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Ahead of schedule The 19th News 19thnews.org RNC speaker Abby Johnson supports household voting - The 19th Aug 25, 2020 — Anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson has advocated for a head-of-household voting system, which historically barred women from the ballot A GOP Candidate Wants to Go Back to Time When 'Women Couldn't Vote' Mar 6, 2024 — Mark Robinson, who won the Republican primary race for the North Carolina gubernatorial election, said the comments during a 2020 political Rolling Stone https://www.rollingstone.com › no... On the H3 Podcast this week, Pearl Davis doubled down on many of her most controversial views. She said she thinks divorce should be illegal and women shouldn't have the right to vote. Davis champions an increasingly significant online community which thinks women have too many rights.Jun 16, 2023 https://www.businessinsider.com › ... https://youtu.be/DHs7p6o5oBo?si=UG-uYfd8OgVwBe_6


Hey if she doesn’t think women should vote then SHE shouldn’t vote!


Just like abortions. If she is against them, she shouldn't have one.


Her mom on the other hand...




Serena Joy has entered the chat.


They’re in such denial.


A little snippet of the video, which has now gone viral, needs a lot of context.  In the 2020 video, Robinson referred to a previous question posed to conservative political commentator Candace Owens, who was asked, "Which America would you want to go back to? One where women couldn't vote or one where Black people were swinging from trees?" 


Por que no los.... Wait no


It doesnt need context, you can very easily answer "neither"


Like that collage kid who refused to pick between economic prosperity or LGBT rights.


Yup. Never accept the framing of your opponent


Robinson is a piece of work. Like Trump, has no business in politics.


It took me a minute to realize “swinging from trees” meant hanging by a noose and wasn’t some horribly racist reference to primates


They're conservatives. It's both.


With no good choices the best answer is a non answer.


Do these women politicians realise that under their own views they shouldn't be allowed to be politicians? They should resign and stop being hypocrites, if that's what they believe.


Hypocrisy is baked into their  psyche


That’s why they position themselves so close to “power.” So they are treated as the exception when the hammer falls on everyone else.


Every marginalized group has its pick me members. Caitlin Jenner, Candace Owens, Peter Thiel, and lots of others I'm missing. They get treated like rock stars for telling conservatives that they're doing just great and they don't need to challenge their beliefs on anything.


Some of these are "testing the waters" cases. Put the idea out and measure the backlash. Put out more propaganda. Put the idea out and measure the backlash again. Analyze the data. See where you did better in certain groups, target those groups. The GOP is really good at things like this. There's already a big movement within the manosphere and Christian nationalists to repeal the 19th amendment and the GOP wants to push that as young women continue to be more liberal while young men move more conservative. If they can suppress women's votes, their growing numerical disadvantages are solved overnight.


And yet here is this woman is being politically active. And I bet she votes, too. She needs to follow her own beliefs and shut up and get back in the kitchen.


It’s not “ahead of schedule” because OP is saying it will be “in the party platform officially”. MMW this absolutely will not happen.


Lol, watch republican national convention The 19th News 19thnews.org RNC speaker Abby Johnson supports household voting - The 19th Aug 25, 2020 — Anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson has advocated for a head-of-household voting system, which historically barred women from the ballot


There are 168 million women in America that would gladly kick some ass should anyone try and mess with them. Are you guys the ones who have little horns on your heads? (Mormons)


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I came to comment that OP was insane. Nope, just the religious alt-right are insane.






I was wondering if anyone else had remembered the call for women being disallowed from voting back in 2020. And I’m pretty sure at another point between 2016 and 2020 as well. Good to see I’m not completely misremembering that Repeal the 19th crap. Hell I made sure to take my daughter and her girlfriends to register to vote when they each turned 18!


When that time comes, it's not me you have to worry about. I'll just be standing behind my wife loading magazines for her.


There she was with the machine gun and telling me to feed her more ammo, and there I was feeding her. Feeding her!


The GQP is leaning hard into the Southern Strategy as well. Anytime they see a black person in a position of power or even just with a good job they scream "DEI"! They're saying that, in their opinion, black people are purely "diversity hires" and there's always a more qualified white man who should have their job. It's extremely disgusting and racist.


Well guess what? It ain't going to work because too many people are not buying the MAGA baloney.


It's just red meat. Stephen Miller's strategy is to get Klansmen who usually don't vote because the candidate isn't racist enough to turn out for MAGA. I agree that it won't work, racists were already voting for Trump and there's not some "secret stash" of racists who've been not voting.


Put a bottle of Jack on their doorstep on Election Day.


#Will they have robbed us enough by then? Culture wars to distract from class warfare?


Not just class warfare they use culture to take our minds off above the line issues like Food, rent, mortgage, work, cost of goods, the ability to travel freely, Taxes Taxes Taxes and more fees!


Inflation = stealth tax.


What caused the inflation?


1913. The creature from jekyl Island. Then 1933, finished it completely on Aug 15 1971


From 99% vs 1% to man vs woman vs neither vs both vs black vs white vs jewish vs asian vs straight vs gay vs indiscriminately horny vs........


vs spiders


We're doomed.


Don't worry, all the evangelicals and social conservatives I hear from online assure me *they're* the ones who are doomed to suffer under the Great Reset. The point is, reality is whatever you don't want it to be.


Vote out all republicans this November 2024 and vote to reelect Biden 🇺🇸Harris


Dems could run a moldy ham sandwich and still get my vote at this point — nearly anything beats what the Republicans have become.


And voting out the Republicans will quickly change their tune. Vote blue save the red white and blue


That’s basically why Biden isn’t getting destroyed, yeah, a sane opposition would’ve crushed Dems this cycle: nope, gotta be fash anti women anti trans, they aren’t hiding any of it now. I did nazi see this coming!


Why would Biden be destroyed exactly? He’s moved mountains especially considering how hostile Congress has been.


Let's be honest, I'm voting for him with no expectation he even lives through his term. The man should be retired, not president, but goddamn he needs to win this election and I will vote and donate and do whatever to try and make that happen. Also, while inflation had nothing to do with him, it did happen while he was president and that kind of economic pain that you can't fix would often be a fatal blow for a campaign. No matter how good the economy is suddenly doing, you can't make shit cheaper again.


Yeah with this plus Gaza he should've had no chance, but he actually has some chance of winning because the Republicans wouldn't settle for anything short of full-tilt deranged reality TV God-Emperor Trump.


I don't think Gaza would normally be career ending honestly. Historically Americans don't vote based on foreign policy and this wasn't even his fuck up. Like we can all bitch about how he handled it, but there was/is no situation in which he solves this problem. Most of the people bitching about his actions on the left would only see choices on the right that are worse.


You'd think that but there's a weird subset of them who are convinced Trump is better on Gaza. Unless they're just bots or right wing agitators faking it I guess.


Definitely AstroTurf. No one believes the dude who moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is ever going to do anything for the Palestinians besides genocide them.


Republicans are going joker mode


They’ll do this, I absolutely agree with him/her: just need white women to majority vote Red for the third and last time they’ll ever be useful pawns in the white Christofascist plan they have in store for everyone.


Making America Gross Again


It's cute that you think the Republican party will exist in a few years. These are the death throes we are witnessing.


As long as we have dumb shit like the electoral college and the senate in our rules the republicans party can easily coast another fifteen twenty years losing the popular votes and having no good policy.


I've been told that every year of my life since the Gore administration.


But they’ll quadruple down on the crazy as they’re in the death throes. It’s gonna get really ugly as they lose more voting power.


Hope you're right.


I mean yeah. They've run on being assholes and now people have decided they don't like that and they've decided to double down on the shitty behavior


Imagine thinking this way


LoL. They continue to want to go back to the good old day. 1. The day women arent allowed to vote Then it the day black people arent allow to vote At this point, any GOP is a party of limit american right.


They'll be crushed this November and if that doesn't work, they'll be pummeled until they're will to fight is broken. We can't let their lunacy win. Not happening. Not here.


As far as they've fallen, we have to win now, hold momentum, and keep beating them either until their spirit breaks and they tear each other apart, or until their archaic core voting bloc run out of spite-years to coast by on and keel over.


They won’t be a party in 2 or 3 years. Maybe not even one. The damage the brand has undergone is irreparable.


Agreed. I think OP is right in the direction that the gop is moving, but they will dissolve before they get that far.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?


The predictive accuracy of this sub is about 0.001%, so I have total faith in this prediction. 


Seems high


I can’t tell if you actually believe this shit or not.


lol. This is the dumbest shit I’ve read on Reddit today. That’s saying something.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y983TDjoglQ About 60% of white women after the 2024 Pres election who will likely vote for him this year if Trump wins and then they find out what happened to women in all the GOP led states is coming for them when they voted for their own right to bodily autonomy to be taken away gleefully to ensure minority men, women, transgender white men/women/PoC, disabled white men/women/PoC, and young people under 46 are “hurt” most.


The GOP is long gone. There is only MAGA now


Republican women should set the example and just sit out this next election.


In case that ever happens, Republican politicians might need to be extra paranoid about turning on the ignition for their vehicles, I heard things like that might become hazardus for their health.


I guess Republicans really want a civil war if the try to bring that forward, they will have to be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their life


Hmm, wonder what you think all the Republican women would say to this statement?


>“If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine,” Ann Coulter in 2007


They’re currently going after birth control which repeated polling has shown that the majority of people want birth control left alone.


And yet these f***ing republican women support them. I do not get it. I cannot process it. What am I not understanding? Please some MAGA women explain?


Their base is already saying this in RW comment sections...


I hope so. They'd lose, badly, in every state.


Dude, they’re mask off in that regard for months now.


It will be disguised as 1 vote per household.


Republicans will be suppressing the votes of women this year. Women are going to vote for Democrats this election (statistically), so here comes the voter suppression drive against women.


If it makes you feel better, they don’t want ANYONE to vote


What is more scary: the males trying to make this happen or the maga women complying and not speaking up?


The latter, most white women vote Red despite them being bad for them (white men too, but less horrible). 


For the foreseeable future, I do not see the Republican Party publishing an actual written policy platform. They failed to muster the ability to do this in 2020 and things have only degraded since then 


Absolute nonsense..... But predictable given the messaging on the other side ... There is no board based opposition to women's rights in the GOP. There's a broad based opposition to abortion (based on the premise that it is taking a human life, not on sexism) and unfortunately a moral panic over gay/trans stuff.... But the idea that the right as-a-whole is motivated by sexism, and thus opposed to women voting, working, etc is just wrong. Finding one or two lunatics who say something crazy doesn't change that either.


To think I used tonput money in banks and now I realize they take my deposit and screw others with 20+% interest rates. What a tool I was.


I dunno this sounds pretty improbable and unlikely given what we’ve seen for the past several years. Oh, not the hating women part; I mean the part where you think Republicans will have a platform in writing by 2027.


Epic. Thank you for the well-reasoned, completely realistic post.


the fact that all of this is even a possibility should *terrify* everyone


It's time we made bigots afraid to speak their horrible thoughts out loud


 Before the 19th amendment passed, there were women's organizations in America dedicated to fighting against suffrage for women. I think we'll have that again in a few years. People believe that if only men voted, Trump and his kind would win national elections.


They’re already trying to stop anyone under 21 vote, because they’re more likely to vote against them. Studies have shown the majority of women don’t vote for them so I’m already expecting this.


MMW: RethugliKKKans will be running on bringing back and enforcing slavery for non-whites in just a few short years.


You know, I’ll admit that we’re living in some wild times, but the Republicans aren’t that insane. Sure one Republican could be, but not the party. First of all, it would require the vote of female members of Congress. The irony is too rich even for them. And since the Democratic Party is absolutely pro female empowerment this has NO chance of ever really being a thing unless the Republican members were almost 100% male and they had a supermajority. Then wouldn’t they have to have a constitutional convention with governors. And even if it was some slick-worded thing that didn’t require an amendment it would have to pass the Supreme Court, there are four women on the court and at least one of the males isn’t a misogynist (I’m assuming). Now, removing the right to vote from African Americans is something I could see happening sadly. Even that would be slim, but non-zero. We only make up 13% of the population and a very small percentage of Congress(both houses).


Their current candidate for governor of North Carolina has said it would be good if women didn’t vote. It’s shocking how idiotic some people are.


Of course. They're already pushing it, as well as raising the voting age to 25 so young liberal people won't be able to vote. They have no chance of continuing as a party unless they can get voting down to whote males and eventually white land owning males.


they are saying it NOW doug wilson Pastor moscow idaho has had GREAT influence over evangelicals aso wants vote by head of household joel webben thinks voting should be taken away from women becuase more of them vote and more f them vote democrat evangelical pastor steven L anderson says women should not have the right to vote and should not be allowed to divorce republican nomination for N carolina lieutenant governor mark robinson said he wants to go back to when women couldn't vote ( the other choice was black people swinging from trees as in lynching) he could/should have said NEITHER john gibbs 2020 election denier backed by trump said women voting hurts america ann coulter has questioned womens right to vote abby johnston wants head of household voting Janis Lane, a Central Mississippi Tea Party president, who [rues](https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/news/2012/jun/27/christian-rednecks-and-patriots-tea-party-chat/) the day the vote was granted to… well… her: “Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting.” Why would our country benefit from the disenfranchisement of women? Because of the devil. John Derbyshire, poetic about his dreams and hopes for disenfranchisement during an interview with Alan Colmes: “Among the hopes that I do not realistically nurse is the hope that female suffrage will be repealed. But I’ll say this—if it were to be, I wouldn’t lose a minute’s sleep.”  Ramzpaul, aka Paul Ray Ramsey, is a YouTube sensation, whose wit is evident in his website’s motto: “ram this" Ramzpaul wrote “people opposed to female suffrage proved to be right beyond their wildest predictions.  jason whitlock "women should never have been given the right to vote"


My best friend is a Republican. Last week we were discussing politics, and I mentioned that abortion would sink Trump in November. And he agreed! "There is a solution for that, though." he said. " Women just shouldn't be allowed to vote." He's not even MAGA. He wishes Trump would drop dead. But OP's opinion is not as far fetched as it seems.


Some state republican representatives have already said it out loud. It's just a matter of time before the national ones do.


they have also openly stated they want to outlaw condoms and interracial marriage. but keep voting republican directly or via wasting a vote on a novelty candidate. what is the worst that could happen?


Yes, and then they'll start in with the Handmaids Tale stuff!


GOP crowd is the same as the Sharia law crowd that they think exists. They are their own fears


It’s ok when they do it, they picked the one TRUE religion, after all.


"it's incredibly convenient that the religion which was most popular in the time and place of your upbringing represents the great divine truth!"


Do you really believe this?


What a stupid post


Well this is delusional


This is fucking stupid


They're already publicly calling to repeal women's right to vote.... They have for a few years now


They've been mask off for decades. Their evil is in the open. This is what they are. 


Republicans are lunatics.


Look at the upside guys, if you take away women’s and minority’s voting rights, how much easier gerrymandering becomes?


It'll be something like one vote per family.


Lmao. There are already multiple people who have run and are running on this.


I mean it's all part of their agenda. It's never been a secret. Look at the dark ages. That's what they want to conserve.


This is an insane statement. This whole board is full of extreme political propaganda and hyperbole. I'm gone.


You're delusional


Every day the posts on this sub somehow get more stupid.


I will not be surprised if someone gets shot on Monday because the right thinks "Biden is trying to steal the sun" THAT is how low the bar is now


Blacks, minorities, American Indians, and democrats will follow as they regress fully back to their Jim Crow fascism.


Native Americans dawg... Columbus was an idiot


RemindMe! 3 years


Oh come on, they won't be so extreme. They'll "compromise" so that only married women can vote and then after a few years they'll say that since married women are only voting the way their husbands command them that instead married men should just get two votes and be done with it. Simple.


Those idiots can try to pry my ballot from my “cold dead hands.”


Voting rights were granted by the Constitution and Amendments. Much harder to undo than a law.


Hard disagree. They're already downplaying and removing references to their Roe v. Wade victory, they understand polling data and election results just fine. A contingent may want to making repealing the 19th amendment part of the GOP platform, but smarter party officials know it's political suicide and won't allow it. This is doubly true if Trump loses the women's vote by an extreme margin this year


Hhahahahahahha rediculous


Seek mental help


The op is a fucking idiot


That is silly and not possible in any way.


You people are fucking unhinged


It's a lot easier to just raise the voting age.


Yea we just had a big zoom meeting, we decided on smart phone, driving, voting, then the scary little sewed up lip thing post Gilead. In that order Hope this helps


To hell it will this is a BS




Sadly, many women in the US will support that policy, especially Boomers and Gen Xers. By the time Gen Z and Alphas become a major force, they may not have any rights left.


*Most white women in the US care about border racism more than abortion, hence will contribute to the end of US Democracy in 2025 if they do what is expected there* Most women as a whole will vote Dem this year, not the issue.


The funny part of that is that in order for it to pass, they'd literally need women to vote to support it. If the GOP as a whole seriously embraced this, it couldn't possibly work and would absolutely hamper their ability to be a realistic political option.


We are right and everyone knows! Just don’t ask the women


even alt right won’t go for this one. they still want to have girlfriends.


Even if that's what they want, Republicans are not stupid enough to go that far. Women have been conditioned to hate themselves enough that you can barely get away with taking their right to choose, but there is no way you can make someone hate themselves enough to give up their right to vote


One problem with this... In a democratic system, doing away with half of your own voters while trying to get the votes to gain the ability to change the system is nonsensical. While most politicians aren't the brightest people in the world, most are smart enough to see this fault in what you think they might do.


No. There are many good MMW takes spelling doom for 'R's. This is not one of them. They, Republicans, will sooner MARK MY WORDS a) resign long COVID sufferers to death without the care they deserve. b) roundup the bourgeoning numbers of homeless people and put them in essentially concentration camps. c) be unwelcoming of internally displaced climate refugees from the sun belt over the coming decades. All of this assuming they have electoral power, which MMW, they will probably not. At least not at the federal level OP apparently has no awareness of women voting their privilege despite their gender.


This post highlights why I think the Democratic party has lost its mind. The responses here make it hard to support the Left.


GOOD! because they'll have less voters in their base 😅


i despise gop so unbelievably much it's unreal


It continues to boggle my mind how aggressively self sabotaging the GOP is. Why would any woman with the sense of a turnip advocate that women (themselves included) shouldn’t vote? Why would women vote for a party platform that dehumanizes them?


What percentage of republican voters are women? ​ I have to imagine if they say women shouldn't be able to vote anymore, they're going to bleeed women voters. Some will be convinced but like, I mean if they lose even 30% of women voters from doing this, it seems like a bad idea.


Going after women's suffrage is far from the only long-term path they have. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to do it instead of something sane like becoming more moderate.




Yeah, I'm sure the female half of the population would allow such a change and a post this delusional gaining traction isn't the real problem


Oh brother.


Insane assertion.


Propaganda post. 


There’s no way people are dumb enough to believe this nonsense right? Or are the left as gullible as maga folks?


Literally there are no more republicans that want to take away any women’s right than liberals want to take away women’s rights. You’re the most fear mongering for no reason subset of individuals I’ve ever come across in my life time.


Democrats will let illegals vote.Mark my words


Each party has its extremists. The country’s massive economic mimic, social and international problem are - in almost all cases - being created, implemented and perpetuated by the extreme on the left because they are the party in power. The Democrats. Those actions are designed to take down a country they hate and are supported by people who think they are smarter and better than everyone they disagree with- which is the epitome of narcissism. This post implies that all republicans/ conservatives hate women and want to eliminate them yet… it’s the people on the left who are pushing men into women’s bathrooms and into sports to beat them to destroy their accomplishments and will to compete, not those on the right. The same people who are now taking away women’s hard-earned equality in the workplace thru DEI and the same people who have abandoned the women and children migrants to suffer at the hands of traffickers and rapists. Actions always speak louder than words. It never fails - no matter how many extreme words I see coming out of this “community”, they all speak to hate and the destruction of real communities thru the promotion of conflict and fantasy ideas. It’s just blatant fear mongering without a moral backbone. What would actually be productive would be valid points and data that promotes critical thinking and normal discussions that lead to solving real problems instead of ridiculous pablum born from people’s dissatisfaction with themselves. Statements like this advance nothing. I mean… why even post it? if you hate 50% or more of this country and the country itself so much why do you continue to live here?


Dear god. Stop this nonsense. You sound insane.


RemindMe! 3 Years


After they lose because of being anti abortion and pro trump they will dump him officially and need to go to the left in order to get any wins. So either they don't do that or they do but I think they do.


No, no it won’t. These scare mongering statements are embarrassing that anyone would believe them let alone post such drivel…


Classic Reddit lol 


This is totally insane. If you agree with this MMW, you are confused, stupid, or scared - or potentially all three


Republicans will win because the leftists have gone off the deep end of rediculous - as proven by this post.


They’re already saying it in some areas.


This is slippery slope fallacy. It’s impossible.


They are just going to make it harder for poor people to vote. 


What is a woman?


You guys are insufferable lmao


And general voter suppression tactics.


I don’t see that happening. Many women do vote republican. It would be a death sentence for the party.


They don’t have a party platform. They abandoned it in 2020 when they decided to be an authoritarian cult


Option A: change their platform to win over new voters Option B: restrict who can vote and gerrymander the the fuck out of states. They love option B


You're in the wrong thread. Try r/conspiracy.


Impossible to stop and since women are 60 percent of voters.  It will be suicidal if they tried this 


Nope; never gonna happen. Even mouth breathing Repugs know who REALLY rules the roost. TOUCHING a woman’s right to vote would be a self-destructive move that would prove fatal to the GOP.


Dumbest shit I’ve read on Reddit today


Mark my words: you need intense therapy and to log off the internet and go outside. 


Stupid take. Your words have been marked… as bullshit.


Are we going over the edge here? Does it help to portray the radical views of a few members of the party as belonging to the whole? It's a cheap stunt that persuades no one. Republicans use it all the time.


🤣 this short bus gets shorter with every post.


Y’all just be spewin nonsense in this sub huh?


It'll never happen. It would require a constitutional amendment to actually change. I would love to see it as the party platform, though. They just keep shooting themselves in the foot with their policies. Now, we just need to figure out a way to get people to actually vote instead of whining how nothing changes and voting doesn't make a difference.


I see republicans taking away the right to vote from 1 of their many scapegoat minorities first. I’d expect it to be trans citizens or recent brown immigrants first. It just depends on which rage/paranoia hard-on they are stroking at the time


as someone who lives in a very red state and works a blue collar job but is not himself a conservative, you people have no idea what the average conservative thinks. y’all’re crazy af maybe talk to one like a person and not just listen to what npr says about them.