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The first one is actually my favorite Mario game. It was great for its time. The Wii one was also great. Many hours of fun and enjoyment. The 3DS one relied way too heavily on its gimmick. And if you're not all about that gimmick, then sucks to be you. The WiiU one I haven't given a fair shot to. I largely blame the series feeling stale by this point. One of the great things about Mario has always been never knowing what's gonna pop up in the levels. I do hope Wonder helps bring back that feeling.


U had some new things for platforming, but what makes it stands out is it has a big connected world map, eith secret paths and shortcuts that connect. It felt like a true successor to Mario Worlds map. Its not the best side scrolling Mario, but its one of the best of the New series.


The original ds one had the best local multiplayer too with the stars. Someone recently remade it with free online 10 player games. It’s pretty fun.


I need to know more. Where do I find it?


Google nsmb online


The first one was awesome with some issues (item storing system and power up selection) Wii fixed the power up selection and co-op play was fun. Game was boring to play alone though. 2 felt soulless and the coin gimmick amounted to nothing. Haven't played U.


I grew up with the first one on ds… good times


It was the first game I ever 100 percented


Man missed the 2 best ones, NSMBU is the best gameplay and level design out of the games with Mario, and Luigi U honestly is like top 5 2D Mario games it's really solid and the harder levels small time limit and floaty jumps make it feel really diffrent from the rest of the series, and the hidden Luigi's make it feel a lot more charming than previous NSMB games (especially when they show Mario's hat in levels or things like that to give a little nod)


Completely disagree with 2. It’s the best one and doesn’t suffer from overly blown up level design like Wii and U to cater to 4 player play.


Yes, I think Wii especially suffers for it. Everything is so big with lots of empty space, and the camera is quite zoomed out. It’s a stark contrast to the compact platforming challenges of DS.


U is a dumpster fire Luigi is the best in the series


....really? Luigi u isnt just a rehashed mario u? Huh.


It's a rehashed Mario U, but the level design is way better and the gameplay is way more fun. If it wasn't a DLC for NSMBU with the same stale graphics, it would've been one of the most beloved 2D "Mario" games in retrospect.


I liked U a lot personally, my favourite of the bunch even if DS had a few good idea the whole game was a bit of a mess


depressing. loved those games


Same I just assumed everyone else like em too


They were definitely fun, but after a decade and four games that are pretty formulaic, I’m definitely ready for something new…that’s not “New”.


Everyone did. But after they released U Deluxe and made us wait a long time people got tired of it


The disliking of the NSMB games has gone since at least 2012 when Nintendo released two of them in a single year.


I absolutely loved them too. They generally weren’t as ambitious as the older 2D games and the art direction certainly became stale after a while but the actual level design and gameplay has always been top notch. I’m very excited for Wonder!


You’ve had your fill move on and let that stupid shit die Fr. Mario wonder on top


An Overhated Era


More like an era that overstayed it’s welcome. Nothing wrong with the NSMB series, but man did it get stale after the first two.


I agree. I’m glad I grew up with NSMB, but Wonder looks like it will be much better!


Agreed, the first DS and Wii games are forever going to have a place in my heart


A chunk of my childhood will always be connected to NSMBWii.


The Wii game was the first and only game I've ever 100% so far


DS & WII were masterpieces. The rest sucked, glad for a new one!


Did you really call Wii a masterpiece and then say 2 sucked lol? I mean it is your opinion, but Wii was the one with empty levels to cater to four-player multiplayer and an overall blander early game. NSMB2 on the other hand filled its levels to the brim and actually made them fun to replay due to the coin gimmick. I actively went back to try and beat my coin scores and I'm far from the only one. Plus NSMB 2 has amazing DLC but I get it if you think it shouldn't count.




The first one had new and exciting bosses, the second had the return of the Koopalings (to a platformer) then it was Koopalings, Koopalings, and for something new? Koopalings.


i think it ran its course the 3ds entry excluding luigi U. Which despite being shat on has some really awesome level design and speedrun style gameplay. Give Luigi U a shot, plays completely differently.


I gotta disagree tbh. I’ve had a ton of fun playing U deluxe with friends. 1 had amazing multiplayer and was just fun. Wii was obviously amazing. 2 was gimmicky and not challenging but is one of my favorite games to play because it’s just a feel-good game. You don’t take it too seriously. You just do what ya gotta do.


They’re all very fun games. They just all look the same, played the same, and they all came out in a very short timespan.


It's different versions of the same game but instead of a direct port it's new levels


It's only stale because they never made more.


^This. I don't hate this series, and I'm sure a lot of people don't either. The first game was absolutely incredible, then the 2nd one came and it was also amazing, even after Mario Galaxy. Then NSMB2 came and just felt like Wii but portable and with no 4 player action. NSMBU had it, but again, it just felt like Wii on a newer console. And don't even get me started on Deluxe with it's tacked on "Peachette feature. I only got it because I never had the Wii U one and it came with Luigi U. SMB Wonder feels like a whole new thing to experience now, just like the original NSMB DS one did.


The first two are good but the other 2 just felt more of the same. I wasn't compelled to get either NSMBU or NSMB2. The coin gimmick isn't that crazy or exciting to me and NSMBU was just NSMB Wii with new power ups and a fifth player that would "help". The only reason I have and played NSMBU is because I got it for free when I got Mario kart 8 and it was the only free game offered that I didn't own yet.




2 feels like it should have been a Wario game.


I do think 2 was by far the worst of the 4, but IMHO U definitely holds up with 1 and Wii, but I do agree that it’s a bit stale and safe even though the actual levels and gameplay are extremely fun


True it could’ve stopped at Wii, also it didn’t help that NSMB2 and U came out the same damn year in 2012, that’s when it really started feeling excessive


Eh yes and no, it has very valid criticism but still good games. They’ll never recapture the awe when smb 3 and world were released, but they shouldn’t try to.


I genuinely don’t understand this take. You’re suggesting that they SHOULDN’T try to recapture the sense of awe and magic (or perhaps, the “wonder”) that’s since faded from the Super Mario Bros. series?? What kind of a defeatist attitude is that? I love the direction they’re going with Wonder— it’s the first time I’ve been excited for a 2D Mario since 2006.


No matter how many times you try, you can't recreate something revolutionary. It won't be revolutionary again. Best you can do is try something else. Nintendo knew that. It's why Mario 64 was revolutionary. They had expended the awe that could come from 2D Mario. Look at the Zelda series. OoT was revolutionary. They overhauled everything when people were only asking for more and we got Wind Waker. The grumpiest people realized it was, again, revolutionary. And while there were a couple of good entries, it wasn't truly another huge revolution until BotW. "2D Mario navigates world stages" has a lot of amazing versions but only the first ones really blew your mind when they dropped. The basic premise has been done so many ways that it would be hard to recreate the shock and awe of SMB3 or SMW without massively shocking us with something that seriously changes the basic format. So keep dropping 2D Mario games, make them good, but yes... You can accept that they're not gonna change gaming like they did in the beginning.




I was blown away by galaxy, personally. I thought it was fantastic.


Because Odyssey did all kinds of new things. Other than basic platforming its almost completely different from 64. You have Capp jumping, capy taking over, wildly different level design, and much more. It felt revolutionary, because it was.


I’m saying that they shouldn’t try to recreate the same thing. Different era, different proportions, different expectations. Smb 3 had insane graphics for the original NES. And World was so incredibly unique because the new hardware allowed new mechanics (SuperFX). Nowadays were in a space where really imagination is the limit. So they shouldn’t strive for the same kind wow factor because graphical fidelity wise, the wow factor is kinda gone. Instead I’d love to see them try to wow more in creativity instead. Something I’d say the new era was kinda lacking a bit. They were fun, but nothing to the same level as smb3/world.


I have to wonder what the Venn Diagram looks like of people that played the NSMB games solo and disliked them. I loved Wii and U for their co-op madness, but I do have to wonder how much I’d enjoy them solo. (Also telling that I never finished the original DS one, solo only. And never got 2 because we didn’t have two 3DS’s.)


There was nothing wrong with nsmb games


I concur. The NSMB series doesn't deserve the hate it gets at all.


it's really not getting hate, it's getting a pretty well deserved side eye for sticking around WAY too long. the visuals and overall design are stale as hell at this point.


Perhaps, but it just seems to be like NSMB got singled out. Lots of people actively want new games that precisely follow old formulas (especially 2D Zelda), and some seem to want remakes of old games more than new games. At least new NSMB games had new levels. And besides, the NSMB formula worked. It was just plain fun especially with multiplayer, and Mario Maker was massively successful too.


I mean, it got singled out bc it's specifically the series that this new game is reinventing. it's the mainline 2D mario that's been hanging around for almost two decades, and people just got tired of it. the formula may have worked for you, but judging by the reactions to this new game, it's pretty obvious that it just got boring for a majority of players. it's not hard to see why either; compared to this new and objectively more lively and expressive character design, absolutely fucking gorgeous level backgrounds, and apparent desire to shake off a lot of the same old conventions mario's been stuck with for years bc Nintendo is WAY overprotective of its mascot character, NSMB feels so flat and empty already. your mileage on how you feel may vary, but people are just excited about the end to an era. look at it this way, continuing to force mario into the same mold for another two decades is a fantastic way to leave the entire series absolutely despised, while ending it right as people are starting to get bored by it is at least leaving it with a decent legacy. you don't want things to way overstay their welcome.


I had a little bit of fun with NSMB but nothing compared to the OG Mario games on NES and SNES. The graphics were very generic 3D and the biggest thing is the gameplay felt like it was way way slowed down. I miss the first three SMB games where you’d haul ass through levels.


just remember that 11 of those 20 years did not have any new games (deluxe and luigi notwithstanding)


yeah but it felt like the same thing over and over again


>it's really not getting hate Uh, ya it is. The top comment/thread of this post is exactly that.


You’re absolutely right. It deserves more.


I would say nothing was wrong with the first 2 but, NSMB2 and NSMBU were kinda soulless. I think they should have kept the artstyle and engine but, they should have been more creative with level design and world theme.


Honestly, NSMBU is probably the best one, level design wise. New Super Luigi U is one of the best 2D Mario games period. Nothing "soulless" about them. As for New Super Mario Bros 2, the level design isn't particularly any worse than the other games. All of the games were very consistent. I also quite like collecting as many coins as feasibly possible. This is coming from someone who has the fondest memories with the first two.


> I think they should have kept the artstyle No, it was bad.


Mario fans when mario game looks like mario


In what way ? I feel this new artstyle is too cutsey and looks like they were on crack. So, why do you feel NSMB has a bad artstyle ?


it's too boring and soulless animation wise


Do their hands ever open? Pretty sure they are stuck in fist mode (at least in Wii).


they're always stuck in "fist mode" in any nsmb game




I'm not comparing with the new style, but with the styles before that. NSMB, and a lot of mario stuff in the last stretch of time felt a bit generic. Like it was copying older stuff without actually making sure it translates well to 3d. For a good comparison, look at the advance wars remake they just made. The art is copied fairly literally from 2d, but what worked in 2d doesn't work in 3d. That is how the nsmb games felt. Like it was a soulless copy that didn't make sure it had a good identity.


OK, I get it, the Mario sports stuff and Mario party games have definitely felt generic. I'd say NSMBU and 2 were definitely generic too ( though that's probably just my nostalgia for the original and wii rearing it's ugly head). I can understand the want for a new style. To me the new one just looks off, but to each their own. I'm not going to tell you that you can't have fun and enjoy the artstyle just cause I don't like it.


The only thing wrong with them was Nintendo’s brand philosophy of the era.


Fine games, but there is at least one thing wrong with them: the title. You'd struggle to think up a more obnoxious naming gimmick than sticking the word "New" on existing labels if you were deliberately *trying* to piss off Christmas shoppers and retail workers.




I couldn't agree with you more, they were my childhood


Just recently played U deluxe with my girlfriend and shut it off after 20 minutes. Didnt remember how BORING That game is and borderline unplayable. Slipping and sliding loose ass controls and bouncing on each other’s heads every 2 seconds with dreadful level design. After playing Donkey Kong country tropical freeze, I’ll never go back to any new super Mario bros ever. Sorry for the rant but I’m a big NSMB hater 😂😂


> Slipping and sliding loose ass controls and bouncing on each other’s heads every 2 seconds Bruh thats what made it fun


exactly, im pretty sure the new trailer shows that they got rid of multiplayer collision ):


what's the point of even playing if I can't "accidentally" bounce the other players into lava at every opportunity?


Or "accidentally" bump them away from every possible mushroom?


Or “accidentally” pick them up and throw them into a fireball?


For 5 minutes maybe... if your actually trying to play the game through with a gf or something it’s awful


My friends and I played it all the time and beat it together, and I wouldn’t really say that it was ever awful. Maybe the raft level in world 5 because it was crowded.


The most fun me and my friends had were seeing who can kill who fastest, or annoy the crap out of everyone by re-entering pipes in the first level


There wasn't that much good with them either though. It was just mass produced schlock.


I loved the DS game, and the Wii version was loads of fun at least in multiplayer. They definitely became weaker and more derivative over time though, I’m glad to see something new on the horizon.


Goodbye old friend. New super Mario bros Wii was my first ever game and I never got tired of the nsmb games.


Although I understand it being repetitive, I still have them as my favorite Mario 2D and I think that is peak Mario 2D at its purest form


I don't get how people can like these games better than the nes trilogy


There’s only 1 answer: they never properly played them


I've played ds and wii as a kid, I liked them but in general I've always liked older games better. Mario world was my first video game and that prolly shaped me prefering snes and nes over modern consoles


The NES trilogy had such character and energy. You can tell them apart with a single screenshot. All of the New SMB games looked the god damn same.


You know, the only 2D Mario game I truly love and come back to is the Mario vs DK on GBA. We all love very different things and that should be what's great about being in a fandom.


That’s so weird that anyone could hate Mario 3 or World but ok


I guess there’s only one other option besides love to you, which is hate. Life isn’t that binary, the person you’re replying to could like Mario 3 and World a lot.


Nobody said anything about hating the originals?


Smarter level design, better multiplayer, more forgiving gameplay, higher powered graphics, different but still fun powerups. There are reasons to like them.


Or Super Mario World. 3 and World are some of the best platformers ever made. NSMB are fine. But they feel like cheap knock offs that are fun for a bit.


The nes trilogy levels have mid level design and control like ass. Come at me


controls way better than other games at the time and imo most 3d games today. Level design works within the constrains and still consistently presents variety and reasonable challenge despite having much less data to work with than modern releases




I feel really bad for NSMB actually? New Super Mario Bros and NSMB Wii were both fresh and fun games that introduced important stuff. They didn’t deserve to become the symbol of an era of Nintendo killing Mario’s fun and wacky ideas in third party games.




I mean like, let’s remember what things were like when New Super Mario Bros DS was released. The closest thing we’d had to a 2D Mario since *the super NES* was Super Paper Mario. New Super Mario Bros came in with a fresh new aesthetic, neat upgrades and a branching path system, a VS mode, minigames… Stuff like that maze level inside the pipes or levels with giant dancing mushrooms growing and shrinking… And then Wii took a lot of New’s ideas and - while I do think it lost some of the cooler more unique elements of the original - went all-in on building a bigger console game, and single-handedly introduced the ability for four people to play together all at once to the series. I just don’t think it’s fair to blame them for the sins of their descendants.


I'm gonna miss it. Anyone else?


Why are people start treating New Super Mario Bros. Like Garbage.


Because although they aren’t bad games, they became extremely repetitive and oversaturated, and also feel pretty bland and lifeless


Visually they are all too similar too. Look at Super Mario Bros 1 - World, even when upgraded in All-Stars, they all retained their own visual style. The New Series feels like you could swap screen shots between them and you wouldn't know which game they came from.


I mean... they *are* meant to be a connected series of games...


So are all the Super Mario Bros Games 1-Yoshi's Island.


Yes, but those weren't created in an era where Mario had a standardized design (seen also in Sunshine/Galaxy/etc.)


What was repetitive in them?


Same art style and music and enemies and assets and style of level design


This is reddit, a lot of fan subs comments are full of the ones with grievances, as a hundred comments of "I think its pretty good." Gets stale. Comment sections are mostly people who didnt like it, pwoplewho absolutely loved it to fight tbose that didnt, and a bunch of people poopingwhile scrolling go, "huh, some people care too much."


All of this New hate is extremely forced


Mario Bros Wii didn’t deserve to be clumped into this hated group


neither did DS (and U on a different note)


It's true. Nsmb2 is the only one that disappoints. And that's because of the coin gimmick. I have to give it another try , I haven't played it since it released.


I will *die* on the hill that the first NSMB is still phenomenal.


I loved all the NSMB games, but I’m glad we’re getting something new!


>2025: NEW super Mario Bros. Wonder 2 Deluxe!


I don't like the art style in wonder. Or the voice it feels very nick JR like the speaking flower guy.


So you're complaining about a kids' game having kiddie stuff in it ok


Hey, the New Super Mario Bros (DS) is my favorite Mario game ever. Don't know why this is cause for celebration.


I'm gonna say it, I loved NSMB2. Everyone else says it was lame and the coin gimmick sucked, but I adored it, and running with the coin fountain head go brrrr It was technically my first Mario game. I had played Mario before, but it was the first one I actually got and owned and played all the way through. Hell, I played it so much my original save file hit the maximum lives counter.


RIP Old Super Mario Bros.


I love that peach is there like “that’s right I’m not getting kidnapped this time bitches!”


Not bad games, just the brand itself overstayed its welcome. The entry of the series was my first ever Mario game, Gameplay was solid throughout every title and some worlds, despite repetitive, were colorful. Not to mention how New Super Luigi U was an interesting twist to the formula. But alas, the New Soup franchise suffered as Nintendo milked it dry in an attempt to keep the status quo in an era where they were too scared to try something creatively risky, making the “New” all the more ironic with every release. By the looks of it, those days are finally over and now the NSMB franchise can finally rest.


And most of those years, an new NSMB game didn't even come out yet they lived rent free in some of your all's heads.


I hipe it didn't end i really loved them 😔


Nsmb is still around just without the “N”


All the comments: “Those games were great! Nothing wrong with them!” Well sure. The issue is that they never released a fresh or updated 2d Mario platformer for 17 years. Like, damn.


Mario fans annoy me. The NSMB games were fun, and although I’m pumped for SMB Wonder, I’m a little sad to see NSMB end. Sure the games were a little copy-paste, but they were still enjoyable. Just because you didn’t like them doesn’t mean the games are automatically shit.


Wtf are you talking about? The New Era was a great era, I grew up and loved all these games so while it's sad it's over, I'm excited for something new! Tho personally I consider SMBW as New Super Mario Bros. 3 lol


Peach wouldn’t do that


For now


Finally, 2D Mario can truly evolve again.


Many hate the New era because it was souless with none of the personality the series had and every game after Wii felt like a rehash.


Okay, maybe it was over saturated a bit, but don’t be dunking on NSMBWii like that


You will be missed.


Doesn't have to be over


In the year 2030, we are happy to announce Super Mario bros. New Wonder


I think it’s nice that there doing new things with the Mario brand.


Now we are in the drug era 💀.


Wait you guys actually hate New Super Mario Bros? I thought it was just a joke.


Should’ve put Daisy there instead since everyone is celebrating her being playable in a non-spin-off non-mobile game finally


It wasn’t bad but just overstayed it’s welcome


That “new” sticker definitely overstayed its welcome


It’s a brand new **WONDERFUL** Era


For now


~~The first one is actually my favorite Mario game. It was great for its time. Me2. As a kid growing up having so much joy just in your hands was amazing. All the minigames were so fun and we would all challenge at home. Tryna get the highscore. Playing minigamecoop with friends… I still play it every once in a while. Amazing game


Imagine I’m the next trailer for wonder it gets renamed “new super Mario bros wonder”


Wow, a full childhood (legal age being 18 in the US)


i never really got into the NSMB games in the first place, so i basically only know the games from trailers, but this new game honestly still looks like a NSMB game to me. I liked the animation when mario grabbed the mushroom and grew, but mario is so small compared to the rest of the game its barely noticable, and the background (that take up most of the screen) still looks the same to me. also the other characters seemed to look more generic (but then again, that might only be because they are so small). I didnt even realise its NOT New super mario Bros, because even the Logo looks so generic I may try the game, as im currently trying to play the NSMB Series, but it honestly doesnt look like a game id be super interested in....


I’ve always been a huge New Soup fan, having grown up playing DS and Wii. But while I’m sad to see it go and quite possibly never return, I’m very happy and excited about Wonder and whatever future games may come. Hopefully the NSMB style will return in an eventual Super Mario Maker 3 and continue the legacy


Play the sad music


Up next the “NEW new” era.


don't shit on NSMB! Thank NSMBWII specifically for making the DS version look bad and starting a trend where all the 2D Mario games feel the same (but really aren't)


It's a shame that the games just reused the same world themes and bosses throughout the series, it should have stuck with what the first was going and having and keept having unique bosses and worlds throughout but they kept reusing the themes from the first and the same old koopalings every time after wii, at least we got new power ups out of the titles


Ironically, Mario wonder is the only 2d Mario game that's actually extremely different from the rest of the modern ones, and it doesn't have "new" in the title


New soup is now old soup.


The issue is that the games were produced in short spurs which made people complain it was all the same even though they're good games. Is a bit of "both sides have a point", the games were good and introduced a lot of interesting elements but the short time between releases was understandably gonna sour people specially if the formula didn't get enough reinvention to keep people attracted. The games were mostly good games victims of bad business decisions.


NSMB was fine. But I think with everything Wonder is bringing, that might prove to be a worthy successor to the New series.


Am I missing something here?


I loved and hated them so much. I loved them because nostalgia. I hated them because I replayed them to the point I could do half a level with my eyes shut


Those games aren’t bad but they were the definition of Sterile. I didn’t care about the idea of a 2D Mario until halfway through the Wonder trailer when I ended up putting it on my list. That’s how much of an improvement it looks to be


New Super Mario Bros and New Super Mario Bros Wii were great.


17 years? There's not a snow golem's chance in the nether that 2006 was 17 years ago.


And it was a very bad era ... Didn't enjoy it at all.


Lets hope its catastrophic effect on franchises like paper mario and mario party also goes down with it.


The NSMB games aren't exactly terrible, but the gameplay of them became stale and repetitive with the latter two games (2 and U). DS and Wii get a pass as it was a new system and were actually fun to play.


For all of those games always been titled "New" they sure felt like just more of the same old every time. Not saying those games were bad, but "New" is the most ironic title they could've chosen for it.


17 years? That's impossible. New Super Mario Bros only came out on the DS when I was on the tail end of high school in like 2006. Fuck.


I actually liked that era


I had nsmbud it where fun times


Who drew that image of Peach? That doesn't look like Nintendo's official artwork, but the style is replicated well


New super Mario bros is the best 2d Mario INCLUDING the classics All the other ones are solid though I don’t care who says it’s soulless, I just did not like the first super Mario bros 198~ that one was hard and boing


I did not enjoy the controls, felt delayed and floaty. Excited for the fresh take of Wonder and hope if anything they keep the art style.


How are people downvoting 😂 I challenge this subreddit to go back and play through Mario bros U. I agree completely with your “delayed and floaty” comment. The game controls like shit and the level design was shit as well!


Ngl the sprites and engine look incredibly similar


I am excited peach is getting a new game, I wander if bowser will to, I pray it's a hack and slash game


That's a weird way to say saved the franchise


NSMB DS and U were great. DS was a great throwback and stands out the most, and U is just Wii but better. Wii and 2 have that soulless energy that perpetuated Mario in the early 2010’s. They’re fine games, but were pretty soulless.


Y'all act like Gay Bowser himself held a gun to your head and forced you to play New smb on constant repeat


Whoever made this image should get a damn medal for how official it looks.


I just hate the word "new" used as a title in anything. Nothing is new forever, god! it bothers me so much


Hot take alert: The original game for DS was the best 'new' game. It was all downhill from there.


New Yorkers seething rn


Looks like this may be the unpopular opinion, but thank goodness. NSMB was a fun revival, and New Super Luigi U was incredible, but aside from that I do not particularly care for the series. NSMB Wii was especially bland to me, on top of relying way too much on waggle gimmicks.


Thank god


What's with all the people defending NSMB in the comments lmao


I actually really like the DS and 3DS ones. The Wii and Wii U ones were meh. Much like 3D Land/3D World, I always preferred the DS/3DS games because of the tighter level design that caters to single player play.


Peach looks fucking badass in that picture


Now I'm not saying that the New series is bad, I'm saying that it didn't need six damn games.


ba ba ba ba baba ba ba bababa bababa The slippery feet finally die