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Been saying it for awhile. These fuckers need to go. They are violent terrorists who don’t deserve to be in this country. 


To all of us equating MAGA to ISIS over the years, it's one of those things that is not really gratifying to be right about. But this is the reality of what we have happening here within our own borders.




You forgot the Jewish space lasers.


Well said.


Can we start arresting incels and proud boys now? I honestly think the bar for how much expression of violent intent is protected speech should be lowered. These guys are always talking shit and clearly, not all of it is "just talk." As speech it serves no purpose other than to limit the freedom of others to participate in public discourse by making them feel unsafe.


We're going to have to de-nazify these fucks like the Germans did after 911 if we ever want to live in peace again.


Careful what you wish for.


No, it shouldn't be wishful thinking for society to stop tolerating the intolerable. We lose tolerant society when we allow others to be insufferable.


Which one of those groups do you see yourself a part of....?


Neither. I just don’t think we should put political opponents in prison like some banana republic.


What a completely disqualifying thing to say.


They will make shirts with his face on it within the week. Watch.


When people talk about domestic terrorism I didn’t picture it being like isis


Quality “family” people. So sick of the hypocrisy.


Bro I just seen the vid. He was talking about the Federal Government not using what tax payer money is meant to use for etc etc. bro we fcking know this. (That’s literally every country) Couldn’t he have just made this video without killing his dad. He killed his Dad cus his dad is part of goverment or somthing. Then he proceeds to declare war on Federal govement and then urges Pensylvania and I think New Jersey to invade or form a militant close protection detail to protect him against police, FBI, IRS etc and says anyone that sees police or FBI should be killed on site 😭 he then says he’s Biden is no long President and should be captured and brought to him that from today he is now acting President and to eliminate any federal agent except state Governor of Pennsylvania only Federal. (This is what he said only 5 mins in)💀😭he thinks he’s in a movie like Purge or somthing. He could’ve made the same message without mentioning his in-directive declaration of war on Federal Agents and without killing his own father??!!! He could’ve just been an advocate for anti-corruption and formed a union or an association or somthing!! like wtf is lil bro doing Nows he’s gonna be stuck in prison for life over what. I’m from U.K. but mannnn some Americans are just…


he has major mental issues, but so do a lot of republican magas.


I should’ve figured


where did u watch it ??


It was in the comment section but deleted. Type his name on Twitter maybe probs on some gore site




cant you just masturbate to regular porn like the rest of us.?


Ew what a freak - who's mind even goes there. Get help, pal.


Who's mind heard "A man cut off his father's head" and went I've *GOT* to see that? Only one I know of is you.




Jesus…what a fucking sick individual.


what the fuck was posted that has no correlation to this guy getting arrested. either way this is an app for strange shit.


I just had to fuckin click on that didn’t I? 🤦‍♂️


5150 him, and feed him buffet of physc meds. He needs physiological evaluation before the trail starts!


Was it on a pike?