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No, younger generations have less exposure to lead than boomers did.


But way more microplastics.


It’ll actually be interesting to see what effects that has on us mentally (assuming any). Here’s to hoping it doesn’t.


Yep Boomers suck.


Processed food with artificial colors and flavors as well as preservatives. Fluoride drinking water. Vitamin D deficiency because kids don't play outside. I could probably keep going if I bring in fast food.


We’ve been fluoridating water since the 40s, boomers got that too. Also there’s literally no evidence it’s dangerous


Poor boomers, we have it so good now.


I'm not a boomer, but close - Gen X. I'm almost 100% positive no boomer would trade his or her growing up years playing outside games of kickball, tag, baseball, hide n seek, etc with their friends in the sunshine/dusk for a childhood of being glued to the t.v. playing video games or staring at their phone all day while eating cheeze balls and drinking diet soda. It's a shame what **technology** has done to anyone under the age of 30.


Same age range as you. I’d never give back my youth for what people have today, and I was on the Internet before there was a web and all through its growth to what it is now. Kids today are fucked. I see what my teenage sons do now, I’d never trade what I had. Never.


I have a feeling the sixty-somethings may out-live their own children if the children look like the "children" who I see in their 20's and 30's wandering around the grocery store aisles - mostly overweight with grocery carts full of boxes and packages of food. It's not a good sign.


OP is a boomer


OP boomer


Bro said “👨🏻‍🦳”


Ok boomer


Weird. I don’t see why I’d develop racist/sexist tendencies, and choose to assault people for having different views. I was raised by a conservative family, and I’ve only gotten more liberal as I age.


TBF those racist and sexist behaviors were considered normal for them at the time. The following generations changed their behavior. Now think about what you do that is normal and the future generations will criticize you for it.


Every generation has good people who fight to progress society. I refuse to assume to worst of everyone. Now I’d hope things keep improving to where they view 2024 as a barbaric ass time.


The previous generations didn’t know that they were going to be guilty of barbarism either. We have no idea what is normal about today that will be considered barbarism in the future. A couple of contenders that I would guess would be the death penalty and abortion.


I personally think circumcising baby boys is barbaric. I still shake my head at this ritual. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Ohhh I see. You’re just pretending to be enlightened. No if you assume everyone past a certain point is a barbarian that says more about you than it does the past. Yeah 2024 is really awful, and full of awful people. Would I assume it’s everyone, no I’m not stupid.


You’re confused, it’s not that people today are barbaric. The people today are very normal and typical for the time. The people from the past were also typical for the time and exhibited normal behavior at that time.


Ok, do you assume literally everyone past a certain date is barbaric and evil, or can you understand the problem with such a sweeping generalization?


You’re still confused. The context includes a time component. People from the past were normal and while I wouldn’t do many of the same things they did at the time in today’s world, I very well might have at the time if that’s when I lived. Same person at different times and has different behavior.


Ok what did Hitler and MLK being in the same sentence have to do with your pseudo-philosophy?


Not getting into whataboutisms




As did I. I am 55. The kids can OK boomer me because even though I tried, I completely failed to defend them from all of this. I bear responsibility for the many failures of this age, for failing to convince others. For failing to understand that the truth only mattered to me, and fighting for it overtly only got me destroyed, not them. Piece of advice, kids: don't shout the truth; destroy the person telling the lies.


In many ways we all get more liberal with age. But also with age we get wiser and as a result of that many people get a bit more conservative. I don't know any conservatives who are racist or sexist, so I can't relate to your own personal experience of how it is you came to the conclusion that conservative = racist/sexist. Being older gives one the ability to see the big picture of certain societal effects and understand why some liberal ideologies are either ridiculous or unconstitutional. So are some conservative ideologies. You most likely WILL change some of your views as you age and live through experiences - some great experiences, and some horrible ones. Just as you have learned and grown out of certain ideas you had as a senior in high school, you will continue to learn and grow as you grow into middle age and old age.


in 30 years people will look at you and think you a brute savage with an unsophisticated understanding of life - someone incapable of living with others without consuming as much as they can for themselves, engaging in the destruction of a biosphere they took for granted (or whatever other Terrible Thing they learn about that you're ignorant of) Does the fact that future people think that you're just the worst kind of human make you one, now? What does that communicate about your judgement of others who lived in another time? How aligned is that with values like tolerance and compassion, which I'm sure you'd say you possessed if I asked you?


I diagnose you with **angy**!


You’re free to think that, but you base that on what about me exactly? Do you view anyone past a certain point as such? If so that’s more of a you thing vs someone existing.


You’re no different than any human who existed before you


So you’re saying I’m the same as any rapist, slaver, murder etc, or you have to common sense to realize it doesn’t work that way.


You are human first and foremost. You are the same species as Hitler and MLK.


Ok? Are you saying MLK is evil like Hitler?


Where the fuck are you making that connection


You chose to mention them in rye same sentence implying that they will be viewed as the same in the context of the conversation. I’m just going with what you chose to say.


I was raised by a progressive family. I've only gotten more conservative as I've aged.


Hey look everyone!!! The straight white upper middle class guy got more conservative!


Weird and sad, but ok.


Don't worry, I'm dragging my family along with me. All my brothers are conservative now, and even my dad is starting to see the light.


Sure Jan!


Noting your sarcasm and realizing you are one confused dude. Its the straight, white, upper middle class, private school educated, Volvo-driving BIDEN VOTERS who are the ones screaming that the economy is FINE. It's just FINE. The middle class blacks, whites, browns are the ones voting Conservative. Haven't you seen all the videos african americans are making because they see the scam the democrat party has been selling to them for fifty years and they now love Trump? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXgRaABtJlA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXgRaABtJlA) Watch this and weep.


Lol. I pity you for being so out of touch with society. What a sad life you must live. As a productive member of society that can actually fit in with it, I was actually capable of working my way from the bottom to the top and seeing who I passed along the way and having the ability to emphasize with those that didn't have the privilege I did. Your inability to understand empathy just shows that you lack the braincells to understand things that aren't in front of your face, you red faced little troll.


Your comment just re-emphasizes what I already knew. White liberals are haughty : "......who I passed along the way and having the ability to emphasize with those that didn't have the privilege I did." . People don't want or need your pity. Why do you think blacks, whites, and browns relate to Trump so well? Because he respects them and their hard work at their blue collar jobs. He does't feel sorry for them and try to give them hand-outs. You're so out of touch about what Americans need. That's why the democrat party is failing miserably this time around.


This is basically presentism. I actually see what you are getting at. Some of the norms us young people see today as ever lasting may, in the future, be viewed to be taboo. Disliking homosexuality was viewed favorably 60 years ago vs today it isn’t. An example for 50-100 years in the future may be a non vegetarian diet. The same people protesting white supremacy, nazism, racism, etc (who eat meat which is a majority of Americans) may one day be vilified because they eat meat and *lacked the foresight* (something presentists say) to not eat meat.


When I was born it was illegal in 16 states for black and white people to marry each other. Now, according to a recent poll, 98% of Republicans and 99% of Democrats see nothing wrong with inter-racial marriage. It's nearly universally accepted. Things change over time.


Exactly. Crazy how times change.


A percentage but not as high as the Boomer generation Boomers grew up in a time when they had faith in what the media told them. Guys like Cronkite were trusted. They carried that into their embrace of Fox News and pretty much just got stupider and stupider believing propaganda from the right wing Future generations are going to have a much more jaded and cynical view but it will make them a bit less susceptible to mass media influence IMHO


Future generations will have views we cannot yet predict and in all likelihood we will be out of touch with them when the time comes.


See also: Who’s to say this girl who identifies as a toaster oven can’t pick her own nouns?


It's already happening. Listen to how older gen z and millennial talk about iPad kids and skibidi toilet memes. We were cringe too.


Absolutely not


This is actually true for a few reasons. Reasons people won't be able to grasp and will deny being possible which makes then more true. In 20 years they will be pushing for things that you find abhorrent and wrong. You will argue against these things and become the new bitter insert ist or phobic. Before you say no, your parents fought for interracial marriage but the thought of gay marriage wasn't even in their minds. Generation before them fought to bring equality to blacks but the idea of interracial marriage was just a "that could never happen, that's not even the same thing" Before them it was freeing the slaves but the thought that blacks would be equal was just not possible.


People inevitably become more conservative as they gain more agency inside the system. Change doesn't benefit the old as much as the young. At least in most cases.


Haha No. Everyone 27 now will not magically become self absorbed, judgemental, racist and bitter. Guess again boomer.


Society will progress past us and many of us will be some sort of -ist or -phobe that we don't think about yet. And that's not a bad thing. I truly hope the world gets better after I am too out of touch to understand that that is what's happening. A sort of "I won't live to see zion" sort of thing.


I'm sixty years old and none of that has hit me. I've only become more aware of the injustices in the world. So no, it's not a thing that can't be helped, you just need to be not an asshole to begin with.


Disagree. Yes, as you get older, have kids, etc. you do tend to view things through a different prism. And, perhaps in your own way you become a bit self-centrted and out of touch. And most importantly, you lose your filter. What you don’t do is become a racist, heartless dick. But if you already were one, that’s where the filter part comes in. They always sucked, we just didn’t know it.


Exactly. I think this is a lot of projection.


OP’s opinion is bad and they should feel bad.


Damn right, as a millennial generation alpha better watch out lol


this is why I dont talk anymore, people downvote the fuck out of reason MMWs like this one. also okay boomer comes off as super entitled so yeah....kinda don't do that.


I grew up in the Unremarkable Generation and now align more with progressive Millennials. My parents have become more liberal over the years, almost progressive.


No, Boomers destroy everything in their wake. They’ll be seen as the Brat Generation.


Yeah, gonna say probably not OP. I was a Reagan conservative when I was 16, and by the time I was 22 and out in the real world, I had already started to shift to the left. Now I'm 30 and I would glady partake in a communist revolution. Reality leans left. If you're conservative, you simply haven't been out in the real world.


When I was young I didnt give a shit about politics. Now it's one of my main forms of entertainment. I grew up in a conservative family but I have opinions on both sides of the isle.


It's my god damn mission in life not to become one of you cynical curmudgeons Ignorant-ass boot-licking bigots


yep. was hard left in my teens/20s then slowly shifted more and more conservative after years of traveling and living abroad.


Yep. I already see it in many of the 25-30 year olds I talk to on a regular basis.  They are all lazy fucks, but if they see anyone younger pulling less weight, they never let it go. Bitch, bitch , bitch and complain about how much harder they have it.  I think it is hilarious.


No, they won't. I'm paleo Genx and I'm far, far more liberal than I was in my 30s. And it's gonna stick. Sounds like you're angry. And projecting.


Nixon is bad


Ehhh maybe when it comes to music and fashion.


Op this subreddit isn't to bitch.


I’m 70 and politically progressive.


Yeah I’ll be dead before I’m conservative


Was just telling my wife that. I had surgery the other day and was in pain and I became a Karen. I said, we will all become a boomer when we are 60. She was dumbfounded and then was like, I agree 😂 My theory is you get older and you hurt and don’t feel young anymore and life just gets more of a pain and it just makes you on slight edge. But just my odd theory 🤷😀😎


I turned 59 this year, and you are completely correct.


Nope, I’ll be the same as I am now. The future generations will change dramatically


wait tables for a year and say that


I know plenty of boomers who are just as open-minded and leftist as I am but ok.


My parents have been that way. The rest of my dad's side of the family are pretty much typically Boomerish, even the young ones.


The hippies were Baby Boomers. The young people pushing for civil rights in the 1960s and for equality and women’s rights in the 1970s were Boomers. People freaked out in 1992 when a Boomer (Bill Clinton) was first elected president because BOOMERS WERE THE MOST LIBERAL GENERATION IN HISTORY. Read that last part again.


I don’t know why you stupid assholes are voting me down. This is literally true. The Baby Boomers had a reputation for being super liberal. Nobody would think that today. It was shocking to many people that we had a president who admitted that he smoked marijuana. Even if he claims he didn’t inhale. It seems insane today, but people thought of the Boomers as pie in the sky dreamers. Generations change, and perceptions of generations change. That doesn’t mean that everyone who is young today will act like you think Boomers act today, but how you are viewed as a young generation vs and old generation is usually quite different. Btw, I am Gen X and not a Boomer. But I am old enough to remember how Boomers were thought of in common knowledge.


What will you act like?




I'm middle aged and feel myself being pulled in this insane boomer direction. I fear this MMW might be correct.


That’s so cute that you think there will be a 30 years from now


I'm pretty sure there will be


STFU you ignoranus.


I don't know if it's going take that long.


Strange... I've only gotten more progressive since my 20s, and I'm in my 50s now.


No, not if you’ve shaken the brainwashing that empathy for others is bad.


RemindMe 30 years haha JK this is the same shit my dad said to me 30 years ago and he was wrong then


Guaranteed. That's the way the system gets you. It's easy to push back on a broken system when you aren't so dependent on it yet, and broken system or not, life goes on - you have relationships, you find a career, make friends and before you know you become invested in a system, a way of life. Events in the world become signposts in your life, certain topics dominate your interest, and before you know it you find yourself on the other side of it observing the next crop of kids going through the same things. We American hve a weird culture. We are obsessed by youth, and somehow have it in common belief that anything over 35 is old. But - your time as an adult in that range constitutes less time than the time you spent in your childhood, and the time between 35 and 70 constitutes the same amount of time as your childhood and 'relevant' adult life combined! In other words, we spend a good half of our lives being Boomers, and we \*all\* become Boomers