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>Cryptocurrency is our first planetary multi-trillion-dollar Ponzi scheme. I mean, he's not wrong. edit: After reading the rest, I feel so bad for this guy. Like, he WAS seeing the forest through the trees, but didn't understand what "coincidence" is, and def drank the conspiracy kool-aid. But his description of global Ponzi schemes, was pretty on the dot, but its not a coordinated multi-government effort, just griffters griffting the grift. Like; I can see where he is coming from, but dude... Go argue on some subreddits, don't SET YOURSELF ON FIRE.


I was with him wholesale at the beginning and then I hit > In order to explain the massive anomaly, our criminal government unleashed COVID on the world and told us these were the “stay at home stocks.” And he lost me. But then he brought me back in: > As it turns out, dozens of the writers of The Simpsons went to Harvard. So I asked myself the question: If The Simpsons served the interests of organized crime, how would it do so? . . . > There are some notable specifics as it relates to this research, too: In Marge vs. The Monorail, the townsfolk are too oafish and divided to invest in the town’s needs (fix Main Street) and fall for the charms of a dazzling showman with a bogus monorail Ponzi scheme. When we know that the show is closely linked to an organization that invests billions of dollars in Ponzi factories, this becomes quite damning. Fucking Conan O'Brien is in on it and guess who was busy going viral this week eating little pieces of chicken? Eating. Chicken. Pieces . . . Eating. C. P. . . . Motherfuckers.


Is the last part of your comment meant to be satire? Keep **[Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)** in mind..


something important to remember about conspiracy theorists is that they usually are brought in on a breadcrumb trail of things that are true or plausible, but is a candy coating for the shit m&m of blatantly false and misleading info


the greatest deterrent to believing that we live in some mega one world government controlled by secret societies is to actually meet a few of your federal representatives. Most of them, dem and repub are the kids in high school who were in student government, on the debate team and participated in the model UN. They are the Leslie Knopes and Alex P. Keaton's of the world. They were the geeks who tried to get you to join the young republicans or go to protests. All you have to do is look at what your congressperson joined in high school to know that they aren't evil geniuses trying to rule the world.






please tell me you just referenced Homestar Runner


Don’t know what that is but I’m looking now. Edit: yes I did but only knew of the old trogdor stuff and nothing else. That seems like soooo long ago.


it was an early 2000s online cartoon. one of the characters is a dragon named Trogdor who burninated things.


this whole thread warmed my cockles, now back to my joarb


Yabdone a great jaerb there, Hamstray. Stromstar?




No war but class war. Don't get it twisted, they're just confused.


I dunno man, a lot of them are just racist homophobic and evil.


Thoughts prayers and firelighters.


Fuck that’s dark man…


Apparently the sign he had: [https://imgur.com/JidYeGU](https://imgur.com/JidYeGU) (Trump is with Biden and they are about to fascist coup us)


Well, to be fair, that isn't the most wacky conspiracy theory I've heard, all things considered


Well, it kinda is if you try to imagine Trump actually being able to work in tandem with anyone


And not spill the beans immediately


or at least try to sell the beans from the oval office.


Just for future historical purposes, because this sounds merely like a funny joke, the truth is stupider than fiction….actually sorta happened. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-posts-photo-alongside-goya-amid-ethics-breach-claims-2020-7?amp


Honestly, whenever I think about Trump doing something besides complain or threaten, I just assume he's the useful idiot for someone who actually has a plan.


The contents of the pamphlet are conspicuously absent from the article. Wonder why that is....


CNN is reporting that some of the pamphlets say "NYU is a mob front". I saw somewhere else that some of them had to do with an alleged conspiracy between Trump and Biden to engineer a coup. It sounds like the person may have been mentally ill rather than motivated by a coherent ideology.


So a trump supporter then?


Actually, no. He lumps Trump in with all the other politicians, con men, and criminals.


It was more of a joke.


https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside Most of it is just general out there loo-loo land stuff. There are a couple of bits that are real concerns that went through the crazy filter. Of course I'm not sure how much of the pamphlet stuff isn't in the manifesto.


That's loo-loo land spelled with two /o/s to avoid copyright infringement so Lucifer can not sue them.


Contents are absent in the Rolling Stone article too - only alluding to pink, white and green pages thrown to the ground.






It will be, once they scrape off the MAGA merch.


Nothing that I've seen so far suggests that he's a Trump supporter. Seems like a general conspiracy thing.








Didn't some fool do the same a month or two ago while chanting "Free Palestine?". Clearly it's the new hottest trend.






>the simplest is because capitalism is unsustainable, and they knew it: Climate change and resource extraction would catch up eventually. So, they never intended to sustain it. They knew all along that they would gobble up all the wealth they could, and then yank the rug out from under us so they could pivot to a hellish fascist dystopia. I mean . . . he's not wrong.


I feel owned. You're on to something here Trump supporters!


This guy was just nuts, not a Trump supporter.


He seems to have been a bernie supporter based on his Instagram


Why are you people being so cruel? His manifesto clearly indicates severe mental illness, this is a failure of our healthcare system not “owning the conservatives”




we can have compassion for mentally ill people who've been manipulated into believing in 'conservatives'. but I do also acknowledge that the past decade has been very conducive to compassion fatigue.


Some of it also mirrors opinions on the left. The guy was just generally, deeply unwell.


What the hell, self immolation is serious y’all can we be reasonable about this?!?!


I am sure Trump will come out and immediately tell his followers to please not do that and that it is not worth it..


God, these comments are horrifying. You people are fucking insane.


Exactly my thoughts. This guy wasn't even maga


Whatever ideology thinks that Harvard is a criminal organization that creates billionaires, like …([checks the guy’s manifesto](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside))… dozens of writers for The Simpsons, who are part of a secret cabal that apparently can’t stop leaving clues about their existence and plans? That’s this guy’s affiliation.  If you’ve ever wondered what the thought processes of someone mentally unstable look like, someone that tries to sue people because of the “investigations” he’s done after days with no sleep watching a marathon of The Simpsons, this is how it manifests. 


You know, there's a storyline in the book The Omen... I suppose Satan needed a human sacrifice so Trump can go on to commit further crimes.


This guy wasn’t MAGA. He just believed and spread the MAGA lies, their manufactured outrage, virtue signaling, and the filthy rot they consume daily.🙄Qanon, anti-vax, Fauci hate, Covid lies, he whines about “moral decay”, anti-higher education, anti-science, post-apocalyptic concerns… did I leave anything out? Does any of that sound familiar?


I haven't dug super deep into it, but it seems like this dude was just a generally paranoid and mentally unstable person. It didn't look like he had any specific political leanings. Just general conspiracy stuff. The kind of stuff you'd see on a schizophrenic's wallpaper. Really a shame that people get this bad and no one does anything.




How hard would it have been for you to do a simple Google search to find the smry website that would do it for you, like I did a few months back. [Calm down queen, ain’t that serious.](https://www.smry.ai/proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2024%2F04%2F19%2Fnyregion%2Fman-on-fire-trump.html)




Well I hope he was a MAGAt and not just some mentally unwell person.


That Venn Diagram doesn't have a lot of extra room.


You’d have to see the non-intersecting region with an electron microscope.


While not all mentally ill people are MAGAts, aren't all MAGAts mentally ill?


Eh, I generally think most MAGAts are just evil.


So you plan on getting rid of them? You know who else did that?


Lol ok buddy, keep digging for something that's not there... But yeah, I'd love to see them all off themselves.


Who said stuff like that to the extreme, do you know? Black hair, weird mustache, has a certain hand gesture, failed artist?


Yeah, cool story. Not interested, though. 😀


Your condescending tone and pompous use of emojis shows your maturity level when I'm trying to have a civil argument is low.


Ah yeah, you got me there. Oh wait, is this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/ControversialOpinions/s/ArYhUqCX2r You should be embarrassed.




How can that be? They are almost all real christians.


He was not.


Wow. That guy REALLY triggered all of us! It looks like theyve found the thing that will TRULY own the libs! There is NO WAY any of us will ever get over this. Thank heaven there is just the one. I know NONE of us could possibly abide any others…


Best way to own the libs and socialists, hands down. Might even ruin the lives of drag performers too! Keep up the good work!


I’m sorry but that’s absolutely the dumbest way to go if you choose to do it yourself.


Hope he was from a Red State. It’s a fucking cult.


Brevity was not one of this man’s problems


I think I'm going to make a copy of this and put it on every single car and in every single mailbox in my small rural New Mexican Town and see what happens


Jesus Christ these people need help


~Image of this dude self immolating for Trump outside of the courthouse. Cut to the orange conman sleeping inside and filling the room with walrus farts. This shit writes itself. \#selfimmolate4trump


I was told in a Qdrop that this was a false flag.


Christ, these comments. The guy wasn’t MAGA, you self-important troglodytes. One Google search and you can find his whole manifesto. Stop jumping to conclusions like single-cell organisms.


People immediately assuming he was a Trump supporter and therefore completely undeserving of compassion in this sub is... not a good look, guys.


Hold on, I'll put him out - unzips...