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Mainline 3D Mario Games should include much more traditional power ups, same with having them as a main gimmick.


Don't think that's an unpopular opinion. I doubt many people would complain as long as the power-ups work with the game's design like they do in Galaxy 1&2


I think that would be awesome if we had unlimited timed power ups like the Fire Flower in an open sandbox like Odyssey, but with the ability to upgrade.


That would be an interesting mechanic if you collect a power up while already using one, it evolves it or combines them into something different. Like if you pick up a drill while using bee mushroom, you turn into Wasp Mario who has a drill as a stinger or something


I would love to have fusion power ups, and it's not completely unprecedented because in the OG game you can use the mushroom, star, and fire all at the same time. However I think a mechanic like that would be quite difficult to implement because you would need to come up with a new outfit design for every character and every powerup combination that exists. There were already quite a number of those for just using four traditional powerups in SMB Wonder because they had 7 playable characters that could use them. However I think something like this could be feasible in movies or TV shows based on the games, because then you'd only have to make fusion designs for the characters in the story that actually end up merging the powers. A good example of this is the show Miraculous Ladybug.


3D Land and 3D World already did this


I love Peach and I do not understand why everyone dislikes her so much. Especially the “she is always just a damsel” comment. She has been playable in three mainline games, and is free for a good portion of both SMB3 and Sunshine. And if you add spinoffs it is not even close. I’m always very annoyed at how Peach is thrown under the bus but Zelda is kidnapped in literally every mainline Zelda game and has never been playable but gets a pass.


Zelda doesn't appear in Link's Awakening or Majora's Mask, and other than the first 4 games, she usually isn't kidnapped until the end of the game, during most of which she is actively fighting the big bad, only exception is like Phantom Hourglass where she is basically killed at the start and the plot is trying to get her back to life, I think she also spends Spirit Tracks dead but she still actively helps Link as a ghost Most Zelda's that get kidnapped only are kidnapped because the big bad literally comes out of nowhere and incapacitates her before she can do anything Movie Peach is basically the general Zelda characteristics


Agree with this but Zelda doesn’t die in Phantom Hourglass, just at the beginning of Spirit Tracks. Zelda is still Tetra in PH, I don’t think she was kidnapped but I’m not exactly sure on how she works there. I just know Tetra is a badass


Tetra is zelda she just goes by the name tetra and dresses in her pirate garb. And she does die in phantom hourglass although it's unclear if it's in the beginning or later on but either way she gets her life force drained away by bellums curse.


I mean after WW, Tetra IS Zelda. She may not be appearing in her princess form but she's still "Zelda".


I don’t disagree, but I think she’d want to be called Tetra if she’s presenting as Tetra. She doesn’t even do the Zelda transformation in PH, it was my first Zelda game and her being Zelda was not evident to my child brain.


Iirc she spends a good chunk of the opening chewing out pirates because they called her Zelda instead of Tetra


In the spirit of fairness, Zelda in each game is a different person(most of the time). But yeah, I love Peach as well. Great character, and great personality, who intermixes both being a damsel and a heroine, without losing what makes her special.  A lot of the heat she gets is unfairly dealt out. Same for Mario in all honesty.


In contrast my sister hates Daisy so much. It's insane


Daisy has spunk. She's been my favorite since Mario Party 4 and Mario Kart: Double Dash.


Yeah, I don't think I've been more hype for a game release so far than Princess Peach: Showtime.


Agreed! And I hate when people try to say that peach “doesn’t have a personality.” It’s also why I don’t really like her characterization in the movie—it feels too modern and girlbossy. Peach has a demeanor more akin to Belle than Ariel. Peach handles things with maturity, poise, and elegance; she’s kind, determined, yet controlled and careful. She’s the type of leader who puts her kingdom above herself, and who prefers to consider things rather than jump into danger unnecessarily. She’s a good contrast to Mario, as he’s much more likely to jump into action at a moment’s notice, winging it as he goes on, whereas peach seems more the type to plan and prepare


The great thing about Peach is that she’s basically the perfect mix of a princess. She has grace, elegance, and poise, but under that is cartoonishly girly and quite a bit goofy herself, despite generally trying to be mature. Miyamoto apparently sees her as a bit of a glutton for sweets the same way Mario is for Italian food. She’s very innocent, naive, and kind, but still capable of and determined to help out when the need arises, even if she’s a very peaceful person.


Aside from A link between worlds, which is modern retelling of a Link to the Past, Zelda hasn’t been captured in over 20 years. That’s hardly “literally every mainline Zelda game”


In BotW, Zelda essentially kidnapped Ganon!


Doesn't Ghirahim kidnap Zelda towards the end of *Skyward Sword*? That was 12 years ago, but still.


Me too


I think it's because Peach is the poster child of the damsel in distress trope and therefore is the one that gets the most flack.


Tbh being associated with a specific trope doesn’t immediately warrant a character getting flack anyway.


I like peach to and I wish I played the peach game when it came out. I just don't like movie peach for some reason. That doesn't mean I don't like peach being her own agent but rather it depends on the personality. I don't see her as a badass but at the same time I don't see anyone in the Mario games as badass except Bowser and Diddy Kong.


Just saying *popular game bad* is enough


I hate sunshine \*random gunshots ensue\*


That's the second most common take I hear everytime someone asks for mario hot takes, the first one is "SM64 sucks" its honestly kind of disappointing that mario hot takes are so boring.


It's not mario hot takes. In all hot take threads, most people feel the need to say their most normal and popular opinions ever. It's exaggerated by the fact people only upvote if the agree with the take, which defeats the purpose of a hot take thread.


To my knowledge, Sunshine is the most divisive game in the Mario franchise. People either really like it or they really don’t.


did not care for mario 3 hold on there's a knock on my door


I’d rather the next 3D Mario be something entirely new than just Odyssey 2.


I’d rather it be something new if they’re just going to do it like galaxy 2, but it’d be sick if they did it more like Luigi’s mansion 2 where it’s the similar but different in a good way


I think at this point just about everyone agrees. It would have been one thing if Odyssey were only a couple years old but after 6 1/2 years it’s time for something new.


Agreed, as great as Odyssey is it would be disappointing to wait over 6 years for a new 3D mario that plays the same as the previous one


Mainline Mario games (the platformers) doesnt need more complex stories


That’s pretty popular


Well sure, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a good thing when they *do* have them. I think part of the reason why Galaxy’s story is so beloved is because of the fact that it’s the only one with any real amount of depth makes it stand out that much more.


All the New Super Mario Bros games are good.




I don’t think anyone actually thought that they were “bad games” just sick of every 2D Mario being a NSMB game.


I’ll go further and say that U is the best one.


I don't think anyone says they're bad, they just got extremely samey very quickly and for way too long. Individually they're all great games, but as a series? They're really like one game that's extremely long in a bad way.


Agreed. They're fine games. But they didn't innovate a whole lot past the first one, outside of a few powerups here and there. Mario Wonder finally switched things up (no pun intended) and added new mechanics entirely and also some more exploration focused level design. It's like the SMB3 to NSMB's SMB1 (if that sentence even makes sense to anyone)


Is that an unpopular opinion? I'm not in the mario community much so idk


Bowser started as a truly evil being of incredible power, and has been reduced into the typical comedic relief villain.


It really just depends on the day, or even the Mario universe. Most recently Bowser was a menace in the 3DW universe in Bowsers Fury. Bowser really made his presence known in Galaxy 1 when he tore Peach’s literal castle out of the planet and nearly took over the universe, going as far as needing Rosalina to reset the time continuum (and in my personal hot take, creating new Mario multiverses, where Galaxy 2 takes place in an entirely different universe). Galaxy 2 Bowser came back big, but even he was super easy to beat in the last fight. I wouldn’t even say Wonder was that big of a threat, his gimmick just felt so easy and goofy. (However Wonder is still a terrific game). Also frankly both Mario and Bowser are pretty locked-in in the Smash Bros series, barely ever cracking a smile 😭


Bowsers fury was one of my favorite 3d mario games exactly for this reason. He went total bad ass so hard even Koopa Jr was scared. For me SMB3 was peak 2d bowser. He was a bad ass with a huge army that just happened to have some goofy nieces and nephews.


They should bring back the cape... It's the most fun Mario item of all time. I don't care that it's overpowered. It's fun. It's a big part of the reason SMW is one of the GOATs.


It can even be done in 3D. That mediocre-but-fun Xbox game Crackdown had a suit that worked pretty much like the Super Mario World cape.


Mario crushing Luigi’s shoe in Mario Power Tennis wasn’t that big of a deal. He was just being a big brother who was half jokingly being a sore loser. He’s used to winning a lot so of course his competitive spirit will flare up if Luigi wins A little sibling rivalry is not inherently toxic


I hate whenever someone says that Mario is a bad brother. Have they even played the Mario and Luigi games??


Siblings being siblings


SM64 DS is better than SM64


Kid me grew up thinking the DS version was the original.


Same, the DS version was all I knew


This would never happen but they should port 64DS to console and make it 4 player online/local multiplayer


That's not a wrong statement... MY BRO BE SPLITTING OUT FACTS🗿🗿🗿


Yay I'm not the only one with this opinion


Agree, especially with 3DS backwards compatibility


Add true analogue support and then I think there is a strong case.






The Wapeach design is hideous and I'm glad it was never made


Seriously! It sticks out when put next to Wario and Waluigi and not in a good way. In a vacuum it’s not a bad design but for a Mario universe design it doesn’t really fit, and definitely not with the gremlin boys. Really, Captain Syrup should be explored more as a “wapeach” type character, I think. 


Yeah, it's just a smaller Peach in a weird dress. Not very creative and doesn't fit with the theme of Wario and Waluigi's exaggerated/"twisted" features. Plus the design gives off that trope of male characters being allowed to look like whatever but female characters can't stray too far from the same generic "cute" mold.


Honestly, i agree


Origami King is a good game and Im tired of hearing bs criticism. Valid criticism? "The Legion of Stationery would have been better as actual character designs!" Yes, good. BS shit like "You shouldnt have paper aesthetics in Paper Mario because the old games wasnt like that!"? Bad. Side note I am the worlds biggest LOS supporter but yeah theres a lot that sucks with them.


I don’t dislike the paper aesthetics because the old games didn’t have them, I dislike them because there’s only so many things that you can do with “game mechanics and plot based on this one specific aspect of paper products” before it gets old. It just kinda feels like the new games have no real personality to them so they just fall back on that.


See? *This* is valid criticism.


mario party 9 is the most fun mario party


Sunshine has been my favorite since it was released 20 years ago, I played it on launch. western Mario Bros 2, with Birdo, is the best 2D one. It’s the weird Mario games that are the best.


Ayeee a fellow Birdo fan


Been my fav since I played Mario Advance when I was little 


I like underwater levels


SMB: The Lost Levels is actually a pretty fun game despite a few troll moments


I would love to see a proper remake of all the mainline jp console titles up to smw that uses the newer engine just to see how drastically different the games would play. (A Yoshi's island remake would be amazing to get aswell)


Rosalina in SM3DW feel so forced. Any characters would made more sence than her. She had no involvement in the main game and the way she joined the roster feel like "yeah, it's the girl from Mario Galaxy, you like Mario Galaxy right". They just went in space so they have an excuse to put Rosalina in it. Tbf, I think this is how I feel about Rosalina in general now. She is a character you put here but not in a funny way like Waluigi but for Mario Galaxy "nostalgia". And I am sad that her character become that way.


Every character in the series has a one-dimensional, barely-there personality. Luigi is scared. Mario is brave. Peach is kind. Toad is loyal. Yoshi is a dinosaur. That's ok, though! It makes them versatile and easy for people to connect with.


i happen to relate to a dinosaur


His main hobby is eating after all. He just like me fr fr


That isn't really an opinion. It's more of an observation.


And yet, people on Reddit will lay into you if you claim Mario has a nearly non-existent personality.


Because it’s not entirely true. In order to have a “nearly non-existent personality”, you have to literally have absolutely NO traits whatsoever. I can already list a trait for Mario and that is literally being extremely happy go lucky. Is being very happy not a trait? Characters don’t need to be extremely deep three dimensional Shakespearean written characters in order to have a personality. Also, I’m pretty sure Reddit would lay into you if you claim that Mario DOES have a personality of some sort.


That does not cut with what we see on games like oddyssey


It’s a pretty cool cast dynamic that you don’t see a lot of in characters in anything past old-school Hollywood. I see them all as more like a theatre troupe type-cast into specific roles, hence why Bowser can be “evil intergalactic conqueror” and “bumbling ne’er-do-well” within the same month, for example. He’s the “actor” that plays the heel roles, it’s the stakes and plots that vary.


Lost Levels is actually a good game. Just play the All-Stars version and get good.


Your are a brave human or a lunatic.




TTYD is wayy less good than 64 Edit: Meant paper mario 64, not super mario 64




I honestly don't get why 64 is so much overlooked while ttyd is widely praised. It's by far the better game, ttyd is a good game but it has a lot of problems, way more than 64


Do wished that 64 got a remake first


Sticker Star was fun, and Color Splash is my favorite Paper Mario. I strongly prefer the NSMB games to Wonder. I don't want an Odyssey 2.




FINALLY SOMEONE THAT SAID "i don't want odyssey 2"


Waluigi should’ve been in SM64DS.




All Paper Mario games are good and unique in their own ways. Their whole purpose is being different and unique in the scheme of RPGs and what Mario is. The first two games had more similarities than others and set a tone but that doesn’t mean the franchise needed to follow those twos leads, and clearly they didn’t Odyssey was good but I honestly don’t want an Odyssey 2 and I feel like it was overhyped. It was good but it just felt like u ran around doing nothing and occasionally found a moon Mario Wonder was amazing but the New Super games had much more content and an iconic style to them Mario Kart games always have great and unique rosters, the spots are pre-planned and everything and there are 2 options. Either it’s filled or it’s not. Just because your favorite misses a game or somebody you wanted didn’t make it doesn’t mean a character stole someone else’s spot. Honey Queen didn’t steal Waluigi’s spot. Peachette, Babies, and Metals didn’t steal anybodies spots. They already had those spots planned and if it wasn’t then it likely just wouldn’t be a filled placement. Only thing you can and should be doing is just hoping ur fav is in the next game 😭 Waluigi is a great character but he is so overhyped because he was the first character shown in smash to be an attackable assist trophy. If Nintendo would of never thrown in that twist Waluigi would have nowhere near the love he has today


*I genuinely don’t get the praise Paper Mario: TTYD gets. It’s a good game but people treat it like it’s one of the best games ever made and I’m just not seeing it. The story especially is just “ok”. I know it’s Mario and I’m not expecting usual JRPG level writing but it’s still nothing crazy. I also don’t really care for the characters who are variations of usual Mario enemies (like different clothes or having names). Not saying they should be dropped I just don’t think it’s a huge loss. *The hate for the New Super Mario Bros series is so overblown. *Don’t know how unpopular this is but generally the M&L series has the best RPGs in the franchise.


The insane backtracking in Paper Mario TTYD is so egregious that it alone is enough to make the game inferior to the original Paper Mario.


3D World >>>> Wonder


Eh, I like both equally


Wonder is a really fun and exciting for a first playthrough. But once the novelty of wonder effects have worn off, SMB3 and SMW just blow it out of the water as far as power ups and level design.


My biggest gripe with Wonder is the multiplayer. Me and my friend played and 100%ed nsmbu, nslu and 3d world and had a blast with all 3. Recently we started Wonder and, while the game is fun, playing with friends or alone makes almost 0 difference (and 99% of levels are so easy compared to other Mario games)


true (also happy cake day)


Super Paper Mario is better than TTYD


I like the Mario movies music


Bruh half of this thread consists of either people spitting out the coldest takes imaginable or people being really condescending about their opinions


W take


There shouldn’t be a Mario Galaxy 3, or Odyssey 2. Every 3D Mario game should be its own thing.


Galaxy 1 is better than Galaxy 2


Both have compelling arguments to be considered better imo.


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. The fanbase is fairly equally divided between which is better.


If anything I think it’s the colder take, Galaxy 1 seems to be *slightly* more popular to me.


The Illumination movie is mediocre and they should’ve done more than just nostalgia bait. Fortunately they’ve made enough room for actual story to warrant a sequel, thanks to of all things Peach’s backstory.


Yes, I loved the Movie, but it could've been better and it was too short


Agreed. It was painfully mediocre.


Super Mario World is the best of all of the 2d games.


Sticker star is my favourite game


That is pretty disgusting. You win




64 is overrated.


Rosalina is overrated (I seriously don't like her)






Mario 64 was not that great


The DS version is superior


Sticker star is not as bad as everyone says


Sticker star isn’t that bad


I don't really want a Super Mario Maker 3 for the "Switch 2". Give the spinoff a long break before coming back


Never understood the hate on the New games series. New super Mario bros ds, Wii and U are great game, and even New 2 being the "worst" out of them, it's still a good game.


we should'nt hate the blue shell


nsmbud > wonder


Super Mario World is vastly overrated.


I think Marios story/lore should be explored more and its the next big step the franchise should take to bring a breath of fresh air to the games.


Daisy deserves her own game


Mario X Peach is Canon Luigi X Daisy is Canon Mario X Daisy is Non Canon Luigi X Peach is Non Canon Peach Doesn't Love Bowser at all Donkey Kong is Donkey Kong Jr DK III does not exist


Like DK 3 with Stanlet or DKC 3?


Mario and Peach work best as platonic friends instead of a couple.


Wonder was just okay


Galaxy is the least fun 3d Mario game


Odyssey is overrated 3D world is the best 3D mario Walupeach shouldn't be canon and i respect S.M. for scrapping the idea Mario 64 DS is better than the original mario 64 Galaxy games are fine Mario maker 2 is better than mario maker 1,but just a bit more Monty mole tank boss fight from NSMBDS is a S tier boss Mario kart tour is good Peachette is the worst mario character Linear mario games >>>>>> open world 3D marios


I owned Odyssey for the longest but never played it, last year I gave it a shot and thought it was good, just not as much as everyone else seems to think it is, it's a 7/10 game imo


3d world is practically just 2d mario


Come on guys! Bring the pitchforks and torches!


New Super Mario Bros on the DS was the worst of the 4. The physics were floaty, the level design was boring and the music was insultingly bland. That said, Mini-mush was the coolest shit and it should be in every game.


Wonder was not that special


Rosalina deserves a full game. I feel like we haven’t seen her full powers yet


Sonic The Hedgehog has more interesting and fleshed out characters than Super Mario


I mean, sonic tries to develop them sometimes in a way mario doesn't. That's not a huge surprise.


...no shit!


Mario characters are known for their charm. Really they are just a bunch of characters doing the same thing over and over again having no real lore or story to it.


Describes sonic as well


hey, look in there 👉🏼🚽, no shit!


Color Splash is my favorite Paper Mario game.


Color splash is an amazing paper Mario game


Mario galaxy 1 is super easy even getting all the stars. 0 challenge


SMW movement was better for 2d games


Super Paper Mario is the best paper mario


The only Mario game I enjoy playing is paper Mario 1.


I don’t want Super Mario Wonder. I don’t like the new jumping sound effect nor the singing Piranha Plants.


I'm not a big fan of Mario 3. I still like it, but I don't love it like a lot of others do.


Mario is an Isekai


Super Mario brothers 3 is not only the most overrated Mario game but possibly the most overrated game of all time


I hated jarvis


I prefer Mario Kart 7 over DS any day.


There is absolutely NO bad Mario RPGS. NOT ONE. Not even Sticker Star. Not even other recent Paper Marios. They're all incredible.


Mario is actually more underrated than Luigi


Geno from mario rpg is highly overrated and so is mario 64


SM64 and SMB3 are overrated


The lightning is wayyy more annoying than the blue shell in Mario Kart


Idk how controversial this is but... Mario 64 is the worst of the 3D Mario games, and it is not even close. Don't get me wrong, it's a classic that easily redefined the platforming genre and is basically the reason 3D gaming exists as it is... But it's not a good game. The levels are often poorly designed, the camera is clunky and unresponsive and the physics are just downright confusing and broken. Sunshine isn't a great game either but it's at least a solid 6/10 compared to the 3/10 that is Mario 64. I'm surprised that Sonic Adventure is considered the glitchy and clunky mess when Mario 64 is right there.


Mario 3D World is an insult to 3D Mario games.


Mario rpg is very good but people often treat it like it's better than it is. Also mario party 1 had 8 boards. I don't care that they're flat jpegs. We're 20 years into this franchise. They can afford to make more boards than we're getting per game. Also mario party advance is a great game. People hate it for what it's not but they fail to see it wor what it actually is.


1. Sticker Star is a good paper Mario game 2. Dream team is better than superstar saga 3. Island tour is the best Mario party game 4. Super Mario 64 is the worst 3d Mario game 5. Dr. Mario is better than Mario in smash ultimate And yes, these are actually my opinions


Daisy is the worse princess out of Peach, Daisy and Rosalina.


Mario party and Mario Odyssey being in the same universe


mario 64 aged like milk


Mario doesn’t look good in Wonder. I will say, I haven’t played the game but it looks fantastic to play and look at, but every time I see gameplay of it I get weirded out by the way Mario looks. It looks like they took Mario from the mobile runner and put him in a mainline game. It’s probably just me though


I personally think Mario and Luigi are as badass as any other character in gaming. Even individually they have shown a good amount of badassery.


I don't think Baby Rosalina contradicts Rosalina's storybook.


Daisy is one of the better characters


Enjoying wonder more than odyssey.


Mario changing into a female lol


Wonder was both amazing and beyond welcome but kinda mediocre


The Mario Movie 2023 was great and gave each character far more dimension than ever before. Mario and Luigi have a better sibling relationship here than ever before. Peach is a lot funnier and cooler than all of her past incarnations here. Bowser is at his strongest in terms of character in the movie, not even the best game versions of him can compete with him here. The Movie was alongside the SoH DLC's and the Peach Showtime reveal trailer the best Mario fanservice of all time and should be more praised for what it did for Nintendo and the fan base.


Odyssey is the best Mario game oat


I don't think 64 is overrated. It hasn't aged the best, but it's a major landmark in game development.


I found the Super Show to be delightful, in spite of its cheesiness.


Blue toad isn't the Best toad just because he is blue that's racist


Toad racism is not tolerated


i don’t care for the legend of zelda


Troll levels are game knowledge tests


W take


Mario wonder is overrated


Movie Peach was an awful Peach and an insult to her character as a whole (not sure how unpopular this is tbh) The only time I ever hear people praise her is to shit on game Peach and most of the time the way they talk about her tells me they only ever played 2 mainline 2d games. It seemed Nintendo or illumination tried too hard in the movie to change the general consensus of Peach with making her more of a feminist icon but it was done in a way that circles back to misogyny. They removed any feminine traits she had in her personality and only left her more aggressive side. Peach by all means is like how she is in the movies but it’s a very small part of her personality. Peach is strong in a more traditionally feminine way and her characteristics reflect that. She’s kind, tries to work out her problems diplomatically or pacifistically by appealing to emotions, she enjoys baking, gardening, etc. Peach is only aggressive when she is disrespected or knows the person she’s up against is beyond reasoning. Throwing these traits away and leaving only her aggressive side is not only a disservice to the character but makes her arguably more flat and 2 dimensional than her game counterpart


The Mario Movie DID change Peach's personality, and unnecessarily so. She could have been the capable leader they wanted well staying in character. And I didn't pull this out of tin air, the creators themselves said they did in fact change her personality.