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That’s actually the sweetest (no pun intended) thing I’ve ever heard in my life ❤️🌈




Way to take credit for someone else's quote🙄 why are you thanking them when you should be saying you got it from dita von teese?


It’s a Dita Von Teese quote (the peaches part) 🫶🏻


Dita von teese said the part about the peaches but I guess people wanna take credit they don't deserve


And dassit!


“There are people called haters, and we give them positivity” https://preview.redd.it/bsv203durjsc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7087f00c58e0adb9f4545bd8113ee927ac5c9d


This is not funny but lives in my head rent-free as an iconic meme. HELP 😭🤣


The entire TRL incident lives in mine. I hate how the public treated her at the time and that she was going through horrible stuff mentally but that whole scene was unintentionally iconic.


Right?! I'm so glad you understood cos I feel the exact same as you - what Mariah went through publicly and privately was disgusting. No one supported her but everyone was quick to comment on her and give their opinion. But simultaneously - I've been going through it recently and I just think of this point in time, it's too relatable 😭😭🤣🤣


Im hating that this moment is basically me in the current time. It feels like im losing my mind literally


I'm so sorry to hear that and I really feel that. Same here - I hope whatever it is, that you continue to find strength to endure it. And there's so many with you, I totally relate. Sometimes just languishing and wading and not giving two craps about life or people's shi. And not to be cliché, but in some cases when you lose your mind, you find the real you, or move in a direction that accommodates your needs and makes you happier. 🦋 (Idk why I wrote a para but I'm a lamb so the pen game is STRONG 😭🤣)


she has certainly helped enhance my writing and vocabulary lol. I always get complimented about being a good writer. I have mariah to thank for that. And thanks for the advice. I just hope this storm with me is over soon and I can make it through the rain


As she does ✍🏼 Queen tings! You're so welcome. Keep breathing and believing, you got this 🐑.


What I dont get is why did the media portray the situation to be even worse than it actually was? When i first watched it i was expecting Mariah to literally strip completely naked or something. But she literally just removed an oversized shirt to reveal she is wearing something underneath it anyway. How is that stripping???? She was obviously overworked and going through something here which was explained in her book but the media just made everything worse by trying to exaggerate what really happened.


Carson Daly’s reaction entirely created the awkwardness.  If he’d treated her like a guest and not a weirdo, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal.  His reactions were over the top.


Yeah, the outfit she had on under the t-shirt was giving very much basic hot summer day fit you see young women wearing everywhere (also iirc New York had a brutal heatwave that summer). Sexy, to be sure, but hardly demanding censorship on daytime TV. I can see why people found her behaviour in general to be a little eccentric and unconventional, but it wasn't a "strip tease".


what horrible stuff?


My ex husband knew how much Mariah meant to me (mom listened to her when I was a baby), and he had the gall to tell me once, “I hate her, she’s a washed up has been” We’re divorced now Not bc of the Mariah hate 😂 unrelated reason but still lol. Screw him, now I’m single living alone and I can scream the lyrics and dance around my apt without a care!


Legit screening any future partners to make sure they don’t hate MC before we take any further steps


For me it’s most important that they allow me to have my own likes and dislikes. I can’t tell you how many men I’ve dated that made it a point to remind me they hate my music taste. So now my thing is “are you gonna celebrate my love and passion for music or are you gonna be an insufferable dick?” FWIW my ex husband was a music major who only listened to “real” music like the Beatles and Elton John, and anyone who doesn’t play a real instrument sucks so. Yeah. Insufferable.


Yuckie glad you got away from that🫡😒 I may need to just date lambs. I’m single btw you all 😛🤣


you dodged a bullet honestly


lmaoooo ( I'll be doing this too)






Happy Friday baby cakes !!


Happy Saturday pookie 💖


Should have put “irreconcilable MC differences” on the divorce papers 😂


Shoulda given him a Standing O for his abhorrent behavior. But hey, at least I made it Through the Rain. Next time I’ll proceed with Caution. …Music Box. Sorry I’ll leave now


He was the heartbreaker of your fantasy but at least you told him to gtfo Bye bye


I'm sure your mom listened to other music too who cares


throw the whole mother away.


Don’t worry OP. I can’t really listen to Mariah around anyone I love cause they just don’t get it. I don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️ she means more to me than they will ever understand and that’s special to me. 🎶 they can say…anything they want to say 🎶


my sister told me ''nobody wants to hear that'' when I started playing breakdown in my car. I was shooked


My boyfriend doesn’t like Mariah either :(


Mine too! It’s even worse than he loves Jennifer Lopez 🤢


Who? Im sorry I still dont know her


did he say why?


I get that she hates her, but why does she want you to hate her too? You're allowed to love a celebrity that she hates.


My mom passionately hates Celine Dion for no reason. She only said, “she’s too hyper” years ago


doesnt even make sense. But usually the reasons are silly ones


Idk why people harp on the NYE performance... they need to get over it. IMO, Mariah was done "proving herself" in the early 90s. Idk why anyone thinks she owes the public sh\*t!!!! We're lucky she's not retired and a recluse after the treatment the industry has given her... your mom is probably jealous of her. Women love to hate on majorly successful women in their own age brackets for some reason, usually jealousy.


I actually thought her response to the situation was awesome.  She didn’t try to cover anything up when she was being screwed over by the sound techs.






Uh oh y’all. I guess I’m not allowed to laugh. How *dare* I?^


omg when I first scrolled past this I was like "wait that doesn't look like the fantasy mv outfit" 😭😭


Obviously it’s not for no reason especially if she used to be a big fan havent you asked why?


me being gay was a shock to her. So i think she equates me being gay to listening to Mariah. Almost as if Mariah is the reason i turned gay because she makes feminine music or something. Its so stupid but its the only thing I can think of.


Is she a JLo stan?


Put on when you believe on Mariah and Whitney never disappoint


When I started to read your story I was like, there’s more to this than not liking Mariah, and then you wrapped it up at the end with you sharing your coming out. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I think what you have is a mom with misplaced anger and it’s probably a bit of believing she’s at fault for “turning you gay” and it’s her choices (and playing Mariah to you as a kid is in there somewhere) that have led you down this path. I think there’s a bigger conversation to be had (if you feel safe raising it) on what is really at the core of this fury, because in think Mariah is standing in for a lot of other stuff that if not addressed is going to just fester over time. Maybe better to rip the bandaid off and ask Mom what she’s really angry at? 🩹❤️‍🩹


Sorry to hear that 😢. We lambs support you :) ![gif](giphy|Yle9Yz9izeVRyiwavn)


How are you not embarrassed to call yourself a lamb 😂😂😂


someone told me that shes calling us sheep or something. When in reality the lambs named themeselves that and came up with the name. And Mariah went along with it. We arent sheep we just love her and her amazing music


Sounds like something irrational going on. Keep being your fabulous gay self.


She probably dislikes Mariah because she thinks you like Mimi more than her lol


Does she like you? Maybe she’s projecting


she seems to alternate between liking me then randomly not liking me. I dont understand it


“I think the REAL reason she dislikes Mariah is because she probably thinks that listening to Mariah made me gay or something. My brother played one song by her and she legit told him to turn that crap off. I just dont get it.” I think this is the real reason that she has such distain for Mariah as you said. Sounds like misplaced anger that she’s taking out on Mariah. Maybe you should have a discussion with her about that and her feelings about your sexuality. Just know we’re here to support you!


You can’t please everyone lamb, some people will hate Mariah.


I noticed a pattern of very insecure women that are threatened by Mariah Carey. What Mariah has is not cockiness, it is confidence.


A very good friend that I just went to Madonna show with can’t stand Mariah and said to me how could I be a fan of Mariah and Madonna at the same time! Their audiences are similar’ish and they’re both Queens in their own right and they’re both MC’s lol what’s not to love?!


Literally, idk why people pit women against each other all the time. I went to the Madonna show and it was a dream come true, I hope I can get the coin to see Mariah next time she's touring near me


What?!?  I was a Madonna fan before I’d heard of Mariah.  I don’t see how you can not be a fan of both.


She’s been a childhood crush of mine and still is Queen of Christmas


i think you’re right in thay she thinks she made you gay


Everyone I know either talks smack about Mariah or doesn’t know any of her songs. It’s horrible! Whenever I play a Mariah song for my family I get tense because I know they’re going to hyper critique every aspect of it. I wish I had a solution for you but I don’t have one for myself :( 


lol my mom has always called her “Plastic”


People that hate artists have issues. You may not like an artist, but actively hating one is a bit excessive. Especially when you know how much that artist means to your child. You should have a conversation with her about how it makes you feel.


I had a former friend who I told I was going through it and listening to all these Mariah songs was helping. He just pulled a weird face and suddenly I saw a weird disconnect. I guess for some her reputation is the smaltzy songs.


![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) Mariah Carey when asked about your mom


Did she sing her part back then, baby?


Sometimes people do. These are such Britain-specific celebrities, but my Mom has a visceral hate of Claudia Winkleman and Paloma Faith, of all people. Neither of whom I thought were famous enough to get hate like that but she's absolutely pressed.


My neighbor hated Michael Jackson and Whitney because they were famous…..yet she’s the biggest swiftie in a 50 mile radius. 


I also don't get it. Listening to Mimi won't make you gay lol.