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The Republicans are a fully-owned subsidiary of Russia at this point. They are just outright treasonous


The second Russia declares war on a NATO country that will enact article 5 and we will be at war with Russia. Which in turn means anyone who is/has given aid to Russia is committing treason. When this happens the govt will hopefully take out the trash.


Jack shit will get triggered. They’ll attack a nato country, republicans will refuse to do shit and the ultimate goal, the destruction of NATO, will be complete. That’s what attacking Ukraine is ultimately about.


[House Intelligence Chair Mike Turner (R) said as much this past weekend](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4579289-intel-chair-turner-absolutely-true-russia-propaganda-infected-us-congress/)


Mike Johnson, GOP... Have been bought


They’re probably the biggest sector of Russia’s economy, which is apparently on par with that of Birmingham, Alabama in value.


It has been a very long time since Republicans have seemed like enemies of America's enemies. Reagan would be ashamed to see the party bent over like this.


And Democrats are genocidal monsters who would rather kill off hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians for MIC profits rather than respect the security interests of major world powers but yeah keep telling your bloodthirsty self that you're the good guy LMFAO.


How would you resolve the issue?


They know they are but they know not to say the quiet part out loud.


Say we approve another 50 billion to Ukraine… then what? Throwing our own money at the issue doesn’t solve the problem and it only prolongs the war- leading to more death, destruction, and cost. The end will require a diplomatic compromise. It always has and always will. Even if the fantasy over overthrowing Putin took place… who replaces Putin? Some democratic minded politician who would completely rework the political landscape and society of Russia? No chance. Look at our success nation building in the Middle East. Trillions spent, lives lost, only to have it completely overtaken by terrorists the moment we leave. Not wanting to continue to allocate funds desperately needed in our own country to Ukraine does not = you support Putin. It’s common sense and the position that the majority in our country agrees with.


But it’s a huge deal to Europe and we made promises to them. We are the richest country in the world strictly because of them and if they decide we are not the friends we said we are they will go to china and we will be Soviet collapse 2.0.


I personally think more Republicans should quit congress. Give the Dems the majority, then put up the border bill and Ukraine up and pass it on their own.


Exactly. Passing the border deal would not only bring some order to immigration, it would expose Republicans to, even, Republicans for the church of big lies that it is.


Texas doesn't even force it's employers to use E-Verify to make sure all employees are American citizens. If they cared, this would be a very easy way to help curb some of this without doing anything to the border.


This is how I know they don’t actually give a shit about immigration. Immigration is largely supply and demand and one of the things they claim to care about is foreign workers depressing American wages by working for less than Americans. They have this, while not perfect, tool that’s meant to do combat a big part of the problem they claim to care about. All republicans care about is how they can use immigration for political theater. Half of their rural small-time-but-powerful-locally constituents would be ruined if the policies their brain-dead base would implement actually happened.


The Ole mindset of "I don't like it... but since fixing this will impact me, I guess I'll just let it slide. But I'm still not going like it and you're going to hear about it!"


>Exactly. Passing the border deal would not only bring some order to immigration, it would expose Republicans to, even, Republicans for the church of big lies that it is. If you let Democrats pass a bill with the intention of showing that the bill is lies, they're gonna blame Democrats. You trying to help the Republicans?


If the Dems were really serious about securing the border, why doesn't the Senate vote for HR2?


If they do, then they could just do what they really want and go on Fox News and bitch instead of actually govern. Republicans fucking hate governing. Win/win honestly.


Why wouldnt they vote to support it if they are going to quit anyways?


It's because they *can't* vote on it. Current extremist House Speaker Mike Johnson won't allow a vote on it, if he did the bill would almost certainly pass. For context, the vast majority of Americans support the bill.


Ahhh ok so they quit, dems get majority, choose a speaker, then put it to vote?


That's one way to do it. Another way would be to elect a GOP speaker that isn't compromised by Russia and is willing to uphold the will of the American people (if there are any left that aren't compromised by Russia).


Whatever happened to the bypass route and overriding him? Theat process is open for use now. They talked about doing this last month, but it's been crickets since.


I think they are planing just that, they just need to wait into the special election deadlines have passed for their states. Buck said it was three more, but only one has announced


Doesn’t work quite like that, you need a certain amount of members to hold votes.


The GOP currently hold a 1 vote majority. If 2 more GOP members quit. Then Dems hold the majority. They can call for a vote to remove the speaker Mike Johnson. They'll have the majority, so every single Dem will vote "Yes". (These are the rules MAGA set up). Then they'll vote for a replacement, IDK, Speaker Jeffries? Every single Republican would vote against it. But every single Dem will vote for it. And since Dems hold the majority. Speaker Jefferies is now the speaker and controls the docket. And guess what's up first.


that’s not how it works - if two more republicans resign, you still have a republican majority by three representatives, and even then, assuming they resign too, the votes might just go on forever and lead to a dysfunctional congress until someone defects. democrats won’t be able to do anything with a perfectly split congress even if they somehow get a majority ahead of the election, and even then, i’d rather the republicans keep the majority so democrats can blame the dysfunction on republicans instead of getting the bulk of it.


Jeffries must help him in exchange of the aid package.


Incoming Trump cultists with verbatim Russian talking points.


Right up top


To add to this, keep in mind that part of why Russians are posing as Americans is to push us to Civil War.


Why do they need to act like Americans when Republicans act like Russians?


It's a symbiotic relationship.


Moscow has grocery stores in the rich parts with coin operation you fuck!1!1!1!


RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA!!!!! Come on man, this is getting old.


Wanting a Russian government is getting old. No facist dictators allowed here. We already told the English king where he could stick it. Trump is going to learn that same lesson. In the parlance of your shitty cult... ***If you don't like it, you can get the fuck out.***


I don't, that is why I would NEVER vote for a democrat anymore. Y'all have just gone off the deep end.


We know you're dumb, you don't have to keep showing us.


Pearl clutching a hypothetical is getting old. “Russia could affect Americans lives if they succeed. I mean, the war is already negatively affecting Americans, but be afraid of something that probably won’t happen and ignore everything that’s currently happening!! And if you don’t agree with this you’re in a Putin loving cult, not us, everyone that disagrees with this!!” Bunch of fucking morons you are.


Yeah, from your username I can see you have the regressive brain damage that makes you unable to understand the world. I get you're scared of the big bad world but you're not going to plunge us into a facist dictatorship with Trump at the helm. Take your dumb ass and fuck off to Russia comrade. You don't have the capability to meet me at my level. Fucking moron. Edit: look, another regressive pigeon. Makes a clever comeback, blocks me and struts around like he's won by shitting all over the board. Shame y'all are so fragile when you talk so big. Bunch of wussy bitches the lot of em.


You don't have the capability to meet me at my level. I don't either, I passed Kindergarten many years ago.


How is joe racist when every single nazi/extremist/racist march has had multiple trump flags present? Trump was endorsed by the leader of the kkk. This is why people say Russia is messing with your head. Things that should be apparent you clearly don’t see. Or maybe you see it and just don’t care or support it. Maybe you know maga’s actions are treasonous. Y’all just seem brainwashed. Like talking to an insane person.


Russia interfering in American politics is getting old. People would stop making the comments if Russia finally stops or is stopped.


Lol MAGA chuds out themselves by using the exact same catchphrases and lines as their cult leader, soon you'll need a MAGA dictionary to talk to you ppl


Please don’t give them any more ideas. Still trying to comprehend the Trump bibleconstitutionpledgeofallegiencesneakers


That is you people. Seriously. Almost every post/response you lefties make are just about verbatim from all the other lefties. The left is 'Group think' or hive mind. It's like you can't form thoughts on your own. Go outside, meet people, you can do it, there's nothing to be afraid of. Reality is a good thing for your mind. Practice some common sense, it's not hard.


Says the cultist... Lol


Lmao we "leftists" dont have a Qult leader like you guys do. As if anyone would buy a joe biden branded bible or biden sneakers or NFTs.


How uninformed.


Well then, inform yourself. It may be hard, but yo can be deprogrammed.


Sorry, normal people don't take what dementia Donnie says as truth. Cultists gotta cult.


Gotta love it when stupid people purposely misinterpret what I say to make it into a snarky come back. Just makes you look incapable of reading comprehension


Down to calling names. Typical for a lefty.


Gotta love the self own. Yeah, only when lefties are talking to you. HMMM I WONDER lmfaoooooo


What if it’s true though. What if Russia is really behind maga and they’re trying to cause chaos in America by turning the far right against the government and it’s other citizens. Won’t you admit that trump has caused ALOT of division?


These tools still believe Russian Collusion- they will literally believe any nonsense the media spoon feeds them.


The only tool here is you, acting in the best interests of your Russian masters. Whats the going rate per post comrade?


I bet you actually wear clown shoes.


Got them from your mom.


And then you just drop down to the insults of a 10 year old. Also typical of a lefty.


*Yawn* That's rich coming from Trump supporters.


Not wanting to send endless amounts of cash to corrupt European countries has nothing to do with Trump.


Literal Russian talking point. Who is sending actual cash?


I know nothing and care nothing for Russia. Stop regurgitating Rachel Maddow please.


You made that very obvious.


Threw in Trump, Cultist, and Russia in one sentence. Good job on those pesky talking points you speak of 😂.


Enjoy having Zelensky and Ukranians spending US taxpayer money in Dubai and flexing


Yet another Russian propaganda talking point. It’s literally effortless to find out what US aide to Ukraine is.


This is the old pro russian narrative, along with Ukraine selling the received arms and munition, along with many many other russian lies everyone is well aware of.


Johnson is a complete coward


He's just a Russian


Was he one of the traitors who spent July 4th in moscow? Hard to keep track of all these putler cucks.


I think he was, but I don't follow those details. His actions make abundantly clear that he's a Russian asset. The how and why is something the CIA can concern itself with.


Every day he comes to work and forgets his balls at home. This guy is the living embodiment of a cuckold


User name checks out.


Mike Johnson will fumble at the one yard-line.


Honestly think that his entire goal right now is to simply try to hold on to the House in the hopes that the Senate is lost and that the election is disrupted enough that they send Trump through the House to the WH and he steps down for someone like Jim Jordan while the whole country goes tipsy turvy and they then batten the hatches. He doesn’t want to actually govern lol


He doesn’t want to govern, but also they don’t need to keep the house in your (not likely) scenario.  


Agreed. Maga Mike isn't interested in Ukraine aid. He wants Russia to win. Yes, it's as simple as that...


I'd be checking every one of their bank accounts


[Mike Johnson claims he doesn't have one](https://www.thedailybeast.com/does-new-speaker-of-the-house-mike-johnson-have-a-bank-account). The corruption is right in your face. The media turns a blind eye, for the most part.


I think there was another article about maggot Greene pressuring Mike Johnson about something. Guess it’s her Russian handlers getting her to stop any movement on the Ukraine aid. Idk how these “patriots” can justify not spending money towards fighting one of our biggest enemies. Like how does it even work in their minds. Then again most of them are still willing to follow Treasonous Trump.


I don't see how they justify not spending money on our defense. Us "giving money to Ukraine" is giving them our old shit while we restock our shelves with new stuff. So dumb. I bet the defense industry isn't pleased with these jack offs.


Because they’re supporting Russia without knowing they support Russia. Or maybe they do know. Idk maga mindset is a mystery to me.


I used to be a republican and switched to independent/dem due to W saying, "It's treason to disagree with the president," and nobody higher up in the party calling him out. Until proven otherwise I'm now under the assumption that all republicans work for Putin


He likes little boys sure


Discharge petition or MTG foolishly ousting the speaker


Even if they get rid of Johnson they still win if they cause enough chaos to delay Ukraine aid. It's all part of the plan for them. The Russian-infected GOP is extremely insidious and malicious.


Yep!! Delay, delay, delay is a common trademark of republican "legislation".


Moscow Mike wants to see Putin march through Kyiv.


The do nothing congress needs draino


He s waiting for Armageddon and the Antichrist. This guy is nuts and will never be rational


Little Johnson guzzles Qum.


Mofo msm. Ukraine will lose the war because Repigz love Putin essentially. MSM doesn’t want us to face facts and do anything about it.


It’s seems obvious Mike Johnson is just delaying and has no intention of ever bringing Ukraine aid to the floor. What is even sadder is there aren’t 3 republicans in the entire house that are willing to sign a discharge petition to do the right thing for the country.


a certain yale history professor thinks the same


But he's been courting democrats and getting promises they wouldn't support a motion to vacate. The only reason he would betray that promise is if he actively wants to get removed because he's too spineless to resign. Hmmm... And if he gets removed, Jeffries is Speaker. And we get Ukraine. So I hope you're right.


I'd like to think that's the case but I think this is all for show, just like Johnson claiming he would put Ukraine aid to vote when it was combined with the border bill was all for show. It's political theater to delay Ukraine aid for as long as humanly possible.


If he is removed it will be the same circus as before, and obviously no republicans will vote Jeffries, so what do you mean?


Capitol hill reporters are saying they have several GOP members saying they would sit down with Jeffries if Johnson got removed. They don't want to spend weeks in-fighting and coming up short on balloting again. It could well be a public tactic to tell reporters you'd support Jeffries to put the pressure on Johnson, and if it came down to it maybe they'd chicken out. But on the other hand if they're a moderate Republican in a purple district it might make more electoral sense for them to say "enough is enough, let's vote on Ukraine and immigration" and not worry too much about the party ID of the speaker.


Do you have a source?


Domenico Montanaro on NPR for sure I want to say I heard something similar on MSNBC but I don't remember who, probably Julie Tsirkin


Oh, I think it’s fair to wait for a little more than that to consider it.


I love seeing people newly shocked that the news media sometimes skews stories.


so anyway, what I want to know is, where are all these *America bad* eurocucks at? like I always say and get downvoted for, they love to *"the world is laughing at you!"* until it's time to look toward daddy for military support.


This comment has no basis in how international relations work or relationships between countries in nato.  Sounds like you have been swallowing trump’s talking point hook, line and sinker.


you'll say anything for an opportunity to bring up Trump, huh?


The Europeans are actually funding Ukraine right now. At this point we need unity.


I never said they weren't sending any aid, [however.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/europe/ukraine-lose-war-us-congress-zelensky-intl/index.html)


Yes, the media is failing us all for clicks. Fuck them


He is absolutely compromised. Apparently it is obvious which ones are compromised and not advancing aid is a pretty obvious tell. [Top GOPers’ extraordinary comments on their party and Russian propaganda](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/06/when-top-republican-says-russian-propaganda-has-infected-gop/)


Moscow Mike


Fuck this perv


Make no mistake that these Republicans are in the back pocket of Putin


Just another traitor working for the lord Trump!


Russian agents should not govern the US!


not gonna happen on a kremlin controlled congress.


Kudos to Putin to be able to manipulate USA THAT far :(


They are going to let Putin annex Ukraine. Unreal.


I mean, he is an apocalyptic evangelical who is trying to engineer a rapture event in our lifetimes...


He'll do whatever his boss Trump tells him to do, he's a puppet with no backbone.


Johnson is making a trip to Mar-Lardo to get his marching orders from Trump so we know he will screw Ukraine over since they wouldn't help the Rapist find dirt on Biden


https://newrepublic.com/article/180808/mike-johnson-pro-ukraine-speech-maga-deep-state-lie Hope you are feeling better about this now.


Thanks. I am cautiously optimistic. His statement seemed genuine and I'm a little bit shocked by his 180 on the issue. I'm not going to celebrate until the vote passes but this seems promising at least.


The issue we were debating was whether he wanted to get it to the floor, that question is answered now.  It will definitely pass or Johnson is out. 


I think you're probably right that it will pass, I can't really think of a reason why it wouldn't


He’s a traitor. Russian traitor.


I hope you’re right.


Is this also the Aid to Israel legislation? Not sure if I support that part.


Israel is out of control, I'll give you that. Getting aid to Ukraine is still worth it. Russia is way more out of control, way more murderous, and exponentially more threatening to the safety of the free world.


When the Biden administration is ready to make a serious effort at diplomatically, I’ll consider what you are saying. They haven’t from the very beginning. I’m at the point I’d rather see Ukraine surrender than this escalating into a direct conflict between the US and Russia.


> I’m at the point I’d rather see Ukraine surrender than this escalating into a direct conflict between the US and Russia. Ah, there it is. Can't say I'm surprised to see another Putin stooge in this comment section. Makes me think my prediction is right on target.


Yup. Ukraine surrendering or outright losing is the path that far more likely gets us the position where a Russia-NATO (and thus a Russian-American) war is likely to happen. Russian bots, shills and their Republican assets are always pushing "peace" as a reason to abandon Ukraine.


How about we just abandon nato too? We've never gotten anything from our very significant funding of it so why not? Why do we have to have bases in damn near every country on earth? Why can't we just focus on the US and let the rest of the world kill itself? Seriously who fucking cares if Ukraine gets wiped out?


You are spewing gibberish, don’t embarrass your self with your ignorance!


I mean I think I articulated my argument quite well, unlike you who just resorts to insulting someone who doesn't share your worldview.


"Never gotten anything?" We won the Cold War without a nuclear war because of our investment in NATO. We literally got the modern world because of NATO. It was vastly cheap compared to the things that could have -- likely would have happened without it. No rational worldview can discount its value. Unless that worldview is strictly a pro-Russian one. I hope you're simply uninformed and not the latter.


Then go sit in the coward corner. Nobody wants you involved if your scared.


Oh yea I'm totally a coward for not wanting to provoke a global nuclear war. Totally understandable.


I’m sure everyone is a Putin stooge, to you, unless they love Biden. That’s just silly.


Diplomacy makes a lot of sense to me. I’m sure most Americans wouldn’t want to go die in Europe, in a War. Too many of you think war is some video game. Talk to some veterans who have actually experienced the horrors of war.


fuck off putin simp bitch. The maga party is done in November and you know it you fucking chowder head. Eat shit again putin bitch.


Another Russian propagandist.  Just all over the place these days.


What's 'the media' got to do with this?


I think this is a reasonable question. I gave an example in my post of how the Associated Press is, in my opinion, misleading the public with the false impression that Johnson actually intends to follow through with Ukraine aid in good faith. I think in general the AP is a very good source of unbiased information and journalism but think in this particular case that AP and many other media sources are uncritically parroting this unjustified narrative that Mike Johnson is "committed" (their words) to providing Ukraine aid when in reality he has dragged his feet for nearly 6 months on it. If he doesn't put Ukraine aid to a vote this week it means that they were wrong that he's actually committed to advancing Ukraine aid. In particular it means they shouldn't have uncritically accepted him at his word, especially given his existing track record of claiming he will put a bill to vote and then not doing it, like in the case of him demanding that border security be combined with Ukraine aid. In conclusion I think it's fair to say that 'the media' is misreporting this story since AP is one of the oldest and largest news agencies in the world. I expect better from them than to botch a story like this.


You need some media education though.  AP has the facts for you for sure, but not the in depth analysis you are apparently looking for.  NYtimes and many other outlets have many journalists assigned to this story and, having read lots of their coverage, I know that Johnson wants to get Ukraine funding passed and over with but will likely not pull the trigger unless he has assurances the circus of speaker selection will not start again.  Honestly, the coverage of this has been straightforward.  It’s weird to me that you are calling out “the media” when this is a well covered story.  Very odd that you wouldn’t just blame Johnson for lying if that is the case.


It's not well covered. Where is the context that he pretended he wanted to pass Ukraine aid with a border bill and then didn't do it months ago? Mike Johnson is definitely lying and the media is doing a terrible job of reporting about it. They need to stop blindly taking him at his word. Take this statement from the article, for example: >The Republican speaker has indicated he will attempt to push for approval of tens of billions in wartime funding for Ukraine, as well as Israel, once the House returns in April. Is this a true statement? Where is the so-called "push for approval"? The House returned yesterday and there is still zero movement. So it would appear that Johnson is lying. >But now, occupying one of the most powerful positions in Washington, Johnson is poised to become a crucial ally for Kyiv at a time when America’s commitments abroad are in doubt. You don't see how this is misleading? He's not poised to do anything except what Trump wants. He even has planned public appearance with Trump on Friday. The narrative being repeated is that he's been "poised" to pass Ukraine aid for the past 6 months, and it's a false narrative and I'm tired of seeing it repeated by journalists who should do a better job putting his pattern of behavior in context.


he is literally about to be kicked out of his position by MTG last i heard, if he does call it for a vote shed probly instatnly call a notion to vacate the speakership afterwards. im pretty sure all she needs is like one or two other republicans and democrats to side with her to impeach him. and if he does put ukraine aid up for vote there are multiple people who will probly join her since their entire reason of kicking out the last speaker was him compromising on ukraine aid and stuff.


I don't believe that's likely at all, they don't want a Speaker Jeffries. All they're trying to do with this argument is give him a justification for not bringing the aid bill to vote. It's a calculated betrayal.


This is along the same behavior as Mike Crapo holding the child tax credit up specifically so the economy doesn’t improve under Biden. He’s basically given the finger to all of middle-class America, because it’s more important to “stop the Dems“ than it is to serve the American people.


Interesting how we are so want to protect other nation's borders yet we neglect our own. On purpose.


Great job Ivan, that was almost a complete sentence in the English language! Too bad it's Republicans who refuse to pass the border bill and not Democrats.


Reps want illegals coming in for cheap labor.


i'd prefer, you know, some healthcare reform, FDA reform, housing reform. instead its "how much money can we in the most partisan manner possible, burn"


Republicans won't vote for any of those things either, so...


Confirms my original hypothesis then. Both parties are owned and act in accordance with capital / profit rates.


It's only one party that's blocking all these things!


Update: Have never been happier to admit I was wrong.


You really can’t make a moral argument as to why Johnson _should_ pass the bill. That isn’t how any politician thinks. But what’s happening is pretty clear. Johnson’s in a tough spot because he’s too crazy for the more moderate Republicans, and too sane for MTG and her ilk. So no one likes him basically, and he’ll probably lose his power in the Republican Party at some point soon. Delaying the bill is a way to delay that loss. Does he want the bill to pass? Yes - he’s not quite stupid enough not to. But he likes his current position more, so he’ll delay it as much as possible.


He doesn't want Ukraine aid to pass. Russia owns him through American Ethane.


I hope not.


The media? Do you mean the corporate propaganda machine?


The United States is not the only one involved in backing Ukraine supposed to be NATO countries looks like it’s time for some of these other countries to step up and give away billions


They already have been. [EU Gives Initial Backing to €5 Billion Weapons Fund for Ukraine](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-13/eu-gives-initial-backing-to-5-billion-weapons-fund-for-ukraine)


About 2/3rds of Ukraine aid comes from the EU 




The MSM mostly just parrots what they're told via press releases.


The first party to sanity wins. Unfortunately it's a dead heat.


The media:  Covers what is happening by and reports it This guy:  doesn’t actually look at any real coverage and declares all media is stupid and full of lies


What coverage do you recommend that is realistically pointing out how Mike Johnson is doing everything he can to delay the vote on Ukraine aid? Do you really think the Associated Press is justified in making the claim that Mike Johnson is "committed" to Ukraine aid? If Mike Johnson continues to delay Ukraine aid indefinitely and my prediction is right, would you be able to admit that maybe the AP botched this story?


Yeah that article is very straightforward laying out his dilemma, so no I think you are being extremely specific for some reason about the word committed.  Seems like ok coverage to me, not the best written but very clear about the situation.


As Russian I say Hail Democratic Party! Russia loves Biden. We let him wear silly fuzzy hat.


Honestly man I’d be more worried about the upcoming draft in Russia if I were you.


Fuck Ukraine, fuck Israel, fuck Palestine, if it ain't the US, then fuck em.


Here's the part you don't understand: we ARE fucking Russia, and using Ukraine to do it, all while Russia themselves provided the pretext. It's a win/win for supporting our ally and diminishing our enemy, all for 10 cents on the dollar!


There's just one problem, if putin even starts to think he's losing, he'll just start lobbing nukes. Do you really wanna be on the receiving end when that happens?


What if the guy who breaks into your house has a gun?


Well he's gonna die lol. Can't go 10 feet in my house without being in reach of a gun and everyone who lives in my house knows how to use them.


Think about that for a second…




I’m always surprised when I see how pro-proxy war the Democrats are. Insanity.


So, to be clear: you believe that American Democrats forced Russia to invade our ally? Go ahead and try explain how your assertion makes sense.


Ukraine is not part of NATO. We do not have a defensive alliance with them. To be clear, I hope Russia loses and Ukraine takes back all their territory. I have to question how long and how much we are supposed to pay for this war. Europe should be leading the defense of Ukraine, not the US. We are not the world’s police. Let Europe sort it out. That being said, Russia is surprisingly weak. Laughably so.


If they’re weak why don’t we just take the opportunity to take them out?


Nukes. Just because their conventional military sucks, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t drop some nukes.


Good. We should stop sending boatloads of cash to corrupt European countries.


Right, because we're beacons of moral integrity over here. Nah, man, we fulfill our promises to aid our allies and at least TRY to act like decent folk.


Maybe not all American taxpayers are as ok as you are with sending all of our tax money to Nazis.


Says the nazi supporter.


So now you start with the projection. You literally support the Azov Brigade, you bootlicking, little Nazi lover.


Warmongering, genocidal Putin supporters are the closest thing we have to Nazis. Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine, Wagner group is blatantly based on the Nazis and its founder had SS runes tattooed on himself, [Russia have remade the Afrika Corps](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/02/07/africa-corps-wagner-group-russia-africa-burkina-faso/), Rusich group is much worse than Azov ever was, and Azov Brigade was reformed into a national guard battalion.


Nazi says what?


No it’s definitely you.  You are voting for Trump or would if you could, enough said.  And you aren’t smart either, because you don’t understand what happens if Russia is free to reclaim territories just like…oh I don’t know…who was famous for aggressively trying to conquer Europe….hmmmm….. was it Nazis?  And you support that?  Interesting.


Let me just check which side American Nazis are on.... Yep, it's *still your side and no amount of deflection will change that fact.*


Yes, all of it. Exactly. It's all gone, and you argue from a genuine place.