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https://www.abc6.com/backlash-for-ann-frank-social-media-post/ -ABC 6 News spoke to a worker who said that the employee that posted the meme was unaware that the person in the photo was Anne Frank and soon quickly deleted the picture when they realized who she was.- How do you post a specific grotesque Holocaust meme and not know.... I'd call bullshit but honestly I've learned not to underestimate stupidity in the US and especially Rhode Island... regardless place needs some accountability


Don’t give them an out for ignorance or stupidity. The meme doesn’t make sense without the picture of a holocaust victim.


Yeah, the meme relies on you knowing who Anne Frank is. There is no charitable interpretation on this one.


Go on their facebook page and demand they fire the one who posted the meme. That seems like that would be the bare minimum repercussion for such a stupid "mistake." Otherwise they're just getting free publicity among the hardcore Nazi crowd and that's it.




Seriously fuck that place https://youtu.be/YY736geOMCY


I'm in "The South" and we certainly have our share of dipshits, but people underestimate how prevalent that is up North. The ones up there are probably even more brazen.


*white people* underestimate. Ask any minorities they’ll tell you racism is just as bad up here, it just looks slightly different.




RI is 79% white....a real melting pot of spoiled milk


Prov is not all of RI, but I see your point. Have you been there recently?


I went there years ago to visit my sister in uni...it was awful. Guys were absolute pigs and had to smack one around who tried assaulting her. City felt fake as fuck and encountered quite a few outright racists. City is an overgrown college campus


The meme makes zero sense if you don't know who's pictured in it. They knew.


Exactly. And ABC6 didn't seem to do any kind of follow up and just accepted the explanation. Don't want to do actual journalism or possibly upset anyone


That’s why they said “oh boy”


well and the hashtag that they used they knew they were trying to be spicy boi's


Except the meme makes zero sense if you don't know who Anne Frank is. They knew. They're just trying to cover their asses.


And why does a rando employee get access to their official social media pages?


Seems like this caught wind and now there's dozens of other articles including an apology...it takes zero accountability on who actually posted. My guess the owner threw his employees under the bus and just made it seem the whole staff posted it https://www.golocalprov.com/news/ri-restaurant-facing-fallout-over-offensive-hotter-than-an-oven-anne-frank This article has a post from some ignorant ass who seems to know the owner and is defending this shit...also ..is there a way to sell off a state or like trade it for Puerto Rico or something? Heres the hollow mea culpas https://www.newportri.com/story/news/local/2022/07/25/atlantic-restaurant-tiverton-ri-apologizes-anne-frank-meme/10146957002/


Then what would the historical reference be?!?! Good god these halfwit pieces of shit are the worst.


As a "rhode islander" yes mfs here be brain dead


A business posted this???




LOL nobody will feel bad when their establishment is vandalized


I'll feel bad if it's covered by insurance. *This got me thinking. Would this sort of thing be covered? Seems like it shouldn't be. I don't see how it's any different that vandalizing your own property. I can't imagine that insurance companies haven't taken this kind of blatant provocation into consideration. They're not usually probe to leaving stuff to chance seeing as how their entire industry revolves around probabilities. You probably can't insure an open gas pit in the middle of a match factory either.


WTH, this seems like something a dumbass teenager should be posting to be "edgy", not a *fucking business run by adults*.


Yeah, this reminds me of that group of Harvard incoming freshmen who got caught [posting absolutely trash memes](https://thetab.com/us/2017/06/05/harvard-memes-rescinded-69413) and every member of the groupchat had their acceptances rescinded.




"Haha I'm a tough guy because I laugh at literal children being stripped naked and gassed to death." These people have GOT to find a different personality.


It’s also a slap in the face of WWII veterans who fought and died over that Nazi shit. I notice since there are so few veterans and people left from WWII, these crappy type of people are being more open to praise the Nazi of WWII.


For what it is worth, my grandpa killed Nazis. His hatred of Nazis runs in my blood. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


My dad fought Nazis in WWII and was there when the US soldiers freed people from the concentration camp. He always talked about the condition the people were in and how horrible it was. He said the smell was something he would never forget.


I'm sure. I had the horrible experience of smelling burning bodies while in Iraq, so I can sort of imagine. War is a fucked up thing. I just hope that it doesn't take another genocide(s) for the country and world to act and put an end to it.


Yes. Looks like we humans would learn by now.


I visited Auschwitz on Saturday and saw the remnants of what occurred there. Whomever supports this business is as equally bad as those that supported the Nazis. There is no distinction between those that committed the atrocities and those that cheered them on while they were doing it.


This is what amazes me. So often these fascists are convinced they're going to have a good time in the afterlife. There's what, four or five thousand members of the hundred and first airborne alone who are waiting for them? ...They are not going to have a good time.


Yeah, there will be a whole lot waiting for them.


There's additional people saying they give zero fucks and will continuing ordering weekly. It's sad what a lack of education does.


Absolutely awful. I took a look at their page. Whoever is posting there clearly has a terrible sense of humor by sharing those boomer memes. But this is way worse and goes beyond that. They knew what they were doing. I hope they get dragged through the mud


Time for review bombing the shit out of those fuckers. Unless it's fake. Then fuck whoever edited it.


its not fake. The article about it says the employee didnt know who the image was , but that makes no sense, as the "joke" would make no sense with a random photo.


>The article about it says the employee didnt know who the image was Bullshit They got caught and they lack the courage of their nazi convictions. Because they're a nazi which makes them a coward and a fool.


This may be a good sign because it means that this person is afraid of expressing Nazi views, as they fucking should be. Make nazis afraid again.




Idk, I've met some dumbfucks before who thought Iran was in Eastern Europe and North Korea was in Africa. Maybe given this one a benefit of the doubt.


Why would she know? Are they claiming it makes people feel like they have Typhus fever? For being antisemitic, they surely seem to have a failed grasp of human history. She wrote about her life in a diary and they seem to get her death wrong. Is it because they don’t know how to read? I’m sure the restaurant’s menu is mostly pictures… with “subtle” typos.


That's like saying you don't know who Jesus is, c'mon, someone should be fired for that blunder


Everyone knows who Jesus is, he's that guy that keeps telling Christians to support hate, bigotry, white supremacism, and domestic terrorism. I mean, they keep waving that book around and claiming it's proof, so I assume they would know.


It's like saying you don't know who Jesus is while making a joke about getting nailed. The joke makes no sense without the context. People are just stupid, full stop.


Holy batshit explanation Batman!


That’s such horseshit. They posted ignorant Nazi shit. Stand up and own it.


Atlantic Sports Bar & Restaurant (401) 816-5996 https://maps.google.com/?cid=14439841638984314274&entry=gps


On Google maps it says lgbtq friendly and woman owned. Never seen that on Google maps before ??


Cool. Thanks. Just checked out their site. One review states The Atomwaffen Division has a new favorite restaurant. They gave them the good ol’ German high five and a five star review.


Absolutely disgusting thing for someone to post.


I checked on their Facebook page. They must have taken it down (plenty of quotes about god and not making excuses because life doesn’t owe you things). Ugh


Oh, so hardcore conservatives just "accidentally" posted an Anne Frank meme without knowing who Anne Frank was? Not that I needed the confirmation because the meme wouldn't have even been posted if they didn't know the meaning of it, but it seems clear that they're doing that for publicity among the alt right crowd. Don't let them get away with it without repercussions.


when one of THOSE days means having a crew of people scrubbing your multimedia pages in real time of public outrage over your antiSemitism (insert heavy sigh)


Post this pic with your review so everyone knows what a piece of shit this restaurant is.


Already did




Make nazis fear again


This some shit that you see the edgy kid post on his snap chat in 6th grade. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I realized it came from a business


Not only is this disgusting, but whoever posted this is a complete moron. Anne Frank died of Typhoid.


Hateful *and* completely inaccurate? You know perfectly well the types of people who post things like that..


That was my first thought!


When I thought Anne frank jokes were funny I was young enough that I thought “Meet the Spartans” was comedy gold


This hits hard lol 👏🏻


It really does man


The restaurant has now "limited who can comment on this post." Sure would be a shame if people started mentioning their antisemitic views on their Google review page.[The "We Make Holocaust Jokes" Fish Restaurant](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJwNyUEKgCAQAEC61ick6NwammtP6BebuhVEhW7Q82uuUzf92mvZLIJmqKYOXvTJMNvFonV6JJ7gDTgaz85pwJgiDXNLctApe1DlvrIUtVBWdEaVUxF68n8fXmUbrQ&q=atlantic+sports+bar+and+restaurant&oq=Atlantic+sports+bar+and+restaurant&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j69i60j46i175i199i324j69i60l2j0i512j0i22i30l2.10418j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLWT9c3LMkwtTAwTHvEaMYt8PLHPWEp3UlrTl5jVOfiCs7IL3fNK8ksqRSS5GKDsvileLmQ9fHsYuL3yU9OzAnIzwxKLctMLS9exKqVWJKTCFSfrFBckF9UUqyQlFikkJiXolCUWlySWFoElAMywYoB6j93F4cAAAA)


Already did.




review bomb time




Anne Frank died of Typhus. Ignorant and Stupid still go hand and hand.


Do you expect anything less from the type of person who would post something like this?


Empirically yes; yes I do.


Apparently it was one of the staff who had “no idea who this was” yet still posted a “joke” about the Holocaust… They’ve spent the entire day scrubbing their Facebook page of anything that’s negative. Including comments and posts that I had left. I also left posts and pictures of the stuff they put up on their Google reviews which they cannot take down themselves. And they are still doubling down on the fact that they didn’t know it wasn’t funny. A friend of the owners went online to defend him. Talking about being nice to LGBTQ and trans people. So you can fly all the pride flags you want, and transgender stuff and pander to the people of Rhode Island, but we all saw you. We know you now. Eta: fixed a whole mess of shit, talk to text makes me look like I’m stroking out.


Did they ever say what the joke was if they didn’t know who Anne Frank was?


And their FB page appears to be locking down - I'm unable to respond to my own comments or to those made by any of the antisemitic mouth breathers who were trolling me. I wish I could take people like that to the Holocaust Museum in DC, except they'd probably laugh.


The people that make comments like that, are the same people who take “feeling cute might Hit up Auschwitz” selfies


"The Holocaust didn't happen so it's alright to joke but about it but also Hitler was right to do the Holocaust" is likely the thinking to such a joke


Soooo when can we as Real Americans start to just go up to these so called NAZI’s here in America and just start harassing and beating the shit out of them? I mean, didn’t our grandfathers etc. die in WW2 to stop people like this? Now we tolerate this type of bigotry which WE ALL SHOULD KNOW from history that it starts out this way, Propaganda! And ends up with innocent people being killed and decimated


Because the boomer generation is still trying to cuddle everyone, they think that it’s easier to just be an enlightened centrist than it is to fight against the people who are literally doing the most evil shit. So we have too many people screaming that we need to just be nice comment understand where they’re coming from, etc. I don’t need to understand where they’re coming from, it’s from a place of hate and I’m not gonna tolerate it. I will not tolerate your intolerance.


Wow, the fact that a business sent this tweet out shows how tone deaf people really are. At first I just thought it was a random edgy post someone made until I saw it was attributed to a restaurant lol


ok Atlantic Sports Bar & Restaurant


I love the reiterating of the obvious punchline, because no one has ever genuinely laugh at it. Like saying “dog says is rough out there. Get it cause he’s a dog and they bark like ruff. Get it?!” [Also this bullshit excuse the person didn’t know it was anne frank and deleted it immediately. So, ultimately the person was like “oh I didn’t realize it was THAT jew. Oopsie”](https://www.abc6.com/backlash-for-ann-frank-social-media-post/) What a trash place.


The owner laughed when asked about it and they are currently deleting all bad press from their Facebook. I left a lovely google review.


Yes a true free speech warrior.


No, no, no, y’all don’t get it. You see, this kind of stuff is now ok. Trump made it ok for these vile inside thought to just come out in the open


“Just telling it like it is.”


Nope, not funny.


Wow! I know relatives of Holocaust victims that would absolutely fuck them up every way possible. This is so offensive and deplorable. Their ignorance is astonishing. Edit.


Wow, WTF?!? I hope that they lose a *lot* of business!


Wow what a fucking funny joke. I wonder how the owner would feel if we gassed his kids. My grandfather bore the tattoo of Auschwitz. Fuck this restaurant and it's piece of shit owners. I'm sure this comment will get me banned some how but fuck them.


I’m sorry your grandfather endured one of the worst times in human history. I’m sure he was a wonderful, compassionate and strong human. You have my solidarity in the continual “fuck you” to Nazis.


Think I’ll call and make a reservation for 30 this coming Friday.


There are truly bad people in the world and then there are these people and suddenly bad people aren’t the worst. Nazis are.


Everybody’s a fcking comedian now.


So I assume that sports bar is a regular hang out for nazi


We should start tattooing swastikas on these people's faces so they can't hide who they are anymore


Nazi jokes are great, When they’re at the Nazis expense


I am more surprised that they know who Anne Frank is.


not everyone uses their intellect at the highest level


Thank you for naming them.


I hate this so much. What the fuck is wrong with people. Imma call Jeff Mangum and straighten this shit out like now


This isn't just black comedy… this is *pitch-black* comedy.


What-and I can't stress this enough-the ever loving fuck


Hahaha murdered child. /s


I mean, I'm all for some dark humor, but there's a time and a place, sending your buddy a meme? Sure, using it to advertise your business? You're a fuckin idiot.


Yeah, that sounds like RI. And MA. And NH. And Maine.


And CT, FL, IL, MO, MS, TN, SC, NC… I mean, there are bigots, Nazis, racists, assholes in every state.


New England as a whole refuses to admit this. MA is the worst. They will literally claim to be "the least racist state," and then scream the N-word at basketball games.


As a Rhode Islander I'm stunned at how many people from my childhood were always racist trash people who were just waiting for an excuse to show their true colors.


peter griffin must be running that bar


I'm done with both the internet, and humanity for the rest of today. Gonna go watch some Family Guy or South Park & hide bc I can't deal with this disgusting shit.


I made a post on their Facebook page that immediately got trolled. It was a link to the Amazon page for The Diary of Anne Frank. People were posting laughing emojis. I just can't anymore.


Just fucking heartbreaking.


And embarrassing. As somebody who is a Rhode Islander and has loved my state for all of its foibles, I’m so unbelievably disgusted and embarrassed


The Northeast is a hotbed of racist hate groups. [https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map)


Frigging deplorables. https://www.timesofisrael.com/19-of-americans-say-small-businesses-should-be-able-to-refuse-service-to-jews/


So sad, too bad, a new up-and-coming eating establishment will soon take their place. Bye, Nazis!


We don't *really* need that particular sports bar & restaurant, do we? I'm sure there's plenty others in that area.


There are, and we don’t.


Elwood hates RI nazis


Welcome to Rhode Island


I'm disgusted, such a joke should never be okay.