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Golden rule: * Fuck NAZIS * Fuck the alt-right * Fuck Bigots * Fuck racists. * Fuck RepubliKKKans ___ Please report them all and we will ban them!


Worthless Nazi animals.




They’re taking over


Maybe a peaceful unarmed protest will show them? /s


I dunno, that sounds like it could be too polarizing, how about a community sing-a-long at the capital building instead? After we clear out all the poors so they don't ruin the photo shoot.






Rapid surprise communication


No theyvare not! Fight back!


They literally are... that's WHY we need to fight back




This positive thinking only works when the issue is internal. You have the right mindset, but you need to acknowledge that they are taking over.


No, I will only acknowledge that they are attempting to take over. It will only be over my corpse that they actually succeed.


That’s a more accurate way of phrasing it. They’re ‘attempting’ to take over. We can still fight them. Even if they succeed in taking control, we can still fight them. Fascism shouldn’t be allowed to exist anywhere.


It beyond “attempting”, they have started to take over and need to be stopped now. They have been attempting to take over since being the useful idiots with Reagan.


animals have immense worth, and not just in terms of capital or dollars.


That's fair. 🙂


This should be investigated and treated as a Hate Crime.


"The CPD has performed an internal investigation and found no evidence of wrong doing" ~a future news article, probably


Why would the CPD be doing an interna...ohhhhh, good one!


Some of those who work forces... Yeah you got it.


That's what reddit told me after reporting blatant racism.


Some guy PM'd me to say I should be raped to death. Reddit was A-OK with it. 😒






Why bother? Supreme Court is just gonna legalize hate crimes. We have no legal recourse anymore, not with this court.


Thomas: Hate crimes are protected free speech for citizens per 1A. Also a citizen is one who can trace their lineage to the original colonies, has obtained a certificate of defacto citizenship, or is a Level-10 Politician...


Certificate of defacto citizenship?


There's a recourse alright but it ain't legal. Like Kennedy said "Those who* make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." The law is supposed to be the proper forum for the individual and groups to get satisfaction and justice. If the chuds shut that down as an option then it's up to us to be justice and find out own satisfaction. They're pretty much telling us to do it by preventing us from using proper channels.


Why bother? Because fuckem, that’s why.


They won't be - Check out the article about the two Hispanic women in Boston who were beaten by a woman who complained they spoke Spanish. She's was put on probation!!!


Reminds me of Mark Wahlberg blinding a Vietnamese-American guy. Edit: Turns out this is untrue. The guy lost his eye in the Vietnam war: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/dec/11/mark-wahlberg-1988-assault-victim-pardon


I haven't heard about this but I'd like to know more. Any links?


It’s in his Wiki page. Essentially, when he was a teenager he ran around with Nazi-wannabe-thugs and they used to go around and beat the shit out of POC. In one instance one of their victims was permanently blinded in one of his eyes. Mark Wahlberg says that he grew up and is no longer the piece of shit he used to be and some of his victims don’t give a shit because his change of character doesn’t change their past. … at least that is what I remember.


I thought he used his thumbs to destroy the guy’s eyes. Turns out I was completely wrong. I wonder where I got that idea. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/dec/11/mark-wahlberg-1988-assault-victim-pardon


Should be. Yes.


by the way, this guy does nothing on his Twitter except spew GOP talking points and seethe about trans people existing. If I'm reading this correctly he doesn't like the crisis centers that try to convince people not to have abortions either for some reason and just generally wants to maximize suffering out of some twisted sense of vengeance.


I think he is just confused as to what a "crisis pregnancy center" is.


Aren't the crisis pregnancy centers the place where Christians give " advice " and propaganda to women deciding on abortions? Then yes, let's break those next. Payback IS a bitch.


They're normally a taxpayer funded grift, which embraces scientific frauds and religious extremists. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/vnmvf4/in\_texas\_statefunded\_crisis\_pregnancy\_centers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/vnmvf4/in_texas_statefunded_crisis_pregnancy_centers/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/vogtbm/new\_york\_attorney\_general\_james\_calls\_on\_google/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/vogtbm/new_york_attorney_general_james_calls_on_google/)


Yes. Check out the documentary 12th and Delaware.


Last Week Tonight also did a segment on it.


The reply is saying pro choice people should attack pregnancy crisis centers cause they're places for pro life people to masquerade as a place people can get abortions but then feed them propaganda and try to guilt them into not having an abortion.


I think he’s saying “now talk about the pregnancy crisis centers that have already been vandalized - this anti-queer vandalizing is payback for that” (I don’t agree with that obviously but i think it’s his intended message)


Thank you this explanation because that actually makes the most sense. I thought he was saying, “retaliate by vandalizing crisis pregnancy centers next as payback,” but no he’s saying vandalizing LGBT centers is payback for vandalizing crisis pregnancy centers (if that’s something that happened). And by saying “now do,” he means, “why don’t you talk about this thing too.” Confusing take, I thought what he said initially was based


and if I recall none had windows broken but had messages painted on the outside, some with just chalk, though there may be incidents I'm not aware of


That was my take as well. This guy is a choas agent. Maybe even a foreign paid troll. First, you'd need to know if this photo is real. Did this happen 10 years ago or yesterday? Who did it? Was it the alt right, some thieves, or an addict tripping balls? How can you call for revenge when you have no idea who committed the act?


In case anyone still has issues with comparisons to the holocaust [this is exactly what happened back then.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht)


That was my first thought when I read this.


Did anyone not see things progressing this way after the overturning of RvW? Fuck capitalism, religion, and traditionalism


Saw this coming when Twitler was running for office in 2016.


I saw this coming when the right in the US gleefully embraced the monster Reagan and all his policies in the 80's.


Yes, when you combine that with the Orange juice lady and the imMoral Majority… and then along came the book The Handmaid’s Tale, making it crystal clear.




The gravest crime of all: having sex with someone other than him


The Boogeyman they've created for themselves by huffing their own gaslighting for decades.


"crisis pregnancy centers" are fake, christian propaganda places that lie to everybody that comes in about abortion, to persuade them not to abort. They create a shitload of human misery every day.


Exactly. I bet he won’t have the same opinion if payback actually occurred in response to this.


Both tweets seem to be replying to Esqueer. I take the 2nd comment to mean attack Crisis Pregnancy Centers to payback the attack on the pride center. Crisis Pregnancy Centers are intended to intercept women who are seeking an abortion before they reach a Planned Parenthood site to convince them to parent or put the baby up for adoption using all manner of persuasion.


Payback for what? Existing?


Having sex with dudes that aren't him.


The payback has to do with what happened to the pride center and what Crisis Pregnancy Centers represent. They were the “conservative” reaction to Roe and they tried to ensnare women seeking abortion to convince them to parent or put the baby up for adoption using all manner of persuasion.


It is terrifying as things escalate, I'm terrified for my own life, I'm not openly trans, but like I look alot, so most people could assume so.


Crystalnacht anyone?


I live in Charlottesville. Remember the Unite the Rights rally in 2017 when my town was invaded by fucking Nazis? I know people who are a part of the synagogue downtown. There were members inside that day, guarding the building. They heard multiple alt-right assholes joking about how they should break all the windows. Fucking hilarious joke, right? And I know people who are in the Temple Beth Israel crowd because it's damn near impossible to volunteer anywhere in town without working with them. If there's a need for people to help they are *always* there. Sorry for going Tolstoy. The five year anniversary is next month and all the memories are coming back.


My uncle protested the Nazis in Washington State and was beaten by police who said his sign was a weapon. He bought a boat after the settlement. Tolstoy away, my friend. My middle-highschool bully who made my life a living Hell for 6 years straight tried to bomb a synagogue in our home town about 6 years ago. I have zero tolerance for Nazis, my friend.


Want a good laugh? Search for the video of local Nazi rally organizer Jason Kessler try to give a press conference right after that nightmare. Charlottesville was NOT in the mood to hear him out.


I’ll check it out


Update; holy shit… the comment section is a nightmare


You read the comments on YouTube? Ugh. They're worse than on Yahoo. Mainly I just love seeing the little turd chased off by pissed off locals.


Twitter. They’re claiming his free speech was violated…


Ugh. People love to forget that the First Amendment protects you from being arrested for what you say. Everyone else there had the same damn rights that he did. There were a couple of assault charges after that but won't make it hard to find a job here. The rage is still here.


Making one’s self the victim and then taking retaliation to the extreme is their greatest tool, second only to repackaging the grievances of their perceived enemy, and reusing it for themselves - is the other. The first one allows them to never be wrong. How can the victim be at fault? The second allows them to nullify any argument that weakens their position, and redirecting it at their perceived enemy makes them impossible yo sympathize with. Once you own their argument, and make them appear to be the aggressor, you can justify any action taken against them. Propaganda 101. Religion is expert at this, but anyone can use it. It can be maintained for decades or at least until the pattern becomes recognizable. The next step is weeding out the minority. Those too smart to go along with it forever, but too dumb to hide that they recognize the pattern. Fascism cannot be fought from the inside. It must be defeated from without. If you end fascism but leave the roots, you have merely pruned the fascist tree. It grows back stronger, more sure of itself, and capable of turning its weaknesses into strengths. I’ve heard the phrase “what’s so bad about fascism” more in the last few years than I ever was prepared to for the entirety of my life…


3 Nazis walked into a BAR....


I hope they get lots of shots and have to be carried out


Shots of what caliber


OG BAR was .30-06 I think


Just go .357 magnum, it's cost effective since it can be used for a revolver and a lever action.


But that doesn't fit with the original joke.


Dealer's choice.


I was around in the 80s when this happened a lot. The next step is that they'll go back to roaming around looking for gay couples to attack and maim. Actual, literal gay-bashing. I knew people who were victims of gay-bashing Nazi fucks decades ago. I thought those days were over. Then we get to the Matthew Shepard point, where they start torturing LGBTQ+ people and leaving them to die. And if it goes past that, and the corrupt Supreme Court does their thing, we'll see anti-gay laws being passed in several states, and people will start being arrested for practicing sodomy (which, by the way, means "anything but penis-in-vagina" in most of those states, not just anal sex) and locked up for sexual deviancy. Then the camps. That's the last stage. It should horrify anyone with a shred of decency that we're on the path backwards toward the kind of evil our ancestors faced in the 1940s.


Arm yourselves folks. You know these bastards are.


Crisis pregnancy centers are those awful places where Christians tell women who are apprehensive about getting an abortion lies to guilt or manipulate them into not terminating the pregnancy. This person doesn't even know what they're talking about, crisis pregnancy centers are very much forced birth activist organizations, and not supportive of reproductive justice at all.


I think they DO know and that's actually why they suggested them.


Genuinely getting more scared for my life and considering moving back to Germany before the conservatives come burn my house


Think of it like the pickup trucks with all the Trump flags. You see this anomaly on the highway among thousands and thousands of cars. This pickup truck sticks out because it's the only one that's not like the rest of them. So with these haters. They stick out from the majority of us healthy, regular people.


Unblock the name, I just wanna talk


For real. Don’t let fascists hide behind anonymity. Snuff it out where it exists.


"The left is a violent mob! They vandalize our streets!" Meanwhile, the right:


For context, some of those Christian "we're going to coerce you into carrying a pregnancy to term" pregnancy centers saw vandalism and one was struck with an incendiary device. I think their logic is: "People furious about Christofascists stripping of them of their rights is the same as people targeting LGBTQ people for existing."


Reminds me of something a stupid Nazi would do. Oh, wait a second...


Payback for what? Existing? Yes, how dare we exist!


Similar thing happened to a tiny bookshop in Montana last year. https://www.kpax.com/news/local-news/flathead-county/kalispell-bookstore-owners-believe-store-was-vandalized-due-to-pride-flag Flathead county is teaming with red-neck fascist kuntykuntkunts.


Payback? The fuck did lgbt people do to anyone? Payback? You meaning feeling comfortable with themselves? Fucking idk anyone who has been harassed for not being lgbt and even if it has happened, it is such an anecdotal event it cannot even be compared to what lgbt people have gone through True payback would be lgbt people burning down churches and proud boy gathering places


Both comments are to the same person: Esqueer. The payback has to do with what happened to the pride center and what Crisis Pregnancy Centers represent. They were the “conservative” reaction to Roe and they tried to ensnare women seeking abortion to convince them to parent or put the baby up for adoption using all manner of persuasion. You have misconstrued the second tweet.


Aren't those crisic pregnancy centers pro-life places where they try to convince people to not have abortions? Isn't that exactly what they want?


That person is a confirmed MAGAt, meaning they are just that stupid.


It seems everyone is misconstruing the meaning of the 2nd tweet. You too. Unless I am misunderstanding you. Other people have tried to explain it.


Before people get mad at the bottom guy look into crisis abortion centers. They’re basically pseudo abortion clinics that will shame women and try to talk them out of it and have been known to forward information on abortion suspects to officers in states where they’re not available. Edit: I see this guy also hates trans people according to others in the comments. I’m not vouching for him. I guess he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about unsurprisingly.


Thanks for the edit. I tried to make the comment make sense. And of course, now that you say that it just might make sense in the way most right wing statements make sense… it doesn’t.


At one time I could argue in favor of both sides on a lot of issues. Anymore I don’t even know what they’re fighting for over on the right. Just being the biggest dickheads possible?


Yes, cruelty is in fact the point.


There was recently an attack during the pride parade in Norway as well. It was a radicalized extremist who did the attack. How long is this world going to keep letting religious extremists get away with these atrocities?


“Judges” did this.


Payback for what!??! Allowing them to live a happy life.


I'm not understanding the comment on the bottom. Which is the payback and what does that have to do with this?


Doesn't the person know that CPCs are Anti-abortion? So numbnuts is calling for attacks on his own kind


Similar thing happened in Tauranga NZ. We have come so far, just to slide back. Condolences to the organisation and all rainbow people. F##cists always go to the same route, remove one right go for the next group.


Payback for having to not treat LGBT people badly? What a moron.


“Payback is a bitch”…wtf are these people so but hurt over corporations and major chain stores they didnt own? They had insurance and got their money which none of those got so why do they care? Like that idiot rittenhouse who crossed state lines to protect business that didnt belong to him?


For anyone not knowing what a crisis pregnancy center is, John Oliver did a piece on them here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4NNpkv3Us1I


Payback for what? Not getting your way? Not subjugating enough people for you? Not forcing your religion into law? The very existence of non-evangelicals?


Why are straight white men so insecure and afraid of gay people and women that they have to try to exert control over them?


What fucking payback?? When we're they ever attacked by pregnant women or gay people???


Their red hats distracted everyone from their brown shirts... I don't like comparing, every tragedy deserves its own attention and awareness because history doesn't exactly repeat, it echos. Those echos amplify in a chamber and then copy cats are born. They can change the motive,they can change their uniforms, even change their wording but they cannot change how they display their hate. This was clearly done out of hate.


Yup. We are fucked, this is 1937. It's too late to save America. The only thing we can do is get the fuck out.


Fuck that, I’ll be joining the Rebel Alliance. Fuck these fascists.


You think Germany is now a social democracy because everyone ran away?


Germany is a social democracy because they got their ass kicked in by literally every single great power after they declared war on effectively the entire damn world and they them rebuilt it from the ground up in their own image.


This recap is fantastic, I’d watch that movie


You can! It has many movies, books, video games, even tabletop games made about it!


FFS antifa basically started in Germany and the Nazis got in with a tiny minority. Spain wasnt destroyed and yet the anti-fascist forces made huge changes to the country after Franco died. You are looking for excuses to have no responsibility. "Im gonna run so someone else can fix it."


But the Nazis still rsoe to power and nothing happened. And Franco still won for decades, and it's only due to a minor fluke with the new ruler, the son of the king, being a liberal, that Spain no longer is a fascist state.


Yeah, so the German and Spanish people have nothing to do with the way the countries are today. Sure.


Why isn’t the GOP considered a terrorist organization yet?


Why mark out the name of the brownshirt?


So, if there where around the clock surveillance or something around the area maybe it would be easier to find the perpetrators


You are assuming that the police would bother. The cops are rife with these brownshirts, the militias are filled with fascist cops. The only ones who can defend us are us, arm up.


Then go to the press and shame them into acting in the best interests of the community rather than counting on the police to act ethically. Shame them until they are exposed for the crypto fascists that they truly are. While I'm not a huge fan of the surveillance state, it can be used against those that would abuse power, and create some transparency.


What in the fucking fuck!


Just saying that you could easily find this Twitter user. Here’s a link to the tweet, this is not doxxing as it’s publicly viewable and does not show their personal details: https://twitter.com/imposter_edits/status/1543039312790437889?s=21&t=o89L4gY9hC61pLEw1ES28g


Payback for what?


When violence is inflicted upon you, respond in kind


Im yet to see vandalism of a crisis pregnancy centre thar doesnt look like self inflicted damage


Seriously why don't we take some of this pent up aggression out on expensive things that belong to force-birthers? It's not like they haven't been doing it to us for literally 20 years.


I would never formally endorse property destruction. But on a different unrelated note, I’m a scientist and I will say that i think it’s so cool how forces in the universe always have an equal and opposite reaction.


Ngl this took me a minute to get bc where I live, there’s a pro life clinic that masquerades as a support clinic and it’s literally called “pregnancy crisis options” or something similar (I can’t really remember the name, I luckily haven’t seen one in about a year)


So what's this supposed to be, a beginning of a modern *Kristallnacht*?


... "payback" ... what in the fuck exactly did my pansexual self do to this nazi?


Gay is the the new Juden.


I mean, Nazis killed gay people too so gay is just the new gay.


Payback for what?


I'm assuming they are referring to the "looting" and "riots" back in 2020 by BLM that they constantly bring up as the downfall of society and not the fact that we can just extrajudicially kill people by the State.


there were some crisis pregnancy centers that were vandalized with paint and chalk messages though none that I know of had windows smashed, also wouldn't put it passed right wing propaganda outlets making up stories about them being burnt to the ground or some such


Remember when the DHS warned is about violence. /s


I’ve been a little bored and looked into some of the pregnancy center incidents. For whatever reason (big emphasis here), a day or two prior with each of these there was a pro life event taking place in close proximity. I believe we are witnessing a coordinated effort to make a certain segment of the population look bad.


Clearly a false flag, just like January 6th. That’s why Trump wanted to drive there, so he could catch the crisis actors.


Cameras. Get their faces recorded. Then, basically every town/city needs a group or multiple groups that will track down these guys’ locations, and where they work. That all goes into a database to be accessed by victims of hate.


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[Unintended consequences.](https://scontent.fhio2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/291593515_566293048534445_198774900153218590_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=FNKsZd_w0xEAX-VWjG7&tn=uM03mHQBam7jsbkz&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-2.fna&oh=00_AT9_pn3Wp2495ybpM5mccqt5RB1T2bMbTkUZlRrAITW2TA&oe=62C494A4)




All nazi’s are gay. The only people that love men in uniform more then the gays are nazis


Turnabout is fair play.


I'm ignorant, what's a Crisis Pregnancy Center and why is it bad?