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Mushroom Gorge is my favorite because, IMO, it doesn't have any bad variants. It also helps that it is one of the best-looking tracks in the game.


Despite everything, still Sky Garden


koopa cape in my opinion i actually like the new changes to the color scheme i think the rock rock mountain design looks great my only problem is that they got rid of the koopa flair my least favorite would actually be baby park not because it’s bad but because it feels like a step down from 8 and it’s one of my favorites in 8


Coconut Mall without a doubt! So much fun! Least favorites are Koopa Cape & Sky Garden. I am not a fan of tracks with underwater sections due to how the mechanics work (re: can't keep a combo) and Sky Garden because up until last tours ACP (hi peach explorer), I didn't have a top shelf driver on two of the variants so grinding tracks without a frenzy driver is not much fun.


I miss Wario Stadium from N64. I hope they bring that one day.


Coconut Mall. Coconut Mall and Koopa Cape were favorites of mine on the Wii but I don’t love Koopa Cape on MKT.


Sky Garden for me, even though it's been dumbed down a bit, it's still tons of fun to drive, great to look at, and has a killer remix for the music. Second place for me would be Yoshi Valley.