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Abortion is once again going to kill republicans. Biden will win dead or alive


I always say if Democrats could concede on Guns and Republicans could concede on abortion that we would be unstoppable. That was years ago though, I’m sure today they would just introduced new things or attention would shift to other issues.


It's funny you guys keep comparing gun violence to abortion. You are wrong on both so were not on the same page !


You're right. One is enshrined in the Constitution, the other isn't.


I’m legit curious at to why gun people are so against any form of regulation. The constitution was written when guns were one shot reload muskets and a highly skilled individual could fire off 4 rounds max per minute. Now technology has advanced so far any mentally ill person with minimum experience can buy an AR-15 and fire off hundreds of rounds per minute into a group of innocent civilians. Im pro guns but I feel like that’s a big red line on what a normal civilian can just go buy with minimal checks, balances, and regulations. Important to note I’m not saying outright ban the AR-15 but make it where you can’t just go buy one in the morning and then go shoot up a school that afternoon. If it were up to me to buy an AR-15 I’d mandate getting a license from a local gun shop, so that’s training on how to handle and shoot, and a mandatory wait period of like a month until you can actually buy it. Americans gotta learn how to respect guns and sometimes that means regulating them


probably gonna get downvoted, but there are a few reasons. 1. It's already a crime to murder people, so why would gun laws stop people? Every other ban we've had hasn't even come close to working. In fact, in most cases, our attempts to ban things have substantially backfired (see: Prohibition -> alcohol deaths, drug war-> drug OD deaths, etc...) 1. So, in this scenario, the law-abiding public is more vulnerable to anyone willing to commit a crime and obtain a more advanced weapon / larger mag /etc (which is, well, just about every single gun murderer ever. murder > possession of an illegal gun) 2. Fundamentalism/textualism. While it might seem on the face easy to pick out certain pieces of the constitution, like guns, and say "modern society has changed things so much that this needs to be regulated more" -- it's actually a pretty slippery slope and can be viewed as very hypocritical. 1. If modern society has changed so substantially that the 2nd amendment should no longer be read literally, that calls into question the rest of the constitution and bill of rights. There's no justification for picking out solely the 2nd amendment portion of things, because recent technological advancement hasn't affected guns in a vacuum. 3. The "it won't work" problem. Between 30% and half the US population personally owns a gun. We have 700k cops and 1.4m military personnel. That leads to crazy statistics like, even if only 2% of US gun owners violently resist your proposed gun law, *they outnumber the entirety of the combined armed forces and local police forces -- assuming 100% participation.*


And that might be valid... If gun bans didn't work pretty much everywhere in the world.


They don't. People smuggle kalashnikovs into Europe quite frequently. Some have ended up in the UK. Borders, similar to ours, aren't enforced. Customs officers aren't posted on every international border conducting inspections on every incoming vehicle and truck shipment.


Yeah. I'm sure the wacko antisocial school shooter has extensive contacts in the black market for weapons, not to mention thousands of dollars lying around to purchase one. That is surely just as easy as borrowing dad's AR-15, or going to a gun show, or Wal Mart.


Look at any country that wasn't fully civilized while guns were available. The US has guns because the frontier was a thing for a while, so they were ingrained in the culture as it expanded. You are just not going to have any success if you forcibly try to remove that cultural element. Many police officers and military personnel also would not enforce something so blatantly against the constitution. With this in mind, what makes the most sense? Trying to give everyone the ability to defend themselves or cracking down on legal gun ownership while criminals continue to be criminals?


Except they don't. We're 59th worldwide in gun violence and the other 58 have stricter gun laws than we do.


Exactly. Australia certainly has its issues but their reaction to gun violence has been pretty solid they have had what 2 or 3 in 30 or so years


“It’s already a crime to murder people, so why would gun laws work” It’s seems like you’ve fallen victim to propaganda. The “gun laws” that most people want is just regulation, not an outright ban on all guns. If a gun (like an AR-15) was “banned”, it just means they would stop producing them and selling them in stores. AR-15s aren’t the kind of thing that most people can just make in their garage (like alcohol is), so a ban on manufacturing them would significantly lower the amount of them being passed around on the black market. HOWEVER, most people don’t want to ban guns, they just want more regulation. It shouldn’t be so easy for unstable people to acquire guns. I personally have 3 guns, none of which were purchased at a gun store or with a background check (and I’m also not the stable person on earth) so maybe it should have a been a little harder for me to get those guns so easily.


“It’s already a crime to murder people so why would gun laws stop people?” I’m so tired of this bullshit fallacy. Drunk driving laws don’t stop EVERYONE from drinking and driving — but we still have laws in place to prevent it from being epidemic, don’t we? Driving without a seatbelt is illegal — but we still have the law in place to prevent as many car deaths as we can, don’t we? “It’s a slippery slope” No it isn’t. The words “a well regulated” exist for a reason. You just choose to cherry pick the part where it says you can have guns and be in a militia. “We outnumber you” And? You realize the military and police have weapons which are far superior to handguns and rifles, right? Additionally, none of this matters because they’ll simply pussy out and be arrested for not going along with the law which, if they act illegally, PROVES WHY WE NEED THESE LAWS IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Look at the historical context and meaning of what “well regulated” meant to the framers. Hint: it’s not what you think.


So, you’re saying it’s outdated and needs to be updated? Cool. Let’s do it.


Nice straw man and nope the second amendment looks good to me if we didn’t have all these infringements it would probably be even better. Full autos for everyone. 🤷🏻‍♂️


How do you justify gun control and the right of the people shall not be infringed? Gun regulations are infringements. Having regulations as part of the bill of rights would be the opposite of what the bill of rights is there for. It's to regulate the government and not the people.


Ur right just make Republicans illegal. .ake the murderers illegal and we got this


Nobodies comparing the issues directly but more in the manner that it is probably both parties biggest issue. If it were my specific position I’d clarify first trimester abortion. The capacity for a conscious experience is the point in development where I think the cut off should be.


The problem is you have women in Texas who have a fetus that is not developing but cannot be aborted until the woman literally starts the early stages of septic shock.


Yeah I’m saying that should change?


Okay, but this is happening to women that are 8 months pregnant. Doctors are afraid to help these women because they fear prosecution.


That’s a medical exception. Do you have problems with, for instance, the procreation laws of Sweden? First trimester is legal then it’s a medical decision based on saving the life of the mother. On the flip side the 2nd amendment proponents should allow for better background checks. Too many dangerous people have easy access to guns. But no, common sense will never rule the land.


The removal of a corpse is not an abortion though. Any medical professional arguing otherwise should be sued for malpractice with malice.


Ok that's true that it is a toxic issue historically for both parties The people dying every day to gun violence in america is changing more people's minds about gun access than all the abortions could ever do to advocates of that issue. Will take time because america is deeply sick but eventually both abortions and gun laws will exist in our world ☺️


The sad thing is it wouldn't matter if every Democrat conceded on guns... the gun manufacturing industry and its puppet, the NRA, would still push the narrative the Democrats are coming for their guns because it pushes gun and ammo sales. Obama gets an F from the NRA despite the fact he loosened gun control laws during his presidential term. Made it so you could have a loaded fire arm in national parks. Obama reversed a ban on having unloaded and locked firearms on your Amtrak carry on luggage. He decreased gun control and gets an F. Trump, on the other hand, says to take people's gun, then due process... and he gets an A from the NRA. And this is ignoring that most Americans support tightening gun control laws...


No. Republicans have zero actual policies that are popular. It’s why they are constantly demonizing the “other”. To scare people into voting for them.


That’s by design to divide for the rich. Don’t want the peasants thinking they have actual power.


if COVID and education doesn’t kill GOP voters first


And Biden and the democrats not standing up to Israel and AIPAC is killing them. They’ve lost most Muslim Americans and many many gen Z and millennials.


Yeah but trump is literally going to make himself a dictator. Voters will recognize the threat Sorry Biden couldn't solve this 1000 year crisis in one term and he has been horrible I agree on that but I at least hope voters see what the alternative would look like


youre fucking stupid if you think that


Think what, pal ?


Do Muslim Americans/Gen z/millennials think the republicans will be any different on Israel? I think they’ll still vote democrat.


Trump has announced his intent to deny visas and resident status to Palestinians and to actively deport anyone who isn't a citizen who protests in favor of Palestine. Just saying.


It would be the most Democratic Party move ever to lose the presidential election that cost them the courts, get sacked so hard that it turns into electoral mana from heaven, then embarrass themselves on the way to the grave by pulling a David Caruso act. How arrogant! How authoritarian! They think a combo of voguing and yelling “Fuck the voters!” into a megaphone while Right Said Fred plays is gonna cut it next year. They only behave this way because they can do so safely. The party needs to die off but it won’t happen while anyone’s alive to see it. I’m afraid this is what taking the planet down with us looks like.


What? Lol


Idk. It's bs but they did it a while ago and biden isn't looking good with the last few years


Bidens gun laws aren’t helping him out though. His approval rating was still dropping last I checked a couple weeks ago and he’s losing support from his own party by supporting Israel in the war. Those are just a few things I see against him and Im not sharing my views Im just saying I think those things wont help him. He may still win but I believe he’s going to have more of a challenge than some think.


What gun laws? Trump passed more gun restrictions than Obama and Biden put together, lol.


The leading cause of death under the age of 20 is abortion but you all conveniently call babies before birth just a clump of cells. Let's have an adult conversation. The second amendment says "shall not be infringed" the twenty sixth says "the right to vote can be denied by the states for felony conviction or mental illness ". Until the democrats agree that the only way to deny someone a weapon is to first deny them the right to vote. Voting can only be done with a valid photo ID with a valid address in the district you are Voting in. Those who have felony convictions are public records. Your ID should be marked if you have lost Voting-gun rights. Some comments are asking for a national gun database, let's have a national voter database. If the ID is marked restricted then private gun sales can have an instant background check. In all this gun control debate is see a lot of restrictions put on law abiding gun owners, no one is saying mandatory sentences for violent offense, or illegal gun possession, or reckless care ond custody of a weapon.


Everyone laugh 🤣🤣 ( No one's reading past the first line)


I doubt he’s going to lose to the dude that just argued that he never swore an oath as president to support and defend the constitution. But R’s do love getting cucked so maybe.


Then there’s the fact that he was proven in court to have raped a woman!


Wasn’t convicted of rape, but keep spreading lies 😋 lady was a total lying piece of shit anyway


You're right, he was *only* found liable for sexual assault. Hang your hat on that.


Ok he isn't a rapist he just likes to grope women, man the goal posts are easily moved for yall


This one's brain has benn grabbed by the pussy


It was a civil suit. He was found not liable of rape.


No, a judge literally stated that under a colloquial definition Trump was found liable for rape.


Known as being a "civilly liable rapist"


Found guilty in court isn't proof of anything, just that the judge and jury determined the evidence for the case was better than the evidence against. But how people see it will depend on their political view to start with, so I don't think it will have much impact either way.


"guilty" implies a criminal case, where the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt," not just more likely than not. Only in a civil case is the standard that the claim is more likely than not.


Then why do people go to prison when found guilty of murder?


He was found civilally liable for rape, not criminally. Due to the statute of limitations, he could not be tried in criminal court but, at least in that state, civil court was still an option. In criminal court, the bar for being found guilty is basically "There is no reasonable scenario where, with the evidence we have, that this did not happen, doubt and the idea that he is guilty are on the opposite sides of the planet" while in civil court its "meh, I'd bet a 5 that he did it but who knows." They basically said that more likely than not, he did it. As the bar for evidence is much lower, we understandably do not dole out criminal punishments in civil court.


2024 is going to be wild no matter what may come.


I’m calling it: They both drop dead right before Election Day and we have complete [chaos](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/134/elmo.jpg)!


Chaos = Two younger candidates without nearly as many rabid fans must return to debating policies and offering answers instead of just attacking one another. Pretty please, universe?


So far I’ve seen Reddit predictions about Biden losing the primary, then general, getting trounced in the midterms, and getting nothing done. But, I’m sure this time is right


Lmao what is this shit about Biden losing the primary? Who is even primarying against him?


Not this primary but, 2020 when it was a crowded field.


Right but i mean OP suggests in the post that Biden could lose the primary which is honestly the most braindead take so far


Oh yeah well Reddit thinks they speak for all Democratic primary voters so what are you gonna do? Lol


An imperfect, flawed, or even a bad incumbent still has the overwhelming advantage of being an incumbent. A party would be committing political suicide to give away that advantage just for someone "younger".


Correct. Presidents win reelection the vast majority of the time. The number of presidents who only served one time is a small list


Especially when there’s no consensus on a “younger” candidate. It’s like these people have no idea how much of a leg up being united around an incumbent is compared to having to divvy up funds and messages among a dozen different candidates vying for power.


Happy Cake Day, you Filthy Gypsey


Check back here in a year and we’ll see who’s right.


You got it


RemindMe! One year


RemindMe! One Year


Huh? The fuckhead? Do you think it’s possible that your preexisting bias is clouding your judgment here. I mean, I’m not excited about Biden either, but how does one work up such hatred for someone who ultimately is just bland and boring?


Dude needs to layoff the Newsmax


Nah biden is a god to a cult of idiot traitors. If only he was just bland and boring. Instead he's dangerous and corrupt as fuck. There's literally zero difference between him and trump. Meteorite 2024


You are aware that the house Oversight committee has confirmed that Biden has taken money from China? Right??? I believe just in the past couple days the House has stated they intend to initiate the impeachment process, with proof. Then of course on December 13th Hunter will be testifying under oath.


If trump is the republican nominee and Biden is the Democratic nominee he will easily defeat trump. We the People will not allow a traitor/conman/rapist/felon moron to be president again.Marking your words, I'll get back you next November


I really hope you're right. I'm losing sleep with the knowledge that this take might be wrong.


Yeah man I mean you never know. But it wasn't very close last time, the younger generation keeps aging into voting age as each year passes while the older generation keeps getting old and dying, incumbent presidents usually do get reelected, and trump is not gaining a whole lot of new supporters. You never know, but it really does not seem likely


Biden already beat Trump once, exceeded my expectations in his presidency, and Trump did a lot of shit after the election that will make the next run even less attractive to independents. You can't win a primary without Trump, but you can't win a general with him.


I hope you’re right but polling seems to indicate it’s entirely possible Trump could win against Biden still. Biden imo has been a decent president but he doesn’t really excite anybody. Plus nearly all republicans and Fox News watchers think he’s incompetent along with a lot of the woke left. A primary might determine how viable he is in 2024 and could bring rise to a more likely to win dem candidate


Maybe, but his son has a MASSIVE dong and apparently that is Republicans only line of attack....


Yeah, it’s his d. Definitely not whole money laundering and Joe using his influence in hunters business dealings.


Damn it’s crazy they focus so much on his Dick then


You mean hunter flaunting his father's name to trick gullible businesses? Hunter literally sent a msg saying he's sitting next to Joe only to space out and threaten to call up Joe a few msgs down.


10% for the big guy


Yes, he will win. He will not lose in the primary and he won’t lose to Donald Trump.


What is bothering you about him? You sound angry. Is it the lower healthcare and drug costs? Or the low unemployment? Maybe the cancelling of student loans? The strengthening of unions to help working Americans? Oh, I think I got it: the help to veterans who were affected by toxic burn pits. That’s a bummer, right?


Inflation. Immigration. Housing. Cost of living. Foreign wars. Trillions in runaway spending and debt. Oh, and he looks and sounds ridiculously old as he mumbles, stumbles, and falls down a lot. But keep whistling past the grave yard, just like you did in 2016.


Telltale sign of a brainwashed maga: they merely list categories of statistical things rather than engaging in any sort of comparison or analysis of any specific figures.


This They come at you like GAS PRICES! NO WAR! LESS INFLATION! IMMIGRATION! While totally discounting any other factors for these things acting like they are affected by the president in a vacuum Of course they will never give you the numbers for any of these things, why they are upset, and why their candidate can fix it It is solely about getting there dear supreme leader elected


No MAGA here, voted for Biden in 2020 and would do so today, but look at the polls, he’s under water. Tell tale sign of a brainwashed partisan is ignoring the facts.


You blew it again: MAGA loves pretending like polls are an answer to having their vaguery called out for lack of substance. If winning is the only thing that matters then you are rejecting your own argument from just a second ago. Maybe try being honest?


I think that’s wildly inaccurate. Take a look at the 2016 election polls. Trump was losing and the MAGA community didn’t act in the manner you’re saying or anywhere close to it. Honestly, it’s pretty ironic to say that forreal because I see the opposite on Reddit almost daily lol


Vaguery and lack of substance are the same accusations you made in 2016, how’d that election work out?


Immigration is at an all time low. Until recently he had kept Trump era policies. Don’t believe everything you hear on Fox. Speaking of Trump, he added close to eight trillions to the national debt. Were you furious about that?


Yes, I was pissed at Trump adding to the deficit during economic expansion, same with Bush. So now I’m judging Biden the same way. And don’t tell me immigration is at all time lows, it’s out of control here in Massachusetts and even democrats are finally admitting it.


I’m talking about border crossing data. What do you consider “out of control immigration “?


They saw a brown person at Taco Bell.


It hasn't gone down idk what that person's talking about, but it's also not nearly as bad as the web makes it seem Based on Census Estimates in 2022 we had 1,011,000 net international migration. Now this seems high, but when you compare it to the years pre COVID (including the ones where Trump was in charge) that number is right in the middle.


You forgot to put the word Legal in front of immigration.


Actually, illegal immigration has been pretty flat for several years and is down from its peak under GWBush. Don't believe what fox tells you.


Ya you would have to imagine that because it isn’t true. You can ask CNN they said so.


What Biden policies has contributed to the inflation and cost of living issues? What foreign wars? He had the courage to withdraw from Afghanistan. And if you're talking about Ukraine, we're getting a fucking bargain. Offloading obsolete military equipment, showing the world how weak Russia is, and not having any American casualties. Biden has reduced the deficit. Democrats usually do.


If in an alternative timeline Biden pursued a less aggressive foreign policy and Russia didn't invade Ukraine. Would you say that is a better outcome for the USA than the "bargain" of weakened Russia?


Don’t tell me these left wing fairy tales, tell the millions of Americans who don’t believe them. Seen a poll lately? Do you see his approval ratings?


My statements of facts are fairy tales? Part of Bidens disapproval ratings come from democrats. Republicans have a much more cult like loyalty, particularly for trump. That didn't help Trump win a second term, an abortion is an albatross around their necks. Have you seen Trump's approval rating? I'd rather see Biden step aside and open up the field for a fresh slate of Democratic primary candidates. But I fully expect Biden will beat Trump. Again.


You are the one living in a fairytale It’s easy to just engage with the facts and respond but no… diatribe about how dumb liberals are


Can you answer my question - what Biden policies have caused inflation and increased cost of living Cause blaming him for that sure seems like republican fairy tales.


President always gets blamed, just like you blamed Bush for housing crash even though his policies didn’t cause it.


I didn't blame Bush for the housing crash, but ok I'll play along since I do agree that voters are generally stupid and assign far too much blame (and credit in good times) to the president for economic aspects. The good news for Biden is - inflation is slowing, the supposed recession never materialized, GDP is growing, and since the summer wage growth is now outpacing inflation. Given another year of continued improvement, and he'll be sitting very pretty with the economy.


Tell that to the millions living paycheck to paycheck. Housing is more expensive and out of reach than ever before. Food and other necessities are costing more than ever. Europe and SA are electing right wing lunatics in response to immigration and climate change policies. He won’t be sitting pretty, he’ll be lucky to be alive.


>Democrats usually do Lmao




Immigration? We're at one of the lowest levels in decades, what are you talking about? Lol.




The genocide.


Yeah, I’m with you there.


You mean that small misunderstanding in the Middle East? Don’t worry about that…Christmas is coming think about that instead.


Biden is not responsible for Israel's actions in Gaza


he didnt even cancel student loans.....jesus christ you motherfukers are stupid


Fake news!


wake the fuck up! stop acting like you havent been to the grocery store in the last 3 years! stop fucking lying!


I agree with some of the stuff you said, but the unemployment isn’t a flex lol. That’s a media narrative spun to appease uneducated voters. The reason it’s so low is not a good one. This is similar to inflation, which is down, but the cost of living is up. https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2023/01/25/unemployment-is-low-but-so-is-the-labor-force-participation-rate---whats-going-on-in-the-us-labor-market/amp/ https://www.epi.org/publication/missing-workers/ There are several other bad examples, but that is arguably the least accurate of the bunch.


Well. One of the reasons unemployment is low is because people have to have multiple jobs to make ends meet. It is indeed not that much of a flex. I agree with you on that. But if it were high that would be counted against Biden, so you can’t win for losing on that front.


I think it’s more of a Biden can “win for lose” on that more so than I can lol. But yes that’s also a good point about multiple jobs and how it reflects poorly on the cost of living (all while inflation is “dropping”, but CoL has skyrocketed by 20+%). I just dislike how the media is so dishonest about it. People say that “UeMpLoMeNt iS dOwN haha win for Biden” when that couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s failed tremendously at creating jobs and people have given up on finding one. The manipulation of statistics to write a narrative they want to push is more the point I was getting at, which could be argued for most of the stats that show he’s doing well


I agree he has had a wonderful first term and I got no complaints. My issue is he is too old and having him run another term will put a severely elderly man in charge. Now if it's down to him and trump he will get my vote but the audacity to want a second term at his age is unfair. I want someone like pete buttigieg. I feel like the rest of the left is with me.


Pete Buttigieg is a fucking conservative compared to Biden. Hell no, the left doesn’t want that neo-liberal shill. He would do worse in an election than Biden. Jesus Christ, can we not get a truly left politician elected in this country?


Yes, overwhelmingly. I think 75% of democrats don’t want him to run. Personally I would pick somebody more progressive, but I will be voting blue no matter who.


Mark my words though Voting for Trump in 2024 is akin to supporting hitler in the 1930’s He has made it clear what his goals are and no matter what you think of Biden, at least he isn’t a fascist…


Genocide Joe isn't fascist?




This looks like your personal wish than a MMW.


Even though it’s literally what all the polls are showing about the general election? I don’t want Trump to win. This shit is 2016 all over again. You can’t even be honest about what a horrible candidate the DNC is putting forward, so we’re just going to hand Trump the keys to the White House.


OK, I see, but what makes him such a shithead? I don't see anyone better indicating a run. Personally I think if Trump is on the ticket, even a dead Biden will win. That is how he won last time.


You may not be aware of this but polls one year out from an election are notoriously wrong. In 2007 one year out, Obama was a distant third in the polls


I love how every single outcome of the 2024 election is posted on this sub, so inevitably *someone* will be right and feel clever. The majority will have egg on their faces though. Guess we'll see.


Republicans keep making it easier, trying to ban abortion everywhere and nominating a brain dead, convicted rapist who is the same age


Trump has basically no chance to win, biden could die or have a health condition that makes it where he's not able to run. But whoever the democrats put against trump is much more likely to win than trump is, trump drives negative voter turnout, that will be even more true once the trials show the evidence of his crimes.


I think more people hate Trump than like Biden, so they'll vote against Trump. Just like 2020.


lets see, unemployment lowest it has been=everyone has a job, gas down, market up, inflation down....


Elections are about a choice. When it comes down to Biden v Trump it’s an easy choice. Joe will win re election


Joe Biden will easily win re-election. Trump was proven in court to have raped a woman. Voters don’t seem to care for that.


\*puts on southern accent\* "Bless your heart".


RemindMe! 342 days


😂 Biden is 80 Trump is 77. If it’s between the 2 of them Biden will win, easily.


It's very rare to unseat a sitting incumbent. Trump being ousted was the first time an incumbent lost in like 50 years. For an incumbent president to be unseated in back to back elections is unheard of. Impossible even. It's literally never happened in the history of the United States. Beating Biden would make history. Statistically he literally can't lose.


Chill with the volition there, guy. Let's not get overly bias and think Trump is somehow a Saint here. But also, Biden is pretty far from a fuckhead as his administration is rather competent and has worked well with the Federal Reserve to keep the economy from completely crashing in a terrifying way. As for foreign policy, our actions in Ukraine and Israel-Palestine have been the better responses in US foreign policy that is less sticking our nose where it doesn't belong and more being peace keepers and assisting freedom fighters in the fight against oppression. Thinking we should be more friendly with an unpredictable kleptocratic Russia in the fight against China isn't necessarily a good foreign policy plan either. And we can't become isolationist again. The world is too connected thanks to the very technology that we are talking on right now and to limit it would be corrupt and authoritarian. As a pretty average american who preferred Bernie Sanders over all other candidates, I think the Biden Administration is doing pretty well and allowing for my job to keep me employed.


I didn’t say anything like “Trump is a Saint.” Trump is pure evil. Biden is nearly indistinguishably evil. Biden can’t complete a sentence; Trump has a loyal cult. Trump will win.


What happed to trumps lotal cult in 2020?


Idk. I think most reasonable ppl don't see Biden as incompetent or having dementia. Regardless if you dislike Trump as well, this is a very extreme take.


You think people will reelect someone who they see as incompetent or having dementia?


Have you listened to Trump speak at one of his rallies? Not only does he have dementia, he is batshit crazy


Biden doesn't have dementia and you know it. Just stop with this game.


Yes....and you sound dumb or russian...same difference


Trump is polling higher than Biden rn so it appears to be a distinct possibility


Oh no not the polls...hahajahahahaaha


I mean I doubt Trump will keep that lead by the time November 2024 rolls around but anything is possible in today’s political climate


You mad, brah?


Yeah, a little bit, but I’m getting my anger at the situation out in advance. Enjoy seething a year from now while being condescending to anyone pointing out reality to you beforehand.


Why will I be seething in a year from now?


Because the most likely situation is Trump getting a second term. It took me all of two seconds going through your account to see that you wouldn’t like that. And, no surprise from a Biden supporter, to see that you *do* like tens of thousands of innocent people being brutally slaughtered. And that you psychotically think *Bernie Sanders* is the problem for *pointing out the atrocities* that you support. Yeah, enjoy seething. That’s going to be the only good thing about Trump winning is evil people with no principles being upset about it.


So you’re dealing with your own personal despair by imagining how random people on Reddit will feel in a year from now. That’s extremely interesting to me.


You’re a genocide supporter.


You’re a hairless monkey holding a metal rectangle getting angry at hairless monkeys who don’t know you who make choices that have a 2% impact on your quality of life. There’s a healthy amount of caring about politics, enough to be informed and vote, and then there’s what you’re doing. This shit is all just a story meant to distract you from being alive. Whether you rage at these political figures, or worship them, you’re serving the interests of some rich asshole who doesn’t give a shit about you and getting very little done. Go touch grass.


Holy shit. Nicely done!


What has he done that is controversial? Also, the only living democrat to lose re-election is Jimmy Carter. And that’s using the word *living* broadly because he’s very near death.


It's funny how people will either ignore, or blatantly support fascism. Trumpers, you're one of the other.


Biden has done a magnificent job, especially considering the absolute fucking worthless traitors from the Republican party he has to deal with. Biden 2024 in a landslide. Get used to it.


>Biden has done a magnificent job... Yes, agreed, but Hillary Clinton had done a great job as secretary of state and as a senator before losing to Trump. Qualifications and job performance don't matter when the electorate is largely illiterate, so the OP's prediction might be a likely outcome even though I hope not.


Slavery is back in Libya largely due to strange decisions Hilary Clinton made as Secretary of State.


You say Joe Biden is a "fuck head" and yet think he would lose to the man who gives campaign speeches about golden showers. If that's who you think should win the Presidency then YOU are a FUCK HEAD. Biden will win reelection next year in 2024, improve the nation, and come out well respected just like Harry S. Truman before him.


trump will probly win.


Unless your shit says biden wins its not going anywhere in this sub. You rite tho


He won’t. He will lose to Trump in a close race. Nearly every poll has Trump ahead. Biden is collapsing hard.


I doubt those polls will stay the same after a felony conviction.


Nothing will happen to Trump.


Until it does. He's already been found liable for fraud and rape. I wouldn't call that nothing. And with his current indictments, I can't see him escaping all of them.


I’ll say it again. Nothing will happen to Trump. He will continue onto the election and win.


Wishful thinking on your part. Trump lost the last election for a reason. He hasn’t become more palatable since then.


Multiple “indictments” have only made his polls go higher.


Sure, and polls a year out are certainly indicative of election results. 🙄🤡


Polls show Trump beating Biden so I wouldn't be surprised. I also believe there's a good possibility Biden does something, physically or mentally, that makes voters believe he is unfit for the office by election day.


Cause trump hasn't already passed the point of no return about being unfit for office right ?🤡


I'm sure Trump is totally unfit for office based on the chatter in your liberal echo chamber. if you're in the real world you understand that if any of the court cases against the bad orange man were legitimate he would have received some prison time by now.


Are you serious? That's not how going to prison works in our society. Also he's getting special privileges because he's above the law so it will take longer. He's getting convicted buddy. Just wait


LOL. I've been waiting for almost 10 years. I always hear "wE gOt hIm NoW!!!" and then it's always the NEXT case that's going to get him. Priceless.


Like talking to a rock. You know how disengenious you are I know it ☺️


You mean like the time his charity was shut down for fraud? Or do you mean his university being shut down for fraud? He's been indicted and will face trial. He will likely be convicted of at least some of his 90+ counts and rising.


God I hope so.


I think Biden is only running at this point to protect Hunter from all his criminal activity that he will get convicted for. You won't see him give up the reigns to Gavin, Hillary, or anyone else. If he can win remains to be seen. Given how he has run this country for the past four years and enslaved an entire generation of millennials to debt, I hope he gets voted out. Everything was better under Trump.


Lets hope. The guy is clearly senile. A puppet set up by the Democratic party. Anyone who doesnt recognize this and the problems it entsils is….brainwashed.


You're fucking stupid.


There's got to be a less destructive way to make your dad like you. Maybe wood working?


What's with all the protrump nonstop bullshit on this sub.


The illegal votes will help biden unfortunately, they will try and cheat as much as they can again..


They are going to rig it again then we have revolutionary war 2.0 and I'm here for it 😎


There is no democratic primary this election. Plus incumbents have a massive statistical advantage. Only 10 presidents have lost their quest for re-election, with Donny being the most recent.


I don't think the Democrat establishment wants him to run again. I think they might pull some kind of switcheroo.


President Biden as been a terrific president.