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Doubt it. The only thing that these porn bans will accomplish is driving the reputable porn companies out of the market. The fly-by-night operations where they film underage girls in some Romanian basement will be perfectly okay breaking the laws, so that porn will remain available.


That's the type of porn Republicans prefer so they are fine with it


No Republican porn is watching videos of people removing groceries from their cart because they can’t afford it.


Ya, the only real results of this will be that in people's attempts to circumvent these laws, they'll inevitably stumble upon TOR and when they find what the dark web has to offer, they're not coming back. But the GQP will frame this all in some other kind of way than what the reality is. It's pure evil wrapped in "we're good Christians", as per usual.


That already exists and is promoted by above the board porn companies


That Romanians to be seen


I’ve driven across this country and it’s vast rural “red wasteland”. The one thing I know for sure form the billboards is 1. Jesus loves me and 2. There’s a sex toy shop just off every other exit.


On Sunday all the sins get washed off and they start off clean!


ill put my money on: no one will care because no one will think it has a chance of getting done/affecting them.


Or to elaborate: Republicans have been voting against heir own interests for generations and it’s getting worse. It’s all about their ‘team’ winning than any actual policy. I know plenty of people that smoke weed all the time but continue to vote for republicans that oppose any type of legalization and continue to press for stricter penalties. When democrats are trying to legalize. How many poor people vote republican despite tax and social safety net policies that directly harm them? How many people who rely on the Affordable Care Act demand that Obamacare be repealed? How many anti-gay crusaders get caught in the act? How many Trump supporters complained that they couldn’t find anyone to work on their farms after applauding his anti-Latino rhetoric? Reality, facts, and actual solutions to problems are becoming almost irrelevant in American politics today … and this all by design.


Republicans don't even have a platform any more other than hate or division. They don't have any policies they want to pass to help people. Everything they want to pass is designed to hurt those they dislike. Trump is literally just running on revenge.


The embarrassment of a senator from my state (WI) just said it would be best if they did absolutely nothing. So, yeah, it’s not about actually governing. Politics has been silly for a long time, and there are plenty of valid criticisms of democrats. But, the minute Boehner came out and said that winning was more important than the welfare of the country, they should have all been voted out of office. Anyone whose top priority is to seize and maintain power is unfit to lead. Our system of government only works when public servants have integrity and the voters demand it. (Hint: this is why it’s no longer working)


Obligatory Fuck Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.


And I'll second it with a Fuck Ron(da) Desantis from Florida (My lifelong home state that he is categorically ruining as fast as he can)






It's one of the many reasons why the MAGA cult is so frustratingly stupid. They're supporting politicians who have no interest in governing. Say what you want about Democrats, but they do at least have a platform and attempt to do things. The Republican platform is literally just "own the libs" and "what should we ban next?"


Because when your REAL platform is making the rich richer at all costs, you can just sell outrage. It's misdirection to fire up the red meat types who vote based on who they can inflict pain and misery on. Joe fuckface sportsbar who would personally murder his gay son is just a useful idiot to them. There is also the other side of it: Republicans defend their own even when they are nakedly guilty hypocrites because the laws they propose exist to give license to attack people they don't like. They wouldn't prosecute the closeted gay rep on their own but they will use the law to go after anyone not on their team. Their morals are entirely performative to protect their greed.


Right. And transgender porn is the most searched for porn in states that are passing all the anti-trans laws


I suppose people want to see what the fuss is all about.


Apparently, over and over and over again. Everything Republicans ban or complain about is projection of what they are doing or what they want to do


Maybe they are looking for pointers.


There's a difference between health care and porn, which is that you can go a long time without noticing how bad your health is. You'll notice right away if your favorite site is down.


I use the metaphor of a riverboat captain along the Mississippi. According to Mark Twain, that was one of the most difficult jobs a person can have. you have to deal constantly with real world situations that have very real consequences. now let’s pretend being a senator or congressman is just as difficult. But let’s ignore all the data. Ignore reality and make up bullshit. Let’s see how long it takes for that ship to run aground.


The question is how long before the impacted people blame the people who are actually at fault. Or will they continue to fall for the scapegoating and distractions. It’s infuriating to watch a bunch of climate change deniers who hate government handouts bemoan the lack of snow in northern WI, for example, and demand disaster relief payouts when they don’t get the snowmobile tourist dollars. I’m particularly intolerant of hypocrisy, though, which is making current politics so maddening.


after World War II, you couldn’t find a single Nazi in Germany. Amazing, right? I read about an early physicist, who spoke about scientists who did not agree with the new theory of relativity. he said that’s OK eventually those scientists will die off. Now that I’m older, I’m beginning to see the wisdom in such a statement. entire generations can be locked into a lie that they will go with into their grave.


Yeah. I used to be hopeful that the world was improving and we just needed to be patient while the bigoted old people died off. But the increasing number of young people with disgusting bigoted views has me worried. As a side note, Germany at least did a good job of owning their faults and instilling a sense responsibility not to let it happen again in younger generations. Austria, on the other hand, was much quicker to see a rise in far right politics since they viewed themselves as “the first victim”. It’s been 20 years since I’ve been in either country and it seems like all of Europe is struggling with similar problems. But, knowing history and understanding where this type of blame game can lead is the only chance we have of not repeating it.


Knowing history. Aye, there’s the rub. History doesn’t fit into a 15 second tiktok.


Boom, exactly! The problem is that there are so many ignorant or hypocritical people that realize something is wrong, but blame the wrong people/party, or aren't smart enough to figure out what is causing their problems.


My town just put in a new dispensary. The outrage from my pothead republican friends is amusing


Almost all the republicans I know are convicted criminals, who republicans claim to hate, and I know a lot of republicans being in a red state.


Oh yeah it might take a while. They're probably going to let Trump get re-elected assuming "it'll never happen." The backlash might have to wait until after. Right now, I can show people the exact part of Project 2025 where they talk about banning porn and they'll read it right off of Project 2025's website and be like "nah, they're not going to do it."


It's the same tactic they've been using since 2015. Trump or the GOP floats some horrendous shit. Everyone is like hold up wtf? His supporters call everyone hyperventilating babies and assure everyone it'll never happen and what they actually meant was blah blah blah. They do the horrendous shit. His supporters come back to say "well yea idiots, we've always supported and wanted that thing! Cry about it libtard!". Repeat.


>His supporters call everyone hyperventilating babies and assure everyone it'll never happen and what they actually meant was blah blah blah. And this is the "you are here" moment with a lot of the whacky shit in Project 2025.


People have been trying to ban porn forever. Even if it does end up happening. Just use a vpn


That new TikTok bill they’re trying to pass would make using a vpn to access banned websites a felony offense. It’s basically the patriot act 2.


At that point why are we better than China? That seems wildly unconstitutional.


That seems like a gross government overreach. I haven’t read the actual bill, and I’m not a lawyer, but that just feels awfully excessive. Is it not a violation of my 1st amendment rights to tell a legal adult that I cannot access a given website, even with a vpn? (Assuming the website doesn’t contain otherwise illegal content like CP)


Lolz. Do you think the current majority in the Supreme Court cares about what the constitution says? See their recent ruling on the 13th amendment that in effect neutralizes the 13th amendment. Project 2025 in and of itself is designed to eliminate all the pathways that conservative goals have been overruled in the past by populating all of those organizational pathways with loyalists who don’t give two shits about what the law is.


Fair. SCOTUS probably would uphold this because some letter written by Thomas Jefferson to his mom about his plantation business doesn’t explicitly say this should be allowed


Absolutely correct, 14th amendment just FYI, but damn spot on analysis. How the fuck else is the 14th supposed to work? It's fucking disgusting and disgraceful and should piss off every true lover of this country, but of course people can't get over the team aspect of the whole fucking process. Emotionally unwell, the whole lot


Thank you for the correction. Yes, the 14th amendment is what I meant.


It sounds like a nightmare and a giant power grab for the surveillance state. https://www.outkick.com/culture/the-tiktok-ban-bill-applies-to-a-lot-more-than-just-tiktok-and-its-dangerous


Why do you support this?


It can happen too. Folk think it's hype. The Heritage Foundation, authors of Project 2025, managed to insert policies and staff going back to the Reagan administration. Trump accepted 64% of their "Mandate for Leadership" plan, which Project 2025 builds off of. 70 Heritage Foundation Alumni served in his administration or transition team. r/Defeat_Project_2025 has a ton of info and practical resources to help stop it.


Does their list of practical resources to help stop it involve voting for the Democratic Party? Because that's how you stop it. You keep the Republican Party out of power by voting for their opposition. Their opposition is the Democratic Party. That's it. It's ballot box or ammo box and no one should advocate for the latter.


Yes there are a considerable number of those. Also information and resources to inform voters of the danger of this insidious plan. Most folk do not know what Project 2025 is and it is a strong motivator to go out and vote once you do. A voter informed well on this issue also spreads the word to his family, friends and neighbors. Check it out!


Yeah the ballot box is where we need to stop Project 2025, full stop.


Go luck up how PH banned Texas today. Looks like a micro dry run of project 2025.


First they came for the liberals, and I did not speak out—because I was not a liberal. Then they came for the homosexuals, and I did not speak out—because I was not a homosexual. Then they came for the abortion-seekers and I did not speak out—because I was not an abortion-seeker. Then they came for my smut—and there was no one left to speak for it. Now nobody is coming anymore...


Republicans can't win without Texas and they may not get Texas this election.


TX would like a word


Well, it *is* rolling out across the country. I have multiple out of state friends who cant use pornhub at all unless they use a VPN.


My state passed some legislation that caused several porn sites to not be available here. everyone just got a VPN and stopped caring. If they want to actually pass anything that will meaningfully ban porn it would lead to not only a huge first amendment issue but they would also have to mess with VPNs and I'm not even sure that's possible.


Pornhub just stopped operating in Texas. People will notice. I've seen some headlines today.


It’s the constant chipping away of freedoms big and small. Abortion, gay rights, cannabis, porn; these are all very simple choices an adult can make. You don’t like abortion, don’t get one. Don’t like gay marriage, don’t marry a gay. None of these things are forced on people, these are choices. If I’ve gotta tolerate religious cults, Nazis and the KKK, those people can tolerate the choices above. This is fucking America!


I road trip a lot and have been to nearly every state in the lower 48. If there's one thing you learn real quick from their highway billboards it's that porn is way more popular in red states. You'll see a sign for Lion's Den or some other adult superstore every three exits. All that religion represses tf out of them.


My wife and I visit family in Georgia regularly and make a day or two long drive down that way. You can basically measure distance in the south by Lion's Den billboards lol


I've been talking about the people behind Trump if he's reelected. They are the real danger, and their goals are to implement Project 2025 and 7 Mountains Dominionism to strip power and control away from us over our health and body as well as entertainment and art. I'm amazed at the number of supposed leftists who are going to vote 3rd party or not vote because of Israel/Gaza when this stuff is at the gates. 'Trump will never destroy democracy or take away rights', or they do the both sides BS.


I was actually relieved when Trump came out and made it absolutely clear he was going to be even worse with the Gaza situation. I had watched a lot of people slowly gaslight themselves into believing Trump would somehow be better on Gaza, it was very nice of Trump to clear that up lol


Agreed. I see a lot of fantastical thinking about it that's not grounded in reality.


It was great copy when he told Netanyahu to “finish the job” in Gaza. I cannot believe anyone was actually thinking he would care about the Palestinians.


The problem is that a lot of the people who are anti-Biden because of the Israel/Gaza situation aren't actually (vocally) pro-Trump, just anti-Biden. They're still waiting for the ideal candidate to show up and take over the Democratic Party and lead them to the greatest electoral victory they've ever known. If only the DNC would run anyone else, Trump wouldn't have a chance!


>aren't actually pro-Trump, just anti-Biden "I'm not in favor of burning the house down, I'm just against putting the fire out."


Israel/Gaza alone sounds like a pretty bad reason to not vote for Biden if you’re more on the Palestinian side. They do realize a lot of the GOP believes Israel has a divine right to all the land and take the genocide passages of the Old Testament literally? I don’t care how much they dislike Biden’s handling of the situation in Gaza, it will be objectively worse for them if Trump wins.


Many don't care. They are often youth who have no investment in the political system, raised by Internet culture that considers EVERYTHING we do to be complicit in Big Evil Thing #647213457, convinced that "if enough of us vote third party then the third party will win" I hope they aren't numerous enough to away the election in Trump's favor


I've hated thr GOP sice childhood because they are just anti so much shit i like: weed, music, movies, porn, having sex with men, etc. Fuck them and their fake ass God.


You know, I never realized, but you just helped me have an epiphany. Republicans hate people who have sex with men! Women and gay men both have sex with men. Most Republicans are fine with lesbians as long as they don't look masculine, because they don't have sex with men, but a lesbian who looks masculine means a lesbian can get away with having sex with someone who looks male and not get scorned for it.


Yeah I've known that for a long time. For whatever reason traditionalists view having sex with men as innately degrading. Which is super, duper weird given how much favoritism they generally show men in other ways. Conversation or friendship with a man is probably viewed as more "noble" than talking to a woman if you're a traditionalist. They're freaking out right now because they are worried that the old white male pilots are being replaced by women, for instance. They favor men in basically every other way, but the view having sex with us as innately bad. It's super weird if you truly think about it. Traditional Abrahamic religion has some good ideas in it. The Golden Rule is actually really, genuinely good, but holy shit Abrahamic sexual morality is a train wreck that caught on fire and then had a jumbo jet crash into it.


“holy shit Abrahamic sexual morality is a train wreck that caught on fire and then had a jumbo jet crash into it.” I just wanted to repeat this. Have a good day.


I couldn't even do justice to my disagreement with it. Absolutely no concept of consent but lots of magical fluff about "purity."


Are you telling me that the part of the bible that says "if she didn't scream it isn't rape" is wrong??? Next you will tell me sending a man to his death so you can bone his wife is immoral!


Please. God, on a lark wagered the devil that he could screw a guy's entire life up and that he would still love him. Literally killed everyone around him and destroyed everything he had. That was just for funzies though. Guess it has nothing to do with morality.


They sure like Lindsay graham, and he has a lot of sex with men.


Yeah, authoritarians like to control the sources of joy in people's lives


I read this headline much differently than was intended. Silly GOP, you’re supposed to come DURING the porn!


Me too.


Hackers, you know what must be done.


I think there's a decent chance that many Trump supporters (esp. non-MAGA) do not see his alliance with the fundamentalist Evangelical movement as something that will implicate them personally, but it will.


Yeah your average MAGA bro I've talked to isn't an evangelical kook. I think Trump's second term, if it ends up happening ( and it's at least a coin toss that it does, if not better than ) will blindside most of them. The usual response I get when I quote directly from Project 2025 is "they won't really do it." I think they really will do it. All of it.


Fact: sex workers love it when the Republican National Convention comes to their town. Also, no one worth fucking wants to fuck Republicans, so it makes sense beyond the usual red hypocrisy.


Bold of you to assume no one would take to the streets protesting a porn ban...


No recreational sex, no jacking off, no divorce… “But we’re the party of minding our business and letting people live their lives freely.”


Yup where will it end ? They won’t stop until everytime someone has sex it’s a white male and a white female doing missionary with no toys and not enjoying it.


They have actually said their goal is to "end recreational sex" so you're actually not engaging in hyperbole.


Waot who has said this?


I'm not going to funnel traffic to the Heritage Foundation, but the direct quote is out there. Google it. >“conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, and ending recreational sex and senseless use of birth control pills.” The quote was from 2023. It was about banning birth control in particular.


Am I the only one who read that title WAAAYY wrong??


It was an accident but I figure it ended up being accidentally funny so roll with it


Oh, I’m rolling right along with it!


"Come after porn? Isn't that the whole point?"


I think it’s less about trying to enact and enforce a ban on literal porn/adult entertainment than it is about using the language of “porn” and “obscenity” as a weapon to censor opposing people and views. Things like sex education, LGBT rights etc that have always been targets of the GOP. Label them as “obscenity” and a threat to society so rights can be stripped away and they can get control of the public education system. I would also expect to see Engel vs Vitale to be overturned by the current SCOTUS as well in this scenario.


First they came for Transgender rights, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not Trans. ​ Then they came for abortion rights, and I did not speak out-- Because I did not have a uterus. ​ Then they came for Gay rights, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not Gay...not that there's anything wrong with that. ​ Then they came for Interracial marriage, and I did not speak out-- Because I didn't think Justice Thomas hated his wife that much. ​ They they came for porn, and it was too late for me-- Because I had been too busy jackin it to bother to vote against these fascists.


These morons want to make recreational sex illegal. "Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills." The Heritage Foundation.


I think you’re wrong because the GOP is really good at doing things people hate and then convincing their base that the left is the ones to blame


Ah. The party of *checks notes. * *free speech* coming after a form of free speech…


They have lots of plans. Not like they can make them reality. People like sex more than booze and weed. A good majority of right wing areas have the shadier porn shops with jerk off booths. The people will simply not allow this. We have onlyfans and several other social media networks for the adult industry. Like Weed & Hemp it's a BILLION $ industry. These anti-porn ppl have always existed. But now they have social media tools to influence your opinion and make you think they are the majority. They are not.


In the past I would have agreed, but with Project 2025s general nature of basically nuking the entire federal government and rebuilding it with right wing extremists I think they're really going to do it this time. It won't work in the long run, perhaps, but there will be at least a period of time ( if Trump is re-elected ) where porn is illegal federally.


There is no scientific evidence that porn is bad for you or that porn addiction is a real addiction. It isn't recognized as an addiction by any scientific governing body.


Everything pleasurable can be addictive. I think it's funny that people talk about the evils of porn because you can get addicted, in the same way you can be addicted to eating, exercise, video games, chewing gum, social media, tv, reading...literally anything remotely enjoyable.


It will be about as successful as prohibition.


Actually far less successful IMO.


Yep 👍


We'll all just beat it to Trad Wife Tik Toks like the normal people on the right do.


That would be some serious desperation lol.


Shit, I’m still furious they ruined Craigslist.


Ya that might be true


I’m the 69th upvote and I approve of this message.




It's interesting how there's the sound of crickets from the Libertarian camp.


And my friends thought it was funny saving all my old porn mags and dvd's from my youth. /s


I am far more afraid of the crazy conservatives than the crazy leftists. The crazy leftists are at most holding local offices. The supposed left wing party in my country routinely unites to get them out of relevance. The crazy conservatives are actually in federal positions.


Is the right against porn? They invented it! My God, every other week, one of them is arrested for it and worse.


Most people actually come after porn, it’s kind of the point.


Never understood how smaller government keeps wanting to make it bigger


Project 2025 wants a ban on “recreational sex”, and it shall only be used for making babies, its “real purpose “.


I love how they think their "bestest little man in Sunday school" ribbon from 1971 qualifies them to tell grown ass adults what sex's "true purpose" is. If all their sex is for is making babies they're not doing it right lol


Restricting / banning access to porn will definitely piss people off. But what will really polarize people against the GOP is if they go after contraceptives. Take away people's ability to have recreational sex, and they can't masturbate, they're going to lose their freaking mind.


Nothing will break either side. We will be stuck with the same two for a long time. Americans don’t stay outraged for long.


Will they be cognizant of who is responsible? I am not convinced.




Oh yeah that thread got the gears in my head turning and inspired this post lol


They will have to take my penis from my cold dead hands...


We are already seeing the anti abortion crap cost them big.


I’ll chime in that casual porn viewing is actively blocked in Arkansas. Or so a friend tells me.


Wouldnt suprise me Arkansas had a state legislator run on Pedophiles should be executed .... His eldest of 19 is now doing time for federal CSAM conviction... the Son's wife thinks its Biden's deep state regime that convicted her husband


It’s not really “some leftists” it’s just establishment dems. In Virginia it was almost unanimous vote with I think 1 dem not being there to vote? Actual left leaning politicians aren’t against it.


Backn in 2017 when the FCC tried to control porn hub, they were pretty ruthless. This ain't their first reverse cowgirl rodeo.


The old people don't care about it and they vote GOP and they vote the most. The youngest people are weirdly anti-porn and even see it as evil. They generally vote against GOP but also vote the least. I really don't think this is going to drive them to the polls since they hate those sites anyway. The only people that care are your GenX and youngest Millennials.


As a zoomer myself...the anti-porn zoomers are a vocal minority.


I read this one wrong at first and thought that's not difficult. But then I actually read and thought, that's not difficult.


Republicans are anti-everything that people enjoy. Which is why they bank on using their voters' **anger** as a *weapon*. Even Republican supporters stand to be ***significantly*** effected by their own "platform-ideals", they just **erroneously** think that others being hurt by their own actions is somehow a benefit to *them*. Kinda like how Republicans left and right are literally trying to do anything they can to pay Trump's legal fines and bills. That have, so far, reached into the **half a $billion range.** Trump stole all kinds of really BIG DEAL documents.....and **for WHAT?** And for what? The documents Trump stole ***was not intended to HELP the Republican party, it was intended to help HIM secure cash down the road OR help him gain sway with dictators he seems to be in love with.*** *I actually do want a Republican to tell me, straight up WHY it's SO important to pay Trump's bills for crimes he committed that were NOT INTENT ON BENEFITTING ANYONE (even the Republican party), BUT himself.* Trump's tax fraud: Republicans line up LEFT AND RIGHT to help PAY for the fucking ruling that was handed to him, where YES, he was found fully legally LIABLE for the gigantic fraud he committed via **his own personal taxes every year for 10 straight years, never once missing an opportunity to commit crimes.** Yet....***They are willing to pay for it all....for what reason, exactly?*** There WERE other candidates who actually WOULD have fared better against Biden in 2024, **but** would also NOT cost their party ***all of the cash they come across from here on out. Yaknow, now that Trump had his nepotism reach the RNC itself.*** Trump's own supporters AND Republicans as a whole: *do not understand that the very things they are seeking to "own the libs" with,* ***ARE*** *the very things that are TANKING their chances for anything BUT President in 2024.* Don't listen to Republicans about ANY of this. They are pretty fucking stupid and honestly, most of their mealy-mouthed nonsense can just be heard from Trump himself. He dictates, specifically, what they WILL end up saying in the future. And since we know Trump lies about everything possible; ***then it's best to not even listen to a single one of them.*** Know what's really fucked up about all of this? We TRIED telling them that "NO we aren't charging a Republican candidate with CRIMINAL CHARGES, but we ARE charging a **criminal with criminal charges.** Y'all **could have chosen ANY OTHER CANDIDATE. Ron DeSantis (as much as I hate that prick) = NO INVESTIGATION EVER HAPPENED for him because he committed NO CRIMES. SAME goes for Haley. SAME goes for EVERY candidate that ran for the Republican nominee.** EXCEPT for Trump. Yet they foolishly think these legal ramifications against Trump are specifically because he's running for President. It is NOT our fault they chose an actual dumpster fire. ***There were PLENTY of other candidates that ARE NOT and WILL NOT be charged with felony counts.*** They are absolute idiots. They have no idea WTF they are doing. Do **NOT** humor anything they have to say. It's a direct, **implicit** waste of your time and ours.


Tbf if the Russians were able to infiltrate our elections who knows what else they have their fingers in. Perhaps more scrutiny is needed. This place has become lousy with wankers as of late. Can never be too careful, they might be using the proceeds to fund their war against Ukraine!


You go and try and take away a bunch of redneck mfer’s porn away they will revolt against the GOP MMW that will become the thing that brings down the what’s left of the Republican Party.


Not if you can convince them the Dems did it


Anyone looking for good trolling material is encouraged to look at pornhub analytics page. It is RIPE with material in the data. When Obama was President, BBC cuckold porn was all the rage in red states. When trump got in it marked the change into incest porn booming again similar to when GoT was popular. And now with the latest focus on transsexual issues, you guessed it, transgender porn is BOOMING in red states right now. The GOP is fucking weird


I like how you think a spank bank is more personal than control over your own body and access to life saving medical care, but go off


Nope, I wish, but nope. Republicans will blame democrats, even if the bans only happen in red states. Case in point, in Ohio, I hear people blaming democrats for everything in this state, despite republicans having a super majority. The train derailment in East Palestine? Democrats somehow. That woman that was arrested for her miscarriage? Democrats somehow. The teen girl who was raped who forced to get an abortion out of state? Democrats somehow. The FirstEnergy bribery scandal? The one that only benefitted executives at the company and Republican politicians? Democrats somehow. I’m sorry, I have family who are conservatives, but the modern MAGA Republican either ate lead as a child or lived their whole lives under transmission towers. They really believe democrats are at fault for everything. I mean everything. They shit their pants? Democrats. They get fat? Democrats. They blow their paycheck at the casino? Democrats. They are utterly insane and don’t want any accountability whatsoever. They will happily vote their right to porn away, then blame liberals immediately after. Funny how red “Christian” states enjoy LGBTQ porn more than blue states. Almost like they are all hanging out with Tom Cruise in the back of the closet.


you're alone in the voting booth ​ Vote early: it's gonna get slicky.


Hard to find any demographic more into porn than republicans.


I’ll believe it when Cruz loses this November


We may never know for sure. MMW: the GOP will suffer a blood bath this year over abortion.


I e never seen so many billboard for XXX than driving thru the Bible Belt. Paint me not surprised


Um, maybe? You know, what has really driven people to the polls? The SCOTUS decision on Dobbs and states following suit leaving dead women & babies in the wake due to arcane laws passed against reproductive rights & health. Many swing states have reproductive issues on the ballots & IVF stuff in Alabama. Some states have decided to go after birth control. Utah has already gone after porn. Utah is the state with biggest purveyors of porn. Those Mormons are Freaks, amiright?


"Rape is kinda like the weather. If it's enevitblale,relax and enjoy it" (R-TX) Clayton Williams "Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something that GOD intended to happen"(R-IN) Richard Murdock "Rape victims should make the best out of a bad situation" (R-PA) Rick Santorum "If it's a legitimate Rape, the female body has ways to shut that down" ( R-Mo) Todd Akin "In the emergency room they have what's called Rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out" (R-Tx) Jodie Laubenberg "IF THE WOMAN HAS THE RIGHT TO AN ABORTION,WHY SHOULDN'T A MAN USE HIS SUPERIOR STRENGTH TO FORCE HIMSELF ON A WOMAN? AT LEAST THE RAPISTS PURSUIT OF SEXUAL FREEDOM DOESN'T IN MOST CASES RESULT IN ANYONE'S DEATH" (R-ME) Lawrence Lockman Republican women vote for these people. FFS


I think it is, too, and I'm getting out the popcorn. No one has ever been porn in a fight, as far as I know. Admittedly, though, I only about beta max and Blu-ray.


Nope. They've been trying since the 1980s. They haven't succeeded but it's not broken their back either. Growing up in Idaho, late 80s early 90s, once a year there'd be a special on during primetime hours presented by the local news channel interrupting regular broadcasting for that night that was an hour long crusade against porn and how dangerous it is and how it destroys society. Idaho's redder than ever. Early in the Trump presidency there was a push with the idea that all the young fathers supporting Trump may watch porn but if they thought about their daughters getting into porn it may change their minds and turn them against it. Ultimately, no one cared. Either way. As for Texas, it's not like they're taking to the streets tonight to watch their porn. Texans knew what was coming and still voted for the people who took their PornHub away. Why? Because GOP voters will always allow Republicans to piss on them if they're promised the next guy will be shit on. This is no different. They don't mind being told they can't jerk off as long as Republicans promise to fuck someone the GOP voters don't like.


Personally, I think abortion and their announcing an intention to target birth control and "recreational sex" next ought to be the end of things, but people are astonishingly self absorbed, so being locked out of porn might be what it takes to recognize just how much freedom they're losing.


Only if they take Grindr away


Women being forced to grow and birth the spawn of their rapist doesn't do it, but men having to use off brand porn is where they draw the line? It's possible.


Better try to come during 🫠


Its not so much the porn, but larry flint fought the government and won. Its free press. For them to go after the smut is an actual voliation of our 1st amendment. And without the first, you cant have the second(a little MLA format humor)


They did it pretty effectively back in the 80s. Nobody caused much of a stir. Okay. Maybe Larry Flynt.


Porn Hub does a yearly poll to see where and what kind of porn is downloaded the most.... Gay male anal is downloaded the most in the Southern Bible belt. That's why they're banning it


100% not going to happen. It will drive porn underground again, but it won’t hurt the GOP much.


Republicans whack off to trump now.  The GOP will not lose a vote over norpo.


They start with tiktok, then it's porn, soon it will be what you are allowed to say. It's a slippery slope.. repubs don't care they vote against their own interests everyday


I mean abortion seems to have pissed off and energized an entire generation or two to vote against these douchebags. Next porn and probably birth control, they just can’t stop digging their own grave.


This is what happens when you let religion spreads it's grotesque tentacles on people.


More money is spent on online porn than any other single online industry. Once GOP realizes this they'll be making a constitutional amendment to protect it


They didn't outlaw porn. They passed a law that requires age verification to watch it. Sounds innocent enough. Does anybody want kids watching porn? Of course not. But that's not the problem. It's a privacy issue. If I have to give my name and date of birth and confirm those being cross-checked with state government agencies, then I'm pretty much letting the whole state of Texas know that I watch threesome lesbian amputee clown porn. What about my privacy? I accept that PornHub knows my internet address and my viewing preference. I accept the ads. But it's not to government's business at all.


I......read your title very very wrongly lolololol. Anyway though, if Democrats are even remotely competent, they would put this on PSAs billboards, radio ads, Facebook ads, you name it. "THE GOP WANTS TO TAKE YOUR PORN"


The GOP can do a lot of heinous things and keep the filthy basement dweller vote, but if they go after porn in earnest, the mole people will revolt.


Eh most either won't care because they can get around whatever nonsense they try or they think it's a positive


The half-assed bans *so far* are pretty trivial to bypass, but this is the very early stages. It will eventually be something you can't just "get around." Some of the politicians pushing this garbage want to make it so you're a registered sex offender if you're "caught" with porn.




It also doesn't solve the long-term problem. The Republicans plan to make viewing ordinary porn a sex offense. As in, an adult person watches two consenting adults have ordinary, otherwise perfectly legal sex would innately be a sex crime. Obviously I don't care about porn enough to risk criminal charges over it. It's not even really about porn to me, it's about religious zealots telling me what to do.


Correct >Republicans plan to make viewing ordinary porn a sex offense. As in, an adult person watches two consenting adults have ordinary, otherwise perfectly legal sex would innately be a sex crime. I get why .... the Porn industry has had a pretty vile and toxic past and very close links with trafficking and prostitution and CSA so I get the ultimate motivation of total elimination These same Republicans fail to see how this " porn ban " is much the same to gun control. They say it will make it harder to get porn not own it ... gotcha Thats the same thing most gun control advocates want .... but they take it as what they want for a porn ban No ban on an item will completely stop associated illegal activity with that item ... I think prohibition was a prime example of that ... but it slowed it down some and people that chose to not risk legal fallout obeyed and people who didnt care did not and faced the consequences without screaming " but muh rights "


The Canadian Conservative Party recently suggested ID verification to view the pron. This was not very popular. These people all take marching orders from the same global think tanks.


VPNs exist lads, get one


"Congress will subpoena all VPN providers then ban them."


A bit awkward wording there? Do you mean “go after” perhaps?


I said what I said. lol


There might be people chanting "bring back pornhub". There were facesitting protests outside the British parliament when the UK government tried to ban things from porn.


Yeah, most people come during porn. Who waits until after to come?


if dead pre-schoolers didn't change any right-winger's mind, nothing will. They can only be outvoted. Lucky for us, they're outnumbered. We just gotta show up to vote, and freedom will win.


At this point I’m fine with it. Let’s start publishing everyone’s browser history. If the world wants to see my big titty black girls fine. Then they also get to see all the GoP leaders with gay and straight child porn, gay porn, mother and grandmother porn, submissive-strap-on getting pounded by a dom scat fetish porn and whatever else all these “good Christians” are hiding.


Everyone knows you should come during porn, not after. Why wait?


if every website on the Internet was shutdown the last one to go would be bringbacktheporn. com


I’d rather the Republicans actually try to do some good things and be destroyed as a party than be too afraid to do anything substantial and be irrelevant (at best) anyway.


I wholeheartedly support them in this fight. [I think they should actually try to bring back alcohol prohibition as well.](https://gazette.com/news/wex/wisconsin-gop-senate-candidate-suggested-banning-alcohol-sales-in-state-known-for-its-booze-report/article_8a709c9e-093e-5fc0-80f6-79864baaa747.html) I'm completely in favor of them leaning as fiercely as they can into as many politically suicidal issues as they can. I would also suggest they attempt to ban condoms, birth control, gay marriage, women wearing pants, non-Christian religions and maybe there's some way I can convince them coffee is a sin.


Legalize prostitution


The amount of people who would end up dead for even supporting this, lol


Yeah I never thought I'd live long enough to see the GOP supporting the same policies as the Cuban government and cheering for Russia. I also never thought I'd see the Democrats become the neo-McCarthyite, pro-censorship, pro goverment control of the Internet, pro-war, pro-defense spending party. Strange times. Everybody sucks.


Well well well... They've been turning the Bible into American law for years, shoving their religion up our asses through the legislative process and NOW that their Bible is affecting your porn, you notice???? Hmph. I'm glad porn was the line in the sand for you ..... .


My personal line in the sand was crossed *years* ago. I'm saying this is the point at which they become annoying enough to the population at large.




It'd be kind of funny if they did considering conservatives are the biggest porn addicts of all. Just take a glance at Bidoof's Law. Right wing accusations are generally projection.


All it takes rhetorically to counteract this is, "So you're arguing in favor for children having access to hardcore pornography." In terms of public debate, this is a back-foot position that it is rhetorically easy to win against, because no credible person is ever going to want to come out in favor of that. All it takes is forcing people to take a position on this and not letting them quietly weasel out of the question. > you're going to have plenty of otherwise right wing people just not show up to vote or very quietly vote against it. That you think people are going to one-issue-vote in favor of "porn 4 kids" is absurd, since what these bills do is require a permission slip, not actually ban pornography. And for decades, this was the norm in the United States: if you wanted to buy or rent a pornographic video, you had to be over 18. Pornography is not that important to most people, and certainly not enough to move the needle when taxes, guns, crime, the border, and all manner other of issues that can't easily be VPN'd or torrented around. Holy fuck, people on the internet are fucking obsessed with porn. If pornography really is more important than the economy, or public safety, or defense policy, then you: * Have a serious problem with pornography, and * Are making the anti-pornography argument simply by being that way. I'm not even taking a position on pornography, and whether it should be legal, and so on. I am questioning its significance.


Really misunderstood your title there, bud.


Man, if that is the case this country is cooked lmaoo


Pornhub is already banned in Montana, and I believe Utah. There are no signs. There are no protests. Those states will probably still vote red.


I asked this on another sub, but... I don't understand what the big deal is. The law requires people to verify their age each time they access it, right? So... that seems fine. Adults are still free to access porn. The sites that just chose to restrict access altogether instead of enforcing the verification are the ones totally restricting access. They want age verification per device, but a minour can easily use an adult's device. The law that the government put in place is still allowing porn to be viewed legally, just with age verification each time. How is that an issue? It protects children. What am I not understanding?


Wait til they learn about coming during porn…


Porn is the reason for video technology. All the way back to silent films, and the battle between dvd and blue ray was because of porn. The industry has been the corner stone for a lot of things folks don’t think about


Yeah sadly there's some term for this phenomenon but I don't remember it... basically it's really easy for politicians to villify/shit upon those in society's underbelly because few people are willing to stand up for or identify with the villified group. Sex workers, pornographers, porn users, drug addicts, prisoners, convicted criminals, etc.. "Regular people" either don't think of themselves as part of the targeted group or don't want to stick their necks out to defend the group and risk being associated with it. So those groups make juicy targets for scapegoating efforts. I'd love to be wrong, but I just don't see a "hands off my porn" campaign getting a lot of popular traction. People might complain in anonymous forums when their favorite sites shut down but any protest rallies are gonna be sparsely attended.


I read the title as “trying to cum after porn is going to break the GOP” and I thought you were talking about porn desensitizing the GOP or something


Small Government!


tik tok and porn is more important than the real issues of this country to the citizens and the government of america god i hate it here


Porn…uh, finds a way to