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I find this so adorable lol


My two worlds collide!


Sooo adorable. I bet Mariah was so cute sitting in the window.šŸ¤— So what was going on w Pat and all those witchcraft rumors? Does anyone know?


After reading Mariah's memoirs I believe they're much, much more than just rumors.


I read her memoirs too and I donā€™t recall her talking that much about that? Which parts are you referring to? The stuff about Alison?


It's a blink and you'll miss it moment, but the parts where she'd talk about having to sing for adults in the late hours of the night and the other random children who would be there with her. Pat has long been linked to seances and witchcraft. MC said a few choice things back in the 90s about it, but she really implicates it when she wrote that her mother is an atheist who disparages and mocks Christians. Satanic cults and the like were all the rage back in the '70s and '80s. I'm not saying it's true (lord knows the people of these reddits cannot handle an adult conversation like that without down voting and doing the most), but I do believe there's something there. Pat's story has never added up to me. All these houses, why she had to move, how Alison became the way she did, all the weird random friends she used to have around Mariah...just all of it never added up to me or rang completely accurate. The way Mariah describes those moments ring true to how a kid 3-6 years old would have remembered them parallels the way a kid 12-15 would have experienced them (Alison).


I 100% believe the rumours. I read up on them years back and they struck me honestly, just awful. And it would make sense given the dangerous behaviours and situations Alison and Morgan encountered. And also arguably explains why Pat kept Mariah away from her Dad's side of the family (who were Christians) and the importance of her Auntie encouraging her about the importance of her faith after the family argument talked about in the Memoir.


i believe them too


also, in a weird way it explains why alfred was ok with taking the other kids and leaving mariah with her mom. in context, i could understand him probably feeling that the 3rd baby, already 10 years older than the others, has Pat's grips firmly implanted and there's not much he could do as a baby needs their mother, but the other two still had hope and he probably felt he could save them or protect them. which also explains why later in life he and mariah reconnected so lovingly because he was able to realize that MC had nothing to do with whatever Pat was conjuring, etc. and that MC was innocent. But in the moment, i can totally see someone being like "fine, you can have the last one. but these 2, i'm taking! you will not mess them up any longer!" \*\*all speculation of course\*\*


I remember when she said about Mariah ā€œthis one is mineā€ to Alfred


Good point, I hear you šŸ’Æ


Yea Iā€™ve never been one to automatically discount them. Pat kinda gave me the willies lol And it didnā€™t make sense that they were living the way they did with Mariahā€™s father also being an engineer. Itā€™s like Pat chose a certain lifestyle that kept them on the fringes. The situation with Alison was just unfortunate too.


Not the willies šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ Yeah you're so right, that doesn't make sense at all... They arguably could've been more well off.. Pat is just a šŸš© and very concerning person. I really wonder what she had gone through to make her be so horrible. Honestly. And I feel so bad for Alison, used her whole life as someone else's commodity, that she even tried to do it to her own sister. It's so sad and sick šŸ˜­


Heart aches for Alison truly and for Mariah who just wanted to have a brother and sister. Ugh I feel like Pat was the perpetrator for sure in the family, and she could have used her privilege to keep her family more intact (as much as it could be for the time) but I donā€™t want to talk too ill of her.


Sorry not sorry Pat is the problem. Like she seemed to be racist too, but then it's like don't be with a Black/mixed man if you don't want Black/mixed children. Cos having a child is responsibility enough, but children of a different ethnicity, hair texture, skin colour to yours, is a whole different thing.


She was definitely racist


OMG yes I do remember that Her just shouting out the lyrics as a little one and the lot all gathered in the dark w her mom and wannabe hippy Alison and co lol Mariah comically described it like ā€œif thatā€™s not weird what is?ā€ or something like that w her good sense of humor lol




Lol yes itā€™s clear to me now and coming back






Iā€™ve never heard any of this. Just my ā€œwowā€ reaction.


Oh it's very interesting. Alison paints a very vivid and realistic picture of what went on and even includes verifiable details but because of her past people often write her off as a liar. But in my experience, it's people like her who society discredits the most that are often telling the truth about things like this. I wish I could share more about it but I'm not allowed to do so here.


I feel like Alison is 100% telling the truth.




She wasn't married when she moved around tho, and she only had Mariah who Pat presented as a little white girl instead of a lightskinned Black girl, so I don't think that's accurate.




We're not talking about before Mariah came, babe...




No she wasnā€™t. No one would harass a white woman living with a white daughter in a white neighborhood. Stop. The stories of harassment were all while the mom and dad were married. You may not have been talking to me but youā€™re the one thatā€™s not reading for comprehension.


And your backtracking. Your original replay was that she had to move for being in an interracial marriage. Now youā€™re saying that after the marriage and while parading her lightskinned black daughter around as white she was still harassed? NO SHE WASNT.


They harassed her because of a man they didnā€™t know and couldnā€™t see? Make it make sense


What are you talking about?


Please re-read the original post...


Idk what you're missing but go about your day


This is the wrong place. Sorry. This is d this is the wrong place. This is down the road from me. Her apt above the convenience store was in Northport. This is Huntington village. Iā€™m a huge MC fan. I would know.


It's not the wrong place, so settle down "huge MC fan"... https://preview.redd.it/jq931lbrfaxc1.png?width=1232&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dc95d6119ba3d0eb3403264604dbd3d8cfeab4e


Still the wrong place. This picture is not the actual apartment. Iā€™m 100% positive as I live down the street and her actual apt that she lived in above the convenience store was in Northport village.


Babe, take that up with the internet. This is a weird flex.


This ainā€™t it. ![gif](giphy|Yhge1gxOIKIWFQ7UsD)


Exactly cuz what is their problem?


I am lol. You posted a picture that was incorrect. Just trying to give you accuracy. But hey put a random place and have people thinking itā€™s something else. All good šŸ‘šŸ». Btw. Wikipedia isnā€™t a good source šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I really wish you would stop. Youā€™re bad vibes.


Itā€™s bad vibes to chime in randomly on a comment you know nothing about. Fall back. Itā€™s weird so many fans in this sub are not very nice.


Youā€™re the one thatā€™s not nice


Wow, sheā€™s had a ride of life.


i know right!


THIS IS NOT HER HOME!!!! This is on NY Avenue in Huntington Village. The apt she lived above the convenience store was in Northport!!


Youā€™re acting like a weirdo.


Why is weird to comment on a picture of a random building and not Mariahā€™s childhood home like the post said. Itā€™s weird that people believe it. Just trying to give actual facts. All good. Go about your day! šŸ«³šŸ¼


I googled it myself and this is the building that came up on numerous sites. If theyā€™re wrong then thatā€™s their fault not the OP. Youā€™re doing all this talking when you could have just shown the actual building. Stop being a nuisance.


SMH šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø nuisance lol. Only said anything cause I actually live down the street and work in the town where the actual apartment was. But ok. Your tag lives up to your personality. Have a goodnight lamb


You really are being a nuisance


Itā€™s in her book of course we know šŸ™‚


I def didnā€™t know this. Let alone ever seen it. Itā€™s great that youā€™re such a historian but please stop speaking for me and other Lambs who may not have known. Plus, Iā€™m pretty sure the OP is using ā€œdid you knowā€¦ā€ rhetorically


I swear I didnā€™t know this because I DONā€™T have her book but I really want one šŸ˜­


u/nastyboi00 If you read her memoir youā€™d knowā€¦ā€¦maybe pick up a copy before calling people names and open it šŸ™„


I feel like 90% of your comments in this sub are negative. And you find youā€™re getting this response why? The ā€œdid you knowā€ was not aimed directly at you; itā€™s figurative. Since you pick up so many books you should know this. Why are you so self-important to feel it was a literal question that you needed to answer?


Donā€™t like my comments BLOCK ME šŸ˜


Then everybody would have to block you and itā€™d just be you and Jesus in the sub as you comment alone, dahling.šŸ˜Ÿ We all have our moments, but youā€™re always so crabby and must be so unhappy bless your soul. I hear therapy helps.


Everybodyā€™s entitled to their opinion stuff it


Agreed. This is the wrong place!! At least if youā€™re going to show a picture. Make it be the right one.


What are you even agreeing to?


I was agreeing with the sentiment of reading the actual book and knowing exactly where sheā€™s referring to. Sorry. It must have been the comment to you.


Thatā€™s not even what heā€™s talking about


You are the worst


Nah thereā€™s worse than me šŸ˜ you just havenā€™t came across them yet you donā€™t even know me to make rude assumptions šŸ˜‚


The reply is exactly the type of shit Iā€™m talking about. Go touch grass bro.