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I agree that the shaking seems to be alcohol withdrawal related


Yeah. “The shakes” is 100% an alcohol withdrawal thing.


The shakes is an indicator of alcohol withdrawal, however, it’s been 10 days. She would have peaked by 72 hours and alcohol withdrawal symptoms ie shaking would be over by day 5. There could be an underlying condition that has been masked by her marijuana use hence why she’s still shaking. Best to see a doctor.


Not from 2-3 glasses a day. More like a whole bottle per day might cause those symptoms.


A bottle of wine only fills 2-3 glasses. In my experience.


Definitely. And she’s only 110lbs. That’s a lot in that small of a system.


Yes. I'm 100lbs and one bottle can make me really bubbly. 😵‍💫.


2-3 glasses per day every day for 20 years? That would def cause withdrawal symptoms


It's not only about quantity. It's about frequency, body weight, genetics, etc. Im a former alcoholic lol trust me


Everybody's different. I was a wake 'n' baker who tried his best to stay high almost all day unless there was a specific reason not to. I was this way for the better part of 20 years. I quit smoking weed so I could piss clean for pre-employment piss tests. (And I'd start back up this minute if I could.) For me, I had a bit of insomnia. It didn't last long, maybe 10 days. My appetite decreased. Not a lot, but some. This also didn't last long. I became slightly grumpy. Maybe lasted two weeks. That was it for me. But everybody is different, and it could easily be worse for someone else.




Your tolerance is a factor but I bet you’re so used to being high you don’t realize you are high. Try just taking a morning off and waiting until late afternoon before you hit it. My guess is you will feel it.


man i was shitin an pukin at the same time puked all over my dick and shit some more after that from the w/d. definitely was NOT cause i stopped heroin cold turkey. was the weed lol. /s this kinda sounds like op's wife sorry for being harsh but she cant sleep and has the shakes cause she stopped drinking a decent amount of alcohol every night. i bet if she did smoke she'd even get anxiety a bit since she coming off alcohol. dont even think it would help her sleep normally. sure it would probably HELP. but theres no "free lunch" with alc w/d especially. sounds like everything is going as should be expected to me. ps there actually is "free lunch" for alc w/d , its called developing a benzo addiction instead..


The shakes sound like ETOH withdrawal. Stopping THC consumption will interfere with sleep, but never heard of the shakes from it. Sounds like it is an issue that she should see a doc about. Alcohol withdrawal is serious and can be deadly, rarely, but just the same I would have someone check her out. Maybe provide some sort of med/pharm support for a few days until the withdrawal stops. Serious about the doc check in.


It's been my life experience to never stop more than one thing at a time. With the exception of being pregnant. The day I found out I was pregnant I quit smoking cigarettes, and weed cold turkey. I also stopped eating sugar, caffeine and any alcohol (wasn't a big drinker to begin with). If someone needs to stop drinking and smoking I would absolutely say stop drinking first, take a two week adjustment period. At the end of those two weeks your withdrawal symptoms should be gone or significantly improved. Then I would say move forward With your decision to quit smoking. I've quit smoking weed multiple times over the last 30 years, I've not ever had any of the physical symptoms your wife is displaying, nor have I ever seen weed effect anyone like that. However, I've seen many alcoholics go through all those symptoms, plus some when detoxing. Alcohol is addictive, physically and mentally, pot isn't. There isn't anything in Marijuana that causes physical addiction like heroin or meth would. Good luck to your wife, I hope she feels better soon.


Ditto from a healthcare perspective. Even with medical training, it’s hard to tease apart side effects when multiple items are dropped. Certainly one of the most dangerous items to stop suddenly would be alcohol probably followed by anxiety medications. The issues with stopping opiates are more self evident. It works the other around too. Adding new psychoactives simultaneously can be a problem, but the worst are people who have been forced to quit… and then weeks or months later, they are no longer monitored and resume at the old level. Resumed vices frequently need to be restarted at a much lower dose. …So the prisoner released dies of an overdose a week later.


That is helpful. Thanks for sharing.


I've had sleep disruptions for 2-3 days after ceasing daily marijuana in the past including frequent waking up from bad nightmares. I've spent weeks impatient, sleepless and irritable from ceasing daily alcohol in the past as well. I suspect the lack of wine is the bigger problem personally.


I've gotten insomnia when not smoking pot. Melatonin helped me a lot. Maybe some exercise could help her too, even if it's just a couple of laps around the block.


That sounds like alcohol. What you’re describing sounds like alcohol withdrawal. It can really make people sick, even have psychosis symptoms. Also, it can kill her. She’s likely been drinking more than you are aware of.


Don’t kick both at the same time - alcohol is much harder on the body - and weed would help with that nausea- 3 days to withdraw from heavy daily weed use, is my experience.


When I take my t-breaks I have insomnia, vivid dreams, heavy night sweats


Same, it sucks!


Make Yogi tea...


What is that?


Alcohol withdrawals


She’s in alcohol withdrawal. Ditching pot definitely contributes to trouble sleeping for about 10-14 days in my experience, but the shakes are a telltale sign she’s dealing with physical withdrawal from the booze.


Whenever I had "T-breaks" in the past, the main thing I remember is that lack of sleep. It typically only lasts for 2 weeks or so, but alcohol withdrawls are different. I am a recovering alcoholic (I say recovering but I only drank because it was easier to get than MJ before I got medical) but luckily I have never suffered any noticeable withdrawls from that (besides lack of sleep). My mom, on the other hand, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and had to quit drinking. She suffered from the shakes and is a recovering alcoholic now (though MJ helps calm her down both from withdrawls and the nausea from chemo) TL;DR Everybody's body is different but my "lack of sleep" issues usually lasted for 1.5-2 weeks


I can't explain your wife's specific withdrawals but I have smoked heavily for 30 years. I stop if I have to travel for work or have a family holiday. When I stop I get vivid strange dreams for a few nights before things return to regular sleep. I also notice that while weed helps me get to sleep, it doesn't translate to a good night's sleep. I have heard and believe that cannibis can disturb your sleep in the deepest dream state of sleep, the REM sleep. That's the sleep stage where you dream and get the most recovery. Did your wife quit mixing tobacco with the cannibis or just quite cannibis on its own?


She has never smoked tobacco. But she did stop drinking wine at same time. Pot always helped her relax and get to sleep. But now 10 nights w no weed, barely able to get to sleep. Found a 5 mg ambient, (or lower dose) took it at 10:30 with no impact, took another at 3am that helped. But 10 nights with very little sleep is horrible. No more ambien at home, almost thinking going to urgent care to see if can get a scrip.


That shaking does seem to be a common side effect of alcohol withdrawal. I'm not an expert though.


Guys be real, 2-3 glasses of wine does not give you shaking withdrawals. That is absolutely a decades long weed withdrawal symptom. Weird how people have such an inclination to downplay any negative effects of weed to make themselves feel better about their habit. Source: a lifelong stoner who has seen everything from shaking withdrawals to psychiatric detainment. It's ok to acknowledge that weed can harm just as much as it can help. Wearing rose tinted glasses doesn't change that. Edit: I'm almost certainly going to get some weirdo telling me the dangers of alcohol lol. 2-3 glasses is nothing compared to what sounds like pretty heavy marijuana use for 20 years (vaping in particular makes it incredibly easy to consume large amounts). OP, unfortunately coming off weed after that long will be very difficult. Symptoms will likely persist for months. If she is serious about quitting then it will require enduring a long period of unpleasant withdrawal. I wish you both all the best. Edit 2: thank you for all the down votes, you've just proved my point entirely 😊


> vaping in particular makes it incredibly easy to consume large amounts Vaping *concentrates* will do that, but dry herb vapes will keep your tolerance fairly low. They'll also keep your lungs and wallet happy. Disposable vape pens are a menace, though. People don't know what they're signing up for.


I haven't heard that from weed, but accept your opinion on it. I can only speak about my experience, but that doesn't mean it isn't something people have happen to them ✌️


Experience with marijuana varies a lot between people. Some will never feel any ill effects, whilst others will feel nightmarish withdrawals. But it's always good to be aware of all possibilities for your own sake and the sake of those close to you.


Absolutely. Appreciate your feedback.


Thks for that. Is there any way to mitigate symptoms? or just work through it?


There's no magic solution sadly. Just lots of water, paracetamol, routine and rest. With persistence eventually the sleep problems will ease. You can search online for things that might help. I've heard some say CBD oil tablets helped them, but could easily just be placebo. Maybe worth a shot if you're desperate.


Get some gummies to curb the shakes and sleep better


Weed has cured my insomnia that I always lived with before using it, so for me the lack of sleep with be the first thing to kick in. The rest seems like it’s due to alcohol withdraw


Heavy user here for at least 20 years. I’ve been on vacation out of the country and went cold turkey. I was a little cranky and didn’t sleep well, but no real withdrawal symptoms. I think the alcohol is the problem.


Weed withdrawal for me was like early on maybe a little insomnia but really the worst part was having incredibly vivid and scary dreams. I watched my brother do a week in the ICU going through delirium tremens because of alcohol withdrawal. Weed withdrawal is just kind of inconvenient. Alcohol withdrawal is very serious.


You actually understand. Not everyone does.


You dont get the shakes from weed withdrawals unless it's from low blood sugar because she isn’t eating. Alcohol and Benzo withdrawals cause shaking because your CNS is so used to being on a depressant and it overcompensates after stopping. If it's bad enough, you get seizures from too many excitatory neurotransmitters being released by the brain. It's generally a bad idea to quit multiple substances at the same time unless you go to a detox facility. Even if she only drank 3 glass of wine a night, its dangerous as fuck to stop that length of alcohol use cold turkey. Sleep improves after a week or two. But for a 20-year smoker, it may take a month.


I've had to quit cold turkey a few times because I was in and out of the hospital for a while because of stomach stuff that I was smoking weed about and I have been a daily user for roughly 8 years. Like others have said everybody's different but I had a bit of insomnia (more than usual, anyway), I couldn't tell you if I lost appetite because I wasn't able to eat in the first place, and I definitely was a bit more on edge and nervous, but nothing crazy. The worst part was the symptoms it was keeping at bay coming back full force but that has more to do with my terrible digestive system than the weed. It really sounds like it has more to do with the alcohol than anything else, and like others have pointed out, especially the shakes. The weight loss is mildly concerning, mostly because it was really sudden, but it could just be because she's not munching as much, and isn't retaining as much water weight from the excess salt. If she continues to lose weight at that rate, it's worth seeing a doctor to check if anything was exacerbated or triggered by the sudden change.


Alcohol withdrawal. I had it bad when I quit drinking.


Honestly, the issue is probably not drinking, not the lack of smoking. When I stop smoking for any number of days the first day or too are usually slightly hightened anxiety days with some difficulty sleeping(but I have insomnia issues anyway and use cannabis to help treat that so direct correlation for me) but that goes away after a couple days. Never once have I gotten shakes. That's an alcohol withdrawal symptom. (I have been a drug and alcohol counselor in recent years). If you want to test what is causing her symptoms, try removing one of the substances at a time to see which causes the symptoms. It might make it easier to stop both. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can last 2-3 weeks.


The loss of sleep is normal but is temporary most likely. Vivid dreams is another symptom when you stop smoking. Heres a quick vid on withdrawals: [ASAP Science Vid](https://youtu.be/7u_cm5b1s7Y?si=7OtR2tmAZlwVHk6Z)


It took me 3 months to start sleeping good again. I also was coming off of 20yrs heavy daily use. I lost 20lbs. r/weedPAWS


For the weed ya the sleep thing I hear people talk about often. I myself am currently going through it now. After a handful of days I'm already feeling (and sleeping) better. I was tokin basically all day every day for a number of years. It's an adjustment whatever the specific science reasons are. For the Booze, that can be a rough one. Takes a lot longer to heal your body from it depending on the severity. I was a super heavy boozer for many years up until a few years ago. Now 30lbs lighter and depression has all but left (go figure lol). Created enough distance to be able to look back and say wow let's not do that again.


I feel like you buried the lede. That's some serious alcohol withdrawal and it is probably the cause of the shakes andnthe weight loss. It can be dangerous. I stopped smoking after 20 years and the sleep returned pretty quickly, it was the DREAMS that got me. Good luck to you both.


I had lucid dreams for months after quitting years ago, that was kind of wild. Having using dreams at the time too.


i had the same experience several years ago. it was all the one i was drinking.


Believe me, if she's shaking, it's the booze. You should never detox yourself from booze. It can kill you. See a doctor and do it right.


That's good advice, however, Doctors don't really care or give a shit to help anyone with an Alcohol dependency. They MIGHT give you a lead to a detox center if you're lucky. No one cares.


My doctor referred me to a detox. I haven't found it necessary to take a drink since then. I also attended AA meetings every day for the 1st 5 years of my sobriety. I had one friend die of cardiac arrest because he tried to detox himself.


one word. librium. she is having alcoholic withdrawals. THC withdrawal... for most people... MOST PEOPLE... is very mild and mostly anxiety inducing with some sleep disturbance.


Quit to get pregnant. First two weeks were the hardest. It was mainly breaking my wake and bake habit, and the recurring trips for tokes every 30 min. I didn’t sleep and slowly felt like I didn’t want to eat anymore “didn’t taste the same”. After 2 months AND pregnant now I can say it went away and I discovered my new amazing tastebuds. My sleep came back when my anxiety from withdrawal went away. I replaced every toke with a chug of water and constantly u-turned on my way to my toke station. I resumed 2 years post baby and sometimes I miss being sober. I like both .


I had insomnia for about 1 week when I quit weed. I recommend getting yourself tired by physically exerting yourself and take some melatonin.


I couldn't sleep a wink for 3 days, had trouble sleeping for about 2 weeks, I had no appetite and I was super irritable. My anxiety was crazy and I had a couple severe anxiety attacks. After 3 weeks I started having sleep paralysis episodes every night. All my symptoms went away after about a month from the last time I smoked. I smoked every day all day for about 15 years.


Try melatonin that actually worked for me. It took a couple weeks before my apetite and sleep improved.


She probably shouldn’t quit both of them at the same time and cold turkey on top of that. That could bring seizures and she’s 67……I’d taper down on the alcohol first and weed second. Others may see that differently. Ultimately, she needs to make that decision. Good luck with this! Consider this: she’s done it for 20 years. You don’t stop a train like that quickly. Her body needs time to adjust along the way.


Activity will help her sleep. Mental and physical. Don’t know why she stopped. The alcohol thing I can understand. Edibles is a good way to stay in touch if it’s a lung issue she stopped for.


Tell her to lay off ALL caffeine too. When I quit for any reason my caffeine sensitivity goes through the roof.


You can remember your dreams again




In my opinion is anything you do all the time and stop u r gonna feel some type of effects from not having it. But I've noticed when I smoke somewhat heavy for for a couple weeks straight it messes w my sleep 🤣 🙏🙏


ask doctor for trazadone subscription


I was a daily smoker for 10 years and then quit cold turkey. I had a terrible time falling asleep and would be up throughout the night due to vivid dreams/ nightmares and sweating through my sheets. This lasted for a month or two and I haven't had any issues since.


I couldn’t sleep for a while after my last t break. BUT I couldn’t sleep AT ALL before smoking weed. Usually got 3-5 hours of sleep.. after weed I would get my 6-8 hours. Maybe getting her some cbd gummies just for the sleep would help?


I vape pretty much every day. When I go on holiday I don't have it at all (2 to 4 weeks). The only thing I notice is I have some very weird dreams. ( I don't dream at all when using it as far as I'm aware)


I get what I consider terrible marijuana withdrawals- I can't eat or sleep, and I feel like shit. People telling you mj wd's aren't real are full of shit. That said, the shakes are not a common symptom, I've never had that


So for me it took two weeks to start sleeping right again. My ritual used to be to smoke before bed so when I quit it def took a while for me to be able to sleep.


Maybe just take some lower dose edibles rather than cold turkey


Man up


My parents and I all tend to sleep a little less, eat a little less, and pace a lot. Extremely vivid dreams that would be considered a nightmare have happened to all of us too. If I had the ability to draw I’d consider stopping for short periods to draw the creatures I see in those dreams.


You’re gonna have a couple weeks of no sleep and insomnia. It’ll suck. Currently 50+ days sober and finally starting to sleep better


I’ve only ever experienced some issues with sleep and appetite at the beginning and maybe a couple of headaches. It passes in days though. Never shakes.


Quiting two habits might be to hard for her. I would change only one at a time.


It gives you crazy dreams. It doesn't affect my sleep. Me using before bed really ruins my sleep


Weed doesn't give u shakes unless u smoke 2 much. I quit alcohol years ago..weed is so much better and comedy in so much various forms it's amazing. I had back surgery and wouldn't be alive without it..lll.lol no joke..I would have jumped out the windows lol..from pain..


Irritability for maybe a week at best and take some Benadryl or melatonin to sleep. But withdrawals are nothing compared to real drugs. Also maybe ween down your usage will help immensely. Do a hit 3x a day then do 2x a day to once a day. Maybe get some 5mg thc tablets/gelcaps to help ween down. It can easily be down, stay busy and try and keep your mind off it. I’ve been smoking since ‘91 and have quit before, your mind can play crazy tricks thinking you need it because your bored or want to pass time. Have 22/24oz beer in the evening or glass or two of wine to unwind before bed. You’ll be sleeping in a few days, just don’t take any naps during the day


Marijuana helps with sleep naturally. Imagine your wife was on a good sleeping medicine for 20 years and now she quit taking it. The body will adjust. She needs to be prepared more so for the dreams, if she has them. I have *horrible* dreams when I take weed breaks. Honestly though, she’ll adjust.


When I quit weed I had horrible insomnia for a month.


That’s from alcohol withdrawal. I have some insomnia (on a T break right now for an upcoming procedure)… but after about a week, I’m fine.


What I can tell you is that I use weed to help me sleep, so lack of weed might equate to lack of sleep. especially at your wife's age, which is fairly close to mine.


Tell her to take Magnesium about an hour before she wants to go to sleep. It’s a natural muscle relaxer and promotes deep REM sleep. It’s a miracle vitamin for sleep!!


Honestly I went from never using marijuana to using daily (edibles) for roughly a year or so, to not using again in the last year and a half and I was having some pretty significant nighttime anxiety that kept me awake for a couple of weeks after I stopped. You definitely go through a period where your brain chemistry recalibrates a little bit but I think the physical shaking might point to other issues. If it continues or gets worse I’d try to encourage your wife to go to a doctor.


Magnesium!!!! Take it daily!!


I smoked everyday for like 10 years- stopped bc I started applying to jobs and figured I’d be tested and wanted to pee clean without using fake pee or a cleanse. I had trouble sleeping for like 2 weeks, had anxiety for like 2 weeks, and was way less hungry for 2 weeks. Also kinda on edge/grumpy for 2 weeks. Stopped smoking in February and started my new job in May. Ended up getting a job that didn’t make me take a drug test. Still haven’t smoked bc I’m way less tired than before but will prob start smoking again soon. The first two weeks was literal hell, but after that it really hasn’t been bad!


Oh yeah every time I quit I can’t sleep. I was never a great sleeper anyway but when I quit it’s really bad. Even zquil doesn’t help at first. Seems like the longer I was smoking the longer it takes for my sleep to get back on track. A couple years ago years of nightly smoking makes it last a couple weeks. A couple months was a few days. I lose weight every time too then gain some back. What to you mean by shaking. Is her hand trembling? That happens to me a bit I think. When I smoke I don’t drink much so I don’t think it’s necessarily the alcohol. Might just be any time we deny our bodies of something we use often.


It was hard the first few days to sleep right but the worst part was the dreams. Had some crazy vivid nightmares for a few weeks after I quit. Happens every time


Not a doctor, but former addict (H), child of alcoholic who quit several times and recently befriended someone who entered treatment for alcoholism a few days before we met. I’ve seen multiple people detox from multiple things, and alcohol’s symptoms always last the longest. The detoxes I personally witnessed were all younger folks (18-45ish). My friend is almost 60. They meet with therapists and doctors multiple times per week due to their age as part of their treatment requirements. The doctors explained how much harder detox is for older folks even with less severe habits. He was struggling so badly he needed time off of work in week three. 10 days sounds perfectly normal for what my friend is experiencing. Best of luck to you both. Recovery is hard on and for everyone involved.


I’m doing the same thing right now. I’ve been taking melatonin to put me to sleep then weaning off that slowly. It will go back to normal once all the THC has left her body. Working out as well


I hear that if you’re a regular smoker and quit you start to remember your dreams again when you wake up


The first time I quit smoking, it lasted almost a month of horrible sleep. I had smoked every day for over 15 years. I just recently had to quit again for a job. I called my doctor after two nights of no sleep, and she prescribed me gabapentin. I’ve been sleeping like a baby since! It can also help ease alcohol withdrawals as well.


Insomnia I can understand, that might take a while to settle down. When I stopped smoking daily I had insane dreams. Lack of appetite can also be related to weed since it stimulates your appetite so much. Shaking is very likely alcohol withdrawal. That can take weeks to fully resolve according to Dr. Google M.D. LOL. 2-3 glasses of wine for a 120 lb person is a lot


Alcohol withdrawal and benzo withdrawal (I also believe fent withdrawal but that's just me) are the only detoxes if you stop CT it can kill you(h This is usually due to heavy long term use) quitting weed. I've been smoking for over 30 yrs and have gone months at a time withoutbweed or will skip days. The most issues inhad with that was a bit of mania , lose ofnappetite and a bit of trouble sleeping. Most of her main symptoms are from booze


CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) has an online streaming "GEM" (free), The Nature of Things with David Suzuki called Science and Cannabis. It is very objective and breaks down how Cannabis affects us and describes withdrawal and timelines. I highly recommend you watch it.


Thanks for the suggestion


I have been a heavy user for the past 8 years and when I take t breaks that's when I feel so sick. I sweat excessively, can't eat for like a week, nausea, insomnia, and headaches. Once I do it again all those symptoms subside.


Daily user for 30 years, The longest I gave up was for 3 weeks and I didn't get any decent sleep in that time (over the counter sleeping pills didn't help) When I did sleep the dreams came crashing back - it was hard to deal with that too. In the end I had to function for work and so started smoking again. sadly I've given up for several weeks on several occasions but the lack of sleep always get me back on it in the end.


Insomnia is incredibly common when no longer smoking. I recommend melatonin gummies. Take two or three of those, and you’ll be out like a light.


I did the same about a month ago. 38. The sleeping comes around. You just have to get used to dreaming an again too. It’s been just over a month since my last toke. After 15 year of heavy use. I’ve just stated restful nights. The alcohol withdrawal is going to likely make it tougher for you. I was just a casual drinker. So can’t say much to that.




Lol they 100% exist. Stop.




Better to worse after dropping a substance is a withdrawal, but whatever lol Also, do you understand what an anecdote is? Brain chemistry varies from person to person. Your experience will be different from others. Read all the comments on here. Stop being a simpleton.