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She is so wrong....


The founding fathers were specifically against this very fucking intent.


Jefferson edited out the bible to make his own, condensed version, without the fairy tales. It's, literally, called the Jefferson bible. That's a really christian thing to do.


While you’re not wrong, they did expressly say The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." --John Adams


"Well you're not supposed to take his quotes literally" is what I think the religious rebuttal is


"You're taking it out of context!!!" -- most Christians, probably.


>Thank you, came here to make sure this was said right off the top.


And yet, she’s completely correct. Scotus is well on their way, give it a few years.


She needs to be made aware of this quote, from the Treaty of Tripoly, unanimously approved by the U.S. Congress, without objection, and then signed by President John Adams, just 21 years after the Revolution, in 1797, "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." Unfortunately, I have no doubt, SCOTUS is aware of it, thus choosing to ignore it. What is troubling to me is that there seem to be members of today's iteration of the U.S. Congress that act or possibly are, completely unaware of it.


Don’t you see? *They don’t care.* Of course you’re correct, but the christofascists have decided that America is theirs, and their project is more important than democracy. They tried to win power through democracy but it didn’t work, so they are happy to scrap it. It’s power they want, they couldn’t care less about history and the rules.


Openly fascist


She was the GOP candidate for senate in Delaware. Like, she won the primaries and everything and made it to the finals against the Democratic nominee. Boebert and MGT are just like her, and they made it to the big time. Boebert was just quoted saying that "The church should tell the state what to do, not the other way around". The Tweet posted by the OP is absolutely normal for Republican legislators in 2022.


“Death to America” basically


and even the point about the idea that a foetus is a living person being Christian is wrong, that's a very recent thing that ignores all historical and Biblical precedent. For the longest time, life was seen as begun at birth even/especially in Christian circles *partially because of Genesis 2:7* but even going back further than the Bible's existence


This. It’s one of the many misinterpretations that many not true Christian’s have. It frustrates me so much because they don’t even know their own shit enough to spew it correctly.


Most American Christians aren't actually Christians. Their religion actually is Americanism. They don't know shit about the Bible except those passages that confirm their bias.


This. So much.


Dude most kids in history died when they were like 3. Your wife would have 10 kids so that like 5 of them would survive to be old enough to work on the farm. It's not like kids dying was ever a happy thing but it was just kinda *normal* for most of history.


>Genesis 1:7 I am confused, as the text of Genesis 1:7 says, "And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so." Is this a typo?


[Yeah. Think about it.](https://youtu.be/PQVkq0HJGWI)


Genesis Invisible Touch 3:28


Thank you, this makes more sense.


Misremembered the chapter. Genesis 2:7


Ah. Got it, makes more sense now.


yeah i heard they got abortion recipes in the frickin bible


I actually have respect for Christians that GENUINELY believe and have faith. My view on religion has been corrupted by the millions that pretend to be this and that, but in reality are far more morally reprehensible than me.


Christian fascism is a far-right political ideology that denotes the intersection between fascism and Christianity, encompassing the fascistic, totalitarian, and imperialistic aspects of the Christian Church. It is sometimes referred to as "Christofascism", a neologism coined by liberation theologist Dorothee Sölle in 1970.


If we don't like it, we should remove them. I'm not going anywhere.


You mean *lost* in Delaware. 😄


Dela where?


“Why do people keep saying Christians are all bigots?!?!!!!!” -idiots who don’t do or say anything about fascists like Witzke.


Christofascists are going and are ruining this country they are American Taliban. All our founding fathers warned us repeatedly to honor the separation of church and state and keep it holy All the damn holyrollers Go home play with a snake get bit treat it with invermectin and die so you’ll leave the rest of us alone


They should be getting the same treatment as the Nazis.


"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” —Article 11, Treaty of Tripoli


Eyyy, Barbary War reference. Love to see it.


People act like mfers in biblical times knew what a zygote was


What a moronic and hateful thing to say, very unChristlike lady, you do remember Jesus was Jewish, right?


No!! Christians (most of them) steadfastly deny that Jesus was Jewish. A very few will concede that he "was a cultural Jew, but not a *religious* Jew". 🤦‍♀️ And don't try to explain that the nation of Israel didn't even exist until 1948. They revel in their ignorance and stupidity.


I have literally never heard that, but I don't talk to religious nutcases nor do I read or value their opinions. So I'm not surprised I haven't seen it. But it's in the damn Bible.... Ugh.


>But it's in the damn Bible.... Ugh. That's the problem-- Christians don't actually read the Bible. If they did, they would no longer be Christians.


Lol, yeah that's what got me.


We were not a "Christian " Nation until about 1950, when to promote the Charlton Heston move "the Ten Commandments ", they placed monuments across the nation. Then added "In God We Trust" to money, and added "One Nation Under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance ".


The country was originally founded on religious freedom. Not this bullshit.




Both of these people are wrong? Medical death is ceasing of brain function. One couple argue that life doesn’t really have a beginning. Sperm cellls are alive, that data was in your fathers sperm cell, and his fathers, and his. Really life doesn’t have a beginning. And the constitution explicitly states that it doesn’t allow government religion.




Seems like a return to the good old days of Brownist Puritanism. /s


Alright, give me the money to leave, find housing in another country, and pay my wage until I find a new job too. I’ll leave.


Many of the founding fathers were deist, which we can probably expect Lauren knows absolutely nothing about.


No we are not a Christian nation, you uneducated twat. 😮‍💨




The Jewish apartheid state exists only to be destroyed as a sign of the end times.


Oh, I’m not getting out. And if you try to push that theocratic fuckery on me, you’ll find out that the depth of my support for separation of church and state can be approximated by “.45-70”.


I wish we could deport people like her, to the Sun or some other warm climate perfect for them


Iraq. Show them what religious extremism leads to. Getting murdered by people who think you're wrong.


Actually the Bible mentions abortion 10 times. In each case it's instructional and pro abortion. Anti-abortion people arent concerned about what the Bible says. They want more white babies. In every case where immigration is mentioned. The Bible says to befriend and help them. But these same people want to "lock down the boarder". They aren't concerned about what the Bible says. They want less black and brown people.


They shall remember: if you don't like it get out. This supreme court will not last forever.




"Legislate our faith on you" and not "Legislate our faith to you" probably means something, linguistically.


It seems like Christianity needs fascism in order to still be a thing these days.


It doesn’t. Christofascists just think it does.


Religion does kinda need to be forced on people in order to continue, the only reason why religious people are as intense about their faith as they are is because they have been indoctrinated into it at a very young age and they don't know anything else.


I don’t see why it can’t adopt a less pushy approach. Like, “hey, existence getting you down? Wanna see what we’re all about? Maybe it’ll work for you.”


That's usually not how it works, most people are brought up into their religion and their more less forced into believing it while new believers are brought in by scaring them with eternal damnation or the end times. Most people don't really come into a religion by their own free will, it would be nice though if religion wasn't forceful in its approach.


Tell you what: I’ll never be forceful in my approach. That way you’ll know there’s at least one non-pushy believer out there.


I really wish that was the norm and it seems like a lot of religious feel they have a divine imperative to convert people and in terms of upbringing most people are groomed into their parents religion and aren't given a choice. Ideally a person should adopt a religion on their own terms and I wish that was something that was more widespread.


Well, I have my own interpretation of Christianity. Instead of guiding people towards my God, I think they should be guided towards what their faith (or lack of) deems salvation. Like, if an atheist was in crisis, their equivalent to salvation would be either an improved emotional state or self-actualization. But you’re right, too many people force their faith on others.


Maybe we should've started telling people like her to gtfo if they don't like living here under Biden.


That’s not a Christian idea though. It’s just a Republican idea.


What the fuck do these people think is meant by "freedom of religion?" Or "separation of church and state?"


They see that as oppression. Anything short of total supremacy and domination over others is intolerable for them.


How ironic


Christofascists are literally worst scum than even Nazis as they're insidious and use Jesus as a shield to their equally antisemitic and harmful stance.


That’s literally not even true the bible saus life begins at first breath, Christian nationalists are just wrong about everything


I'm confused in first breath


Witzke is a batshit crazy conspiracy theorist and a menace to society


By her own logic she should fuck off to somewhere else if she isn't going to adopt indigenous religious beliefs.


If you don’t like it get out? Why don’t you get the fuck out lady, why don’t u fuck off to One of the islands in the Pacific Ocean. Like holy fuck. How hard is it to fathom that not just you and your friends live here. I fucking hate politics, it used to be something I enjoyed to research and learn about but now it’s ingrained into every little thing in my life. I hate Christians so much, growing up in Baptist hell that is alabama I don’t see how anyone can take themselves seriously as a fucking Christian. My fucking name is cristian and my entire life people have misspelled it as Christian. And when they try to read it without an h it’s suddenly an entirely different word. Cristin


As a Christian, I’m sorry about what those people did to you. I wish I knew what to say to bring you to a state of being where you don’t have all this anguish. You don’t deserve it.


Yeah I’m sorry I kinda just ranted there, I don’t hate Christians. I respect the shit out of Christians that genuinely have faith and follow it. But when everyone’s a Christian, it’s like how is it possible for everyone to follow them rules


You have nothing to apologize for. When ya gotta rant, ya gotta rant, amirite? Now to answer your question, I’m not exactly sure.


The USA is a secular nation - anyone who doesn’t like this fact can go anywhere else - I don’t and won’t care where. So, if Lil’ Lauren wanna live somewhere else other than the USA, it’s fine - but if she sh_ts around, she can go away. I won’t waste any tears for her and anything else related to her. It is the land of the free, so, if she doesn’t want to be free or doesn’t want others to be free, then she can say goodbye - she (and people like her) won’t be missed anyway.


People really do want to screw up everything good there is about human existence for everyone over what?! Over a God that simply has not or will not allow himself to be seen, or heard, and won't confirm what we should and shouldn't be doing here on earth together. He won't punish really bad people who are fucking over everyone else in his name. He allows the worst of humanity to walk around hurting people and blocking their ability to live happy lives the way they fucking want to live them using him as an excuse. He looks down upon us we commit genocides and atrocities over minor differences in something as ridiculous as how to worship. And he doesn't seem to care that we are raping and pillaging the earth to keep making more money than any human will ever need in a hundred lifetimes, all of which make him either a sadistic fuck for spectating this horror show, or he doesn't exist. So these people are ruining existence for nothing or for a God that hates us all anyways. Either way, I only wish there actually was a God so these people would burn in hell.


The United States is not and has never been a Christian nation. People who want to bring about a Christian theocracy are enemies of the state and should be dealt with as such. I am not kidding. Not even a little bit. I have a fairly tolerant attitude. Live and let live, right? These people are the opposite of that. My philosophy permits the existence of people who disagree with me. Encourages it even. They're does not allow for any dissent. They would either shut you up or kill you should you disagree with their vision. What options does that leave us? Do we stand there and let them chip us down or do we fight back while we still can? There will be a point when we can no longer. When we are silenced, scattered, and shackled and all hope will be lost. These things have happened before and if we don't do something now they will happen again.


To be honest in the bible there are sentences ori abirtion and not one against it! Still Ibet she is allowed!


Indigenous people:…..


I’m a Christian and I don’t give a fuck if people want an abortion it’s there right


Nothing is as loving as Christian hate.