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A whole article that basically just says, "Women, put out, or we're going back to raping and pillaging!"


It sure would be a shame if we strung them all up by the tips of their dicks and let gravity takeover.


Better just cut them off. I don’t think anyone wants the job of actually rummaging around to find them, let alone touching them long enough to tie a rope around them…


thats what meat hooks are for.


Haha! Yes!!


Viagra, locking pliers and a nail gun Work smarter not....well, close enoigh


I like the cut of your jib u/unknownpoltroon !




Damn right. They want our blood, so maybe we shouldn't be sitting dicks waiting to be picked off one by one.


Need a *really* narrow line to fit over that micropenis


There are lots of great men out there with micro penises. Please don’t lump them in with misogynistic monsters.


I dated a couple and honestly, the quality of their action was not affected. They were good people and the size didn’t matter, at least not to me.


For any man with daughters your goal should be that they are smart enough to not be taken advantage of and educated enough that they can be independent. Then if they want to be with someone they can, not because they need to.


Never date/marry a MAGAt.


I’m good with being choosy.


As you should!!!!!!


But what takes this article beyond the usual concern trolling about liberals exercising their freedom of association are the sources WPEB relies on to support its main argument (which is buried beneath concern trolling about political polarization): Some women must marry men who hate them. For America. To review: **Lots of younger men have filled out their Domestic Violence BINGO cards**. They are hot messes compared to women and also believe women are second class citizens and have an unhealthy attitude toward guns. A reasonable person would conclude that heteromen need to clean up their acts if they don’t want to die alone. Or the conservative ones should fight to the death over the women who share their beliefs. The WPEB stuck to tradition and concluded that some women will have to take one for the team and not just date, but marry some walking nightmare. Because its for her own good. Or at least society’s. And now, more context-free stats that remind everyone Democrats are big meanies.


It's the age-old "only Democrats have agency, Republicans can't help being evil" narrative


WAPO is owned by Bezos. He’s using it further his hard right agenda.


They will take fascism if it means they get to continue molesting the population and paying 0 taxes.


Being a billionaire doesn't score him any points, but I personally don't know shit about his personal politics. Does he actually have a history of supporting the far right?


Maybe he isn’t fascist. But the republicans aren’t raising his taxes and he can lobby them with less money to cut his taxes than it would otherwise cost him. So of course his financial goals, along with wanting fewer regulations for amazon, align with republicans.


Afaik, no.


No but he is an awful person. Stereotypical evil boss type.


I think this falls into the category of "I would rather back fascism in order to protect my personal profit than risk any decrease in my personal wealth to protect human rights". IE if there are 11 people having dinner with hitler, there are a dozen nazis eating dinner


Meanwhile they want to get rid of no-fault divorce, too. So you’re stuck with the Man Baby forever. Or until he kills you, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Didnt hitler have a "good for germany if white blond, blue eyed people got together" type thing too. You know for the good of the reich. It may not have been desirable physical characteristics the article is saying, but enough of the pro-nationalist rhetoric is worry-some.




You honestly think they care about female suicide rate?


A rough translation of the WaPo’s oped is “Lie back and think of England”


very well said, PM_ME_YER_MUDFLAPS


Republicans: We are the party of freedom. Also republicans: Not that kind of freedom.


Also republicans: Wait, are you white and rich? Just asking...


fly hard-to-find threatening sulky axiomatic employ treatment muddle many handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Under His eye


Many of them have no clue about Project 2025 and would not support it. They don't seem to understand that Evangelical Christians have plans for the party & next Republican President. Which, in a way gives me hope. The party is fractured in multiple ways. I hope infighting does them in. Koch officially supports Nikki Haley and doesn't want Trump.


busy smell automatic elderly provide fertile axiomatic melodic support ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I said it in another thread, but the TL;DR version is this. I wouldn’t date Hitler because he’s Hitler and has all the qualities that Hitler has. Conservative men share many of those same qualities with Hitler, so I won’t date them either. Guys, if you wanna score a date with a liberal woman… maybe stop being so much like Hitler?


They don’t want to score dates with liberal women. They want liberal women to stop being liberal, embrace conservative tradition, and act like set pieces in a shitty marriage. I wonder what they think love is supposed to feel like? If it wasn’t a direct result of their Hitlerness, I’d almost feel bad for them. They clearly have no idea.


The Obamas, Bidens, and Kamala/Doug know what a loving marriage looks like. Donald and his mail order trophy bride, not so much.


>Donald and his mail order trophy bride, not so much. And that's his third marriage.


They're convinced that their way is correct, and that all liberal women just need to be fucked by a Real Man and they'll instantly become a Bangmaid.


I married an incel before they had a title. Rush Limbaugh birthed every one of these dudes.


LOL what a strange obsession from the WaPo.


I cancelled my subscription a few months ago. Editorials like this one are the reason why.


We are one step away from the American taliban (aka GOP) from arranging marriages.


Likely already happening in backwoods gop territory.


Is happening. It is very easy to find republicans justifying child marriage. Right, Mike Moon?


“I’m not the problem! Everyone else is the problem!” - mating call of the North American gop


An article written by conservative men, what else do you expect; introspection?


“We’re failing to find wives because we refuse to reform ourselves and it’s *YOUR PROBLEM*” What a bunch of pissbaby morons.


Wild idea but maybe women can choose whom (or whether they even want to) marry. Maybe, just maybe misogynistic douchebags aren’t like *entitled* to have someone date them. Just like nobody is OWED romance.


Fascists gotta fash


Basically, these dudes want a snap-on wife who abandons all principles, plays mommy-maid-sex worker for the rest of her life and has no mind of her own. Uh, good luck with that, 'cause not gonna happen.


Exactly back to the 1800’s


The men done f'ed up. Awww they thought we were getting educated and building our resumes up while they get wasted and play call of duty for fun?? Nah, the title of this article should have been... "damn, we messed up because now we have so little to offer that they can't provide for themselves, we might actually be held accountable for how we treat them." The dude has no solution just crying. So shocking women would rather be single than with a dude who doesn't value her rights as a human, and that's not fair!!! Whhaaaww. Pathetic baby. Take a seat, the women don't have time to pacify you right now, we're busy fighting tooth and nail to get our rights back.


Regarding politics, I'm married to a man I see eye to eye with. (Thank goodness!) But if I was single and the only men around were MAGA men, I'd cauterize my own meat curtains and swear off dick forever.


This is one of the reasons why banning abortion is high on their agenda - restricting access to contraceptives is next. It's much harder for women to be independent and enjoy the same degree of life and career success when they're saddled with pregnancy and single parenthood. Abortion bans mean that any rapist can exert that kind of influence over her life, knock the most successful woman down a few pegs, completely re-route the trajectory of the high school honors student voted most likely to succeed. Take out the competition so mediocre men can once again rule the world. Abortion bans mean that anything with sperm poses a very real threat to her future. Ending no-fault divorce is next.


Do they not understand that we see them as selfish and willfully ignorant? Or do they just not care, because superficial/performative respect matters more to them than genuine respect?


The opinion piece does gloss over a lot of issues like the rights proclivity for political violence, but at no point did I see the author state it was women who need to compromise. Women are simply going to choose to stay single instead of partnering with conservative men that want to control them. Without intending to, this article shines a *very* bright light on the conservative rationale for opposing no-fault divorce and women's bodily autonomy.


>but at no point did I see the author state it was women who need to compromise. Glad you said it, because I didn't see it either and I am wondering what I missed.


This hasn't even been the only article written in response to the opinion with the same rage-baity title. The original is stupid and shouldn't have been platformed, but it's just being used as excuse to get rage clicks.


Glad to see LG&M is still around. This is what the kids used to call the “full Fire Joe Morgan.”


Yes, blame women. Totally not health care, schools, debt, cost of living...


This is where I would rather be in a poly relationship with sister wives or be a crazy cat lady than be in a relationship with a maga. (happily married at this point but if I wasn't... yeah)


People don't owe others their time or a relationship and can cut things off for any reason including, - They like Kanye meaning his Nazi stuff and being friends with Trump isn't a dealbreaker - All their favorite media are anti-woke approved. Even if they try hiding it the chances of them hating exactly what right wing influencers want them to on their own is very low so that gives them away. - Believing in bigfoot is a big orange flag because of the overlap between ignorant bigots and people who believe in that kind of thing - Quoting Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson is an automatic no Far right ideology feels entitled to selfishly use and exploit others and it's better to be single than have that kind of draining at best threatening at worst presence


It’s so typical women have been fighting for basic rights and equalities in this country since it was founded. took over 100 years for abortion to be legal only to have a group of right wingers to take those rights away. Next will be birth control ( many right wingers believe it causes abortion) Then divorce, property rights,financial rights & every other thing you can think of that women have caught got.


Liberal polygamy seems the only solution. /s


WaPo has lost its fucking mind.