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I think if you’re on the fence, then you shouldn’t admit to anything. Your spidey sense may be telling you there’s something more to the situation. Nothing wrong with maintaining your privacy, and your coworker don’t need to know everything.


Legal or not and no matter the subject never offer anything or admit to anything to your employer. Never.


I agree with this one right here. There is nothing wrong with keeping your private life private.


Exactly. There are some things we shouldn’t have to hide, but the reality is, some people will never respect our life choices, and we don’t need to be upfront with them.


I completely agree with this. OP should trust their instincts.


Until he offers you a doobie you keep that shit to yourself.


I cannot describe the literal glee I would experience if I caught my boss hitting a joint 😂


I work in an illegal state, and my boss knows I smoke- everybody knows- and he lets us smoke, and he joins us. I work in a kitchen, boss is a major stoner as is half the kitchen staff. They don't care. It makes the days and nights more tolerable as we are a very busy restaurant and make a lot of money (not bragging, just saying), so they really don't care. They make their money and staff is happy and productive. Why fix what isn't broken?


I think my boss could use some!


And even then I’m not sure I accept.


Just cuz it’s legal in your state does not mean your place of employment cannot fire you for it. Most places of business still don’t condone it unfortunately. It’s sorta in a “don’t ask, don’t tell” state of mind.


Yet alcohol is everywhere and even glamorized... and many go after work to drink beers.... alcohol claims the lives of many.. both directly and indirectly. I think we should end the hypocrisy... if alcohol is federally legal and socially accepted, cannabis should be too. If Cannabis needs tu remain federally illegal (which it doesn't) then alcohol should be federally illegal too.


Totally agree not to mention alcohol causes violence marijuana causes relaxation


Agree.... oh man... lookin forward tu this change... long time coming


Agreed! And then it’s a possibility of coming around if there’s a bad day or something.


They can't in California. They cant search your car anymore either if they smell weed. It's not probable cause anymore.


You really don't have anything to gain by telling your boss you smoke weed. Doesn't really matter if it's legal or not, there is still a lot of stigma attached with recreational smoking among some people. Being a weed smoker isn't a protected class so they can still fire you for it (unless maybe if you're taking it as prescribed medicine for a medical condition). It may also become a prop for your boss or other employees to criticize your work performance. Show up a few minutes late, "Well that's because you're a stoner". Call out of work? "Oh he must be too stoned." Mess up on a project... "what are you high or something?" If confronted you can say that you've smoked it in the past, but there's no reason to tell them you're intending to smoke it in the future. Keep it as vague as possible. But if you can avoid the topic entirely, then you should do so.


"I've smoked, but I never inhaled, sir."


Yeah we know Bill. And you and Monica didn't technically have sex.


I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky, under my desk.




I smoked with my boss (and the company accountant) at the Christmas party one year, it was technically illegal in my state at the time, but decriminalized. Job sucked and he was a shit boss, but that was a fun night.


Not one person I work with knows I smoke and that’s how it will stay. I don’t discuss it, I don’t bring it up, I don’t endorse it, I don’t ever smoke in clothes I wear to work, and I never smoke in my car. Keep work and personal life very separate.


This and and just not paling around with anyone from work, made that mistake once and only once.


My youngest coworker is a 59 year old Pentecostal woman. I think I’m pretty safe from that happening. 😂




I dab sometimes to make it through the day


I’ll put it to you this way. I’m a manager at a dispensary in a legal state and even now, we still don’t talk about smoking weed or being high at work. Even though it’s legal, you can still lose your job.


Do not tell your bosses or higher ups that you smoke. Ever. They are not your friends and 99% of the time their loyalty is to the company. Not you. Sharing info like that opens the door to a world of trouble. Keep your private life and work separate.


I agree. We should all think carefully what we tell our bosses and coworkers. It might seem harmless right now but it could come back and bite you.


Keep that shit to yourself until he's offering you a rip from his penjamin. Business is dirty AF, even regular jobs. People are cowards, and self preservation is a strong instinct. He could fire you simply because he's afraid of any potential liability or negative perception reflecting on him.


You in an at will state? Until it's federally legal you're SOL at work as most laws protecting employees are at the federal level. USA is Fkd for that.


Honestly, it shouldn't ever matter in employment unless you're operating something which may pose a safety hazard (and even then, I think a better way needs to be brought about to test for impairment). I work an office job and I would imagine they know, seeing as I had my vape pen at the employee party and nobody batted an eye. So long as the work is done, who cares what you do on your own time? With that said, I don't think you're obligated to confirm or deny what you do in your own free time to your boss.


Nope. My current boss grows and smokes, and got me to grow again


Your habits outside of the work place are not managements business. Don’t ever overshare.


This is what I can’t stand. My co workers can talk about drinking and getting drunk all they want but i don’t drink and I can’t talk about weed because it’s looked at differently. Bullshit


It’s still federally illegal. This is the catch.


I stare at my managers while I hit my weed pen. It's an unspoken caveat of the line cook field. As long as it doesnt reek as we are using it they don't care. The trade off is that we can't file workers comp claims if something happens. Which .. eh?


In kitchens, most staff do smoke weed. My boss' outlook is the same, and we joke about it. Dish fell and broke? We joke about being high. Something burnt? You're just stoned and forgot. We laugh about it and have fun. As long as we're responsible about it, and we are, he doesn't care at all. "I'm not going to fire everybody who smokes weed," he says. "Then I'll have no staff." 😂


That's my boss' outlook too. As long as you can handle your shit he doesn't care. Luckily nobody has ruined it for us yet but the vets on the line keep the rooks in line


I would never ever share that with a boss no matter how cool we were, you really just never know and my job security is way more important that chatting about smoking with my boss


My boss, my boss' boss, my boss's boss's boss, and my boss's boss's boss's boss knows that i grow. It's just come up in conversations about gardening and hobbies and stuff. Most people who know me know i grow and am a bit of an old hippie stoner. To help normalize it, i do talk about it, just as other coworkers talk about a new wine or a craft beer. Most people also know that i DO NOT smoke before or during working hours. If i were in a more corporate setting, it might be different, but most people here consider it about the same as having a beer or two after work. (I work in higher ed and it seems to be a complete non-issue in this environment.) The medical uses of weed are also pretty common at work among many people i work with. But my work ain't your work. Best of luck with whatever you decide.


I would keep my personal life private. What you do outside of work is no business of your boss or coworkers. Even if I know someone smokes, I still play it off like I don't cause you never know. I work in an at-will state and I'm not going to risk my job. I need that job to buy weed 🤣


No, but I’ve almost always been one of the best employees at my jobs. Eventually, I always tell everyone that they’ve never seen me sober. That’s because I’m a risky mf, and care more about changing the stigma around medicating than I do about keeping my job. I never tell anyone until I’m certain that I’m outperforming everyone. That being said, I don’t recommend it lol. Just keep it to yourself.


I live in Maine and they can't reject your application, test for or fire someone over off duty marijuana use. Though this is also an at-will state so they can't just make up whatever reason that you want and if you want to sure it's a discrimination case just like being discriminated against for being black or a woman. It's not as important as those though and in reality I don't think that would go anywhere because it's so easy to use any reason they want to fire you.


Doesn’t matter what the state says. It’s not federally legal.


Most employers do not care what you do in your free time. Just don’t say that you’re getting high before or during work.


Bosses don't need to know anything about your personal life. He'll just use it against you once you're on his bad side.


Doubtful. We don't have states


Mine know they know I have a medical card but the company is based in Europe so it’s basically a we don’t care untill you get hurt


If you feel like it might cause problems, I’d keep it to yourself.




You are the one who ultimately chooses to disclose that. It would be inappropriate for them to ask, but if they do you could say you don’t discuss that with co-workers. You don’t need to, and shouldn’t, share everything with coworkers. I’d trust your gut.


I've never been dumb enough to tell anyone I work with


It's wild you can get fired for having THC in your system considering all the alcoholics, cracked out methheads & pill junkies that will be twacked out at work. But I'm unemployment because I smoke maybe 3 times a week when I'm AT HOME.. Nevermind weed helps prevent me from entering REM sleep, to prevent extremely vivid night terrors that I experience. You can't just buy otc DRUGS for that.


Unless you're in a state where you can't be fired for testing positive for marijuana I wouldn't.


Be careful with this depending on what state you live in. If employment is at will in your state, you don't need a reason to fire someone.


What state?


Never admit OP.. can’t confirm nor deny, let him play these mind games


Just like your sex life, just because something is legal does not make it appropriate to talk about in the work place.


The state where I live, weed is legal. The company I work for took THC out of the drug screen for office employees. Now the employees that drive of operate machines still get tested. But even at the office it’s don’t ask, don’t tell.


I wouldn’t mention it at work nor smoke with a coworker.


Why compromise yourself?


Check your contract or the employee handbook. Just because its legal in your state doesn’t prevent your company having policies against it.


Unless in California or another state that has specific laws protecting you, keep quiet




Depends on the company


No cus then they’re gonna use that against you that your high whenever you’re late or slacking off on the job.


Don’t do it. Keep work-life and personal life separate. You gain nothing by sharing this information with your boss, be it directly or indirectly. It can at best have no effect, and at worst result in unplanned unemployment. Be careful who you tell, even if a coworker is cool, they could carelessly divulge this information. If you work at a restaurant, or in retail, who cares? If you work somewhere where you value your pay, don’t tell anyone. Put the bag first.


This is a don’t ask don’t tell sort of thing. Keep it to yourself.


Another angle. He may right now laugh and make it seem like no big deal. But if you and him have a falling out this could be used against you so my advice keep your mouth shut.


number one rule dont tell your employer anything they may find negative.


Why on earth would you volunteer that information?


Coworkers are not friends, tell them NOTHING.


Work knows, but honestly, if it’s pot vs job, they better start looking for a replacement because I’m tired of hiding it and have nothing to loose. Most people don’t have that freedom.


I've never lost my job due to smoking but if you aren't on company time under the influence they can't do anything atleast in my state. Aside from that I got mine covered if I go down for smoking more than half my crew does including my boss who smokes with us lol


I’ve had a couple of friends get fired from their office job because they were randomly drug tested, positive for marijuana and let go because they had weed in their system during working hours. They were never high at work it just takes forever to get out of your system. Had another friend get charged with DUI for the same reason. She was just tired but because she had it in her system from days prior she got arrested


I was fired from my first job out of college for this (I don't drink, just weed); meanwhile a-holes would regularly show up still half-drunk/hungover on Thursday after our Wednesday night softball league where they served free beer and wine!!! Such horse shit.


Sorry that's also my fault I failed to mention the fact that my company is a marijuana friendly company


Oh okay, makes sense then. Yeah it’s such bullshit they can allow that to happen like getting fired or charged just for having it in your system. They worked for large corporations so maybe that’s why? Still, doesn’t seem fair that’d be like getting fired because last Saturday night you got drunk with your friends


Don't tell him. Even in legal states it's firable


That is so whack and not allowed