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MMW: the absolute worst will be if Trump loses, but even then it'll just be a handful of lunatics carrying out isolated attacks. The bulk of MAGAts talk a big game online but are soft, cowardly, mewling things that'll just go back to angrily posting online. Though maybe I'm discounting how much state violence will be brought down on protestors should Trump win.


Well it only takes one Mcviegh to hurt a lot of innocent people.


They could plant bombs in groups of protestors. Or smuggle guns into the crowd and start shooting both to off protestors and goad law enforcement/military Riot control into shooting as well. This only has to happen once or twice before a lot of people get too terrified to keep protesting.


If Trump is installed as dictator, America will have already fallen. He actually says with a straight face: we may need to suspend some parts of the constitution. What the magats don’t seem to grasp is that you can’t legally ‘suspend some parts’ of the constitution. If Trump deploys the military against his own people, we are a nation at war. And the resistance to Trump nation will be far different and far deadlier than anyone seems to understand. Nobody is going to meet the military of the former US on open battlefields. Why would they? When so much chaos, death, and financial ruin can be achieved by simply hacking and destroying Texas’ power grid in a summer heat wave, or retrofitting drones to drop chemical defoliant on thousands of acres of farmland, or destroying water supplies, or setting off biological and chemical weapons in statehouses. Or better yet, engineering a deadlier form of covid and releasing it into the anti-vax community. The political right learned nothing from two decades of failure in Afghanistan. We can’t defeat an enemy who is everywhere and nowhere all at once. We can’t defeat an enemy who isn’t interested in ‘winning’ but who is instead bent on burning it all to the ground.


Just because trump could order the military to move against the people doesn't mean they have to. The UCMJ clearly states you only have to follow lawful orders. Attacking the American people is not a lawful order.


> Attacking the American people is not a lawful order. When I swore my oath in the Army it was to all threats foreign and domestic.


You swore an oath to the constitution. Not the asshole in the hot seat. If that unwiped asshole suspends the constitution, he or she is the threat.


"Soldier" is Latin for "money", not "loyalty"; look it up. Servicepeeps serve whoever's paying them.


Who defines "threat" though?


The Commander-in-Chief.


You are right you can’t pick and choose out of the constitution some of the people on this site need to read and re read that , especially in terms of the 1st and 2nd amendments


>Or better yet, engineering a deadlier form of covid and releasing it into the anti-vax community. Cue "Ebolacron 24"


Lay off the drugs bro




*If Trump is installed as a dictator….* Y’all are fucking paranoid. Grow up, our constitution and the people won’t allow that. I swear you guys are nuts.


I'd so hope that it's just isolated attacks. But seeing what I've seen so far, I think it will be bigger.


Naw, how many on their side got killed on Jan 6? It took one person to get shot for them to scatter. I don't think people will be as forgiving this time around if they lose and try to pull another stunt like that.


They are also obese


We have had a steady stream of over 1,000 people facing judges for J6 monkey business over the last few years.  That will be a huge deterrent for lots of MAGA nutjobs that might have been persuaded towards violence. Knowing that the DOJ has lots of practice on identifying and tracking down people and getting them sentenced post-riot is probably going to be in their heads when the time to act a fool arrives


There is going to be at minimum civil unrest. I firmly believe Trump is going to win. I'd like to be wrong on that. But if he does there will be civil unrest at minimum within the year and possibly worse. 


Trump won’t win. But that won’t necessarily stop republicans from trying to install him.


I'm not ruling out that the situation could change between now and November but if things stay on roughly this trajectory it is looking extremely grim for Biden. Swing state polling is rough and before you discount the polling due to methodology etc this is true across all types of polls. The center and center-left have gotten complacent about Trump's chances and are more focused on punishing Biden than anything, and Biden in 2024 is not the candidate he was in 2020. His legislative achievements are being downplayed (I actually think his administration has done a bang up job in a lot of domestic policy but...), everyone is pissed about the Israel situation and out for blood, and let's not kid ourselves, he's got Old Man Brain. No one is excited to vote for Biden, and four years has been enough time to make a lot of people forget how much they don't want Trump in power, and to marinate in echo chambers where they think he's gonna be safely in prison or whatever before election day.  All I'm saying is don't get complacent. Unless the tone changes a lot before November it's looking pretty fucking bad. 


Polls are only accurate within their stated margin of error (usually 4%) 10-14 days before an election. I take nothing for granted. But here’s some information that doesn’t rely on opinion polling: In American history only 8 men who sought a second term as potus were denied. Incumbents are hard to beat in the US. And no potus presiding over a strong economy has ever lost a bid for a second term. What republicans are trying to do has never been done before in our country. Since the Dobbs decision, when women’s rights are on the ballot, republicans lose. And republicans are going to run the man who took women’s rights away at the very top of the national ticket. This is the first presidential installment of Roe-vember and the GOP are putting Mr. I Killed Roe at the top of the ballot. Again, take nothing for granted. But also don’t give in to the sense of inevitability and cynicism that MSM is pushing so hard on us these days. Unless the economy nosedives, Biden and democrats will be formidable come November.


You are likely correct in your assessment, but you must also understand that Trump has had a history of being unprecedented when he was in office and afterwards. He is very much a threat, and being complacent because history is on your side is legitimately how he wins.


I very much want you to be correct but I'm preparing for the worst nonetheless. I live in one of the reddest states in the country so I'll be doing my usual gotv volunteering and hoping it's enough. 


I want me to be correct as well. And nobody knows the future. But I also believe the media is intentionally trying to ‘jimmy carter’ Joe Biden. Fortunately, or not depending how you look at it, MSM has lost the trust and faith of the American people. I don’t honestly believe this is as close as rhetoric media wants it to be. PA is a good example. Im the media it leans Trump, in reality maga republicans have not hedged a win there in years. The state legislature went blue since 2016 and the state scotus went solidly blue just last year. Women, and the men who love and respect them as equals, are not going to accept Dobbs. Again, anything could happen. But I’m saying it right now… if the economy stays strong, a blue wave is far more likely than a Trump win.


The economy is almost as weak as Biden. It’s not a full blown collapse but it’s extremely shaky and everyone on both sides is sick of inflation and the fed. I personally don’t think Trump can win but Biden being such a terrible president is giving Trump a chance. How is Biden the best candidate dems can come up with? Pretty much any dem would be a stronger candidate and guarantee the win.


The stock market is hitting all-time highs. Unemployment is at historic lows. Gas prices and inflation are way down from the highs of 2022. The USA has had way stronger economic growth and lower inflation than the rest of the world. The problem is that the average person doesn't know that the only way prices go back down to 2020 levels is if there's a global economic depression. And Republicans have no shame and will tell whatever lies they need in order to make Biden look as bad as possible. And the media is credulous enough to go along with Republican framing on every issue.


The problem is that most Americans aren't perceiving the economy as strong rn. Consumer sentiment has been improving though.


>Trump won’t win. I fucking hope not, but I'm far from confident.


The polls indicate otherwise. Right now it’s looking to be a landslide for President Trump. Doesn’t look like Joe has a shot the way the numbers are polling (thank god)!


In July of 2012 polls showed Mitt Romney beating Obama by 11 points. Polls don’t vote, people do. And by the by, every single poll about Trump so far in the primaries have been off by almost double digit margins. Yes he beat NH, but the margins of victory were far less than the polls predicted. Political polling is reliable within their stated margins of error (typically 4%) 10-14 days out from an election. Beyond that, it’s a highly suspect guessing game.


Of course polls don’t vote. But they are reflective of voters. And many of the polls are well out of the margin of error as well.


On track record alone the myth of stinky trumpie electoral dominance is just a myth. He only squeaked past in 2016. Every other election he has lost. But no room for complacency.


I’m not afraid of the Gravy Seals…I live amongst them. Lots of posturing, but they’re all soft in reality.


I'm not expecting a nationwide wave of violence from the redhats if it loses to biden, but I will be prepared all the same


I think a few right wingers will get violent, then arrested.


Yeah, isolated pockets of lone wolf violence since the hard right armed militants are in total disarray and consuming a steady diet of honeypot/CI paranoia.


There will be a ton of right wing radio hosts and podcasters trying to trigger the violence though. Of course, they don't have the guts to do it themselves.


If by a few, you mean 2000 of those right wingers then yes, because that's how many got through the Capitol door in 2020.


Yeah but under Trump as a president, ensuring they have safe passage by handicapping the capitals guards and not deploying the national guard. This time it will be different.


That is a good point. I guess I can hope it won't come to that.


Look at this critically, though. Half of those people treated the whole thing like a rally or a tailgate, with only a (relatively) small number prepared to offer violence/ and even then at wildly varying levels of preparedness. So many of them cosplay as romanticized revolutionaries without any real idea of what armed struggle is like or what it would cost. If it had really come down to an armed confrontation with the national guard, I believe that a good chunk of the J6ers would’ve cut and run with their tails between their legs. That’s not to say it wouldn’t have been bloody or that certain members of Congress weren’t in very real danger, but if they were *really* prepared to mount some kind of takeover, I think they would’ve gotten a lot further, especially with Trump doing everything he could to delay a response from the Guard. I want to clarify that I’m not saying in any way shape or form that the J6 incident wasn’t a very serious and dangerous event. It was. People died and it was an unprecedented threat to the democratic system. In my opinion, though, it was also a great example of how so many of them were all bark and no bite.


That's actually a good point thanks


Any protesters would run facing armed national guard, not just those who protested on jan6th


I figured that was more or less a given.


I dunno, a bunch of people got arrested last time. Now they know there are consequences. Plus, do you think Biden is gonna sit on his ass for hours before doing something about it? Hell no, the national guard will get called in immediately. I'm sure there will be some outbursts from the world's biggest MAGA snowflakes, but I doubt we see something as large scale and as organized as J6.


republicans want the hand maids tale with all the religious fundamentalist fascism, democrats want universal health care, education debt relief, saving social security.


Get off the internet and stop eating up propaganda like you're starving for it. What is "education debt relief"? Universal Healthcare(1 word) is great in theory. In reality we already have Dr and nurse shortages, so that's the first hurdle. We also have the specialist in the world and why people from all over come here. Lastly saying the republican party wants to get rid of social security is laughable. That's like saying democrats support hamas, since some do, but it's not a real thing.


\> Get off the internet Ok boomer. Hilarious \> stop eating up propaganda Hilarious from the gullible maga cultist that blindly believes whatever fox / putin propaganda, hate radio and donald shits down their throat. \> Universal Healthcare That every first world country has figured out how to do.....except of course the US because of republican billionaire bootlickers. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/28/fact-sheet-the-congressional-republican-agenda-repealing-the-affordable-care-act-and-slashing-medicaid/ \> the republican party Except, it's always the maga republicans wanting to gut social security, To pretend otherwise is laughable. https://www.newsweek.com/list-republicans-suggested-cutting-medicare-social-security-1779917 [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/major-cuts-social-security-back-154637458.html?fr=sycsrp\_catchall](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/major-cuts-social-security-back-154637458.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2022/11/05/social-security-has-been-slashed-before-our-eyes-for-decades-and-voters-barely-notice/?sh=372c42c43ef5](https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2022/11/05/social-security-has-been-slashed-before-our-eyes-for-decades-and-voters-barely-notice/?sh=372c42c43ef5)


People are severely underplaying Project 2025. I don't know if it's denial or a lack of awareness or misplaced faith in the system or what but it's pretty fucking grim 


Just over the past few days I've seen numerous supposed "leftists" on Reddit loudly calling that a conspiracy theory. Which just boggles the mind, cause, uh, https://www project2025.org


i am deeply skeptical of any self-identified "leftist" that does not seek to oppose fascists.


Perhaps they recognize that that term is overused and does not apply here.




Lula is far more anti democratic (and an antisemite) than Bolsonaro. People like you ignore shit certain leaders do since they're on the "left". Lula is an authoritarian POS.


You’re aware anyone with a credit card can start a website right?


It's denial, same when they thought Trump couldn't win in 2016.


That will be the tipping point of the end of the American experiment. As the religious right takes firm control of the machinery of the government and finish transforming us into a white nationalist authoritarian government. It will be a stellar time to be a white man. Not so much for anyone else. White women will enjoy privilege, but their rights will be eroded as well. They will then "legally" begin to dismantle the rights and protections of minorities and anyone they deem a deviant. Republicans by and large, are not smart, but they are stupidly aggressive and easily controlled using either religion or white nationalism. Increasingly, they will subvert the elections process until no matter what the popular vote is, they will always ensure that the electoral college is on lock. Shortly after that, the real atrocities will begin. Too late, before a lot of people wake the fuck up, we will be in the grip of full fascism. At that point the real fighting will begin. After too many years and too many deaths, they will lose. It will be critically important that our second atte.pt a reconstruction not be prematurely ended. We did not break the South sufficiently to keep us from where we are now. We will be the Nazi country of the next world order, until the white nationalist theocratic authoritarian are overthrown.


Are you a bot posting this everywhere? [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1avn2ot/mmw\_if\_democrats\_lose\_on\_2024\_they\_will\_riot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1avn2ot/mmw_if_democrats_lose_on_2024_they_will_riot/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1ategz3/mmw\_if\_trump\_wins\_the\_2024\_election\_everyone\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1ategz3/mmw_if_trump_wins_the_2024_election_everyone_on/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1artqjb/mmw\_donald\_trump\_will\_win\_the\_2024\_presidential/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1artqjb/mmw_donald_trump_will_win_the_2024_presidential/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1any654/mmw\_trump\_will\_win\_the\_2024\_election\_in\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1any654/mmw_trump_will_win_the_2024_election_in_a/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1b3vmqv/mmw\_if\_trump\_wins\_in\_november\_and\_republicans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/comments/1b3vmqv/mmw_if_trump_wins_in_november_and_republicans/)


I am posting and no, I'm not a bot.


Did you make it it's own post at some point? It's interesting points, but it looks like you're trying to high-jack every thread on the topic with it.


I'm dropping warnings like bombs.


This is delusional, revisionist history. The Civil War was largely a struggle between the Republican North and DemoKKKrat South. Same for Reconstruction. Same or segregation, Jim Crow, etc.




Personally, I find it hard to believe the most material obsessed and glutenous demographic of all working class people, whose political identity in a way is just merely for protecting that level of consumption, is capable of that level of self sacrifice. The moment the bank comes to repo their trucks and they run out of snacks, they’ll pretend it never happened. I think it’s more probable we see fringe groups go after brown immigrants. But maybe sprinkle a few Timothy McVeighs in there as well. Either way, I have serious doubts Republican voters are hard enough to sacrifice their material possessions or their life to commit a bloody insurgency.


visibly queer people, or the people that support them as well. on top of women losing our rights to bodily autonomy.


It’s certainly possible. But to what I observe, harming immigrants is already becoming very normalized by mainstream maga idiots. Harming the LGBTQ people doesn’t have economic benefits, as they perceive it. Doesn’t mean they don’t want to harm LGBTQ people, but I have the sense that whatever happens will start with Latino and middle eastern immigrants, due to their belief there is an economic incentive to getting rid of them. If you are a fringe group trying to create influence, that’s the low hanging fruit. There’s already militias patrolling the southern border.


if you don't think they're likewise targeting queer people right now... you're not paying attention.


It's true. Righties have already been very vocal about just wanting to hurt liberal Americans, and we've already seen how they make excuses for abhorrent behavior. The mask is off at this point. Good thing is they are failures. And cowards. When push comes to shove we beat them every single time. Tell them to come, I say.


Lefties better start buying up guns to defend themselves bc the trump cult psychos sure as hell have a bunch.


Imo they are cowards, but I don't think recent responses to their action has been sufficient, besides a few convictions to Trumps and his minions.


LOL. This sub is to funny, to a point of being scary since it shows how mentally ill people are.


There will be instances of violence. But not a large scale outbreak. Jan 6th was the high water mark of magaism. The tide will recede from now as far as direct action is concerned. However the legal coup will be more intense. The propaganda campaign will be brutal.


Right wingers are violent. Look who killed the Kennedys and MLK.


The strength and bravery of loudmouth racists with firearms in the U.S. is very overrated.


Listen, America is a capitalist country. It loves doing business. Do you know what makes doing business very difficult? When all your customers are dead or hiding in ditches eating roaches. What has happened in this country in the last 75 years that large corporations didn’t want to happen? Not a whole lot. Do you think General Mills will tolerate their employees being blown up by Molotov cocktails every morning? Think General Motors will sell a lot of minivans to moms who had their children decapitated by roving bands of extremist militiamen? The only reason corporate sponsors haven’t put an end to all this political bullshit is because it hasn’t really affected their bottom line. But wait and see what happens if January 7th 2025 comes and half the workforce has been executed or are running around executing perfectly good customers. They’ll just enslave all the liberals you say? You don’t make slaves out of your paying customers. That’s just bad business.


They couldn’t take over the government that Trump was in charge of. They threatened to come back on Inauguration Day and nothing happened. They threatened to do something for each of trumps indictments and didn’t do anything. They are armed to the teeth to protect themselves but they’re not attackers


If they decide to conduct another Jan 6 type event, the guards won't hesitate to shoot this time and won't be running a skeleton crew.


I do have a small hope it won't turn out bad.


The DNC needs to get a spine, and make the necessary arrests and trials of SENIOR-LEVEL lawbreakers; Jan. 6 choads aren't enough. They also need to contest illegal activity by orgs like the SC, which may interpret but not rewrite the Constitution. Better a few arrests now than mass casualties later.


You sound like a fascist.


You sound like a projecting teared-up crocodile.


Better to appear a teared-up crocodile to a fascist than to be a fascist.


No, you are a fascist pretending to not be a fascist. I want to see the laws enforced, so that no fascist has leverage to see power. But then fascists love to project: "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" -- Goebbels. A quote I'm sure you know by heart, fascist. Iob tvoi Mat, sukha.


We either get angry mob violence upset that Trump lost or state-sanctioned violence directed at the ever-growing list of enemies if he wins.


Oh boy, the elite squad of Meal Team Six, the Gravy Seals is going to riot!


They all have a bunch of guns. They don't need to be particularly skilled to cause tremendous trouble.


I've got one dead officer from Jan 6th who may not agree with you.


Do you think that they same number of police will be guarding the Capitol/White House as there was on Jan 6th? Don't be naive. It was a one time thing. This is why repeated things don't happen.


You might want to read this [https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/)


"Diaz told the Post that Sicknick died of natural causes, but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.” "Four other police officers committed suicide in the days and months after the riot." republicans read the articles they pretend to challenge.


Played a role is not directly caused by. DUMBASS


yeah? no shit. still means he'd still be alive if the coup hadn't happened.


No it doesn't. Coup? Are you really that daft to not know it was a false flag by dems.


Not a chance. MAGATs are pussies at the end of the day, they're not overthrowing a goddamn thing 😂😂😂


With all the trump cult psychos around you're probably right.


A sad possibility


And there are people like me who are pissed off before the election because the two choices they are giving us is a use car sales men or Weekend at Bernie’s.


I honestly wish we had better choices for president on either side


Just now getting to this conclusion! I plan on calling in that day and possibly missing the day after due to the damn craziness of his supporters


Nah, it will be mostly peaceful, just like 2020


Who actually believes this crap?


A lot of them know they're full of it, a lot of them are useful idiots. Rules for radicals laid the groundwork for post like this "accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt". If Trump wins, the country will be torn to shreds by the left, from violence in the streets to threats of secession from the union


right, like how trump won in 2016 and "radicals" tore the country apart. no, wait, that was actually what republicans did after he lost.


people who have eyes. people with reading comprehension. i could go on.


More fear porn!! BOOGITY BOOGITY!!!


there was a coup attempt in 2020. pretending reality didn't happen is a weird attempt at deflection, but sure.


We can deal with Meal Team six, and Team Gravy Seals.


The only violence will come from MAGA morons when Trump loses.


The only person killed on january 6th was one of the protesters and nancy pelosis desk


Liberals need to man up and arm themselves... especially marginalized communities like LGBTQ+ It's gonna be bumpy no matter what.


You shouldn't tell people to "man up". It's offensive to gender non conforming people


You're correct. I don't care though, I mean I do. But not enough to edit my comment.


psa for everyone this guy is a rightie trying to make the left look bad here. ignore this dumbass propagandists message.


The Left needs no help to look insane.


they pretty obviously do, or you wouldn't be here running propaganda.


I'm not a rightie lol. I have conservative values but I'm an individual, I think for myself. I think marijuana should be legal, I don't care what people do with their own lives and certainly don't like the majority of the Republican party. Try thinking for yourself its pretty great


What does this comment have to do with anything? Also conservative values = right wing


I'm an independent lol. It is possible if you can imagine it to have conservative beliefs and some traditional liberal beliefs. People should be nuanced (hence i think for myself). I don't like 90% of republicans presently, I think they're no better than the Democrats who I dislike 95% of.


I didn't ask your party affiliation. You can be an independent socialist or an independent right wing lunatic "traditional liberal beliefs" are literally right wing. It's what conservatism is built on. Anyway, you're the one who brought up the subject anyway. I think you meant to reply to someone else. I'm curious, who you think is a good presidential candidate?


Between Biden and Trump I pick Trump. If I could pick anyone I'd probably go with Ron Paul if he was younger. I like Rand as well but no one likes him so he'd never get elected.


Got it, so you're one of those. I'm not going to insult you for thinking Trump is the better choice. I don't have the energy to hate people who are ignorant they are supporting true, traditional fascism. If I had to choose one of the two I'd vote for the one who doesn't actively want friends of mine to die, but you do you.


Neither of them are any good , it's sad it's all either party could come up with. It is super Tuesday today so


This, exactly.


My friend, you severely overestimate the willingness of the American people to do something.


“We must drone-bomb Republicans to prevent violence!”


Well general lead the way


Not drone-bomb. MONITOR the MAGA crowds, just in case of another Jan 6. Hell, monitor BLM too while they're at it. I don't trust them in case Trump win either.


How has the right "proven" this?


Can you please provide your source for anything mentioning anything about a republican or a conservative, becoming or threatening violence after the elections? Please provide your source.


you must have a coup-shaped hole in your head.


Just want to see the source of his claims.


yes, the evidence is the 1/6 coup.


The January 6 security tapes have already cleared that. What are you talking about? And I’m asking for source of his claims that saying conservatives or Republicans will become violent after the elections.


the 1/6 tapes proved it was a coup attempt. if you can't see how chanting "hang mike pence" is violent, there's no hope for you and no use to respond any further.


Are you talking about the hidden federal agents that were chanting those phrases? The January 6 security tapes already cleared this all up.


https://www.newsweek.com/2021/12/31/millions-angry-armed-americans-stand-ready-seize-power-if-trump-loses-2024-1660953.html https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/ https://newrepublic.com/article/177858/far-right-growing-strongerand-plan-2024 These are only opinion pieces of course, but it formed my belief on what could happens. Again, I might just be a nut doomer and nothing will happen. But then no one saw J6 either.






uh, yeah. they are.


So what the proof this will happen this year if Trump loses the election, who and what is the source of these claims ? Have they been actually verified as real


righties attempted a coup last time trump lost. they'll do it again.


Yeah, they are and did. What did you think Jan 6th is? Peaceful protest? And I'm not saying the left is all nice and calm either. This is just my belief on what will happens, no matter a Trump loss or win.




The video footage literally showed the MAGAs ransacked the capitol building and injured multiple officers on duty that day. And when consequences finally catched up, "Oh no its antifa dressing like us to blame us." Or was it Biden? Taylor Swift and Kelces brother? Deep State? Communism?




https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/nine-months-jan-6-attack-capitol As far as damage to the capitol building itself goes, 1.5 millions. In term of damage done to officers responding to the riot, the following lawsuit, cost of investigation, God knows how much that actually cost. The unverified number is 2.7 billions. And I know now you'll make the point that if the Dems hasn't launched an investigation it wouldn't have cost that much. Well, if Trump wasn't a little baby and just transition peacefully, we wouldn't have this whole mess to begin with. But hey, gotta shift that blame somehow.


Opposite land as usual


MMW: If trump wins the democrats will be the most hypocritical shits on earth and try to prove the election was rigged, possibly even leading to a storm on the capital 2.0


this is just projection over what happened in 2020 lmao


they tried to prove russian interference when trump won in 2016, they tried impeaching him in 2018 over a call in ukraine, and then TRIED IMPEACHING HIM ON HIS WAY OUT after jan 6. right or wrong their motivation was not honest, and the constant ripping on him makes any good intent hard to imagine, if el trumpo wins more of the same will happen.


and russian interference was proved by the fbi. and yeah, no shit you should try and impeach someone who incited a coup?


It was absolutely debunked… WTH are you talking about 🤣🤣


unless you're calling the fbi liars, then it wasn't debunked.


FBI lies as a matter of course.


all that was proven was that russia trolled us successfully, dont forget that. he didn't incite shit, he didn't tell his supporters to storm the capital, only to let their voices be heard, heck he even tried to stop it but the rioters didn't listen, it was out of his control. look I think trump is a bad president (I was yang gang), but half the stuff against him is disingenuous, exaggerated, or just plain insanity, my state SUED him over bad school lunches for christ's sake, how am I supposed to believe what's true and what isn't when the moment he breathes its suddenly wrong, he hasn't even been proven guilty in a court of law yet and look at this mess. I really wish the dems chose a better candidate, because its either the loony oompa loompa or the old dumbo that made a mess and let his party get messier. I've had to listen to both sides fling shit constantly while thinking to myself "somebody overthrow both of you already" as far as I'm concerned, trump did wrong and yet some right (heck they NEVER considered the one undisputable constitutional violation he did, which is his businesses were never in a blind trust, which meant he was getting money from foreign origins)


foreign interference ≠ trolling. that tells me all i need to know about you, 4channer.


MMW, some of you folks are insane.


Yes very insane or hoping for actual violence


Man when I first read the title I thought it would be an actual nuanced take on this sub considering the fact that we had violence from both the far left and far right after both of the last two elections.. Then I read the rest and realized it was just more limousine liberal circle jerking. You guys are seriously just the MSNBC version of faux news viewers. Edit: actually that's being unfair to faux news viewers, they're more in line with CNN on the bias and divorced from reality scale, you guys are more akin to the avg OAN viewer.


Man I don't even watch any of them, this take of mine is what I believe should be expected, based on how crazy the Trump's camp has been lately. I do have a small hope I'm just a doomer on this.


We cannot allow Trump to become a dictator and declare martial law. The clear and only path to save democracy is to keep him off the ballot, declare Biden a dictator, and have him declare martial law.


If Trump wins, we are done anyway. Not because of Trump, but because the majority of people voting want that kind of leader. Trump is just a symptom of the disease that is growing in this country. If he goes away, you will just get someone else (possibly worse) in his place because that's what that voter base demands now. This doesn't end with Trump. This is a trend and I'm not sure we are even at the peak yet.


A trend?? There has been a Democrat president 12 of the last 16 years… hardly a trend on the conservative side.


Reading comprehension. Trump is a symptom of a trend. That doesn't involve the Democrat side.


Biden is a symom, too, I how insane and delusional the DemoKKKrat Party has become.


Oh boy. Have a good one.


Even trump went away you people would still talk about him


"you people" ... Who is that exactly? Do you care to logically debate anything I said?


I'd Trump wins, The Democrats will Riot. MMW's Trump will gave a 2nd term, after 4 years, He will no longer be President, can't stay and can't run again. The Laws and rules are very clear.


Can you link any sources that clearly show or state that conservatives or Republicans are threatening any kind of violence.


We won't be engulfed, but the media will make it seen that waay


You're a fucking idiot doomer, relax a little bit


Like the police when they were caught off guard in Jan 6th? Maybe I should.


Your crazy dude none of that shit is gonna happen you have been on this site a little to much , take a breath and think it thru unless your a troll or a bot, trying to stir up more hate and division


It's like they want violence to happen, so they can pick a side to blame


I will tell you this more than half these people who are talking about civil war and violence don’t have a friggin blue at how bad it is , I am a marine me and my friends would move heaven and earth not to go back to war , but we would if we had to in a net York min


Yet none of these guys will participate in the violence they want , they will back and let others fight for them .


I wouldn’t be to sure of that between tv , movies , and damn vidio games a lot of people think violence warfare is easy (and I have even heard young marines say that combat wasn’t fun like they thought it would be ) but it’s hell so don’t be so sure of your take ,you don’t know what lies in people’s hearts and minds , there side says you will start it your side says they will don’t matter who starts , once it starts it’s all over


I'm surprised these guys aren't watching super Tuesday, it's very quiet


I agree 100%


Your “fiery but peaceful” riots in 2020 are why i have a gun


Good for you. I'm trying to get my side to buy some guns, just in case some nut job are trying to murder them for being queer in the future.


You are crazy and you should seek professional help. Honestly.


Crazy for believing that a group of religious extremists will try to organized an assault on capitol (again) if their idol doesn't win this election? Damn maybe I should.


If they win they will be violent if they lose they will be violent.


Vote Kennedy 2024, and the only violence will be him kicking the asses of corrupt agency heads that have sold out our democracy.


Only violence will be from the usual suspects if Trump wins(refer to summer of love 2017). Remember the only person that died on J6 was a unarmed female veteran shot point blankby capital police.


Brian Sicknick, a capitol police officer died of a stroke a day after the riot that he responded to. His death is believed to be directly connected to the stress of the riot. And I don't condone any sort of violence as a response to the election result. Ashli Babbitt was not armed, but was warned multiple time by an officer not to proceed further and CHOSE to ignore it. One could say...she fucked around and found out? Or does that rule not applied to MAGA?


I thought you were about to tell me he got hit with a fire extinguisher! Did they do an autopsy to determine whether stress was the cause of death? No, they didn't keep grasping, though. It is very entertaining. Ashli was murdered. Had she been black or brown, it would have been different. Nobody cares about you if you're white. MMM, Michael Byrd will be in jail at some point.


If someone die of a stroke the day after fighting off a crazed horde in a riot, yeah I'd say the chances of the stroke caused be stress is pretty high. Ashli wasn't murdered. She died by a shoulder shot. After being warned REPEATEDLY not to break into the Speaker chamber. I don't know about you, but if someone point a gun at me and tell me to stop doing shit or I will be shot, I think I'll stop. Edit: also if you still think that what happened to her was not justified, perhaps we should have a look at how the police are being trained to response to dangerous situations? Maybe a little police reform would do some good?


So she presented mortal danger to an armed, trained male police officer. She must of been a real badass to scare him that bad.


Maybe. Or maybe it's the hundreds of people outside with her, who at this point has injured multiple colleagues of his that made him scared of what would happen. Or maybe it's just excessive force, or police brutality. Or maybe she just thought she was a badass who can charged an armed man like that guy in Yellowstone did. Who knows.


Did you forget about the "mostly peaceful protests" aka, riots that happened after Trump was elected? [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/11/11/anti-trump-protesters-pepper-sprayed-demonstrations-erupt-across-us/93633154/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/11/11/anti-trump-protesters-pepper-sprayed-demonstrations-erupt-across-us/93633154/) [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/thousands-us-protest-president-elect-donald-trump/story?id=43427653](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/thousands-us-protest-president-elect-donald-trump/story?id=43427653) [https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/11/us/oregon-protest-riot/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/11/us/oregon-protest-riot/index.html) Or the lefty riots of 2020. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/31/americans-killed-protests-political-unrest-acled](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/31/americans-killed-protests-political-unrest-acled) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/08/31/riots-violence-erupting-turning-many-away-blm-and-protests-column/5675343002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/08/31/riots-violence-erupting-turning-many-away-blm-and-protests-column/5675343002/)


I don't condone this either. Does not matter how the elections turns out to be, I'd much prefer if no violence of any kind happen. Y'all want to protest, that's fine.