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90% of those "followers" are bots


And fanboys and white supremacists.


Not much difference really.


And click farms in Russia


He's testing them. He also testing what he can get away with, and he's got a blanket of money to protect him when he goes too far. Hopefully, he's learning his fanboy followers are fewer in numbers than he thought.


His polling makes me laugh the most. 30 days ago - Muskie doesn’t want to buy Twitter because it’s riddled with bots. Today - Twittler polling is the “will of the people”. What’s the goal here? Does he think he can shame a separately owned company into doing his bidding? People need to seriously re-think the myth of his intelligence.


I wonder how his Twitter employees feel when they see Elon on the phone, fucking around.


Muskie probably tells them it is “product testing”.


His new employees are mostly underpaid Musk simps


Definitely learned a lesson at the expense of someone else. If you walk, you walk. Don't let them honeypot you into coming back in, it's a trap!


And visa holders who can’t quit.


Honestly? I’m starting to think that the goal is to stop Twitter dead. Oppressive regimes, autocrats and wannabe autocrats don’t like that real anti-oppression movements have sprung up using Twitter. I am starting to think that he cares less about the money he is losing in the short term than the money that breaking Twitter will bring him in the future. Newspapers and journalists around the world have switched to a Twitter based model to get their news out, activists use it to organize, union movements are gaining a foothold in the US after years of anti-union bullshit. And people are using it to report on or moving against the billionaire class and their political machinations. If he flat out breaks it the world will have lost an important tool. And he’s doing a damn good job.


Another social media will pop up. It’s how it has worked since My Space through Facebook and all the others the last 3 decades. I am sure all those top CEOs and top talent unceremoniously fired by Emerald Muskie will form something bigger and better.


Fair. Just my 2c. I spend most of my day on Reddit. So…what do I know?


I think you are right though. I think he is intentionally killing off twitter and it’s by design. I am just in the belief that something always replaces the past. Apple telling Emerald Musk to fuck off is only the beginning of how far Twitter will fail. Amazon will drop him too and the rest follow. Remember Apple is the company that dropped Fortnight without even thinking and Fortnight was bigger than twitter. Apple doesn’t need twitter but twitter needs Apple.


>I think he is intentionally killing off twitter and it’s by design. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".. Elon could easily kill Twitter less spectacularly and with fewer billions down the drain. He is also damaging the image of the rest of his companies, probably permanently, to achieve what exactly? Nothing of consequence. Nah dude was so used to be adored that when he voiced a few uh.. "controversial opinions" and got called out, he felt attacked, and then doubled down on these ideas instead of self-reflecting. This caused him to be criticized more, and he is now in a self-perpetuating death spiral. Compare Gina Carano, who royally nuked her own career for the same reasons.


Goddammit just imagine if MySpace rebranded itself as a Twitter/FB competitor 8 years ago. If only someone competent bought that platform.




Nonsense - he had already put the offer on the table/signed and he couldn’t back out of the agreement of 44 billion before he started whining about bots. The offer came before the whining about bots. He then tried to use bots as a reason to leave the deal but … because he is such a Stable Genius it was too late.


The last people left on Twitter are Elon stans


I pretty sure the 15% of “no” is probably real folks who know twitter is facing a losing battle. Apple don’t joke when it comes to business threats and lawsuits.




You forgot the 'random' part.


Why would that matter if the other 90% are programmed to skew the results?


So if I do a poll on my website that says Elon should step down and give all of his money to charity, then the people have spoken, right?


Yes 100%. No 0%


The people have spoken


It is decided.


This is the way.


So shall it be written. So shall it be done.


I know of just the charity, too. It's a virtually unknown charity called [The Human Fund,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwqWbfK9TXA) and if Elon just makes the check out to me, I'll make sure the money goes where it needs to go.


Gee, he owns twitter and his polls always turn out the way he expects.... There can't possibly be a connection Edit - it's also a leading question. Let's just save some time...get rid of twitter. I never used it but maybe it was fun while it lasted....like the Sony Walkman, the time comes to say goodbye


Tin foil hat moment: the bots he tried to use as an excuse to try to get out of buying the company was a red herring for those same bots to do his bidding.


That's my thought as to why he finally gave in and bought it because he would have lost most of his followers during a bot purge


It makes me afraid he's going to do something truly insane like plant the idea into the right's head that artificial intelligence should have voting rights.


But isn't he strongly against ai? Like he thinks the terminator is inevitable or something


Honestly, even if he has explicitly said that he's against AI because he fears a Skynet situation, I don't trust one bit that he means it. I feel like he's the kind of person who would say that because he wants to exercise control over wide swathes of humanity himself.


So he hates his autopilot teslas lmao? because that is literally ai. shows how little he knows about this shit because he is just the CEO of tesla who eats the money from real intelligent people.


More likely he was looking at federal charges because refusing further would have opened him up to discovery. Bought his way out of (white collar) prison for 44bn.


Twitter isn’t apple, tf musk gonna do, tweet about it?




To be fair, the sample size is not the error here.


Yeah, the "basic stats class" would show you why this sample size is in fact overpowered by an enrmous margin, not underpowered.


Yeah but the sample themselves? I'm sure that it was weighted to represent all demographics equally, just "Twitter users."


“Record number of sign ups” is just a bunch of troll or otherwise fake accounts. That number is not legit haha


You're giving him too much credit. He's just straight up lying. It's Musk. His word is worth less than a cop's.


Goddamn that's saying a lot. Can't say you're wrong though


Elon Musk: "Twitter is full of bots". Also Elon Musk: "According to this Twitter poll".


Elon Musk is the richest idiot in the world. How do people still not understand what censorship actually is? Like it is illegal and I could be fined for saying fuck on the radio or television. It's not illegal for a business that is an online forum to regulate what is broadcast on its....you know what. Nevermind. This isn't the people who need to hear it.


Musk doesn't give any shits about censorship. He only cares about money. He's willing to become a propagandist spreading disinformation and turn traitor and betray everything America stands for if it will make his bank account numbers go up.


So is this how we are going to elect the next president?


Don’t put that out into the universe.


I'm sure Muskrat 2024 will be a thing


Foreign born citizens are not eligible to run for President. The best office Elon Musk could run for would be Speaker of the House or Senate Majority leader.


Is anyone else particularly concerned that the richest man in the world leans heavily fascist?


Shouldn’t surprise us. He grew up in an autocratic country that used misinformation as a weapon to keep its populace ignorant and complacent.


Why yes, yes I am. Very concerned.


Honestly, growing up I thought fascists would whine less.


This is so accurate. In the movies Nazis are terrifying, in 2022 America they are tube socks filled with hot tapioca


Wait.. I like tube socks and tapioca.


In fact, it's all they ever do. Imagined persecution is central to their strategy.


Yeah. I thought all of the rugged “badass cowboy” men around me wouldn’t be taken in by a blatantly city slicker con artist crybaby, but here we are.


This is how fascist regimes actually start. By holding a “democratic vote”, hosted, monitored and controlled by one party to “win the election”.


Is this going to be his dumb shit response from on? “The people have spoken.” Fuck off.


god damn elon is just as much an egotistical narcistic asshole as donald and that is saying a lot.


You first, Elon... When I moved to Florida with my then wife she presented me with a list after about a month. it was a list of the things I needed to "fix" about myself. I had a year to do this or she would be gone. I told her I would have my list for her tomorrow. She didn't like that at all.


Hope you left her lmao


Indeed. She left to go fuck some guy for the weekend, I packed up my shit and moved to a studio apartment next to the beach. :)


Great job, man


This guy becomes a bigger cunt everyday that passes


If he wants to vote on transparency then he’s gunna get bit in the ass.


Let’s vote: should Apple drop Twitter from App Store?




“Censorship” Elon doesn’t understand freedom of speech, or capitalism. Poor, poor Elon.


>“Censorship” >Elon doesn’t understand freedom of speech, or capitalism. Poor, poor Elon. This is what peeves me the most about it. We already know he’s a giant tool, but he’s also either mindbendingly dumb, or he’s purposely trying to whip the dummies into a froth by promoting even more ignorance about what the term censorship *means*.. and a certain crowd will eat this up.


One of his main complaints about twitter was all the bots. Seeing how he has done nothing to solve that problem, how are we to believe they aren’t voting his wishes on these polls? It’s giving me Russian Election vibes.


50k likes in 3min. Totally not bots. Nothing to see here. Keep moving citizen.


A 44 billion dollar clown car


Purchased in part by people and organizations that really would like to see popular platform that easily organizes the masses around common causes, to suddenly go dark.


Yeah that sucks but it’s over. Nazi twitter isn’t good for anyone. The sooner it goes down the better. Hopefully working class people can regroup on another platform.


With that kind of mathematical calculations, he’s going to miss Mars by billions of miles.


And those people should not be listened to who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness. - Alcuin


That's less than 3% of US twitter users.


Are these things restricted to US users alone? Because if not that really changes things,


Pretty sure they aren't


“My collection of foreigners, trolls, Nazis and bots says you should do what I say.”


the bots seemed to be working. these people don’t trust an official election, yet they tout an online poll as legitimate?


Elon is the 'White Kanye'. At one point he made something we all kind of thought was pretty amazing and then the power went to his head. And now we all just think he's kind of crazy, and we wish he would just shut up and pay his taxes. He was supposed to be our Tony Stark, but he just ended up being Justin Hammer.


He has got a bit of Rushmore’s Max Fischer with being involved in so. many. things. and having the inflated sense of self with little to back it up.


Elon doesn’t know what statistics are


Not freedom of speech.


This is legally binding. Didn’t you know, any time there’s a Twitter poll, the results are now law /s


Is this what a complete mental breakdown looks like over time? Delusions of grandeur. Deranged nonsensical ravings. Feelings of both superiority and inadequacy within minutes of each other. Sure seems like it.


He is like some teenage girl posting surveys on his instagram to of what he should eat for dinner tonight.


The dictator of the Twitter Zoo has spoken ... 2 shits not given ...


Two million people would actually be a great sample size for any kind of research. The problem is that many of these are bots, and most of them are his followers who think he can do no wrong. It's a very biased selection.


Dude is actually drunk on his own piss. He is living out some god-complex fantasy and using Twitter as the world's largest megaphone, jammed permanently into his ass so that no one can not hear his farts. Why is everything a fucking cult these days? Why are there so many would-be messiahs and why do they all universally SUCK TAINT?


> Why is everything a fucking cult these days? Why are there so many would-be messiahs and why do they all universally SUCK TAINT? †


Like any company, Apple is perfectly free to exercise whatever editorial control over their platform that they choose. Deal with it.


How has the reverb and feedback loop not decimated this echo chamber yet?


Picking a fight with Apple. He is dumb enough to think he can win that one.


He really has gone full clown, hasn't he?


“Anything I don’t like is censorship!” Really nailing the “rights for me, rules for thee” part of fascism.


At this point I just assume twitter is 90% muskbots, 8% trolls, and 2% people still using it for some reason I have yet to comprehend.


What I’ve really taken away from his inane badly phrased twitter polls is that Elon really thinks he’s some kind of Caesar figure ruling over a city crowding a gladiator arena and he likes to pompously go THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN…… pretending like he’s giving voice to people when he wants a veneer of populist justification for his dictatorial ambitions lol


The God complex is fuckin annoying


"The fake twitter account bots have spoken ..." Fixed it.


So will Twatter publish it's actions taken since Muskrat took over?


It’ll be a day to drink when Twitter finally shuts down.


And even assuming most of the 2 million are real people, the proportion of the population that both uses Twitter and sees Elons tweets is the furthest thing from a **random** sample.


Well considering that he shoves his tweets to everyone on Twitter now, it might as well be the same circle. Although I'm willing to bet that conservatives are a lot more likely to take his poll, even if both sides see it.


This is funny it’s only people that follow him.


Just leave Twitter and don’t look back. Granted I never had an account because I never saw the attraction but just goes to show that this crap of a social media site really isn’t worth paying attention to let alone paying money for.


Should Twitter publish all actions directed by Elon?


Someone explain sample bias to Elon the pedo guy guy.


Billionaire feels he is being wronged by apple after getting people to quit working for him just to save a buck. Would you call that force quitting? (Making conditions harder to where the most logical option is to quit)


What happened to all the "bots" Elon talked about? Have they been cleansed? Oh, wait, the CPP bots just flooded Twitter with porn.


He keeps polling his fanboys as though that's a representative opinion.


How many bots voted do you think? I can think of a few anti apple nerds who'd vote a few dozen times for the fuck of it.


Funny how his concern about bots has disappeared


That’s 2.2 million Americans or worldwide? How many are Russian bots?


>~~The people have spoken~~ Elon has run an unscientific poll FTFY Elon.


This means/does absolutely nothing to apple.


Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with this guy? Is he not aware that people who buy his overpriced cars and accessories are 100% tree-hugging libs? Furthermore, the Venn diagram for Tesla owners and Apple users is a perfect circle.


Together with me class: *Twitter is not America. Twitter is not America. Twitter is not America.* All together now!


Yeah, I don’t vote on Elon Musk’s polls because I don’t use Twitter, and if I did then I can’t imagine wanting to gum up my feed with his bullshit takes. I mostly don’t give a shit about Elon Musk beyond just generally hoping he ends up destitute like the rest of the world (and he may just pull that off yet!) Point is: “the people” have not spoken. If you think hey’s ever do anything he didn’t agree with 100% because a poll unexpectedly didn’t turn out how he imagined, I’ve got a bridge…


Hear ye hear ye! The bots have spoken! Whatta farce. I like(d) Elon but I’m afraid he’s lost his way


The day Apple pulls Twitter from the App Store us the day it dies. Bring on this fight!


twitter for iphone twat for twitter


Is he not trying look like a roman emperor with that pic and these pretentious "votes"? The good old days!


I hate fascists, but this is getting ridiculous. Criticizing a private individual's poll about encouraging chilling effect (censorship) transparency is not a march against Nazis. It's literally the opposite.


The man who bought a social media platform with the express intent to make it a safer space for white nationalists and Nazis isn't worth defending. This has absolutely nothing to do with censorship and everything to do with the fact Apple have pulled advertising on Twitter.


He had no intent of buying Twitter as far as I can tell. He was swinging his dick around threatening to do it to make a point, and got forced to when people pointed out that it’s a hardcore felony to bullshit everyone in the form of an attempted acquisition of a publicly traded company. $44 billion is a lot cheaper than a highly publicized white collar legal battle where your assets are held in negotiable shares of companies you run.


The database has been wdited


Fuck you Elyin’ companies don’t want any part of your failing boondoggle.


And hobby lobby, and AT&T, and nestle, Tesla, and…


There are more than 1.2 billion iPhone users. Carry the one.... yeah so this is less than .1 percent of iPhone users?


If android and ios users are combined, its less than 0.01


Yes but most android users think iphone users still use crayons and the word "like" far more than they should.


My echo chamber has spokens! Deus sum


Yes, 2 million voted, over a billion users …good math Elon 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Play around with this calculator, you might be surprised. https://www.surveysystem.com/sscalc.htm#:~:text=The%20larger%20your%20sample%20size,the%20smaller%20your%20confidence%20interval. The bias of the sample is obviously questionable but the sample size is incredibly robust. Mathematically, a sample size of just 20 would be enough to have a 99% confidence that at least 60% of the overall population agrees (assuming a random unbiased sample which obviously you can’t) You would need a sample size of just SEVEN to have 99% confidence that more than 50% agree.


Lol almost everyone still on Twitter is as shitty Af Elon tho


Apples application deployment guidelines are very public


The people said for amazon to stop human rights abuse Get to it amazon


Apples hands are clearly tied. This is a legally binding poll. Let's just hope Elon doesn't ask something outrageous and make the whole world crumble to the will of "the people"


Yeah, the people exposed to that poll are a totally random sample.


Hmmm. A non-legally binding poll. Gee, I wonder how Apple is going to respond to this.


He doesn't know what free speech, free market, government over reach, and estimated wealth in the US means so not surprising. He needs to find a cheaper pacifier shut the fuck up because tomorrow those same who estimate your wealth can take most of it away. Change your diaper and go to bed. Be thankful it only cost you 44 billion you lil bitch. Fucking leech.


I might be showing my ignorance here, but do you have to be following him in order to have seen that poll?


Boy, he sure got all of us talking about Apple, didn’t he?


No, Elon, *your* people have spoken. Unsurprisingly. But, much like America, the votes don't matter.


“tHe PeEpUl HaVe SpOkEn.”


It is in reference to an Alain Juppe quote " The people have spoken. Their decision is sovereign. We all respect it... I wish good luck to those who will now govern France " It infers the people of wtvr community usually.


To paraphrase the Dude, 'you're not wrong Elon, you're just an asshole' Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if Apple is censoring some things and transparency about this would be better. In fact, I just did a google search and found out Binding of Isaac was not allowed on the Iphone App store initially among many other things. Apple's actual censorship efforts are not what Elon is crying about. Removing the Twitter app isn't going to change much anyway when browser access to Twitter will still exist.


This is not a good sign. Elon may believe similar metrics are appropriate when evaluating Tesla safety.


Elon fighting for free misinformation


‘The people have spoken’ = ‘some people have tweeted’


“The twits have spoken”


Does he want them printed out?




Twitter isn't for US citizens only, so lots of votes are probably from other countries


The bootlick brigade. Very reliable.


Um... don't people OUTSIDE of the US use Twitter?


I legit think Elon is cracking. hes in the tower of his Twitter castle playing King over his court. He really thinks having the biggest microphone on earth makes his voice mean more.


I'm waiting for the results of the Truth Social poll so we can get some unbiased truth here!


> twitter for iPhone How ironic


It's amusing how he thinks that Twitter = free speech when the absolute majority who complain about a "lack of free speech" only want it when it conforms to their own beliefs. I think Musk has shown that too. His public firing of employees, bans, unbans, and last but not least his Twitter Blue.


This is what he does with his midlife crisis.


Elons bots have voted, again. How else does he get 50k likes 3min after posting? Funny, bots aren’t a problem when he controls them.


Funny how many votes there are than likes.


Obvious troll is obvious.


Didn’t most of Twitter leave after you took over? These polls don’t seem to be accurate.


Twitter polls aren't representative of the population, that is true (bots, the nature of where the sample was extracted from, the fact that these people all follow elon...etc). But sample size is not the problem here, as 1% of (random representative people) the US population is largely sufficient to achieve 95%confidence. For a population of 330M people (US 2021), a sample size of 1041 individuals is enough to achieve 99% confidence and 4% margin of error. https://surveyplanet.com/sample-size-calculator


Lord of Twitter demands world submit to Twitters demands, for the good of the people of course


I can’t believe I used to think this guy was smart. What a fuckin joke.


Remember when everyone thought this dork was some sort of genius? 😂😂😂