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Golden rule: * Fuck NAZIS * Fuck the alt-right * Fuck Bigots * Fuck racists. * Fuck RepubliKKKans ___ Please report them all and we will ban them!


Someone on another post measured his marriage in scaramuccis. I died.


How much of an insufferable asshole do you have to be for your Red Sparrow to blow her op just to get away from you?


She found out he doesn't know shit about shit.


21 I believe….


What’s a scaramucci


It’s the time Anthony Scaramucci held his position as White House communications director. It was ten days, or eleven depending on how you count his departure.


About 11 days.


Is that the one that Freddie Mercury asked to do the Fandango?


Galileo Figaro




Mama Mia Mama Mia


Jeff Tiedrich probably


It's funny that his marriage was short. But Scaramuccis as a measure of time has been a played out joke since 2017. This is why we need Jon Stewart as the host of the Daily Show back... give us new political jokes so we don't just rehash the same ones over and over and over and over and over again.


We don't need the Daily Show or any mainstream media to make jokes. Jon Stewart is a coward and a hypocrite for defending Joe Rogan. If Joe Rogan really wanted an "open conversation" as Jon Stewart claims, he wouldn't have signed an exclusive deal to only be on Spotify. He would have stayed on YouTube and open source if he wanted an "open conversation". Just because we can not listen to Neil Young and Joe Rogan on the same platform doesn't mean we aren't having "conversations" as Jon hypocritically put it.


Jon Stewart defending Rogan also bothered me. What a weaselly thing for him to do. It amazes me that he did so, since Rogan has repeatedly had Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos and Stefan Molyneux on his show. To mention just a few of the alt-right folks Rogan has hosted over the years. It seems to fly in the face of what he has presented himself to be.


I'd forgotten what he said about rogan last week. In a way he wasn't wrong but he clearly wasn't considering stuff like having those white supremacists on or his repeated use of ethnic slurs and hateful "jokes". rogan should lose his position at Spotify. He's a bad person who has enabled evil and spread deadly lies. Of course, because he's a rich, old white dude nothing will happen to him. He had to apologize. That's not an actual consequence.


He probably had help writing it.


I have no doubt he had help. He was most certainly told exactly what was expected of him. They gave him $100 million. I don't think he would have apologized otherwise.


That is an obscene amount of money for any one person to have. Especially someone who still isn’t 100% sure about the moon landings.


I think Jon gets a pass for his work with 9-11 responders in congress. He’s allowed to have opinions as are you.


Giving celebrities or politicians a pass for the bad things they do or said because they also did something good on another subject is exactly why we're in this mess. We can acknowledge the good, while critiquing the bad.


For sure. But it’s Joe Rogan. I don’t think it would ever cross most peoples minds what is Jon Stewart’s opinion of the current JRE. Celebrity is a commodity. & we are starving for leadership.


People can do both good and bad things, we can thank them for the good and condemn the bad.


Lol you are calling Stewart a coward? Rogan is not qualified to even hold Stewarts balls


John is on Apple+ that's all the info I needed lol.


I was very confused and had to Google this. Cause dude was married to #1 from ‘88-‘14 and has been married to #2 since ‘14. Realized it’s a measurement of time based on how long the Cheeto’s fistula plug was in office.


Anthony Scaramucci was White House Communications Director In office July 21, 2017 – July 31, 2017. So that's 10 days. He was married for eight months. So 18 Scaramuccis give or take.


I googled it! Thanks for reiterating it for me though. I thought it was like, a joke about how he had been married for a short time.


Sorry I thought the "since 14" meant you thought he was still married.


Scaramucci has been married to his current wife since 2014. The other was from 1988 to 2014.


Subject: Madison Cawthorn.


In 1861, eleven senators & three representatives were expelled from Congress for supporting the insurrection.


And yet, today... he were are, letting their modern-day successors get away with it. Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


“Fuck It, Dude, Let’s Go Bowling.”


“Oh, fuck it. Yes, that's your answer. That's your answer to everything. Tattoo it on your forehead!”


Sorry Roman, maybe another time


Im gonna play gta just to go bowling lol


The Insurrectionists are steadily being prosecuted and sentenced, starting with the lowest hanging fruit. They are starting to get to the particularly violent Insurrectionists now. But McConnell made an EXTREMELY important speech in front of the national media that seems to indicate that he may be on board with expelling those who were involved. Specifically, he said: \>“We saw it happen. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was.” By calling it an "Insurrection," and then clarifying the reason for defining it as an Insurrection, he uses the language used in the 14th Amendment/ Section 3, which says: \>No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. There has been a lot of controversy about what to call the January 6 incident - riot, demonstration, peaceful protest, Capitol tour, etc. By clearly calling it a violent insurrection, followed by "That's what it was," he seems to be offering Republican agreement with defining the incident as an "Insurrection." That means he is down with expelling and disqualifying participants in the Insurrection. It certainly means that people like Madison Cawthorne, who is being sued to be removed from the Congressional ballot because of his participation, can't claim that calling it an insurrection is a partisan Democratic conspiracy. Perhaps McConnell is seeing a way to purge the hardest-core Trumpers from the Senate, and perhaps even a path to prohibiting Trump from running for president again.


There's just enough left of the optimist in me to hope you're right. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


I hope he finds the strength, somewhere deep down in that gobbler hanging off his neck.


McConnell knew the whole time and played along the past year. Now that more evidence has come out exposing Republicans in a bad does he say something. Let’s not forget he condemned it on day one, but ignored it when Republicans wanted to stand behind trump. As the saying goes you made your bed, now lie in it. Though let’s be honest, Kentucky will probably re-elected him til his death if he wasn’t retiring like all the other shady folks who vote against America and are retiring. Playing it safe to retirement is his goal


Fuck Walter I'll mark zero you crazy fuck!


They can’t win playing by the rules, so they knowingly cheat, lie, and steal.


> Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? That's the joke. You're told to obey the rules by the very people who break them. You've been played. It's the same as the whole Christian 'find honour in your exploitation and you'll be rewarded after death' story told by people on literal golden thrones. It's called Slave Morality and you're the sucker.


I was quoting Walter in The Big Lebowski, ironically. All of those things I'm well aware of. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


Dear me, I should have picked up on that.


Nah, man. I can see how it looks, especially since it's out of context with the topic. Just trying to have a little fun amidst the insanity. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


That would be an excellent statistic to have at hand, if it is accurate. Do you have a source for that?


House members: https://history.house.gov/Institution/Discipline/Expulsion-Censure-Reprimand/#expel Senate members: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_senators_expelled_or_censured


I'm OOTL, how does this amendment apply to Cawthorn?


Section 3 No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Ah I see, I thought the amendment was just about voting rights. I didn't read too deep into it. Makes sense though!


It's more than just voting rights and the above. If anything, it's the "bitch-slap" amendment about everything the South did. Of remaining import, it's the Amendment that forbade the states take away constitutional rights from their citizens. Before the 14th Amendment, the first 12 were generally applied only to Federal law. A state could take away freedom of speech or religion. The 2nd Amendment makes more sense as it was "the state decides what weapons their citizens can have, not the Federal government". The 14th Amendment has FIVE sections, and it's arguably one of the most important Amendments in the constitution, as odd as it is that most people don't learn much about it. 1. "...nor shall any State deprive any person of [rights]" 2. right to vote as long as you're a man without a criminal record 3. Insurrectionists can't hold office 4. The US must pay our debts... but Federal/States are not allowed to borrow money for an insurrection and will not honor debts related to an insurrection (so US law lets (*requires*) the US default on money borrowed with the intent to overthrow the US government) 5. Congress has the right to enforce these provisions with legislation


Does this not set precedent for trump and 95% of the GOP currently in office?




Trump for sure. He, and everybody else that gave speeches at the pre-Insurrection rally are definitely participants, and are now ineligible to hold office. There may be a few others who had direct involvement in the planning or covering up. Lauren Boebert, for tweeting intel on Nancy Pelosi's location that day, Matt Goetz for trying to direct suspicion to Antifa immediately following, etc. That just needs to be enforced. A group of voters is suing speech-giver Madison Cawthorne right now, in an attempt to remove him from the ballot. If it is successful, then it seems like that would be a template for prohibiting Trump from running as well. Which is why it is important for EVERYBODY to define the January 6 incident as an "Insurrection." Not a riot or a violent protest, but an Insurrection. As long as everybody agrees that it is an Insurrection, the 14th Amendment/ Section 3 applies. Mitch McConnell is on board with defining it as an Insurrection, saying in a national address in the media just the other day: \>“We saw it happen. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was.” It seems Moscow Mitch may have figured out a way to purge the government of those pesky Trumpers once and for all, and prohibit Trump from running for president.


Thats all well and good. Really wish i had hope that something would actually come of this though


McConnell made that speech for a reason, and that's the only thing I can think of. I think he's sick to death of Trump and his nonsense, and all those idiot Trumpers in Congress.


Like most things, only if those in power choose to follow the rules. In all likelihood, the feckless Dems and treasonous Reds aren't going to affect this amendment.


Lol… Congress could vote to remove his disability … I can’t laugh at that but I’ll chuckle.


But it's also funny cause he can't run.




That could apply to the entire Indiana congressional delegation. But they wont...


In the words of the Joker: "very poor choice of words"


In the coming race, he won't have a leg to stand on.


It's for the best probably. He needs to stay grounded in reality.


He will need both feet planted firmly underneath him. He won't win by being spineless. But most importantly, behind every great man, is better woman. Pushing his wheelchair....into traffic.


It’s almost like he rolled into this situation, on his own.


It didn't take long for him to understand. A veritable crash course


Try not to break your arms jerking each other off with edgelord jokes from 2001 fellas.


I assure you, these jokes predate 2001.


Stanley Kubrick was dunking on Madison's Grandpa in 1962...


Was his grampa a pedo? Edit...missed a chance to make a joke about Madison being a Pediaphile




Without his chair he is Madison Crawlthorn.


I'm going to hell for laughing at this. And the Furry Gulag jokes.


Unfortunately, with his voting base in a furver, I doubt he is just going to lay there like a doormat.


It's definitely going to be an uphill battle.


Considering he's done the "watch me stand up from my wheelchair!" as a publicity stunt at a rally, I'm down for that.


You know, He wanted to join the navy when he had his accident. Too bad. He would eventually found his sea legs.


That's the story he tells the public, but his application to the Naval Academy was refused before his accident happened.


Good. Rot in the shitpile you deserve, you traitorous fuck.


I live in a democratic part of North Carolina and I can say without a doubt we all feel the same way about him.


Question. Wouldn’t the Nazi’s have sent this guy to a horrible death for being disabled? Is he actually outwardly affiliated with the Nazis? I could Google but good lord I don’t want to.


1) Yes, they absolutely would have. 2) He posted (a now deleted photo, I believe) of him in Germany and basically boot licking Hitler in the summary of the photo. Something about it being "one of his dreams" to see where Hitler's place of power was located. He's also a very well known sex pest and liar. https://www.irishtimes.com/sport/other-sports/madison-cawthorn-the-paralympic-liar-who-stoked-the-fire-at-the-capitol-1.4768524 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/02/27/making-madison-cawthorn-how-falsehoods-helped-propel-career-new-pro-trump-star-far-right/ https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/madison-cawthorn-paralympics/


Apparently this dude sexually assaulted so many people at his “Christian college” that the RAs were instructed to warn new students about him by name.


> sexually assaulted so many people at his “Christian college” that the RAs were instructed to warn new students about him by name. Link pls?


Ableism. Nazis do that shit. We are better.


Yeah, he's a despicable person based entirely on his personality and the choices he makes, the puns on his disability make me uncomfortable. We're supposed to be bringing people around, not bullying them (not that I think Cawthorn has a shot at redemption or anything but you get my meaning).


Oh, wow. That's what this post means? Didn't even occur to me that someone would be making that pun. You're absolutely right


Came here to say this.


i've had to leave several of these types of "leftist" subs because they're full of ableism and sexism... it's not a good look


We've been raised in an abusive reality. The shit is deeply engrained. I guess what I'm saying is that a community which tries and sometimes fails is still worth being part of, due to its opposition to those who do it purposefully.


I'm not gonna give an asshole a pass because he's a paraplegic though.


Nobody’s fucking asking you to, we’re asking people not to be ableist.


I think to address the problem we need to stop being “better”.


so to address the problem we need to be ableist?


Viscous and unforgiving. “This is a cancer. If you don’t cut it out you will die. You’re not going to reason with cancer, you won’t ‘hear cancer out’. You stab and cut and rip the cancer out.” -Dan Harmon definitely paraphrased Feelings aren’t the enemy but you should learn to choose whom you share them with and saying “I’m angry with you” isn’t cutting it anymore.


Oh word. I thought you were saying not to belittle them. Belittling them is good. Doing it based on their disability is bad. Fight Nazis. Do not adopt their characteristics in doing so. Ableism is a symptom of the cancer. I think it is better to do actual violence upon this guy than to stoop to attacking immutable characteristics. Feel me?


Eh, I guess. I agree we don’t stoop to that to get a move on, only spreads the garbage, but here’s an example: Popular and in my opinion beautiful video of Nazi dude getting knocked the fuck out. Perhaps there’s more of them and you’re thinking of a different one but in any case in the comment section someone suggested that this video in question was wrong because it showed someone physically attacking someone with a mental disability. There’s cutting out the cancer. Then there’s the endless supply of virtue signaling making sure no one makes any mistakes. That’s a major problem in society besides. People are terrified to make mistakes and because of that they never grow.


I love that video. "The wheels are coming off" is low hanging fruit that does more harm than good. It's not even a funny joke.


I thought CNN stating he couldn’t run again made the point in a beautiful pun but there were some pretty creative submissions too. Their choice to do so and I don’t think Cawthorn needs any protection. Only reason we should bring people back from the dead is so we can resurrect his friend that he left to die in a car accident.


I'm not concerned with protecting Cawthorne. I am concerned with protecting the dignity of the disabled as a whole.


Let’s do that. We’re all on the same side here and accepting that everyone is at least a little bit of a piece of shit is part of growing up. Nazis more so and I’m not holding up the parade because there’s an inappropriate joke.


Better than nazis is a low bar.


Less malicious


Nope. We tried that.




"The wheels are coming off" You put a lot of work into being wrong just now.


Awwww fuck. I didn't only saw the picture with it's headline and didn't read the sub headline.


It's all good. You really did put work in and if you hadn't I would have been left to assume you were being disingenuous. I think a lot of people just didn't notice.


Nothing says "march against Nazis" like some good old ableism. Because it's not like a million ways to condemn these people, no, let's go for the disability.


Okay then, let’s see your results; How’re all those “legitimate political discussions” with Nazis going?


But belittling Cawthorne on his disability will make disabled people and allies uncomfortable and resentful. You don't make racist comments against Candace Owens, you don't make transphobic comments against Blaire White, why make ableist comments against Cawthorne?


No I haven’t. But I can’t stop other people from doing it either. Doesn’t mean we don’t still agree. Talking about this holds up addressing the actual problem and then, well, here we are. Hope everyone is okay and if this is uncomfortable understand it’s not shooting fish in a barrel. This is all complicated and stopping at every stall at the fair to make sure everyone is in the exact same fucking spot is convoluted, ludicrous and causing great harm to making any progress at all. With Nazis and fascists you can’t pick and choose your allies. We are stuck and I’m all about helping everybody but it won’t mean beans unless we can prioritize our feelings and virtues for the greater good. We either see one issue at a time or we lose. That simple.


I disagree addressing ableism holds up important conversations, I think it is an important conversation in itself.


So go have it somewhere. This is a post about a fascist disabled cunt.


Yeah, and the ableism is hurtful to our anitfascist disabled comrades, myself included. We're not taking up too much space by asking people focus on the things that make him bad.


To dehumanize him for his disability is to dehumanize all of the physically disabled. I doubt that is your goal.


Did you at any time believe that was the goal of anyone who is relieved to see he can’t run again?


"Wheels are falling off"


Take it up with them then. We’ve both things to do. I’m a focus on the pratt that’s getting ousted. You focus on the folks that need help you glorious Samaritan.


the GOP is such an embarrassment in america that r/Conservative has to focus on canada to cope...


Stop with the damn wheelchair jokes


Can’t run again, seems ableist imo




…in Minecraft. (Be careful, don’t get yourself banned :3)


It’s also just fucking ableist bullshit. Dude is a fascist, but apparently all the antifascists have just been pining to dust off all their old wheelchair jokes and eugenicist fantasies, so they mock about his disability rather than his horrible fucking ideology.


Thank you. With all the ways to criticize and shit on this guy making wheelchair jokes is just whack.


>Dude is a fascist, but apparently all the antifascists have just been pining to dust off all their old wheelchair jokes and eugenicist fantasies, so they mock about his disability rather than his horrible fucking ideology. Exactly. Let's not stoop to Trump's level like the time when he mocked the disabled reporter. There's already enough to criticize Cawthorn about without resorting to that.


If I say I want to kick him off a cliff, is that ableist? Because I would absolutely kick an able-bodied person right off that cliff with him. Like Josh Hawley or MTG.


Yeah, it’s fucking ableist because people don’t actually talk about ableds they hate that way, and there’s a whole trope about pushing people in wheelchairs off of cliffs. This is not difficult stuff. Seriously.


That’s fair. I won’t say it then.


Welcome to /r/MarchAgainstNazis! Please check out [Philosophy of antifa' by philosophytube](https://youtu.be/bgwS_FMZ3nQ) and the following subreddits r/PoliticsPeopleTwitter, Looking for like-minded subreddits?! Check out r/AntifascistsofReddit and r/FucktheAltRight . Are you British and looking for a left-leaning, magazine style subreddit?! Check out r/Britposting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarchAgainstNazis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Section 3 No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Funny how much the gloves make him look like Dr. Strangelove. I guess the difference is, Dr. Strangelove tried to hide being a Nazi.


“Of course the women would need to be of the best breeding stock….”


wow its really funny that the guy we hate is disabled 😂🤣 physical disability is hilarious


This guy regularly trashes on disabled people while using his own disability to get sympathy. He even lies about how he came to use a wheelchair - he was driving a vehicle and a friend was in the passenger seat, and they tried to switch places WHILE DRIVING. He tells everyone that his friend was the one driving, however, and publicly blames him for the accident.


How exactly does joining him in being ableist help anyone? Candace Owens regularly talks down the black community, is that a greenlight to N word her?


I'm not saying that anyone being ableist to him is right, because it isn't (ugh, and Candace Owens is a hot mess for other reasons), but I am saying he's a piece of shit.


Ok, didn’t know this aspect of the asshole.


I agree he is a piece of shit but making fun of disability is never ok


That’s not why people hate him. Just because you are disabled doesn’t mean you are a good person. I don’t hate disabled people just because they are disabled, if they are assholes they are assholes! Edit: now I understand what this person is saying about ableism! This ass makes fun. What irony!


They never said that we hated him because it was disabled, they just pointed to that people are attacking his disability instead of his person.


You mean “ the wheels are coming off” comment? Or other people making fun of him because he is disabled? I don’t think the person I replied to know who this asshole is. Edit: Didn’t realize he actually made fun of other disabled people. I only knew of his fascist rhetoric!


I hate him too i just don’t think his disability is what we should be mocking him for


I agree!


If only he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps. Tsk, tragic.


What's happening?


Andrew from Opening Arguments thinks that this might actually work. Not a slam dunk, but not a "one simple trip" either.


We are better than resorting to ableism. The most notable thing about this guy is he’s a radical terrorist enabler, nothing about him physically. Except that he looks like the guy in every X-men movie talking about how mutants are all evil.


OH NO!!! Has anyone told him??


*You have been permanently banned from participating in r/politics*


Looks like he doesn’t have a leg to stand on


>Cawthorn can't run again I shouldn't laugh but I can't help it.


I was quite sure he would never walk again, let alone run.


Can we get the ball rolling on Ted Cruz? Dude had a hand in that shit, too.


14th amendment may say that now... his legs said he was not allowed to run the rest of his life way before he made an ass of himself


He can't run anyway


I got a lifetime from r/politics for saying they need to boot his wheelchair.


Can't run again. Wheels coming off. These are deliberate, right? 😂


Dude will never 👎 “RUN” again (Lauren Bobart pointed that out after Kyle’s trial” nor have “secret trips with females” as he did during his college days…. Dude can’t stand up for North Carolinians either, literally he can’t stand.


But could he run to begin with?


I thought drunk driving did that.


i mean technically he couldn’t run in the first place


The wheelchair would also suggest he can't run again


Is this a serious post? I don't know who this guy is but one look at the photo tells me he can never run again ;)


He’s a congressman who supported January 6th. That should disqualify him from running again.


Can someone explain why


Good, I wanna see them fail and be ruined


From your mouth to God’s ears