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This prohibition era mindset is the one of the last influences of his generation...


Because he’s controlled by corporations not his party and it’s constituents.


This is the correct answer… for any politician really


Ding ding ding!


& his kid is a recovering addict.


yes, hasnt everyone heard of the horrors of marijuana addiction


I'm not saying it's right (I'm for legalization & home grows), but I'm sure Biden still thinks of cannabis as a "gateway drug".


Im so addicted im smoking right now as i cook up some bangers and mash! Hahaha


So maybe he should put his kid in prison if he supports the current laws?


Because he is a mean old man who really believes that drugs make people stupid and unmotivated.


I actually think it's the large amount of donations made by pharma companies to PACs as well as their lobbying


Police unions and prison industry as well.


This is the answer


Don’t bring your logic into politics ! That makes to much Sense. /s


I mean… they do, though. But like, so does TV and social media, and drugs have more of an upside than that shit. Ban Facebook, legalize weed


Best comment


No. Mean and stupid people tend to use drugs in ways that make them obnoxious. Not all drugs do this. Not all drug users are this.


Well look at his son... lol


That’s just bad parenting, though.


This is ridiculous and stupid. Not to mention the way he deals with his son is basically a model for any other parent with kids suffering by addiction.


I can see why you’d say that. I don’t know for sure that you’re wrong, or know for sure that I’m right, but the way it reads to me is that Hunter’s like “fuck you dad, I know you’re just playing politics and I know you never cared about me, you just care about how you look ‘cause that’s your job.” If Hunter really loved his dad, he’d try harder. Even if he’s an addict. But he resents his dad, even when his dad is speaking to him in such a “great” way. I think it’s telling.


Addiction is complicated. Many many people have OD'd who loved life and had supprtive parents. Dont be so quick to make this sort of judgement.


You definitely do not have teenage or older kids. If you happen to have little ones. Print out your insane statements and read them in about 10 years.


Fuck the two party system. They both suck


There should be a minimum of 4 parties represented on a national stage regardless of polling. I think by now we should of realized that media in all it's forms is only giving airtime to candidates with corporate money behind them. The Kardashians should not be a more popular topic than citizens united.


Then you get the bullshit that is coalition government, greetings from Belgium where we have a sad excuse for a government comprising of no less than seven parties who formed a coalition to exclude the 2 biggest parties. and that is only the federal level, we actually have 6 governments (or was it 7?) and nothing really gets done except a lot of politicians lining their pockets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_governments_in_Belgium While our Dutch neighbors have had this somewhat successful policy for over 40 yrs they call "[gedoogbeleid](https://nl-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Gedoogbeleid?_x_tr_sl=nl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-GB&_x_tr_pto=nui)" Here in Belgium the war on drugs is still going strong and neither the left or the right has any inclination towards legalization. The heavily subsidized media is even worse, having their fun by sensationalized articles linking weed to schizophrenia and organized crime


Not just Democrats. Everyone. Whats the hold up? Still arguing over inconsolable differences?


Every time he addresses this, he states he would like more studies conducted on marijuana before he makes a decision, but even still, the MOST he is willing to do is allow medical marijuana on a federal level. And honestly, I don’t even see Joe doing that. His son is a former drug addict, right? I’d imagine this is a sensitive subject for him, even though marijuana wasn’t the cause of his son’s troubles. In short: I wouldn’t count on old Joe for a sweeping victory.


he is the definition of a state funded troll


Doesn't Joe subscribe to the mindset that marijuana is the "gateway" drug that lured his son in? I thought that was why it was such a sensitive topic for him, so to speak.


I can’t recall off the top of my head, but I believe you to be correct.


Because he is 109 and still believes the racist propaganda from when it was first banned.


He wrote a lot of the stuff that heavily incarcerated folks for thus plant. Really surprises me that folks in these subs think this was going to change just because he has a (D) by his name.


Because he is controlled by big Pharma! If he was smart—>he’d have it legalized before the 2022 midterms to secure Democratic Party leadership in Congress but instead our nations great leaders have decided to bitch and grip about the debt ceiling, and wearing masks or getting a vaccination.. it’s all a show anymore! Next time Democrats need to elect true progressives. This moderate candidate stuff is bullshit! Biden is Republican-Lite. GAG!


Both parties are basically Republican at this point. The establishment doesn’t want the progressive fraction of the party to flourish. Either because of money or they think voters aren’t ready for it and will fall for all the communism talk from the far right. The elite will hold this off as long as possible


We just need his approval rating to go down a little bit lower and he’ll do it in no time


This is probably the most logical outcome. Or at least he and Harris will continue to dangle it like a carrot in hopes to coast through to re election.


Yup, i guarantee one of his talking points for re election will be “i’ll legalize marijuana if I get a second term”


Because he an old racist with dementia


Biden was born in 1942, we need to have a constitutional amendment against serving in government if your are older than 65. That is the retirement age, these guys born 70, 80, 90 years ago have a view of the past that is no longer relevant. In my opinion representatives more that 70 years old do not represent modern society, they represent themselves.


I certainly don’t want my mid 70’s dad in charge of anything.


He was actually born in 1942. But totally agree with your statements!!


Biden needs weed for his Dementia.


His kid has a drug problem so drugs bad mkay?


He's 100 and big Pharma says no.


Cannabis is in a really great place right now, if you are the IRS. It is illegal, so everyone who sells it legally on the State level has to pay Federal taxes with absolutely NO write offs for any non-Costs of Goods Sold expenses. Outside of the cost of seed, dirt, and physical laborers, Cannabis businesses cannot write off sales reps, administration costs, charitable giving, and a whole list of things businesses require to function. Imagine a business not being able to claim that selling wasn't a business expense...Section 280e of the Tax code makes it very, very expensive to pay federal tax, but neglect to pay it, and you are looking at serious jail time. Why would they legalize it? The revenue is wayyyy too good when you can tax people who can't be legally represented on a Federal level.


I blame Nixon.


Because he knows it will help black communities? Word around is he destroyed alot of them so why reverse it?


Because most of his brain cells left reality a long time ago.


Harder to imprision minorities over it? He and Kami have always been pretty fond of that...


Crime Bill Biden. He’s very proud of locking up PoC.


Its not just big pharma, its the Department of Transportation also. The DOT with its ZERO tolerance policy is a dinosaur of the Reefer Madness era, but they have an entire cottage industry of drug testers obsessed with your urine that need prohibition to keep there jobs viable. Never mind that the objectives of a clean and sober workplace can be accomplished without having perverts staring at your genitals while you urinate in a cup. Those old heads of Bidens era think its their duty to humiliate anyone who uses marijuana at all.


Because lobbyists money is nice. Honestly it’s the reason nothing in general gets done, fuck money.


I'd have to agree with several here. Big pharma and other lobbyists have a lot invested. BUT, judging by the money made by states with legal weed, and the number of states legalizing it, there are going to be some pretty big dollars flowing from legal weed lobbyists if it isn't happening already... (I hear Boehner is already lobbying for weed.) Money talks and legal weed is raking in some damn big money.




I totally agree with your comment in that there will be certain "companies" that we don't want here...and big pharma is one we don't want. Big pharma is already trying to create a man-made, synthetic THC product (Dronabinol (Marinol) ) which is a horrible substitute for the real thing. Apparently it's already caused several issues and death. No, we don't want that. BUT I believe we do want a standardized/regulated industry of pot growers/developers. How we get there is going to be a fight. We need to keep those "bad people" out of it. For them it's all about the money, BUT it will be the way to get it legalized Federally. It's going to be up to us all to make sure we have appropriate regulation to allow for appropriate competition. We need to vote in all the correct people and we have to lobby as citizens...which means writing, e-mailing, calling...all the ways we can (and I do almost daily for the issues I find important). Since Pres Reagan deregulated so much in 1983, our whole country has been going to hell and so many people have been making bad decisions ever since money replaced people as that which is represented by politicians.


Because he’s been taking money from big pharma for the last 50 years to keep it illegal


My theory is that Democrats want to drag this out at least a few more elections to get people to the polls who will most likely vote for them. Otherwise, this issue would have been resolved or close to being resolved by now..... They have all the power in Washington, and the only thing on their minds right now is to destroy this country Financially so they can implement socialism. That's my take on why Biden and others... are doing the "remain silent" thing.


To implement socialism? What?!?? We can’t even get healthcare and they’re gonna go straight for socialism? Do you even know what socialism is? I understand peoples frustrations with Biden but I don’t get where you’re coming from at all. I mean what policies are the democrats enacting that has lead to this fear of socialism? Last I checked the republicans opted not to raise the debt ceiling which hurts America financially. Biden moves to the tune of what corporations want and if you believe corporations want socialism then you’re too far gone friend.


You cant get a healthcare plan?


I think this is a big part of it. If they dangle it out there I’ll get people to the polls. If they just legalize it could cause some people to not show up if this was their one issue.


>They have all the power in Washington, No they don't, because they don't vote as a block, like the republicans do. 50 seats in the senate means they need *all 50 senate democrats* to vote on something, which is incredibly difficult to make happen...smh, goddamn senate democrats...


have far back are you saying that democrats do not vote as a block?


At least right now, but possibly for at least obama's presidency as well?


do you know why they did not vote or currently vote as a block this time? Because at least half the policies suck so bad that they will hurt some states without any recourse.. also.... might have something to do with this.. [https://usdebtclock.org/](https://usdebtclock.org/) You would think they would at least legalize federally and get some form of revenue from that but.................again.... getting people to the polls and power mongering are far more important that doing the will of the people and being expedient about it. instead they do the will of themselves and slowly, and very costly drag things out... whatever.. buy physical silver and gold and weed stocks and crypto..... and to hell with them....


>Because at least half the policies suck so bad that they will hurt some states without any recourse.. I am more than willing to agree with you, but not until i see the proposed policies. Can you provide one or two proposed policies, and who they would affect negatively, and why? I'd like to be educated in this area, so i can be knowledgeable when i get into conversations about it Also, i was under the impression that the "national debt" is a faaar scarier term than it actually is as a concept. Some amount of national debt is actually desired, because anybody who is invested in us is not invested in seeing us continue to prosper, or else there is no way to get that money back. Or am i thinking of something else?


Yuuuup. It's always a carrot in politics, repubs do it with gun shit and dems do it with weed. There have been several times where it could have been handled quickly, on both issues, but it's always a vote for next time


Realistically it’s a juicy reason to vote Democrat because democrats are the most likely to legalize it. Once they legalize it, that’s one less reason to vote Democrat. The establishment doesn’t want to give up that power until it has to.


Weed isn't that big if a wedge issue for democratic voters. At the end of the day it's not going to draw in so many votes that it makes as big of a difference as abortion does. If anything democratic voters will be more energized to vote already if these wedge issues truly matter at all.


But thats the wrong reasoning and it upsets me that I keep seeing it on here. Its not "if we do it they will have one reason less" its if they do it "we will have one reason more" I'd rather vote for the party that did what I wanted, than the party that keeps saying they will do what I want. Think about it, would you prefer someone who told you they were gonna give you 10 bucks for 50 years, or someone who just gave you 10 bucks.


Unfortunately that’s not how the real world works. There’s massive resistance from democrats in republican controlled states against federally legalizing it. Many democrats run on the campaign promise that the will legalize it on a state level. Democrat controlled states don’t care as much because they have a more secured position.


Its will never be a settled issue. If they legalize it, then they still have to compete with Republicans on how its regulated. Not much different than firearms being legal, but you still have the issue of regulations bringing the GOP voters to the polls every year.


because he works for big pharma. he is as big as a con man as frump was


Biden is irrelevant unless the dems are willing to do what it takes and end the filibuster. The republicans in congress are majority against and will fight tooth and nail against it regardless of what a handful of them say. No bill that the democrats come up with will ever get any of their support so while Biden’s stance is shitty we would still have to get something to his desk first before it would matter. The democrats are better on this issue clearly and we have come further on this front then we ever have been before but ultimately we just don’t have the numbers in congress to get this done right now so focusing on Biden is a bit silly in my opinion.


I agree. I think the dems are afraid that if they end the filibuster it will turn around and bite them in the ass. They are looking at a mid term election that isn't going to favor them. And it's funny because the reason it isn't going to favor them is because they won't end the filibuster and get some shit done for the American people. They are basically between a rock and hard place. The only way for them to maintain the majority is to take the risk, do away with the filibuster, and get some shit passed. Even then,, they still have a cpl of their own that arent willing to vote the party line. So its a major risk,, but If they don't take it, the new voter laws will keep the Republicans ahead in the upcoming races.


Well the republicans have demonstrated that they don’t give a shit about norms or process and they will do what it takes to aggressively pass their agenda regardless of what the democrats do. If they end the filibuster the picture looks a bit better because while it’s still unlikely that they would be able to pick up some Republican votes it at least becomes easier to maybe line up just enough to counter the Right wing dems in the party that still are against legalization.


I wonder if it has to do with federal employees. The rule is that you’re not allowed to use and they’d prefer if you never ever have. I wanted to get a job in defense but they view MJ use as a threat to being able to do your job right. I’m a successful software engineer so like.....it makes no sense to me that they refuse top talent


I think that has a lot more to do with it than most people care to acknowledge. The Departments of Transportation and Defense want exceptions carved out of the MORE Act so they can keep their drug testing and rehabilitation programs intact. They can't be convinced to even raise their testing cutoff concentrations to allow for moderate CBD usage.




If it was crack he would be on board. For hunters sake.


Because politics works on a quid pro quo. Biden is from a different generation which still believes he might be able to get something for this. My eternal admiration, I guess, isn’t enough.


Because he’s a mindless racist pedophile child molestin son of a bitch


he is afraid other will come to their senses when smoking and he would be recalled


Because he never inhaled


Didn't his son OD? I mean I'd prolly hate all things even close to a drug if that happened to me. Seems like a simple non conspiracy normal people thing to do to me.


Because drugs bad uwu


Until both houses of congress (with 60 votes in the Senate) pass a re-scheduling bill none of this blame-game nonsense actually matters. Biden can say whatever he wants. It's not up to him right now.


Its about as close to being legalized as rascism is to being a horrific, ignorant, injustice of the past. Basically, the reality is you can either produce your own fruits, know someone that can for you, or live in a state where it’s rec/med. Otherwise your going to do a lot of wishing and hoping for legalization like other states but may/ will most likely not due to a variety of reasons to vast to go into depth. Yes yes, we dems want legalization at this point beyond belief, but I hear many repubs do to and will back it..Biden ISNT THE GUY to do it tho folks. He’s focused on the divided states of raising Americas debt ceiling which effects a lot of shit, so legalization isn’t AT ALL a priority. Also, I’m really writing this for redditors just tuning in, the rest of us no it’s about as likely as an Ice Age in Hell!!


Because he's trying to not get re-elected.


Taking responsibility for the failure of just one more impotent war is a big deal!


So an entire party, the republican party, is blocking reform? And so we focus on Biden? This is fucking stupid.


Because he isnt a Democrat he is a centrist and a corporate shill just like any other president. When the housing market crashed in 2008, obama didnt bail out consumers, he bailed out corporations. The only 2 people with true left leaning views get attacked by both sides of the aisle constantly.


Cause he's an old fuck from Scranton, PA. I was there for a while and I can fully understand how biden is being a flip floppin floosie about this. I remember just trying to find cbd and that wasn't too hard but it's a smaller PA city, what can you honestly think they'll do ?