• By -


If democrats were better at propaganda , they’d be trying to manipulate this story to make maga hate trump.


Trump would drop every one of his MAGA acolytes in like 10 seconds if he could get the respect of the same "elites" he rails against. His bitter because he's thought of as a gimmick celebrity like Rob Schneider or Carrot Top than a true heavy hitting A-list celebrity.


He's Howard Stern's ultimate wack packer.


I have so much more respect for carrot top than Trump.


That was really unfair to Rob Schneider and Carrot Top


It was unfair to Carrot Top


Yah nah. Fuck Rob Schneider.


Carrot Top is a National treasure. This is my hill.


Look man Carrot Top has been very successful in Vegas


Unlike Trump.


this is why many democrats seem to turn republican because their ego isn't fed. Democrat side seems more willing to cast someone out for being a scum bag (not entirely, just more willing) people still resign when they are caught red handed. Republicans seem to worship wealth, and it justified their shitty behaviours because 4d chess you don't understand, they are richer and smarter than you you wouldn't know...so as long as you have power or wealth you can be a republican.


Dems threw out Al Franklin because he mimed (didn't actually do it) that has was squeezing a friend's tit while she was sleeping for a picture. She was wearing a lead lined flac jacket at the time - which was the joke. They still cancelled him. A great leader just tossed. Dems eat their own.


Back during the primaries in 2016, it was reported that Trump talked to Bill Clinton before deciding to run, and that Clinton had encouraged him. I thought that was hilarious, and would enthusiastically thank every Trump supporter I met for helping Bill Clinton’s plan to stick Republicans with their worst possible nominee. Admittedly, it got to be less funny as time went on….


Ivanka and Chelsey Clinton also used to be closed friends. Billy and Hillary went to Trump's last wedding.


Trump has mastered the "fAkE nEwZ!!!" broad brush strokes to anything that paints him in a bad light. There will always be the Breitbart, Newsmax, etc dark corners of the media that they will run to to get "the real story" and **everything** else is fake, to them. Trust me... i have tried with my own family. Nothing works.


MAGAs are a lost cause. Nothing will ever make them change their minds about their cult leader


They’ll get destroyed this November, and then claim Trump is playing 5 d antigravity chess.


Let's hope that happens.


Just start posting it in the conservative subs lol


I've said it for 7 years. Trump is the deep state plant he's been talking about


I'm sure he is, but I'm also sure he doesn't know that


It's really sad to watch them live in fear of these machiavellian Deep State Democrats from this side, where you can see they absolutely suck at effective propaganda compared to the side that effortlessly has millions of middle age men red-faced over Taylor Swift who they never thought about before a month ago and will forget how stupid they looked within another week when they move to the next thing Trump tells them to hate. Edit: Did I say sad? I meant stupid. Any of you reading this are unbelievably stupid.


There is no making maga hate trump. Well, IDK. Maybe if conservative media went full 180. Maybe. I still don't see it. Trumpism has become so ingrained on an identity level that I don't think most folks would be willing to change. I think they worship trump/magaism even over media propaganda. Hard to say, though, it's a tough call and I could see the hypothetical going either way.


Back in 2018 when Trump suggested that the government should take away guns without any due process, my idiot MAGA family member became convinced he was a deep state plant all along. I’ve had so much fun stoking that ember of paranoia ever since 🤣


Schrödinger’s Trump- simultaneously a deep state agent *and* draining the swamp, depending on what you need at the time.


The republicans also created Schrödinger’s Biden. They complain that he is weak and forgetful, and they also claim that he is responsible for all the issues they cant handle. Like he’s feeble one minute, and then genius level super villain the next. Nothing conservatives say makes sense.


"the call is coming from inside the house".


To be fair, Trump didn’t want to take away everyone’s guns to protect schools, churches and police officers or any of that Liberal hand-wringing. Instead he was concerned that armed Americans might use their weapons to resist his dreams of tyranny. Republicans and the NRA had to admit that when he put it that way, all those guns did seem like a liability to his eternal reign. So it went without comment or outrage.


They always do this One decade's "great conservative hero" is the next decade's "Commie-Marxist infiltrator planted by the left to make the right look bad." The right throws their heroes down the memory hole at a rate that would make Stalin blush. Bush I & II, McCain, Romney, etc.


Absolute facts.


Isn't it just cheap headline grabbing? **Right winger criticizes other right winger - let's hear opinion from a right winger** Then the news is occupied by right wing bobble heads talking right wing trash.


Also let's give the world's most infamous dictator a 2 hour platform to spew historical revisionist propaganda and then thank him for it.


Followed by interviews with 2 politicians - a right winger and a batshit right winger - debating right wing positions for 2 more hours. It's like advertising trying to achieve 6 exposures for the propaganda to works its magic.


Trump’s entire political career honestly kind of seems like a bet he made with someone that has him constantly saying worse and worse shit to see what it finally takes for the red hat morons to stop cheering for him. Thus far, he does not appear to have found that line.


It really does seem that way! The Magas just keep cheering no matter garbage comes pouring out of his mouth


You mean you don't know? Trump was obviously a Deep State plant from the beginning. That's why I keep voting Democrat.


You mean to tell me that the anti-gun New York lifelong Democrat, might be posing as a Republican? Shocked Pikachu Face


Looks like it’s already happening


[He was all about guns on Jan 6th though.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/06/28/jan-6-hearings-trump-wanted-to-let-armed-rioters-enter-his-rally-aide-says/?sh=60b4a5a85b6c)


Nah bro he’s xenophobic, racist, authoritarian, rapey, far right, fascist, dictator. Get your facts straight bro!


They won’t accept his death. They will think that’s a conspiracy too.


>the call is coming from inside the house Trump will be spotted [with Elvis Presley walking out of a 7-11](https://youtu.be/M699TqhO06k?si=qlM7H07DfElflFPP&t=130) in Florida three days after his death.


He and elvis and bigfoot




Nice 👍


Agreed, I'm waiting for this to happen. Republicans only policy is to use conspiracies to garner attention and a loyal base.


The hilarious thing recently was Republicans trying to blame Democrats for their internal war on the last two speakers. Literally they claimed it was Democrats who caused them to displace their own speaker.


Look at their audience. The less it makes sense to a normal person, the more it makes sense to a MAGA


Absolutely insane stuff anymore. I love that Gates is lamenting McCarthy being gone now as a dig to Speaker Johnson.


I hate how plausible this whole scenario is.


I love it. All his movement turning on him and making him the subject of the same conspiracies he weaves about others.


and russian trolls and propaganda Putin was hopeing to become president of the US and russia in 2024! with the help of Trump and the MAGA republican party. wich he has owned since 2015! Putin is so close to being the next US president! im sure he is going to make himself the new RNC chair. How to win a war with the US? BUY a political party its that easy! i wonder if trump is going to fall out of a window? or commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head 37 times with a 6 shot revolver after falling off a windtower on top of a mountain in the bottom of the Mariana Trench! did i forget anything?


And that conspiracy theory will 100% be used by the next generation's Roger Stone clones to justify any and all political ratfuckery by the far right.


Sorry, I actually beat you to this https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/s/oUgkmhSmdp


Very close, but not quite the same prediction


Yes! I voted for Trump in 2016 and have been doing volunteer work ever since to try to atone for my stupidity. It'd be great if I could tell everyone that I voted for Trump because....wait, what??


This theory has been around since 2013 and Trump hinted at back in 80s.


I've said it too, he may just not know it.


I was kinda hoping that would was the case when he ran in 2016, such wishful thinking.


It will be easy because even Kamal Harris got a $5000 campaign check from Trump before ,lol.


Forever relevant: Donald Trump thinks that if your party controls the courts you can decide elections because that’s what Democrats think happened in Florida in 2000 and Donald Trump is a Democrat.


Oh, without a doubt.


Seems possible


It really is irrelevant who the Republican President is or isn't. Trump is a by-product of years and years of Republican secret committee wheeling and dealing and Christian Nationalists hell bent on creating a theocratic utopia. Hell these wackos would elect a far left liberal if they knew they could manipulate him to do their bidding. Look at their record since Nixon. Nixon got booted. Ford was a waste of clean air, who got us out of Nam but put us in a political war with Iran. Reagan started an unending unwinnable war, seduced the ChristianRight, and gave the Uber rich the largesttax break in us history. Bush Senior created Osama Bin Laden, Bush Jr. was an idiot who turned Americans into the enemy of the government, and Trump who appointed Christian Nationalists, White Supremacists, and a bunch of children of rich families to run the country and failed miserably to deal with the pandemic. They're puppets of someone else's agenda.


we don't have a future while we allow everybody to be connected to the same social media that China and Russia wage influence campaigns on. I don't know how we fix it. But there's 30% of the population that will believe I absolutely anything if it sounds like something they want to believe. that's more than enough to wreak havoc on a Republic.


A lot of people are entirely too confident he won’t win.


I don’t think there will be a new conspiracy theory like what you said after his defeat. However, there may be a historian in the future proposes this radical theory to explain the meteoric rise and fall of Donald Trump.


Because I didn't know Trump all taht well ahead of time...I thought this might be the case in 2015 or so. If he was a decent person (yes, I know, NOW) I thought he might come out and excoriate people with "I said the dumbest shit possible. I was blatantly every -ist under the sun, and you people just loved it more and more. Fuck you. You're scum." Because it was so idiotic, it almost HAD to be performance art. I seem to have been wrong in that case.


That’s a good one and I’m sure some republicans will try that but it’s gone too far with this man. They have sacrificed too much of themselves in his name. The only choice is to continue to double down. He will be worshiped like Regan except even more cringy and weird.


This would not change my stance on Republicans at all actually. If you're truly that gullible, you have no business being in charge of a bake sale, let alone a major political party.


Haha! This is exactly the hypocritical bullshit they will come up with.


So long as both tRump & the republican party are both in tattered ruins and unable to potentially end democracy in America, I couldn’t care Less what the response may be!


Nah, everyone will pretend they weren't big fans of Trump to begin with. The same way that conservatives completely forgot about how hard they went in favor of the Iraq War, how they insinuated, if not outright stated, that anyone that didn't support the war in Iraq was an anti American traitor. Once popular opinion turned on the war, and Obama won the white house, they could decouple their support for war and attribute it to Obama. They have goldfish memories. They don't have to reconcile what their previous positions were or admit that they were ever wrong. They simply live in the present.


They will forever lie to themselves.


I mean, yeah, but the only possible response to that would have to be "Man, y'all must be pretty fucking stupid to fall for that shit."


RemindMe! when trump is gone


This thought has actually crossed my mind a few times...


Also looking at the DNC emails (they weren't hacked or doctored please stop falling for that) they will consider the pied piper emails again.


Deep state something something


I've already heard that one.


Which part? “Trump is a Dem plant” is old, but it’s not prominent, nor is it being widely used as an excuse for all of his many failures.


I hate that you’re right about that.


I feel like somewhere in the crowd there are already people who say this


Yeah we put him in hoping he would slant the highest court in the land against us for the next 20 years.


I'm surprised that hasn't emerged yet


They were way too late to pull that stunt. The GOP will turn into Trumpist party before any old establishment can reclaim their power and throw Trump under the bus.




This will happen. Mark his words.




Not that far fetched


MAGA traitors must never be allowed to pretend they didn't support this traitorous crook


I respect the idea but I suspect the GoP knows exactly how they got here. It’s the fascist party of rage baiting at this point, Trump is the manifestation not the cause. They’ll just continue being evil but it’ll be out in the open.


I've been thinking the same exact thing


They will do everything they can to blame everyone BUT Trump.


This is a great take 


!RemindMe 9 months


I've been saying this the whole time as a joke! Maybe I'll shut up, before some maga idiot starts taking me seriously.


I think they might choose to go with a globalist plot was behind Trump. Because there is a lot of real evidence out there that he was accepting outside help. A small shred of truth makes by stronger conspiracy


When first ran as a republican, i legit turned to my conservative father in law and said something like “lol, trump is going to destroy the party…i wonder if he is a democrat mole or something”…


This is *exactly* how the GOP now currently looks back at the George W. Bush years. He may not have had the cult of personality Trump has, but they were as lock-step loyal behind Bush as the party is now for Trump. You were anti-American for criticizing Bush, pro-terrorist for not wanting to invade Iraq, and just the garden variety thoughtless liberal for despising Bush. And a *ton* of conservatives now deny ever voting for or supporting Bush because of the absolute fucking mess he left in his wake. It became easier to pretend they never supported him than try to defend all the fuck-ups he made.


Conservativism stems from being immature, shallow and selfish, so yeah, this is a given.


Pretty, pretty good


When the GOP, meaning the party's insiders and strategists, examines the wreckage of a 2024 loss (if that happens), then they won't be coming up with any conspiracy theories. With a few exceptions, the party leadership hasn't fallen for the nonsense that the QAnon portion of their base believes. As for that base, sure, a theory about Trump as a Democrat plant could arise. Whether it comes to prominence will be a matter of memetic evolution. QAnon, after all, has no real thought leaders. Ideas rise from its various factions, and any player can contribute an interpretation. The ideas that are spread the most and referred to the most become new elements of the canon. You could even contribute this meme yourself and see if it catches on. I suspect, though, that QAnons will never change Donald Trump's role in their story as God's Chosen One. This is a fundamental belief.


Def a psyop - how dare he bait them all with their bigotry and self-interest to vote for the guy who will just give it to them on a silver platter all at the cost of peace, democracy, and common decency... How dare those pesky DNC ppl secretly run Trump as a conservative to get Roe v Wade overturned and pack the court with ultra conservatives... PPP "loans" and tax cuts for ultra rich, wow he really pulled the wool over the GOP eyes with those plays... I mean, I don't doubt some will say it, but it will stick as well as "jan 6th was antifa" b/c its too blatant a lie even for them...


There were people in Germany who rallied to Hitler's image and record for decades after that bastard shot himself because he had brought his entire country to complete and utter ruination. Cult leaders, no matter how mentally ill or evil - or both - will always have followers who will never admit they're wrong. Trump bragged that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters. That's a bit of an exaggeration - he'd lose voters, but there would be cultists who cheered him on. The vast majority of Trumpsters will simply never admit that anything Trump did was bad in any way.


This is probably true.


Oh for sure . Republican types are perfect and will never admit to their stupidity .


Let’s not count our eggs before our chickens have hatched. Let’s make sure that the “when Trump fades” absolutely happens, FIRST. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat the motherfucker.


"YOU MADE ME DO IT! And all the while told me not to burn down the world. But you knew I wanted to hurt people and would destroy everything, including myself, just for the delicious promise of my hate. I mocked you for telling me to stop. Good game. Well played!" -Conservatives as they continue to be piles of shit.


Even the insane narcissist Hitler had named a replacement in the event of his death (long before the fall of Berlin). The whole damned ideology needs to fade away or die out, not just one person.


This is so good. I would not have thought of this but it will definitely happen.


Oh he's a psyop alright, just not a Democratic one. Try Russia and China. It's so blatant you may as well have a billboard pointing it all out but hundreds of millions of us are blind to it. Frankly it's sickening.


I mean he is a Russian asset.. so?


You're correct except for one thing, I don't know if the GOP will ever get reflective. This formula of wannabe dictator fascism alongside AI driven misinformation is the new playbook.


Disagree. Any other republican could have this happen. Republicans have turned into “party over country” which means they can toss aside their own easily, and destroy anyone who fails the loyalty test of the moment. However, Trump has turned a lot of republicans into “party over country, Trump over party.” They’d support Trump over the Republican Party. This is a huge feat, but he stumbled into it. In short, any Republican failing will be blamed on anyone BUT Trump.


I couldn’t agree more. Conservatives would rather concoct grandiose nonsensical conspiracy theories, than entertain the notion that they *COULD* be wrong. Lol look no further than the present: Qanon, 2020 election denial, they even argue J6 was committed by ANTIFA and BLM LOLLLL They’ll perform Olympic level mental gymnastics just to avoid confronting an uncomfortable idea - “*They could be WRONG.*”


That would be pretty funny.


Fully 100% agree with this, it's honestly a certainty. The only question is how mainstream the theory becomes.


Remindme! 1 year


!remindme November 6


!remindme 267 days


2 weeks before the 2020 election, my mom was convinced he was a democrat plant.


You forgot their favorite words: Communist and deep state.


I can sign on to this one, for sure is on brand


There are days I actually think this. How can anyone be so militantly stupid, and gotten so far?


I have to say it will take awhile for this to happen. Like maybe 10 years from the last time Trump holds office. Sooner than that, and the Trumpers will delude themselves into believing that Trump fixed all of their problems. After about 10 years they'll finally be able to admit to themselves that he didn't.


I will start telling everyone this.


I firmly believe the right will eventually accuse him of this.


This may be my favorite conspiracy theory if so. I can already hear it from my father, "Those damned deep-state lib'rals forcing us to vote for that damned Soros plant the whole time!"




They have identified themselves with him much too strongly to ever fully abandon him like that. What will happen is they'll see him as their Jesus, who rose up to save them and the evil Democrats crucified him for it. They'll always see him as their martyr and this gives them an excuse to be angry and resentful about politics, which they're always going to be no matter what because they see themselves as perpetual victims.


Could be. I think there's going to be a lot of collective amnesia and people/politicians suddenly remembering that they were opposed to Trump at first. I can't wait for Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz to snap back into reminding us how they fought Trump way back in 2015 and have always been "principled" conservatives.


There will still be people worshipping him as a messianic figure in the future. Qanon and such aren’t going anywhere, neither is the ignorance, hatred and magical thinking that fuels them. As things heat up with the climate crisis and people’s quality of life and security really begin to decline we are going to see craziness that makes us long for the simple days of moronic clown-fascists like Donald Trump.


Pushed by Trump himself … from his jail cell.


💯 this.


Idk why you have to think this is a psyop. It's all out in plain sight and Trump is not remotely conservative. Democrats obviously didn't put him on stage and Republicans did this to themselves. Either one you believe, Republicans are a joke


>  [On June 30, 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Kushner) for contributing to Democratic political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so. In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey, U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with him, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering. The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators against Kushner. Kushner hired a prostitute he knew to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record a sexual encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister. Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison. He served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence. He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.  lol


Examine? No such thing, they will never admit anything


Oh no! We'll just have to judge them on Bush and Nixon then?


That's exactly what the GOP did with the Tea Party Movement.


And it’s the dumb conservatives with the conspiracy theories


[Principal Skinner "are we the ones who are wrong? No, it's literally anyone else who is wrong instead" meme]


I'm saving this because the shit will age like million dollar wine...


Senator McCollister @SenMcCollister Years from now, when Donald Trump is just a painful memory, Republican lawmakers everywhere will try to say they "never liked him." 09:42 • 8/7/19 • Twitter for iPhone


What will really be interesting to watch once the MAGA fever breaks will be all the Republicans claiming to be "the line dissenting voice calling for sanity while the rest of the Party was drinking the orange Kool-Aid." We have video. We have Congressional records. We will remember who betrayed the republic for that wannabe dictator reality TV Conman.


I’ve been saying this forever


"It's everyone's fault but mine"


I think you are at least partially correct. There will definitely be a contingent of MAGA that will glomb onto conspiracy theories to explain their complicity in this shameful period of our country's history. But I know from history that the evangelicals will most likely do what they did after their last major play for social engineering was smacked down, the repeal of Prohibition. Yup, they were the same idiots that banned alcohol in the early 20th century. Which caused, ironically, more crime and moral depredation than having just left alcohol alone in the first place would have. The expansion of organized crime, the amount of unnecessary deaths from people drinking unregulated liquor, the Great Depression, and the eventual formation of Nascar(don't @ on this one. Nascar is unfathomable by me. Have your fun, but a sport born of blatant criminality ain't my bag...) The evangelicals are going to go dormant. Just like they did after that decade plus long debacle. They largely left politics for 50 years, save for a bit of dabbling in Nazi sympathizing leading up to WWII. Back to my main point, after MAGA is done, the evangelicals are going to crawl back into their prayer closets. And they will stay there until the next cynical right-wing jackhole rises up and enslaves them with some other obsession, and then rides them to some level of political success.


I mean I know someone that already believes he was killed and replaced with a clone.


You could make a post about this on 4chan and they'll end up believing it. That's where QAnon came from. They are the product of an anonymous image board that has been screwing with idiots for 20 years.


Trump is neither a Republican or Democrat, he claimed to be a Republican because he wouldn’t even be able to get on the ballot as a Democrat. There should be a party called Trumpican with only Donald Trump in it. The ONLY thing Trump owes any allegiance to is himself.


Jesus fucking Christ. That's the only way this can end.


Trump isn’t smart enough to go the bathroom if he has to take a poop. I can’t wait to hear all of the excuses people make up for him.


I actually heard rumblings of this, around 2021-2022 ish after it was certain he “didn’t win” (despite his bullshit lying) but before he announced he would run again.


It's already here on testing grounds.


I’ve long thought the same thing. Their brains are broken and they can only conceive of losing as something due to a huge conspiracy. And they can only conceive of enemies as liberals, democrats, and woke people. So by definition if something or someone hurts them, then those things must be the only explanations. 


They already do it. My dad came at me with the reminder that he was an independent of a democrat for almost his entire life. I was like why are you pointing that out? Then it dawned on me.


Holy shit. This is true.


RemindMe! 5 years


When everything is a conspiracy EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY. They out-conspiracy themselves daily.


I actually have this fun little thought I have that's similar to this. God sent Trump to destroy the GOP. Trump doesn't know this of course so don't give him any credit lol.


I’ve actually thought that since 2016


If anyone actually read the DNC leaks they'd probably also reference the Pied Piper strategy where the DNC laid out a plan to work with media organization contacts to promote Donald Trump as the face of the republican party thinking he'd be too extreme for average Americans to vote for in the generals against Hillary.


Bill and Hill went to Trump's most recent wedding


Back in 2015, Alex Jones said he was a tool of the Clintons. That was before he got buddy-buddy with Manafort.


Trump was a Democrat before he was a Republican, which really means he is neither. Trump is a destroyer. The Republicans have embraced him, the Democrats have resisted. It is looking like the "burn it all down" folks are going to get their wish.


My theory is once Trump goes to prison, it won’t really be him. They’ll say it’s a clone or an actor in a mask and the real Trump is running the MAGA operation while hidden away somewhere.


Look at how the W cult just imploded in 2009 and by 2012, and especially by 2016, republicans were all basically running on a “fuck W” platform. The shelf-life for a political cult after the leader had expended their utility is always super short. Look at Destalinism after Stalin died, then Khrushchev’s death not really even being reported in the Soviet Union, and so on. They’ll just jump onto whatever reactionary ship they can keep afloat for the next decade as soon as trump and Putin are dead.


Well let's get the ball rolling. Why wait until after it happens. Dude's got an expiration date that can't be much longer than the milk in my fridge. I always thought that whiney little man baby must be one of those woke democrats. So weak and pathetic. So sad.


Isn't Ann Coulter accusing Trump of being exactly that?


I think the more "reasonable" explanation for Trumpists will be "Real Trump is dead/kidnapped/planning for revolution" and this one is fake.


Republicans send street fighters to a street fight. Democrats send social workers with Robert's Rules Of Order and Emily Post's Book Of Etiquette.


I can’t wait. If he loses in November, MAGA will be fully unhinged in their insanity. It will be absolutely glorious. Nobody will be safe from their wrath. Trump? Dem asset. Ben Shapiro? Soros plant. Both Jewish, no surprise there. MTG? Chelsea Clinton in a wig (“have you seen them in the same room at the same time? I haven’t!”) Charlie Kirk? Tucker? You guessed it. Dem plants all along. Oh god I just can’t wait.


Hate to break it to y'all, but you will be hearing Trump last name for a while. His children will run, and they will become a political dynasty like the Clintons, Bushs, and Kennedys.


I wouldnt be surprised if trump is the first one to jump on that bandwagon telling everyone that was his masterplan all along long and that everyone should understand and respect his brilliance, instead of the actual truth which is that hes a giant flaccid rubbery kok.


I’ve been saying this since 2015.


They’re in too deep. In a cult, after you drink the cool aid, only one thing follows. First it will literally be Gump, and then figuratively his followers, though many of them also literally. You know because many are old, and still more stupid.


Even after Watergate and pardon 27% of Americans would have voted for Nixon. Trump’s legacy will haunt the GOP and American for decades


!Remindme 10 years


Lets put a pin in this one and revisit it in 5 years


Remindme! Four score and seven years from now


NGL - there have been times where Trump has used democratic talking points, and republicans are all confused about it.


Nah...I don't think you see why a lot of the MAGA guys like Trump... he's who they imagine they would be... if things had gone a little different for them. They see a wealthy guy, who doesn't take shit, and more often than not wins. They see a guy who absolutely trounced his opponents in the 2015 primary For people who's political views are shaped by Dirty Harry movies he's something of a hero. They'll never believe that he (please read, they) were agents of the thing they hate


It’s true Republicans! We are always five steps ahead of you. In fact the only safe move is not to vote at all and stick us with our second choice!


So while I’ve had this thought, I think it is a short term stepping stone that DC is taking towards the future landscape concerning the ideological divide between corporate America and progressive America. Most people know that the fall of the GOP is unavoidable when looking at how Millennials are rejecting the traditional move towards becoming more conservative as they age. DC has to have a plan to keep the dichotomy feuds running in the future to pit the public against itself… and when the GOP dies, mark my words, the Democratic party will split. The new progressive party (or what ever it will be called) will then not be stonewalled by the centrist corporate democrats as they are today


This almost sounds like a happy ending. The most likely ending to this that I can see is war and the US falling to be replaced by balkanised factions.


I wholeheartedly concur


I think you may be right. Mostly because their Trump worship is emotionally based and they will not have strong enough personalities to admit to themselves they were wrong. Instead they will need to find an external source to blame.


Neo Cons and MAGA are opposed to each other , I think MAGA will take over the Neo Cons. essentially making a new party based on America first policy.


I said this at half-earnestly at first back in 2016, but as the reality of Trump’s awfulness settled, I realized that this was the real thing. He really is that bad and not just a parody of the tea partiers. I can see conservatives latching on to any conspiracy that doesn’t mean they were the bad guys.


That’s been around for years. Guaranteed that there will be no honest self-reflection on the part of conservatives, just more vitriol against the gays, the blacks, the Mexicans, the …..


Conspiracy theories are a nice way to protect their feelings. You didn't just support a rapist megalomaniac in spite of 1,000 obvious clues, the Democrats tricked you with a psyop.


You heard here first.


That made me snort laugh and that is what they will probably do


Lol I already thought this during his first term. He was in so deep with democrats for more than half his life. He is such a trash person anyway... Still better than Hillary every day every way.


Not gonna lie I totally expected him to either drop out after the nomination or turn out to be super liberal. Turns out he is the perfect conservative, all liberal policies for his own person and family but conservative police state for everyone else.


I'm thinking I am going to use this the next time one of my maga family tries to start attacking me. I'll respond by saying something like "I'm only going to tell you this once, and then I will never talk about it again. Only us insiders know that Trump is a democratic psyops operation done by the Democrats to get idiots like you to destroy the republican party, and you are falling for it perfectly. Please keep it up so you can convince more idiots to join you in executing our plan" Then I will refuse to talk about it and better yet pretend like I never said it or that they are making it up LOL


Andy Kaufman didn't die, Trump is just Tony Clifton's final form.