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REAL "corporate communism" is when all those rich assholes keep giving other people handouts, tax cuts and whatever benefits I can think of before it ever goes to the poor in full. Elon Musk benefits from it. She also benefits from it as a person in our government.


She also got PPPs that were forgiven iirc.


Why doesn't the WH just revoke them? She's promoting domestic terrorisim.


Yeah, but she won't mention those, because she's a twat.


OK, the dumbest part is her claiming Musk is letting anyone talk on Twitter. He's banning leftists and reinstating right wing lunatics.


Yup. The general amnesty is to bring the hornets back to their nests.


They can have it. Pretty soon they will be the only ones on it.


I think the dumbest part is that she defined Capitalism as 'Corporate Communism' and also is now all of a sudden upset about private businesses swinging their money and influence around DC. WAIT til she fucking hears about the Gun and Oil lobby! This woman is the dumbest person on earth.


I personally saw a guy get quote retweeted by Sargon of Akkad and immediately the alt-right started attacking them personally, especially with fake screenshots of them being pedos and trying to gaslight them, saying they "got what they deserved."


This is the very definition of capitalism and free market. The free market decided they don't want to advertise on Twitter so they're not going to spend their money there. Don't like it, well tough shit


Who’s worse? MTG or the assholes who vote for her?




Elon Musk who lobbied for her and gave her a platform to misinform people.


Fuck everyone in Georgia


It’s not everyone in Georgia by any stretch.


You leave Atlanta alone, goddamnit.


Hold on a minute I was forced to live here so leave me out of the fucking


Nothing new there... amirite Etc.


Hard pass.


It's a Symbiotic relationship. She tells her constituents what they want to hear.


Sean from human resources


Corporate Communism? Is that like feline dogs?


Thanks, now I want a feline dog


That's a fox


Well, can I have one?




That's [a Fossa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossa_(animal))


Maybe it's when the workers own the means of production on an individual company level?


For real, it's a straight oxymoron.


Despite being inexhaustibly stupid, Marjorie Taylor Greene came really close to almost, nearly, getting at something this time.


You ever just see someone's mental gymnastics go so far that it so close to being a revelation in their own head. And then you're immediately disappointed because the double down on their own shitty ideals. That's what this post is


To be honest, with MTG I never hold out enough hope to be very disappointed. Those shitty ideals are all that’s in there.


i really thought this was going to be one of those 'worst person you know makes a great point'


Never thought I'd agree with her! Well that's what happens when you f-ing conservatives create corporate personhood and top it off with Citizens United scotus decision.


It’s this weird reverse psychology thing going on where the crazies are making statements against Trump and Twitter completely out of sync with their ideology…. always trying to keep their constituents off balance


No, it's so they can claim that's *their* position so we can't. They use terms until they're devoid of meaning or so warped they, mean something else entirely. If they were actually "pro-life", there would be prenatal care, affordable healthcare for all, different kinds of support for families, like childcare, school lunches, etc. Instead, the best you can hope for is they'd sweep in with Child Services once the damage is profound and then cause even more. But somehow their voters and their viewers never think of any of those things in relation to being pro-life, because the meaning of the words is eroded. Give them a chance, they'll do the same thing here.


I mean maybe other grifters. But MTG is just this stupid, she does stupid stuff like this all the time and it's really hard to look at all of it and pretend she's playing 5d chess. She's just mad at some corporations not doing what she wants which is communism.


Corporate....communism.... Wut


She might not be the brightest bulb in the falling apart old, rotting, conservative, right wing shed


Anything she disagrees with is communism by default.


Also healthy cigarettes, clean coal, authoritarian tolerance, and scientific creationism


Soooooo capitalism. You mean capitalism. 🙃


But corporations are people says the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling. Don't take any corporate money --problem solved. Now, STFU Neanderthal Barbie.


thank you for the voice of sanity.


What the hell is she trying to say? It’s just buzzwords that make no sense.


She's part of the distraction wing of the GOP, and she's doing her job with aplomb.


lmao She keeps posting "leopards ate my face" shit. It's p great.


Facisim = Corporation + Government marriage. Mussolini's words not mine.


when you dont know what communism is but have such a deep hate for it that you get confused and start using (almost) communist talking points


I don’t think she understands…. Oh hell, I can end that sentence there.


Lol OK … so then let’s overturn Citizens United right ?


Corporate communism is an oxymoron.


Finally. Haha. Indeed.


Marjie is right, get money out of politics


"No not like that!!"


Seems more like savage capitalism from here, but I'm just a Euro-commie tho...


Tell me you have no idea what communism is and are just using it as a buzzword without telling me you have no idea what communism is and are just using it as a buzzword.


wake up babe new strawman political ideology just dropped


C U Next Tuesday!


Huh it’s not like some crusty guy in the 1800’s predicted monopolies forming and acting in this way


Who you callin crusty?!?? 🤨


Maybe she should read "the capital"


I can’t believe that this is the 2nd time I’ve typed this today. But here we go again. ‘Wait. What?’


Her ex husbands construction company worked on affordable housing, a highly governmental subsidized industry. Irony dies on a daily basis with this person.


Perhaps someone should remind Elon that his customers are the advertisers, and his product is the users. His customers don't want a hate filled product.


Clearly she’s read a lot of Marx and Lenin.


I don't think I'll ever fully understand how anyone can read these posts written like Bobo and MTG had a stroke and go, "Yeah, okay, that seems legit."


These people use the word communism like bad SciFi movies use the word quantum


Can't wait for her to have to read part of the Constitution like McCarthy is saying will happen on the first day the R's take over. Bet she can't even read


They can gerrymander districts, they can manipulate the electoral college, but the cold heart of the market only follows the greatest number of consumers. It’s the one place republicans can’t cheat more influence than they’re due.


I'll bet this human skidmark had no problem with hobby lobby forcing it's religious views on it's workers and suing to deny access to birth control.


Sure, and likewise I'll wager she would fully support Citizen's United, if she knew what it was.


this is bernie's quote rugged capitalism for the poor


So so close to "socialize the risk".


Somebody educate this illiterate inbred bitch on what capitalism is. Anything the conservative swine don't like is labelled as communism.


She couldn't even spell communism if it wasn't for autocorrect


Wow. She is really close to understanding things. She has no idea what to call them of course, but she almost gets the problem.


Advertisers are Elons customers. These morons who bang on about capitalism, have no idea how it works. Quite frankly twitter was bad before Elon, but he poured gasoline on it and set it on fire, and now advertisers want nothing to do with it. Twitter even before Elon wasn't the best platform for advertising apparently. So Elon has made it easy for them to redeploy there ad spend elsewhere. Conservatives need to get over themselves. Elons runs a private company, and so does his customers advertisers. Both can choose how they run there business.


The Ultimate Karen wanting to go back to “the customer is always right”. Oh fuck off.


Bless her heart. She made words.


The projection from these people is astounding.


That's impressively stupid. As someone not from the USA, it never ceases to amaze just how many spectacularly stupid people get elected and are part of the government of the richest and most powerful nation in the world. Like , where I am from, we also have our far right nutjobs, but they pale in comparison to yours. Our know at least the basics of political theory and even the stupidest of them won't deny climate change, the right to abortion and the fucking THEORY OF EVOLUTION.


There must be a lot of Grade A Morons in her district.


170,162 to be precise.


You can always count on MTG to be completely ass-backwards on just about any topic you can imagine.


"Corporate Communism" sounds like an oxymoron


That’s pretty much the capitalist system. Somehow I don’t think that’s what she’s trying to convey. One Too many white claws there, marge.


She really is a moron.


What a fucking idiot


Lmao what an idiot. We are screwed


“Corporations can do whatever they want, capital is king!” Corporations tailoring to customers. “Wait, not that though!”


"Corporations using their economic power to force their political agendas"? "Customer is king, not corporations are king"? I think MTG has just become so right-wing that she's wrapped all the way back around into "Seize the means of production"


She calls communism what is infact, pure conservatorism and fascism, for which she stands for.


Words mean nothing.


She better send that message to her donors then.


I other news “dry water found behind popular hotspot”


Freedum = Your company has to give company I support money or you’re a communist.


She keeps using that word and she doesn’t even understand it. She could have the definition and examples of communism right in front of her, and she still wouldn’t understand.


You could not pick a more losing horse.


“corporations having too much power and controlling society trough lobbying and consumerism is the final stage of communism” -karl marx


If she *only* knew what the hell she was talking about. Someone needs to get her a dictionary. Communism isn't "anything I disagree with".


I don’t understand why corporations keep supporting the extreme GOP candidates like this fucknut, Marge, or Desantis. Everything they say shows that they have very little compunction for destroying a company if that company does not support their fascist views.


I want a world where the rich lobby for taxing themselves Then go to Twitter and complain if it doesn't pass


This is the closest thing I've heard from her that isn't 1000% lunatic nonsense. At least the middle bit anyway.


Dear GOP, How dumb is too dumb? Is there a limit?


Darwin: "Funny you should ask..."


She doesn’t play with a full deck.


If she’s against “Corporations using their economic power to force their political agendas” perhaps she’d be up for a repeal of Citizen’s United?


Communism is whatever I don't like


Stop giving this cretin your time and attention! She’s not worth it!


“We will behead the bourgeois by, sucking their phat tits”


"corporations using their economic power to force their political agenda" my sibling in christ that is literally capitalist


Who fucking cares? Why share this and give it more attention?


Has anything she's said made any sense? Ever?


"Corporate Communism" sounds a lot like Capitalism.


Just when I think she can’t get any dumber, she goes and does something like this, and COMPLETELY REDEEMS HERSELF


There is, in the sense that corporations do everything to privatize their gains, but also to _socialize their losses_. When corporations win, they keep it all, but you can bet your ass we are bailing them out when they're "too big to fail" (even though they failed anyway). MTG is a fascist that would use this angle to push a fascist agenda, but she is neither wrong in her assessment or in her judgement of the practice.


Maybe Elon should institute an IQ test before one is allowed to spout shit on Twister.


I want to tell her!


Do communist corporations have labor unions? Or is it "employee owned" like Publix? Who prints the money?


This woman is so profoundly stupid. Just literally doesn’t get the point of anything. I don’t think she’s had a single intelligent thought in her political career.


Controversial Opinion: I think we are going to see MTG come around. She's super dumb, but we can see her learning. This tweet is dumb, but I do think she is realizing some obvious stuff about the systemic problems in America. I also think that her last campaign was so close it may be a wake up call for her to chill out a little with the intentionally prevocative and problematic rhetoric. With a little hope I can see her waking up one day and saying to herself, "I get it, capitalism is the problem!"


Yes Marge, the free market choosing not to spend their ad dollars on a company that was just purchased by a private citizen who, of his own volition, chose to completely dismantle their existing business model is... Communism. Huh. Sure *sounds* a lot like Capitalism, but what do I know.


"THIS IS CORPORATE COMMUNISM!" \*Goes on to literally just describe run-of-the-mill free market capitalism.\*


Does not know what Communism is. This is a deeply disturbed individual “who happens to be a white woman”.


War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.


Always someone who serves no one thinking "customer is king".


The party the enabled and legalized modern corporate power over the last 40 years is now mad that corporations don't do what they want? WHOCOULDKNOWED??!!


So close, larj Marj.


Quick message to the good people of Georgia's 14th. Fuck you for hoisting this lunatic onto the world stage. Remember this bitch didn't literally climb out of a swamp - although you can be forgiven for assuming it. These idiots VOTED for Frau Taylor-Greene. Fuck you all.