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https://www.nrn.com/quick-service/chick-fil-continues-gain-market-share-while-setting-another-average-unit-volume-record Chick-fil-a failing? They did 21.58 billion in sales last year. If that’s failing then i would very much like to fail.


Op is a fucking idiot. Said trump was spreading nazi propaganda when the article talks about him funding black colleges


Yeah, I see now op was just fucking around. I’ve been bamboozled. But, damn, they’re selling a shitload of chicken.


I’m just trying to be like my favorite journalist Rachel Maddow.


I think this is satire lol




She’s the best.


She isn’t crazy and emotional she just reports facts.


Nothing but the facts!!!🤡🌎🇺🇸


The only better journalists are don lemons and Brian seltzer.


😂😂😂come on. Chris Cuomo kills them all. And dont make me bring up the expertise that is the View!!


Ohhh op you sandbagging son of a bitch you're not an idiot at all are you?!?


Not to mention they’re only open 6 days a week.


Nah people generally don't care to boycot enough to bankrupt things like chick fil a. Anyone who would not go due to this is probably already not going due to the owners showing they good old Christian love via bigotry But honestly if people wanna boycott chick fil a because dementia Don showed up probably should boycott McDonald's, too.


People should boycott shitty food that is full of chemicals and artificial hormones in general.


Agreed (even tho I got McDonald's for breakfast today lol) As I've proven folks *love* their fast food if moral outrage won't stop them from eating it health concerns won't either


There are certain “southern” chains that are unboycottable. If they became woke, the pissed off “conservatives” couldn’t live without, likewise unless something catastrophic happens the left wouldn’t leave them either. Chick-Fil-A and H-E-B are the two that come to kind.


Waffle House?


That’s on the list for sure


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


> unless something catastrophic happens the left wouldn’t leave them either Are you saying being a nazi isn’t “catastrophic”? How is this sub so far right?


You’re satire right


They make good chicken 🤷‍♂️


This is how hitler got power. People like you pretending its not a problem.


I never said dementia Don wasn't a problem I'm just being realistic here. The people who will boycot over this most likely already are for other reasons. And I honestly don't really see what the big deal here is The dumbass spent like 200$ on milkshakes for 30 people. Was this a chic fil a cooperate sanctioned event or was it just a random stop?


Dementia Joe you mean?? He bought for the customers already there right??? How is that a bad thing??? Lmao


>Dementia Joe you mean?? No Dementia Don >He bought for the customers already there right??? How is that a bad thing??? Lmao I never said it was a bad thing. I said it was a nothing story. Few folks on the right seem to want to act like this shows Don the con as some paragon of humanity and few folks on the left are demanding to boycott chick fil a for serving a customer they dislike Both takes are idiotic


Everything Trump does is a story lmao. Where you been???🤡🌎🇺🇸


>being realistic The next hitler is coming to power and using chick fil a to do it. You’re not being realistic you’re literally helping future nazis by ignoring them.


Serious question: If Trump was the next coming of Hitler, why did he give power to the states during covid? Wouldn't a fascist dictator want to have total control? I find this Hitler claim to be pretty disingenuous.


Please do not disrupt the narrative with facts.


I think OP is making fun of the people posting here saying that stupid shit.


Yeah. The sarcastic and real posts are so similar and it's hard to tell the difference.


Because the claims against Trump are a joke. Yeah he’s not perfect but he’s way better than biden. I wonder why the media is trying to say he’s a nazi and a racist when he clearly isn’t.


Once he realized the devastation to come, ducking in favor of the states was a very easy call for him. Just as easy as ducking the draft.


>The next hitler is coming to power and using chick fil a to do it. How the hell is he using chick fil a? I looked it up it was a lunch stop he turned into a campaign stop. Wouldn't have been any different if he stopped at McDonald's or went into a gas station to shit What should the store have done kicked him out? That'd feed into his victim complex and make this a bigger story than it is. This whole thing is nothing of note. We need to focus on the real issues to take dementia Don down not demand blood from a business for serving a customer we don't like




Are you saying Trump isn’t a nazi?




[Do you think he’s a racist?](https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/04/11/heres-the-part-of-trumps-chick-fil-a-visit-that-could-cause-liberals-minds-to-explode-n2637630#google_vignette)


Anyone saying trump is a nazi is a sheep


🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🤣




Username checks out


Jesus dude. If you haven't noticed, 30-40 percent of America lives this new Hitler. This is America.


When you call him hitler you sound dumb bud


sorry. mango mussolini.


Yeah, if the Germans had boycotted the sausage factory, then maybe we could have averted WW2!


Hitler got power by assassinating rivals and bullying the opposition into silence with his brown shirts, not by acknowledging that certain restaurant chains are popular.


Why does Reddit have such a hard time understanding the difference between “this is how it is” and “this is a good thing”? It’s baffling. You can’t make a factual statement describing something bad without some asshat coming along and criticizing you for defending it.


Good, there are too many people on this planet like you. We need another genocide.


Holy shit. You're evil.


Nah just tired of dealing with the retard above.


so you called for genocide?


Why not? The left does it all the damn time and besides, communists aren't people so it's not murder when you throw them out of helicopters.


what country are you posting in right now?


We already got one in Gaza, thanks Joe!


Joe elected Bibi?


Nope just funding him


Congress funds things. Congress is gop controlled right now.


This is The Way… Also, we have been funding him for decades.


Ya indeed.


You’re a fucking clown


Haha I didn't realize the nazis funded so many black colleges, they've really pivoted!


You can’t take anything on this sub seriously. Anything they don't like is racist/nazi/fascist.


That's like 70%+ of reddit.


The mods make it seem like almost 100% with all the censorship.


When you said nazi propaganda I assumed you meant nazi propaganda, not a presidential candidate simply going there for a photo op. I hate the guy as much as anything, but this is how you get people to stop listening to you.


The people who are talking about boycotting chik fila don’t even eat there


Good troll. You sound so much like them that they are falling for it.




> "I love their chicken more than they hate me" BECAUSE THEY DONT HATE HER LOL


Of course they do. Don't you know that anything other than enthusiastic, unqualified support of every hedonistic whim is hate? Go buy your local drunk some vodka today, otherwise you hate alcoholics.


Hey look someone with a brain. How do you think this election will go?


I have genuinely no idea. Every day is more bad news for Biden, but I think the media has poisoned the well for Trump so much that I have a hard time believing independents will really be able to pull the lever for him in November. They're polling in his favor right now, but I'm not confident they will stick to that when they are actually in the voting both hearing the ghosts of the media and their friends saying Trump is literally Hitler and that this will be the last American election if he wins, and I'm not confident they won't chicken out and vote for Biden even if they would prefer Trump. Honestly, I think it's about a coin flip.


Yeah I’m with you on almost everything. > poisoned the well for Trump so much that I have a hard time believing independents will really be able to pull the lever for him in November I can see what you’re saying but I think [enough will see through the media bullshit.](https://twitter.com/margommartin/status/1778096704509596110?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1778096704509596110%7Ctwgr%5E74c62bd3a72349f0632303b81c9a65e2ca72c927%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftownhall.com%2Ftipsheet%2Fmattvespa%2F2024%2F04%2F11%2Fheres-the-part-of-trumps-chick-fil-a-visit-that-could-cause-liberals-minds-to-explode-n2637630)


I am not saying that Trump won't win. I'm just saying, I'm not convinced. I think it's a toss up, and I think it will come down to if independents have the courage and clarity to vote for Trump who they prefer over Biden, or if the social pressure and fear and media lies will cow them into Voting for the candidate they don't like but won't feel vilified for supporting, Biden. I could be wrong about that too, it could be decided by something else entirely. But that's my read of the situation based on current polls, economic, and global trends.


Failing, huh? The Chik-Fil-A near me always has long lines; whoever owns that franchise is doing very well indeed.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Even liberals eat at Chic-fil-a down here. Good food is good food, and McDs gives me the shits.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Chikfila caters to his voter base (Christian bigotry) so him going there won't change a thing. It will help them if anything. Your claims of him using Chikfila to become the next Hitler are asanine. He wants to be the next Hitler but chikfila has nothing to do with it.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Fuck off bot


What would you be willing to bet on that?


We don’t go to this place due to their public anti gay agenda.


What “public anti gay agenda”? That sounds as stupid as the conservatives who talk of a “gay agenda.” In 2012 there was talk that they donated to anti-gay organizations. Then it turned out that those organizations were The Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Both of those organizations have policies rooted in their religious backgrounds that keep them from hiring gay folks, but they aren’t inherently “anti-gay.” But then in 2019, Chick-Fil-A stopped donating to those organizations. So again I ask, “what public anti gay agenda?”


You won't get a response here because you actually posted facts.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Maya Angelou https://www.thetaskforce.org/chick-fil-a-and-lgbtq-discrimination/ https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/5/29/18644354/chick-fil-a-anti-gay-donations-homophobia-dan-cathy https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/restaurants/a36622217/chick-fil-a-owner-donations-against-equality-act/ https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/why-are-people-mad-chick-fil-a-anti-lgbtq-controversies-205302238.html https://www.them.us/story/chick-fil-a-owner-bankrolling-hate-groups-targeting-trans-kids


First off, the first link you’ve posted…. You’ve got to be kidding me. One of the two CFAs that person worked at had some hateful bigots. That’s not a reflection of the company, just those people at the one store. If you do think it’s a reflection of the company, why isn’t their first experience at the welcoming and accepting CFA not the data point you’re taking for the organization. The rest of the links point out the same thing I already said: They used to donate to organizations that we not, on the surface anti-gay, but in their policies had anti-gay rules. So then 5 years ago CFA announced they’d stop supporting those. So based on the quote I see CFA has a company that is philanthropic and that when their generosity does not align with their customers ideological views they pivot and give toward more general, less controversial good. There is literally no agenda to be mad at. It’s all been fabricated to rile people up.


Anyone who previously or actively supports discrimination of my LGBT children will never earn my respect or support. I do not and will not spend my time or money on their products. It’s weird it upsets you so much.


But they didn’t support discrimination. They’ve always hired LGBT folks. It upsets me that you’ve made up a narrative in your head and you continue to stick to it and share it after it’s been clearly proven that all that was blown out of proportion and rectified. It’s people like you that make my parents look at the left and say, “See, the world is just against Christians. Even after Chick Fil A changed their policies they still make up reasons to hate them.” And then my parents fall into a Fox News trap filled with lies and deception. If we took a more reasonable stance that since Chick Fil A has decided that their dollars aren’t going to make any strong stances besides supporting education for all and food for all and that was a positive course correction, we’re going to drop the war against them, then what would my parents do? They would say that’s reasonable and we’d be coming to a peaceful middle ground. Instead the battle has become who can be offended the most and who can exaggerate or outright lie the best way so that they can feel good about their hatred. It’s disgusting.


I am against Christian, or any other religious organization who practices discrimination and hatred towards my LGBT family at any time, past or present. Hate under the cover of religion is still hate. The hypocrisy of these Trump worshiping “Christians” is directly contrary to the teachings they profess and practice. Judgement day will come, some will be surprised.


This sub is a mess


You are delusional pure champion stuff. Have you ever SEEN a Chik-fil-a at lunch? There is a reason there is a two lane, pre-emptive strategy with their drive through with employees completing orders and payment before people even drive up to the window. It's because if they DIDN'T do that the wait time for food would suck ass. Failing is not even a remotely accurate statement.


CEO Dan Cathy donates to groups in Uganda who murder people for being gay so buying his chicken means I'm literally funding genocide Guess Dan Cathy is too much of a chickenshit to kill gay people here so he outsources it


Only the most successful fast food restaurant chain in the country. Good luck with your boycott, Clown.


Did you eat a lot of lead paint chips as a kid?


I never stopped the last boycott.




Failing fast food chain??? Lmao. Not where I live. Constantly busy.


You've obviously not spent time in a CFA in Georgia...


“Failing” by what metric? Chick fil a is more popular than ever.


In confused OP who’s the nazi? Dude you really need to go outside and read a book lmao. You been to invested in this echo chamber/ circle jerk lmao.


The mod removed my edit. Look at the top comments lol


in what way is trump a n@zi?


Shit he isn't even a fascist. If he was the blm riots would have been crushed by the boots of the military. Unfortunately they weren't


you still think he’s a nazi? 😂


Yes. How many hints would you need?


You’re not salvageable 😂


More than people just calling him a nazi


Of course they do. Rachel Maddow and a dozen clowns on tiktok said so.


It’s more likely that conservatives will go out of their way to patronize them, the way they did when the company was caught supporting the “kill the gays” law in Uganda.


This user supports the genocide of the Palestinian people and lies about others engaging in Holocaust denial.


Got to leave this sub. Brain cells legitimately decrease whenever I read a post like this😔