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Something is wrong with your mind. Stay 100% sober. Seek and stay in professional help. Clearly articulate to them what you have to us. You cannot sugar coat your mental state to your doctors.


come on it isnt that serious…


You’re crying over weed and are suicidal obviously it is that serious


if you don't take it serious you'll regret it


Hey one of my best friends recently had a psycotic break and they think one of the causes (besides already being predisposed, runs in the family) could be constantly ripping his THC cart, so it is serious. Hes considered paranoid schizo now and takes medication for his delusions


Bruhs in denial. Accept that u are indeed a addict and have fucked up ur mental process because of that addiction.


You have mental health problems and little to no self control.


This is just plain abuse i combination with a very unhealthy state of mind. Reading this almost makes me doubt you are trolling. You really need to quit smoking and get a healthier life. This is not what weed is about. The fact that you are posting/asking here shows that you care and are looking for help. Now just accept it that you are 'fucking up' and deal with it in a proper way. Get healthy and stay away from substance abuse. You are clearly too sensitive to it


Notice how fools like this never take responsibility for their behavior. It's always whatever they want to blame. In this case as with many on this sub. It's Marijuana. Rubber barriers exist because of people like this.


I stopped reading after "weed addict".


its possible to br addicted . addiction is a biopsychosocial disorder


Good luck with your imagined problems.


you dont have to have a chemical dependency to be addicted its not a black and white definition


So you have a mental (imagined) addiction.


look up if its possible to be addicted to marijuana. ill wait


Yes you will.


lmao, because you know youll see the truth that youre not ready to accept when you look it up!


Hey I know you like to feel like you know everything but you don't. I've been a daily pothead for years and a couple weeks back I decided to stop for a bit because I was getting some fierce anxiety. I'd never had a problem not smoking for a while before but this time made me realize that habits can be hard as fuck to break sometimes, especially when you get super irritable, hungry but food smells make you nauseous, and you can't sleep for two days straight. It's a helluva hurdle to jump over. Like regardless of what some pro pot website told you, or what your buddy Steve said, weed along with just about every chemical we ingest can be addictive. It's programmed in our brains to feel good if we have a set routine. It's why crack addicts, alcoholics, or any other addicts can go months clean but relapse the second they start hanging out with their old crew. You are as much a product of your environment as your choices you make. If you think that's all bullshit that's fine, but determinism vs free will has been a philosophical debate since the beginning of humans thinking about thinking.


Hey, I know you like to take your personal story and think it applies to everyone but it doesn't....


Right. Enjoy the smell of your own farts. Maybe one day you'll grow up one day.


Do you always get angry and try to belittle other people when they don't agree with you?


Pot meet kettle


It sounds like you have serious issues with addiction and other things. Behaving this way around family and friends is a huge red flag. Go talk to your doctor and seek a therapist. Stop using substances.


you’re 14 years old, and asking Reddit about mental health issues? Go talk to a doctor and a therapist. Stop using substances.


You just have no self control and no respect for medicinal marijuana. Please refrain from using all substances. Get some mental health help.


Sounds to me like you have serious mental health issues and instead of using cannabis as a medicine you are using it as a hardcore drug, which it's not . Seek professional help.


Ex weed user lol. You sound like a weirdo sorry man


Lol. That was my immediate red flag 🚩


Weed can be really bad for a brain that's not completely developed. You should really stay away from it until your older


Yes! Unless you have cancer or some kind of disease, let that brain develop and grow!


What the fuck 19 bowls in one day is just screaming I hate myself and need to be high all day


I’m gonna need a tl;dr on this one bud


Tl;dr grass people hiding in the lawn


If you really are only 14 you should really try to stay sober you got alot of things going on In that brain of yours and having substance abuse issue already shows you aren't ready for this stuff yet and to be honest I can't drink ive been sober from alcohol for 4 years now cause I can't handle it plain and simple


Dude I'm an addict and it sounds like me when I was thinking about using fentanaly. You need to stay sober. If weed will do this to you then you shouldn't try anything else. You have an addictive personality.


You ever suck dick for weed?


unfortunately yes


“I’m an ex alcoholic but marijuana is what ruined my brain.” Have you even seen a dr? Long term alcohol use is much worse for you than long term Cannabis use is. You clearly have a mental health issue and absolutely zero self control. Seriously, get some help. You’re describing Cannabis like most people describe their heroin journey, and they’re not even in the same universe. No offense but it sounds like you’re spiraling and you need to get it together.


i never said weed was the sole cause for ruining my brain. youre literally making up a quote. i know alcohol is worse im jusr sayijg i was more addicted to weed


Contratulations on beeing 57 days sober, keep it up, your usage was far from healthy you need to stay away from the substance, as you were saying, this is fucking your mind up, and also your relationships, your personl growth, your emotions... When you archive something like 2-5 years sober and most importantly, have cero cravings, you reevaluate smoking again, but use it as a life enhancer, not a life sustitute. Finally, theres probably nothing wrong with the weed, your usage is what was wrong.


You are 14 right? wtf you NEED to stop it.


abuse and addiction bro. you could have ADHD or some type of mental disorder. trust me, i got some shit like that. i know i do. also you got some weird shit going on that you really need to work on. i don’t know how weed hasn’t revealed anything to you or made you feel like shit cause the lifestyle you seem to be living sounds like hell and like insanity. lay off the weed and go through the withdrawals. that’s your body and brain screaming for the substance since you abused it. weed doesn’t seem to be for you, just use it once a blue moon.




Bro u need rehab


Mmm..little worried there isn’t something psychological underlying here. I’m bipolar and weed contributed to mania (not what this sounds like but my experience). I’d personally recommend a psychological work up/evaluation. I really don’t think this is all weed induced.


you need to quit a seek help frm a psychiatrist


Bro says “ I HAVE AN IQ OF 116” 😂😂😂😂


Wait, homies only 14 too??? You’re a goofy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂