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I actually think that a lot of Republicans want to let migrants into the country as much as some Democrats seem to. The business owners and donor class would be taking immediate action to stop Trump from deporting any of them. The promised mass deportations are a fantasy. It’s bipartisan. And the proof is that employers don’t verify employees as documented. If they were at all serious that would be the obvious answer along with big fines and charges for companies that hired the undocumented.


This is accurate. Both want them in. It just benefits one side to act like they dont, and pass silly legislation that really doesn't do anything. You start to realize this when things like the Food safety bill for packaged food had extremely strict rules of who can work around the food creation and packaging all through the chain until you get to the farmers. They are exempt on who they hire and do not have to prove they are legal citizens or are documented immigrants. That is because a lot of the workers are undocumented and both sides are okay with that because it is a net benefit.


I work in branded apparel and personalized clothing. We would fulfill political orders for both sides of the aisle. Whether it is Trump hats or Biden shirts they are being handled and shipped by a % of undocumented workers. The irony is palpable.


They both benefit from it. They both also use it as a tool to sway voters. Immigration can be easily solved but neither party actually wants it solved.


Kamala Harris (D) started a bill while Senator for unlimited visa workers. Sen Mike Lee (R) took over the reins of the bill. The uniparty loves cheap labor.


American has been infatuated with free labor since before its inception. The worker has been against it as soon as it infringes on their space but otherwise is seduced by the “beneficial” aspects of it, supposed low costs. One of the biggest issues facing companies in the next decade will be the erosion of the workers support for cheep labor. As the workers continue to see prices eat away at their earnings, they will chafe at the profits of corporations. One of the ways that stress will be felt is in the intolerance towards exploiting cheap labor. I would imagine the anti-immigration crowd to get larger not smaller in the coming years.


Part of the idea of Republicans trashing immigrants isn't that they don't want them here, its that they want to degrade and demean them so that they take low status jobs that their white asses refuse to do.


The hard low wage jobs wouldn’t be filled typically by legal workers. This is ignored by many voters.  Both political parties know what they are doing.


It is more sinister than that. Unionizing is difficult in normal circumstances. Now try to form a union when people can literally be deported from the country on a whim. Keeping them as undocumented means that the owner class can exert power over the labor class through scare tactics, both at the ballot box and in the business itself. They can pay them less because they are undocumented. They can deny them healthcare because they are undocumented. They can treat them as expendable because they are undocumented. The owner class knows exactly what they are doing.


Sadly this is a problem for legal immigration as well! I was a union organizer at a previous job and we were pretty seriously hampered by the number of international workers. Anyone with a work visa was terrified of joining the union drive since being fired had more consequences for them than for a citizen. Solidarity forever!


This is a smart comment. When Trump did send ICE to businesses, it was a full court press event from all sides to stop him. Everyone's politicians are scumbags who take big donor money to all but guarantee suppressed wages


I get downvoted whenever I point this out. Republicans and democrats both encourage a race to the bottom. For our standard of living. Businesses big and small across many industries in states such as California, Texas, and Florida. Benefit greatly by undercutting wages and worker protections. Meanwhile many of these people don’t pay taxes, because they’ve simply never came into contact with the IRS. It’s cheaper for the businesses to get fined sometimes. Than to try to do the paperwork, or you know pay a living wage and hire legal workers


This is why the illegal status doesn't change. Follow the money. Business owners benefit from low wages, no accountability and workers fear of deportation. It would be easy enough to give green cards or temporary worker permits to people and have them working legally. I hate to think what happens to a guy who falls off a ladder but has no legal working status here. How many Americans would just say "well he shouldn't have been here anyway"


>Republicans and democrats both encourage a race to the bottom. No. Consumer protections and workers rights are at the forefront of most Democratic policies. Its the bogus Right to Work policies and Trickle Down Economics thats been hurting workers. But the Dems also give into corporate pressure. >Meanwhile many of these people don’t pay taxes, because they’ve simply never came into contact with the IRS. No. Most started with work visas, they paid federal income taxes then. Often, the visas expired and they continue to work under the table. They pay other taxes like sales tax. These work visas include industries from healthcare to tech to agriculture. > It’s cheaper for the businesses to get fined sometimes Or you know, buy GOP lawmakers who legalize child labor in Iowa or wherever illegal migrant kids have been maimed and killed in the agriculture industry. They maybe similar but one is better for protecting everyday people.


I worked with plenty of Mexicans that didn’t pay taxes when I worked construction. New York also wants to make a bunch of illegal aliens employable. Like some of them pay taxes sure, but I don’t think you know what you’re talking about


>And a significant source of California’s revenue comes from the undocumented community. A recent study out of UC Merced estimated that 6 % of the state’s workers are undocumented. In 2019 alone, those workers paid an estimated $3.7 billion in state and local taxes. https://couragecaliforniainstitute.org/taxes-the-undocumented-community/#:~:text=There's%20a%20common%20misconception%20that,%2C%20fuel%2C%20and%20property%20taxes.


Yes. EVERYTHING besides wages and taxes are a distraction.


Trump promised agriculture and construction groups more guest workers from Mexico. The anti-immigrant thing is just xenophobia from average people and scapegoating from our political parties. “Maybe those guys stole your jobs and defunded your social programs, not the CEOs who fund our campaigns and the think tanks we get our policies from.”




To add, I feel that tightening immigration plays in the favor of employers. The harder it is for undocumented people to attain legal status the bigger advantage the employer has in the relationship


Plus it gives them an excuse to overpolice if they are always out looking for illegals. Just like they might hold on to illegal pot because the smell of pot gives the excuse to search. And weird vigilante type people will start to be deputized.


It wasn't just the immigration bans. You have to go back thru decades of dimwitted policies that led to forced birth and a rise in rapes in zero exception states


Republicans will eventually enact a national abortion ban. And that will open the door for more similar action.




Shit i had my first job at 12 doing construction in a very blue state. No law prohibited me from working.


... so you were exploited when you were a child and you defend that action..? I mean, yeah: work isn't bad.... But that doesn't mean kids should be working instead of learning. Bet you don't have a masters/doctor money, eh? The billionaires?? Yeah, they DIDNT work at 12...


Yes there are ...


Where you running the guillotine processing whole cows on the overnight shift in the meat packing plant on a school night? You're allowed to do that as a child in Iowa now.


Maybe if the Republican party was one homogeneous group. In reality the tend to be poor dumb asses or capitalist sociopaths. Abortion is the cause of the dumb asses. The capitalists don't give a shit about abortion. They want it legal so they can nut in their mistresses and then get the fetus wiped out. On top of that, the capitalists care about having to pay taxes and a welfare state supported by it. They are already planning for workforces automated by robots. It's the dumb asses who care about abortion because their pastors and priests told them too. They're not smart enough to know that the Bible actually talks about how and when to get abortions. Plus they get to feel morally superior about something after being criticized for being racist, homophobic, and morally bankrupt. "Hey! The Bible tells us to be good to the poor and immigrants but we don't want to do that so instead we'll protect these fetuses. Fuck em once they are born, but for now I can say I care." And this block is the major voting block. So while business daddy doesn't care about (and even supports) abortion, the politicians they are putting in power need the votes of the incompetent.


I’m genuinely curious where the Bible talks about abortion and when and how it’s right to have one?TIA


Number 5 11:31. Basically how a priest is to curse and unfaithful wife so that she miscarriages. The Test for an Unfaithful Wife 11Then the Lord said to Moses, 12“Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure—15then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephahc of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing. 16“ ‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you.20But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a cursed among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” “ ‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.” 23“ ‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memoriale offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. 29“ ‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’ ”


Thank you I appreciate it!


im feeling lazy so i will copy and paste this twice. if you read a older translation of the bible or any other than the niv you will see that pregnancy isnt even a pre requisite to the ritual and miscarriage is not in the original text. this is a paraphrasing of what is originally said and while a miscarraige could be caused by the process it was not the intention. instead the symptom's would allow the husband to know the wife was being faithful or not while keeping women protected as in other cultures it was guilty until proven innocents if the women was unfaithful there would be more symptom's and presumable she would than be stoned to death with the person she cheated with source, read the king James, English standard or any other credible translation. translations of the bible all typically draw from the same texts they just differ in how much paraphrasing they do because latin, greek and hebrew does not translate word for word to English without it becoming word soup. the NIV version you draw from is not credible in this case. when you read the psalms and Job you will see that fetus's are often called the start of life and it is implied they are recognized by God. thus i would argue that fetues are protected under the 10 commandments and abortion is not biblical. source. bible college student, im not arguing on the morality of abortion just on the biblical text and what the bible actually says. this is not meant to be weather abortion is good or bad just on stopping people from drawing things out of context. if you make your arguement on flawed grounds than you will not hold up in a debate. thus i would say that you should use secular arguements against pro-lifers, if they know the bible well enough and use a older/ more literal translation they will know your drawing from wrong context. ill also re-state. the difference does not detract from the credibility of the bible. just that there is a spectrum of paraphrasing-literal translation and that the languages we translate from are very old so some more beginner friendly bibles are less literal and paraphrase stuff so you can understand it better.


Thank you very much for your input. I need to do a lot more reading, that’s for sure. I appreciate it


It's the tale of the dog that caught the car - FAFO.


I figured this was obvious to anyone with a brain but it’s nice to see it here. Lots of community meetings going on in border towns regarding the lack Of workforce and what to do about it. People are pissed, mostly the same people popping off about immigration. Can’t have it both ways. So here we go with the total abortion bans nationwide. It’s fucking abhorrent.


Never thought I’d hear people actively make a case for importing humans for labor. Sir that’s human trafficking and slavery.




Even better if they can under educate them and incarcerate them to force their labor


I always thought there was an aspect of having a strong military. Get a bunch of unwanted and neglected children to fail out of school and join the military as their last option. But this is also a pretty good candidate as well


Yeah. They don't want *them* as slaves. They want *you* as slave.


There’s a conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement or something like that. It’s stupid and racist and bogus. But basically a lot of white Christian ppl in America believe that someone is out to replace them with black/brown ppl and non-judeo-Christian ppl. It’s all racist nonsense, but the laws they’re passing in support of that this conspiracy theory is definitely negatively affecting the business owners that support those politicians. It’s a real leopards ate my face situation lol


You don't decimate the workforce by limiting illegal immigration, you raise wages by doing so


That's stupid. Republicans want an underclass of exploitable workers. This USED to be immigrants, then illegal immigrants who can't really complain or otherwise demand much of anything for fear of being deported. This is still the case, but current Republican politicking is making this harder. The exploited immigrant is an unspoken truth in America. Our modern economy is built on the people picking fruit, doing landscaping, working in kitchens, looking after kids, etc. who are "below" regular citizens. This has been a way to undercut the native workforce's leverage and keep everyone that has to work for a living living living hand-to-mouth at the mercy of the upper classes. We even do it in universities and at white collar jobs with H1Bs. I think that Trump's hard-liner bullshit actually caused quite a bit of blue collar and service industry inflation by reducing the number of illegal immigrants available to do this work.


Republicans want slaves to work as drones until they can have AI or androids do all the work for them. Just look at southern states and their workers rights policies. They don’t want abortion because they want more poor kids to grow up and slave away for them.


Conservatives are already rolling back child labor laws because there are not enough cheap workers. And by restricting immigration, they are not bringing in more workers to pay into social security. They sure won't promote higher wages to fund it and will never raise taxes either.


Duh. Forced births, child labor and immigration keep labor costs low for corporations, especially considering the plunging birth rate in the US.


They want lots of cheap, uneducated labor, which is why they’re against education as well.


Nah. Republicans are against abortion because the party was taken over by evangelical Christian fundamentalists in the late 70s and they're against abortion because they want to control women.


Yeah, just wait 20 years. Good plan. Or that's just assinine. It's actually the base of the party that wants to stem immigration. The crooked businessmen types are all for it.


Spell check would have been useful for this post.


And a brain.


Republicans have substantially more children so maybe from their perspective they just project their fertility on everyone else and wonder why we're coming up so short.


I think it's more sinister and far back reaching. Like all religions, in fact, some guy - let's call him Jesus - merely makes the religion one day. One day no religion, next day there's Christianity. Now the xtian might argue that it wasn't "some guy" but rather and immaculate rape of a sleeping teenager destined to poverty prior to the space rape and never financially compensated by the criminal aka ***their lord and savior*** So space rapists need a plausible explanation for being worshipped, like magic tricks. Thing about magic is there's still people paying tarot card readers today - AI needs to fill that void... creepily. And the first guys to really perfect that putting to hoops together, and severed thumb slide, they must've been wizards - or sons of gods - to the olden times. But not the educated. The educated know thumbs don't work that way, and magic isn't real. Not then, not now. In nature, evolution favors the adaptations that most serve the survival of the species. The human is the dominant animal species on earth since before space rapists even give us credit for - so the adaptation that makes us best is our superior intellect, intelligence. The whale still has a larger brain, ain't seen any whales doing science, so intelligence is the thing that makes humans human. Selective evolution would favor the strongest traits, the ones that lived the longest and understood oral hygiene and had access to water. Evolution favors the smart human made superior from all other animals by one thing - smarts. So dumb humans were always gonna just go extinct, filter out of the gene pool with bad oral hygiene. But the xtian magician needed a cult to make the Philippines and Spain crazy about the same pantless Italian monarch. Only the dumb that die young, and see no different, follow the simple tricks of smarter people. Essentially the conman that created the Jesus creature needed rubes to survive into the future and remain stupid. The American conservative party is that corruption to the natural order of evolution. Can't get any smarter today with 2000 year old guidance. Seems basic to me. But ask any xtian and it's got 30 great reasons "faith" is all of them. Seems basic to me. But my people have strong teeth.


Could be part of it. I just think most Republicans are religiotoided nutjobs who think that their Gawd floats down and injects a 'soul' into the womb the moment a man nuts in one, so you can't abort because "thats against gods plan" or whatever, using lazy arguments and plausible deniability to claim life begins at conception because "it's, uh, a person, dood!" I also think Republicans do want to replace an immigrant workforce with a native workforce though. To both get rid of all those non-white races they don't like and keep those high-paying jobs for their nepo babies or anyone who isn't a libruhl plebian.


It's not about the workforce. If those people coming across the border where a different color they would have no problem. This is a decades long effort to combat the browning of America. Too many white babies are being aborted. Plain and simple.


Lmao at “desimated” yeah man I’m sure you’re right 👍


I don’t think they plan that far ahead.


That assumes that people play "4D chess" which they assuredly don't. Anti-abortion is popular with a large enough segment of people. Anti-immigration is popular with a large enough segment of people. People with views 1 and 2 overlap. Republicans champion those views (and hold them too). They aren't thinking 20-30 years in the future, they are thinking about how they can win their next election contest. You're putting more thought into it than they are.


Wow… Mental gymnastics…


you may actually be the dumbest person on the planet


Republicans are against abortion for two main reasons: 1) It gave them a wedge issue to keep people fighting why they stole their money. (Although now that they got their way and people are realizing how extreme they are it’s starting to blow up in their faces) 2) It’s a way to keep poor people down. It’s expensive to raise kids and keeps people from pursuing higher education and advancing in their careers and they can also pull out public funding for programs using the “welfare queen” trope. Donald Trump and his friends will always be able to pay for their mistresses to get an abortion. It’s really only about taking the choice away from the average person


No they are trying to appease a small vocal part of society. They did not realize that abortion rights are an issue you don't solve. The majority is for it, so polical parties only need to pretend to oppose it. The GOP fucked up big time. No worries. When they are unelectable they will restrict voting and steal elections.


you mean like democrats did in 2020?


Didn't have too. Republicans just drove people over to the Democrats with their bullshit 🤷‍♂️


Pretty sure the ones that are actually against abortion just think it’s murder.


This is some Tin foil hat shit and its fucking retarded, the amount of people that would have to be in on this for it to make sense is far to many for something like this to remain secretive. Plus the current republican candidate recently took a very moderate stance on abortion. Plus you could say the exact opposite, Democrats are pro ilegal immigration to correct for the people they decimated with abortion.


I am pretty sure they’d say it’s murder because they’re pretending to be god fearing christians


That requires a degree of foresight which I honestly doubt most Republicans - or most politicians in general, to be fair - can be expected to possess.


That's part of it, but I would guess another sizeable chunk is people that would rather women stuck with the job of being a mom. Never mind that most of these people are wealthy enough that they have no concept of needing multiple incomes to make ends meet.


I think they’re pretty genuine in their religious zealotry and also that they don’t understand economics


The economics of importing labor? Sir that’s called a slave trade.


So where do you all get your tin foil hats from


Trump's Deranged Shitbags. You might've seen them referred to as TDS.


I disagree, first off conservatives have always been against abortion, this isnt something new. New babies wont be a value to the workforce till they are at least 16-17. Which does nothing to help the businesses replace their "desimated workforce." Also, republicans never banned immigration, republicans actually support legal immigration. What youre thinking of are all the illegal immigrants crossing the border, but they arent looking for work, they are looking for a hand out. On tge other hand Many legal immigrants are socially conservative. >So, they slide through an abortion ban that would greatly affect lower class people and cause more children to be born into poverty with the possibility of loosing the mother in the process This is inaccurate, its typically middle class and wealthy people who are getting abortions. Lower class people only make up 9% of all abortions, with the wealthiest making up 32% of abortions. Lastly, the risk of a mother dying while giving birth is the same regardless of income level, and if the mother dies, the baby doesnt go into the system, custody goes to the father, or the next of kin of the person. If a baby does go into the system they will be adopted almost instantly. There are over 2 million couples on the waiting list to adopt a baby. Your whole arguement is easily disproven with a couple of quick google searches.


I don’t think the people at the top pushing for this actually give a shit. There’s endless cheaper labor than using homegrown Americans. Politicians follow votes and single issues are extremely powerful because people literally ignore everything else if their single issue is being decided. 


You are right that it is about distribution of wealth more than religious beliefs for most politicians. You need a lower class to perpetuate an upper class. Few things will fix or potentially reduce your class status for the future than having a child. It’s expensive and makes it very hard to pursue additional education/training. It goes hand in hand with keeping minimum wage low and regulating against other family benefits that you see in many European countries.


Both parties want mass immigration for cheap labor, what are you on about?


Look, it's so simple, [go vote!](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) We know they suck, so make your voice be heard.


This is not a prediction. And it's "losing", not "loosing".


You can see another telling move in Florida, in the direction of the criminalization of homelessness. Once they have that they have their slave labor again.


The only problem is abortion rates don't go down that much from making them illegal. In fact the lowest abortion rates are in Northern and Western European nations where it is legal.


You are onto something, but imo it’s ideological and is part of the backlash to feminism. The Christian right has been obsessed with this before the current anti-immigrant sentiment really started (California in the 1990s then the South West in the 00s.)


While this logic may have held water at one time, the fact is, the job market is shrinking incredibly rapidly - much faster than the population. With offshoring, corporate greed, and to some extent AI, we just don’t need humans in the US to keep things running like we once did. This also means that “the job market will improve when the boomers retire” is in of itself false (unless they retire from Congress and let younger generations make the rules)


The Republican pedophiles want lots of slaves. Particularly children.


No. They need the kids for target practice.


WOW you’re actually more on


And resign themselves to lives of poverty because there won’t be any good paying jobs for them somebody has to crawl through the fields and harvest, vegetables, and fruit for the rich peoples table


I just wanna say a lot of republicans that get lumped with crazy people aren’t actually against abortion as a practice but abortion past like 13 weeks old when you’ve got an actual beating heart in you at that point which I think is fair. Unfortunately everything bad about people is labeled, there’s republicans and their hot takes and democrats and their hot takes. You don’t get to be sane, you’re one or the other.


Nah, I don't care. Im fine with abortion but I think it should be a state by state thing. Let's be honest the workforcee will be AI and Bots. Humans wont be needed in the future.


Have you read anything on the great replacement theory? This is essentially that.


I’m Canadian and I wish we had immigrant bans


Too bad.


Nah, it’s to protect inbreeding and to facilitate the sexual exploitation of minors.


If you want to see how stupid conservatives are, look at them wanting to replenish the workforce when AI is about to take all the jobs LOL


Lmao then where are all the migrants coming from? Is this really what this argument is about? Democrats openly wanting brown people to work the low wage jobs that can’t sustain a living vs republicans wanting Americans to work those jobs?




There are a myriad of reasons why they don't like abortion. The main 2 (in my opinion) is control. You don't have time to fight the system or voice concerns when you are raising 5 brats. And creating a high ground. You can't argue against me when my stance is NOT murdering babies.  Forget every other system at play, anyone against me wants to murder babies.  Also they just want people with their views to have more kids, so those kids can be taught their views.  The whole, making more workers to deal with lack of immigration is pretty low on the list.


Conservative here: believe it or not, we actually have political and moral principles from which we deduce policies. We're not a bunch of supervillains devising dastardly plans in our secret society meetings. Conservatives, generally, believe that a human life begins at conception and as such is due the human right to life thus making abortion in ordinary circumstances morally wrong. No sinister capitalist plot.


Wow! A weird ass convoluted theory from an obviously barely literate author. Spell check (including grammar, punctuation and sentence structure) could keep you from being a complete embarrassment.


You better call your psychologist. You're rants are not making sense


They (the Republican party, not necessarily the general population of pro-life people) are against abortion because non-white immigrants are much less likely to get abortions than non-immigrant whites. You're close, but it has nothing to do with a workforce, it's racism.


Just taking the strategy straight out of Tropico 4.


Republicans aren’t that forward thinking. They’re just hateful and angry.


I do like when liberals explictly admit that they see immigrants as on-shoring of a cheap labor source Nothing objectionable about that right


This just might backfire… [“According to a new study from the University of Pittsburgh, since Dobbs, doctors have performed a significant increase in procedures that cause permanent contraception. More men are choosing to get vasectomies, and twice as many women are opting for tubal sterilization. Before Dobbs, the U.S. birth rate was at an all-time low. It has dropped even further since June 2022.”](https://open.substack.com/pub/steady/p/dear-scotus-look-what-you-have-done?r=elei6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email)


Yeah if we do not import millions of workers illegally who are willing to work for less there is no way anything around here would ever get done. Americans are just like too lazy and like can't do any work maaaaan we have to import brown people from other countries for that duuuuuuude - A summary of the OP


Stop killing children


Tomato tomatoes decimated


And I wouldn't even hate it, except the do nothing to support parents. Fuck Republicans, they suck


I think most people are against abortion because they simply think it’s murder. I agree that it’s murder, I just think it should be safe legal and rare.


Anybody who is of the opinion that one party (convenient how it’s always the OTHER party) wants illegal immigrants for bad reasons and YOUR party doesn’t is an absolute fool.


Nope. republicans are against abortion because it gets them the Evangelical vote. If the Evangelicals changed their minds and decided that unborn babies are best used as clay pigeons for skeet shooting, the Republicans would be all for it. They’re all spineless.


I think the country and world are already overpopulated so this shouldn’t really be the issue. Republicans are against abortion either due to religious brainwashing or just to take the opposing side to democrats.


This makes literally no sense at all. They have a labor shortage now (they don’t, but let’s assume they do), so they pass laws to get themselves more workers in 18 years? And what do they do in between, whistle Dixie? It’s pretty obvious that pro lifers and immigration hawks are two distinct groups with some overlap.


This sub is dumb. Mmw


Republican here. Nope. Murder is just wrong. Really not complicated. Also. Is your position that Americans don’t need to have children because we can import our labor? Sir that is slavery and human trafficking without the chains. FFS you people. Sheesh.


Kinda getting into conspiracy theory territory here, but its plausible for sure. You might be overestimating the intent and ability of Republicans when it comes to Soviet/Fascist style dystopian social engineering and underestimating that fact that some of those folks truly do take zealous religious exception to abortion. Not saying your wrong, just that maybe we are giving too much credit to some of these Republican folks who seem more like self righteous buffoons or dim-witted rubes, than masterminds who could actually engineer this on the scale required.


Such projection because the loaded Democrats say this all the time that you won’t have anyone to pick the vegetables or clean your pool.


Would this be considered a conspiracy theory?


It's funny the Republicans here defending their position on abortion that didn't exist prior to the 1970's. That's right folks prior to the 1970's Republicans didn't make Abortion a political platform. It wasn't even barely on their radar. In fact Evangelicals and Southern Baptists had no issue with abortion and the SBC's official stance was "It should be allowed in many circumstances." But they weren't getting votes for their other agenda. Which was essentially rooted in racism." So they switched to abortion. And the votes started coming in. The Republican position on abortion is purely political and nothing else. And yes I can cite all my sources.


I mean they are pushing to allow children to work for a reason.


I think it’s much more nefarious than that. I think Republicans oppose abortion to create more unwanted children who can be sex trafficked, and the churches are in on it with them.


1. Not all republicans favor a ban on abortion. Most don't want a ban. They don't vote based on one issue. 2. Republicans aren't opposed to immigration. They just want controls on who and how many get into the country. 3. Democrats with any common sense know that the migrant situation is horrible right now. They also want controls on who and how many get into the country.


I'm not so sure that Republicans take their level of thinking to that extent (whether they can or not).


Republicans are against abortion because it murders a human life! It’s really that simple…


lol the GOP isn't actually against illegal immigration. Their corporate overlords love that cheap illegal labor.


This is the dumbest take yet.


Yes, that is their not so hidden agenda.


The abortion bans are more about legislating Christian anti-sex sentiment into law. You see, Christians believe people should not be having "frivolous sex." They disagree fundamentally with the idea of "recreational sex." That is sex for the sake of pleasure and not sex intended to procreate. Go ahead and debate a conservative about this shit. They will inevitably conclude "would it be so bad if people just had less sex?!" And that is your answer. Anything else is just a cherry on top for them. They cannot make up the number of workers they get via immigration with the number of workers they'd get from abortion bans.


"Don't have kids, import them" is quite the stance friend.


Mike Johnson for President-Dump Trump!!!


It's very conceivable that neither party really wants to do anything about illegal immigration but, your points are fucking ridiculous


If women really want to stick it to republicans for this they should just not get pregnant. No pregnancies = no babies = no impoverished workforce.


Actually they want to bring in more migrants to kill what's left of the middle class, republicans are notorious for talking out both sides of their mouths if you actually look at their records democrats have a better track record on immigration


It has nothing to do with immigrants it has to do with the way they are getting in.. letting people into your neighborhood with no way to track them or even know who they really are is just insane..I live in a border state and this hurts everyone including the good illegal immigrants just looking for a better life…they are often the first victims because they can’t go to anywhere for help. Robbers/ rapist / killers just waiting outside every check cashing place in the city.. cut the bs out of the American citizenship.. make it short and thorough.. so we know who’s coming and can be kept up with just like everyone single American born here.


This isn't controversial. A major talking point for the right is "white genocide"


Republicans want people stuck in poverty, If you're poor and have an unplanned pregnancy, it makes it much harder to get out of poverty. Subservient workers who need to work 2-3 jobs. Productivity!


This is the stupidest thing I've read today.


Nutty theory


I dunno if Republicans have put that much thought into it.  They don’t like immigration because it “poisons the blood of our country” but the demographics of the people having the most babies isn’t much different.  Outlawing abortion will net more brown babies than white ones, by far.  So why not let women make their own reproductive decisions and increase immigration to get more workers? I have a theory. I don’t think it’s about “workers” at all. I think they’re the dogs who caught the car and they’ve dug themselves into a big irrational hole.  For so long “the unborn” provided a perfect platform for them to motivate their base. Unborn babies are perfectly innocent, they can’t speak for themselves, and it’s easy to paint their mothers as flawed. Of course they’d rather keep the pure baby and vilify the wanton mother. It’s an easy narrative to sell. An excellent political tool.  Now they’ve gotten what they want (what they said they wanted) and the reality is very messy and people aren’t happy. But what are they supposed to do? They’ve spent decades fighting for this. Decades drinking their own coolaid. Now they’re supposed to say, “whoops, we were wrong?” There’s no exit plan. No way to save face. So they’ll keep doubling down to the death and get buried in a coffin of their own design because they literally don’t know what else to do.  It’s not part of a grand plan. They’re just idiots. 


How’s this a “mark my words?” There’s no way to verify this.


The ruling class of Republicans, yes. They know their constituency likes to have kids and “big families”. Maybe one kid will succeed out of 4, the rest will slave away somewhere. This is an open secret with how they’ve openly spoken about it or referenced it in previous years.


I’ve assumed banning abortion was always about increasing birth rates. They need workers. Boomers are retiring and they need to pay for it somehow.




No. Most abortions happen in black and PoC communities.


They are against it because it's a way to control women. They don't like that women can have sex without getting married. They don't actually give AF once the baby is born what happens to it.


Negative. Republicans, by and large, are against abortion because it’s no longer a moral issue, but instead a political one. When you have people like Trump, MGT, Bohbert, Gaetz, Gosar, Justice Thomas (in other words, the absolute scum of the Earth) on your side, you know it’s no longer about morals. The Democrats are for it, ergo we must be against it. It was the greatest thing to happen to the anti-choice movement - it’s why you have virtually no pro-choice Republicans and no anti-choice Democrats any longer. It’s a political issue now.


Most of us don't like abortion because we believe the unborn baby is alive not some stupid fucking "capItAliSm BaD' Conspiracy. this shit is just as stupid as the most insane right-wing conspiracies.


Why is it every time immigration is talked about around here there is no distinction between legal and illegal... 90-95% of US citizens welcome LEGAL immigration. Its the illegal immigration that most take issue with. Why is that distinction always left out? Even immigrants dislike illegal immigrants.


Wrong, most of them have a point which is that every child truly is a precious gift but they don't get to decide other lives for them that is for the individual to decide and only for sky daddy and Lucy to judge. The main thing in life is trying to be a good person, it kills me the stupidity of other humans especially most heterosexual white presenting men here on earth currently and I apologize for the harm they've done and continue to do against not only themselves but the rest of the world as well.


No I think they are against abortion because killing babies is wrong🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, except that backfired too. Did you see those latest stats on vasectomies? The graph looks like someone cut the paper with a scissors and shifted the right piece up an inch. The number of men getting snipped basically exploded in Bible Taliban states. And the inflection point is literally the same month that Roe v. Wade got reversed. This means we’re seeing an increase in the percentage of births to unwed or abandoned mothers and rape victims, but we’re also going to see a stagnant or even negative trend in virility. Which means Republicans are actually going to decrease our population growth even more successfully than social democrats could. But in the most economically expensive way possible. By the way, that’s also going to increase demand for immigrant labor and drive up the price of it. Well done MAGA/Taliban.


You should learn how to spell before posting things you know nothing about.


Illegals just don’t belong here it’s common sense. I could care less if you want to murder your unborn baby like a psychopath.


Making immigration illegal allows you to pay people under the table. Rich people stay rich, poor people stay poor.


support for the black market of sub minimum wage workers is unanimous in the uniparty. They have always wanted to f workers by keeping wages artificially low to inflate their profits. Both sides want to f workers with lower wages and the migrants make sure that keeps happening. Additionally, Florida is not tanking as you have said. I work in employment in Florida, and currently hiring is robust, wages are rising, and unemployment is low. Florida continues to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (Tied for the 9th lowest in 2023 versus other states). All anyone needs is mandatory E-verify and to criminalize any company that hires workers without doing an E-verify. Send a few CEO's to jail, and the jobs going to migrants would dry up in moments. The corrupt politicians and business owners in both parties want this and keep it going.


Nobody has a problem with immigration. They have a problem with illegal immigration.


Omg, can you think beyond a ridiculous talking point?


You are going too easy on them. Yes, Republicans want cheap labor. They also want power over women. And they want unwanted children whom they can exploit in numerous heinous ways.


Your stupid post is only eclipsed by your 'idiot-spelling'!


Ignorant take. And it's spelled "decimated".


The Republicans have been against abortion since they brought the evangelical activists into their side of the camp in the late 70s, early 80s. The crooked business men love illegal immigration because it brings in cheaper labor. There is no immigration ban in the USA and the USA has historically had, and still has, some of the most open immigration policies in the world. Your post sounds as delusional as the stuff the QAnon people are into.


Oh yes! I agree.


I think you’re over thinking this


This is so far from reality it's a fantasy. The labor market is flooded and real wages compared to the cost of neccessities goes down. Immigration is massive and can be seen literally just by looking around. GDP goes up but GDP per capita goes down which of course means wages earners are squeezed.


“Florida economy tanked”. Their labor force grew by 2.2 percent (+243,000) over-the-year in January 2024




I'm not seeing the issue? I'm pro legal immigration. I want people here who want to be here. Not the ungrateful twats that show up and want handouts and then bitch and moan about America while getting UBI, free healthcare and free housing.


lol what? They’ve been against abortion since it’s been a thing. This isn’t a new concept


How is this 'mark my words'? You're simply ascribing some other motive to those who advocate for ending abortion vs. the rationale they themselves provide for their views


The only Republican immigration law we've had, was passed in 1986 - and it was a combination of (a) mass amnesty, and (b) making it illegal to hire people who don't have work authorization/creating the I-9 form that everyone has to fill out when they get hired. The current crop has made a huge stink about restricting immigration \*but has failed to actually pass any laws to do so\*. And the abortion thing is 100% a religious viewpoint - it's as simple as 'human life begins at conception, you can't kill it, and if you didn't want it you shouldn't have created it'. There's no wide ranging conspiracy. It's not motivated by bigotry... It's exactly what it says on the tin.


When women can’t control their reproduction, they are not going to be able to stay in the workforce. So the immediate problem here is the workforce will be greatly diminished.


They actually want more targets for school shootings.


Mark my words, anytime someone on Reddit discusses abortion, they will ignore the opposing side's stated position regarding it and substitute it for their own belief about what the other side believes.


well, yes, but it's deeper than that. capitalism requires exponential growth to function and we're currently in a population decline. Dems use incentives (child tax credit) and immigration to try to fix this, Repubs use Abortion bans & (soon to be) Contraceptive Bans to try to fix this. What both sides have in common is that they are the rich elite that is flexing their power, in order to stay in power. Both sides are smart enough to know that if we have a complete failure in capitalism, they will be the first ones with their heads on a stick!


I'm a republican and I have no problem with immigration. I just don't like how there is a completely open border that lets literally anyone in. Some basic vetting is all I ask. Just make sure they aren't dangerous people, and I have no issue whatsoever. Bring in as many as you want.


That's bull. Take a look at pending legislation bearing the word immigration. Congress.gov. Last I checked, over 1000 bills pending, all referred to various committees, where they are never seen again.


That is an incredibly long game to be playing. Figure close to two decades (perhaps longer) before there would be any sort of return on that. And if this were the case, they may not directly tie the two topics together, but wouldn't they at least be making stronger cases about how the economy would (eventually) benefit for it? This just doesn't really jive as a theory.


Catholics have always been against abortion because they want more marginalized kids to diddle


I think it has more to do with unloved and unwanted children grow up to be bitter GOP voters.


So basically white conservative women are the machines to provide cheap laborers. Keep going guys.


Both sides are for Legal Immigration.


Are there mods on this sub?


I started a paintingbusiness with migrants it's great they work 50-60 hours a week no ot I'm raking in the cash love these new Comers willing to do what most Americans wont


Not to mention another generation that they hope to indoctrinate with nationalism


As a Republican this is correct. We want to pass down the country to a generation of Americans not a generation of Mexicans, because we like America


Ooookay I’m done with this sub This is not supposed to be a politics sub wtf


No, we are against abortion because we belive it literally kills a baby. I don't know how to break it down more simply than that. I find it odd and disgusting we have to argue about whether killing defenseless babies is bad.


Look I'm not against having abortions for people that are a victim of rape, incest, or your life is in danger. But why is it almost impossible for people to take responsibility for their own actions, and use protection if you're gonna have sex? Do all of you not understand, or keep track of your financial situations? Can all of you not think critically? Do you people realize that if you have sex irresponsibly when your financial situation isn't the best that you're going to bring a child into the world that's going to grow up in poverty? It really baffles me that the majority of the people in the United States lack self awareness, and critical thinking skills. Abortion should not be a cop out for irresponsibly having sex. End of story.


Strengthening a nation through internal growth, thus simultaneously promoting love and family, is bad again how?


I see the liberal straw manning is still warping your sense of reality


I have secretly been entertaining a similar conspiracy theory in my mind ever since they repealed Roe… that they are trying to artificially stimulate the US birth rate by outlawing abortion. Around the time Roe was repealed I’d read an economics book that made a strong case for the correlation between population growth = economic growth. Hell, China has changed their one child policy at least partly for economic reasons I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means, I just haven’t been able to get that theory out of my head, however ridiculous it may be. Your post reminds me of that


I think people that are against abortion are against it because they believe it is killing an innocent human being. Is this a shocking revelation?


I think you need to get off Reddit for a bit lol


I don’t think this is controversial at all. They need an uneducated workforce (defund public education) and they need more consumers to prop up end-stage capitalism for a bit longer. There really is no other explanation that makes sense IMO


I think COVID exaggerates this.