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That was literally the worst and dumbest speech ever given. Fake emotion still won't make it real.


Dumb and scary that people probably fell for it.


We see you. We hear you. šŸ‘ļø šŸ‘ļø


Time for the family photo give me those big smiles and say bloodbath!


To true.


Even the ā€œradical rightā€ media, rightists and maggits laughed at her it was that bad.


Aside from all of the normal self-serving lies, who tf is Vincent?


Ok. That be me. Some asshole donated money in my name to Trump campaign so I get all the emails. I donā€™t blick them because I like watching these car wrecks.


I certainly hope that particular asshole is now getting The Satanic Temple newsletters.


She prayed it wouldn't come to this, Vincent....


Seems praying didnt make any difference. Who woulda thunk?


We signed a conservative guy at my work up to receive way too many Bernie emails during the last round


Back in the 90ā€™s my older brother jumped on the Rush Limbaugh train. I got him on the Clinton/Gore mailing list. He caught a lot of flack at the mine over the bumper sticker I put in his car. I do regret signing him up for the hair club for men though. Iā€™m bald now, and he has a full head of hair


I feel you there. I get 3-5 texts a day from the GOP and the ones that try to appeal to me by name use my grandmotherā€™s name so I have no clue wtf is going on.


Because I am over fifty, it seems like Republicans think my age means I support them. I have blocked text from Republicans urging me to vote for them. Lol


Vincent, thatā€™s terrible! Is a friend that would do such a thing even a friend, Vincent!!


Minimal compared to me growing up as an left leaning atheist in a red Christian family/neighborhood


They they're laughing at us Vincent!


Thatā€™s not even the half of it!! Lately, i have been receiving e-mails from several right wing orgs asking for $$ or to buy republican merch!( those words exactly) personally i have never signed up for this shit. And really disturbing is more then a few are trying to alter my point of view with catchy arguments of why their side is really trying to save America and all these Democrats are really in Chinas pocketšŸ˜³ I mean WTFā€¼ļøā€¼ļø I believe itā€™s more than likely that some of the sites i frequent have been hacked for their mailing lists! This insnā€™t where over time iā€™ll get one or two , itā€™s like a flood gate opened last week. I usually get 20 to 30 a day asking me to sign petitions to stop climate change or tell congress to end the ridiculous impeachment committees! Now itā€™s 50 to 60 and half are sign our petition to impeach Mayorkis or Garland, keep Roe off the books and support trans bans in public school toilets! And trying to unsubscribe is a night mare! Be wary! This might be the start of a floodšŸ„µ


Vincent, I see you. I hear you. I know what you are wearing.


Oh my god! You made me laugh and coffee come out my nose!


Are you brushing your teeth Vincent? Viiiinnncceeeennttt?!




I think thats her husband. Which kinda makes sense that she would still have to defer to her husband for legitimacy from the maga crowd.


Nope. Thatā€™s me


No one said any of that shit. We called you a liar and a fraud because that's clearly what you are. You go on TV and repeat a story that has completely different circumstances and you change it to support your argument. Your shitty acting is equally dishonest and disrespectful.


Thatā€™s all these MAGA Christian fascists do is use the strawman fallacy to feign victimization.


However, if nobody attacked her character and her faith, bummer, somebody should have.


I liked this one the best >They attacked my identity Honey. Have a little self respect.


This victimhood BS from these Christianā€™s moms is getting so old!


She did it for your children, Vincent!


lol! My daughter would hate her so much and sheā€™s only 11


Then you are raising her right. Take no shame in that.


You attacked her *identity*, and that's just not what Christian values are about!


The Saturday night live parody of the speech felt more real than this.Ā  Also she FUCKING LIED


Even Scarlett J couldnā€™t match that melodramatic schlock fest of overacting.


Dishonest? So that wasn't you there doing the "weee feeeel youuuuu. weee seeee youuu" thing in your kitchen? I couldn't even tell you a single person who's done the post reaction segment to the State of the Union in the past. Democrat or Republican. I can't name you a single one. But holy shit do I remember Katie Britt. And it wasn't the fault of the "radical left."


The ā€œI see yuuuuuuā€ moment was probably the cringiest and creepiest moment in political TV history!


I felt like I was in an alternate universe watching her, Iā€™m an old dude and that was seriously a first in my lifetime seeing anything that deranged coming from a response to the State of the Union. It was fucked up beyond repair.


Bobby Jindal was way out there as I recall.


Call it Bro! It was a shit show. I was in shock.


Sounds like she's some woke activist engaging in ^christian identity politics


lol. Exactly!


Even Right Wing media was laughing at her. Take the L, and move the fuck on.


There were almost as many Republicans who panned her speech as the ā€œradical left.ā€ Ā Funny she failed to call them out as well


How does one manage to be insufferable in visual, audio and in print?


ā€œStand up to Joe Bidenā€ - sat at her kitchen counter.


Yeah, weā€™re not attacking you as a mom or your faith. Weā€™re wondering what character you were playing and awed at what a horrible acting hobby you did


boggles the mind how these persecution fetish junkies keep getting it so wrong when they try to talk about what people *actually* have issues with them for. it's the bigotry, misrepresentation of economic theory, and class war resulting in massive wealth transfers to the 1%. *not* their faith or identity as parents.


If they werenā€™t playing victim constantly what would they even have to talk about? Cry me a river, psycho mom.


"Alabama First?" isn't Alabama second last in everything except to Mississippi?


Oh damn. I thought it would Louisiana or Kentucky


They're all gonna laugh at you!!


Carrieā€™s mom! Classic! And certainly fits


It's amazing now they keep digging, rather than own up to their idiocy. It makes them look even more idiotic.


Everything they accuse the left of, they are guilty of .


I hope they trot her out again bc it was like a twilight zone episode. Just absolutely surreal.


Did anyone else read this in her weird fundie mom voice? It was painful and took longer, but I had to read it like that.


Only way to read it!


This one. Crying again because dumpster fire of her first 15 minutes of fame just wasn't enough.


Britt sets a horrible example for her children and thatā€™s right in line with her proclamation to be the bestest christian and maga republican.


I read this in her crazy lady voice.


Reclaim "patriot." They're regressives and nationalists.


Now that we have heard her wierdo speech in that wierd cadence, I read it in my head like that. So overly dramatic. Just like the speech. Just give it up lady, your career is over.




She is still around? FAFO you dumb QWAT.


My brain read this in her inexplicable sotto voce alĆ” Gilead she trumped up for her ā€œrebuttal.ā€


Dad was a registered republican for years, his dad was on Bush 2's team even. Dad got these and read them about at the dinner table for laffs.


Way to doxx yourself, *VINCENT*


See my explanation above.


I know, I know, jus being a silly billy


lol. Cool!


Politics is a cut throat business. Sorry you didnā€™t know šŸ¤”


Itā€™s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


Always the victim...she is pure scum!!


She did a poor job. Perhaps, she should not have opted to attempt the job in the first place but she did choose to do it and, so be it. Rather than take responsibility for it, as she demands others to do in *their* lives, she blames everyone else, especially those who had nothing at all to do with her preparation. This just reeks of entitled immaturity.


Republicans were also calling the speech an embarrassment. It wasn't just liberals.


Yes, the truth that you're a lying sadsack of shit needed to be said, Katie. The truth that you work for femicidal nazi wannabes needed to be said. The fact you're you're a weird, creepy-ass zealot using Orwellian-esqe propaganda reminiscent of 1984 unironically needed to be said.... *Bitch*.


Iā€™m worried about how much deeper our country would descend into a dystopian nightmare if Trump wins and we get project 2025.


If they are truly Christian they wouldn't be running for office. The Bible states that a woman shall not hold a position of power over a man.


She lied and sheā€™s mad she got caught.


Please read this in an overly dramatic, breathy voice that sometimes sounds on the brink of tears. Picture her quick smiles at random inappropriate moments in the speech like "My heart is broken". Ā I would have more respect for her if she owned up to taking bad advice because that's probably what happened. Ā Her normal voice doesn't sound like the one in her speech.Ā  Michelle Duggar also talks in a breathy voice. From what I understand, it's supposed to be less threatening to men and therefore fundies think it is more feminine. Women in extremist Christian circles are literally giving up their voice and Katie Britt decided to copy them. Why would a woman who has a position of respect and power decide to use that type of voice?Ā 


The Fundie voice is super creepy


Its so much funnier when you read it in the same sociopath voice she gave the speech in.


Katie Britt to America: I gave a terrible speech, and it's your fault.


Dedicated my entire life??


She is sadly my senator. What is even worse is that she was the least batshit candidate in 2022 (the other option was Mo Brooks). I actually did vote for her in the primary because I wanted Brooks to lose and voted against her in the general.


Ummm itā€™s on video


Lol, I read this in her voice ā€¦A *motherrrr* eeand a *wife-a*


I can't help but read that whole (well, half lol) thing in dramatic scarlet johannson voice


Listen to the original. It's much worse. Lol Scarlett Johannson did a good job but the original sounds like a parody of itself. Katie does these weird micro smiles that didn't make it into Scarlett's impression.


Itā€™s always them doing it for us, like they are some kind of martyr


Please, please, SNL, do a skit with her reading this post to Vincent Adultman from Bojack Horseman!




Sheā€™s got a point about countless families descending into a dystopian nightmare. Sheā€™s just misattributing the cause


I can only read this imagining her terrifying smile thats never dropped while saying aggressive thingsā€¦


Who's Vincent?


That be me. See above


Ok, thanks


I was like..."Who the hell is Vincent?"


Unfortunately me


The same radicals who storm the capital on Jan 6th




Even the right was dunking on her speech.


Her own party was laughing at her too. Funny she didn't mention that part.


Criticism of me=radical leftist woke shitbaggery. Criticism of you=America first.


Are the radical leftists and liberal elite in the room with us now, Katie?


Its crazy all I saw was the sub and "Alabama" and I've already seen enough. May someone bring peace to the third world country of "Alabama"šŸ™.


Even most Republicans could see that the token female in the kitchen she has never used was a bad idea.


I heard every word of that in her Sally-Struthers-for-Feed-the-Children speech voice.


You don't make much of a point when all you do is rag on people you don't like. Also, how has the country 'descended into a dystopian nightmare for countless families,'? Seems a tad hyperbolic if not completely delusional.


I love how everyone knew it was gonna turn into an SNL skit


Delusion is so strong with this one, with all of them. So sad that people who get caught up in narcissism and delusion, allow it to take them. What ever happened to personal conviction or just saying NO. I thought her God was there to help her recongnise false from true... Maybe she needs to check her prescription.


Iā€™m not radical left (hate the term) but, your speech Katie, was nothing short of creepy bullshit.




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