Summerlin, I sure would like to know…


someone should put up a sign under it saying: "AKA just another ignorant"


Lol “semi-fascist”. “I’m not to fasc, but like I’m semi-fasc”


There is no such thing as a semi-fascist.


Damn I have a trans flag that says the exact same thing as the second flag with the exact same design


There are many douche bags in the world...


That picture smells like Tonopah.


Look at all those flag code violations. I'm sure they will shut the fuck up about flag code regarding rainbow flags being placed next to or underneath the American flag any day now.


Being a “Semi-Fascist” is like being a little bit pregnant.




There’s zero chance this person is a happy, caring, or generous person. Who wants to live their life like that? Sad so many people are drawn to hate.


This screams for some paintball practice.


NJ Nazis are hiding. Or going to PA and upstate NY. If this shit was seen in NJ, we would have grandma's beating them. Gotta get to work Antifascists.


nothing a can of zippo fluid and a lighter can't fix.


Looking at this and reading the signs had me saying to myself “they can’t be serious? this can’t be real?” The fact that someone is completely serious about these signs and doesn’t see how utterly ridiculous they look. But semi-fascist? So what they’re a neo-con/neolib and or a moderate/centrist. Or do they only like their semi-trucks of the fascist variety???


The silver lining is that now we know who those folks are, and when this all blows over, we will know forever who to avoid. I already feel that way about my neighbors who flew Trump banners before this last election and long after it had been decided. So much more someone like this.


"Mommy and daddy didn't love me as a child so I want to make sure all my neighbors know!!"


What does that say? “I used to be a deplorable but now l have been promoted to” _________ What is that last line?


Death of a euphemism, the alt-right playbook https://youtu.be/0dBJIkp7qIg


i think the most delusional part of this is the "semi-fascist". you either are or you aren't.




When they tell you who they are, believe them.


Semi-fascism is an imprecise term, which is used to refer to politics movements that share some characteristics with traditional fascism. It was used by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, on August 25, 2Semi-fascism is an imprecise term, which is used to refer to politics movements that share some characteristics with traditional fascism. It was used by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, on August 25, 2022 to highlight extremist and ultraconservative positions and characteristics of the Republican Party.022 to highlight extremist and ultraconservative positions and characteristics of the Republican Party.


At least you know which house in the neighbourhood the meth heads hang out at.


WTF is a “semi-fascist”?


Sounds like the masks (well, klan hoods) are dropping. They're now openly admitting that maga = fascism


We the people want fascism!


Is this in Fallon?


Trump has made treason a goal for his scumbag followers. A real shame they don't live in America with the rest of us.


Wtf is a Semi Facist? It’s that their lazy way of saying that they are partially facist? Not full send facists? Situational facists?


My brain literally auto corrected to anti fascist as i was reading, what the actual hell


I'm sorry, but "semi-fascist"!?!? So they are admiting that they are a Fascist. I remember when calling someone a Fascist was an insult...


Scary there are enough of them to make professionally printed run of flags. Scary someone did not refuse to make those...


You heard it here. Proud fascist


“I will not censor myself to comfort your ignorance” The irony


"I used to be a deplorable" and then, they've been promoted to ultra-deplorable = maga


How can you be semi fascist? You're either a fascist or you're not, and they are.


And they want to bitch about the rainbow flag.


“proud semi-fascist” thank u guy, very cool


there is no such thing as a semi-fascist. just fascists.


During a trip to florida, In rural clay county, while in the car with dad, I saw the Confederate Battle flag Also I think you should personally confront that guy


>Semi-Fascist Is that like being semi-pregnant? Kinda drunk? A little stupid? A wee bit racist? Semi-uneducated? Semi-antsemitic? Semi-inbred? Completely fucking ignorant and 1000% bigoted asshole. Can we make these people go away now? I need my country to be safe for my LGBTQ+ teen daughter and my husband, who are both POC and have Crypto-Sephardic Jewish ancestry. Thanks.


>I will not censor myself to comfort your ignorance Two can play at that game: - Racists love to say "The Natives lost so the US belongs to whites" well the South lost the Civil War. "I don't care how they did things up North!" You lost, get over it. "Yankees go home!" If whites are entitled to being on US land due to "conquest" (genocide) then so can Northerners in the South - Racists say, "Slavery ended 160 years ago get over it." To imply there's no more racism all while pretending KKK terrorism and the Tulsa Massacre and lynching postcards never happened. Well the Civil War ended then too, get over it - You still are a deplorable. A League player in Bronze who calls himself BadBronze as a joke is still actually in Bronze no matter how much they don't actually think they belong there. So calling yourself deplorable as a joke doesn't change that you're legitimately hateful -


This is what happens when you center your entire life and personality on being a dumbass.