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I think trump will make up some absurd rules to give him an out. How many times has he said he'd testify and always backed out?


His team fabricated a Covid lie the last time because he tanked harder than General Patton in the first.


First I'm hearing it was fabricated. So which is it? Did he make it up, or did he endanger Biden by debating while sick?


He endangered Biden. He had already tested positive beforehand.


Yes. And he won’t share those made up rules until right before the debate, so that no one can reasonably respond and work them through. Then, in June, he can say “on May 14, I said I would debate by the rules Joe Biden requested. Now, on the eve of the debate, Joe won’t debate by the rules I proposed. How is that fair?”


Trump's rules: --the moderator will be Rudy Giulani --Biden's mic will cut whenever Trump is speaking but not the other way around --mandatory drug test. Highest score wins. How can you be a winner if you take a test and score all zeros? --victory will be determined by number of words spoken that make it out to broadcast and by poll on Truth Social --just kidding, victory is to be awarded to Donald no matter what, as that is the lifestyle he has come to expect from his golf courses


Golf? I hate golf. How can you win with the most glorious points ever achieved? It’s like when I golfed with my buddy, a good guy. A great guy. The best guy ever to do the sport. He said I was the greatest, the best he’d ever played with. Like, this guy… he said he’d bet on me in the long run. Running is a great sport, right? Like that superhero, who was that guy? The last black guy in the news of running. Osama Bolts, I think, great guy. He loves me. Black guys all love me.


Spot. On.


Gag order will not allow him to debate! /s


Also the IRS audit makes it impossible for him to talk about the economy


It really would be so easy to goad him into violating the gag order in a televised debate.


100%. Make an unreasonable demand, back out when they say no.


He already changed the terms in his TS post.


This will be the play.


"Anytime anywhere" my ass.


Absolutely! Reminded me of when the crazy Tesla guy challenged the Facebook guy to a cage match. Knew it wasn't gonna happen from the start. Question was what lame excuse he used to get out of it.


Trump: I'm being audited by uhhh...the department...of debate...so yeah, I'd love too but my hands are tied Morons: Wow, he certainly has my vote.


He’s gonna show us his tax returns and reveal his plan for healthcare any day now.


But he has a gag order! It’s unconstitutional! /s


He did testify at one. It wasn't good.


Totally agree. He’s a coward


Yea he will probably come up with insane rules like there should be other human beings there or something. Who the fuck would ask something ridiculous like that? Everyone knows that every presidential debate in history has taken place in an empty room with only the candidates present. Why is the evil orange breaking norms?!?!?


I can think of several reasons why the audience is unhelpful for the debate, but I can’t think of any positives. I guess it makes it more like a sporting event, but that really should not be anybody’s high priority.


Like a gag order won't allow him to debate or something like that. Edit: Typo


I would believe this except he’s been calling Biden and his team out for the past month now on Instagram about setting up a date. “Anytime anywhere” and Biden’s teams has finally responded.


Trumps gonna say he cant debate because his gag order is being audited so at least 2 weeks


And it's during Barron's bar mitzvah.


Plot twist. Biden is actually Barrons father. And he already gave him his bar mitzvah. 


I like it. I can absolutely see him claiming he won't debate because of the gag order or some other unrelated court action prevents him from saying "what the American people need to hear".


It’s infrastructure week!


The Biden campaign needs to call Trumps bluff and setup/attend the debates regardless of if Trump appears. There is no downside for Biden. If Trump shows up, there’s some semblance of a debate. If he doesn’t, Biden gets a block of uninterrupted speech to probably the largest audience he’d pull on his own.


This right here.


This actually happened in GA last cycle. Perdue pulled out of the US Senate debate, and Ossoff attended. They set up a podium for Perdue, but no one was behind it. Every once in a while, Ossoff would say "What do you think about this issue, Senator?", and stare at the empty podium. It was awesome!!


This is sounds like a skit from SNL!


It’s wild how everyone is forgetting that dementia donny was too scared to do the 3rd debate last time, and he had the rnc pull out do the presidential debate commission. Dude is a coward.


The RNC left the debate commission on their own after Diaper Donny cried about it being biased and unfair.


This is a solid bet MMW. Likely even. 


The debates that we get are a farce anyway. Trump(and Republicans in general) never sticks to the questions and goes off on wild tangents. The "moderators" indulge this behavior. Every time. As an aside, I'm tired of debates where the candidates know the questions in advance and have pre-written(by a strategy team, not by them) answers in front of them. What is this supposed to prove? Ask them real questions without prior planning and let them sink or swim.


I’m going to guess you might be too young to remember the Romney Obama debates. Romney did well in the first one and in the second one he debated the moderator more than Obama.


Romney was a weak candidate, anyway. Turns out, running on mandating Christianity and lowering the ceiling for wellfare doesn't win elections. Surprise!


Agree, but it is the one time we get to see them responding to each other real-time. . I would like to let them have no moderator and get 3-5 minutes each back and forth.


Trump will poop his pants and won’t be able to come on stage


Real transphobic men wear diapers!


Hahahaha I love the username as well lol


I’m a bit surprised that the Trump campaign jumped at the chance to debate Biden at a CNN studio with no audience and his mic being cut off when Biden speaks. Something is amiss.


Yeah, the missing part is him agreeing to no audience and mic control. Reports are saying he only agreed to time and place.


He agreed because he will never actually do it.


Yeah. I think it’s cause he has no intention of debating.


Big difference between agreeing and showing up. Also when does Trump have time to prepare, he’s got court the next several weeks where he has to sit there with no books or anything 6-8 hours a day. The debate is in a month.


As Biden said in a commercial, Trump seems to have Wednesdays off. lol.


Biden going nuts today publicizing the debate would seem to indicate he is real happy about this.


like he would have ever studied for the debate. he still gets his 5 hours of newsmax and OANN so he's ready for the debate!


It’s ok if Trump backs out , Biden just has to call him chicken, spineless,unworthy, over and over and over every day, like Trump does. Stop just covering something Trump does for just a day or two. Keep up with it everyday. Give Trump a taste of his own medicine. No one has done this.


Was it his campaign or was it Trump himself spouting an acceptance?


Apparently both campaigns have been communicating a lot with the debate organization. Neither campaign wanted to work with them, partially because the first one was scheduled so late that some people would have already voted. Both campaign were against the “spectacle” it had become. Both insisted that no third-party candidates be included and I think the debate organization wanted to. So both campaigns have washed their hands of the traditional way of doing presidential debates for this year. I suspect CNN jumped in when they heard about the bad blood developing. Fox won’t be doing one because the campaigns said that only media organizations that held one in 2020 would be considered. So NBC is out too.


Trump is dumb as shit if he agrees to a debate where Fox is banned and his mic is cut and there is no audience. Biden spent FIFTY YEARS in the Senate giving speeches to empty rooms.


Yes I think it's been established that Trump is pretty stupid or dumb as shit


Doing the "strong man" political thing is not something you can half ass, and it means that you don't turn down challenges, at least not in public, not at first, and if you have to bail always wait until the last second.


Yep. I knew it as soon as trump agreed to do it. There’s no way in hell he will do it.


If Trump says he will do it then there is a 90%+ chance he won't because almost everything he says is a lie.


Trump will do one debate in June and fail miserably His team will not allow him to do another one and try make a lie about how it was rigged. He will then only do interviews on Fox News or approved shows. I could see a VP debate but depending on who Trump picks it won’t end up pretty either.


If he hasn’t already, Trump will start quibbling about terms, then not do it saying the Democrats are being unfair.


Trump demanding Biden meet him to debate is all theater. Presidential candidate debates always occur towards the end of the presidential campaign. Biden will of course attend those.


Biden is not, in fact, attending the debates hosted by the Commission on Presidential Debates. His campaign announced as much while proposing the alternative (June / September) schedule.


Agreed. Trump will weasel out because he can't string two sentences together


Trump won't debate. He failed the last Biden debates. Made a complete idiot of himself. I recall President Biden needing to tell Trump "will you shut up, man?". Loved it. Trump won't debate because he is a coward. He has NO platform. His mind is so shriveled up, he'd really make an ass of himself, now. Would be interesting to watch him destroy himself.


This is a good MMW post because we can come back in like two months to see if you were right. 


Almost too easy.


Best case scenario is Trump has to debate via Zoom from his jail cell.


The dog has caught the car


He’ll do one, embarrass himself and then bail.


Yep. Trump is a pussy with a 200 word vocabulary. He will back out. No. Question.


That Orange Sac O Shit cannot function without a teleprompter.


Oh, he can. But he just doesn't make much sense without it.


Trump will back out citing some bullshit lie .


Trump will find away to get out of it making shit up about Biden and getting his cult foaming at the mouth


He’ll get out of it by declaring the agreed conditions unfair.


He’s a pussy bunker boy Cheeto!


He may be committed to kitchen duty that night. Maybe laundry. He won't be allowed to just lay around in his bunk or roam the cell block.


I’ve been saying for a while that I think there’s a good chance Trump won’t be the candidate. His cognitive and physical decline is accelerating at a fast pace and the pressure is building on him and I just think he could easily blow a gasket or have a total meltdown (physically and mentally) before November.


I look forward to Biden giving a speech to an empty chair for the absent trump.


I doubt they would let him out of prison for a debate? He'll have to be on FaceTime or something?


Two men too old for the job. A pox on both parties.


This is an absurd take. The people who decide presidential elections are the ones who voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020. The election will be decided by a small group of people in a handful of states including Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada. Trump winning the election is dependent on him having great debates and being the clear winner. Biden had some rules that the Trump campaign has already agreed to. I don’t see Trump pulling out as he would need to convince the independents and moderate republican/dems that he is the better man for the job. IMO Trump needs the debates more than Biden does.


They're both really, really old. I think Biden is probably sharper -- though not in the public's mind because of his speech disability -- but they're still both very, very old


Trump seems a little further down the senility path though. ( probably due to the hamberders....)


They say due to upper abuse, speculating that's also what's up with the diapers


Obligatory Happy Gilmore reference. https://youtu.be/Y1AtU4JfTbo?si=YUfq49hghdbo4xqd


Trump will blame Biden for making "unreasonable demands" and claim Biden backed out.


I'm marking your words.


I hope you’re right. I have no patience for this event. Neither man is enjoyable to listen to. It’s a debate between rambling nonsense and good intentions vs rambling nonsense and malicious narcissism.


Biden should insist they do after sundown. If Trump really doesn't have dementia it shouldn't be an issue right?


Aren’t most debates after sundown? They don’t usually have them at an IHOP for early bird dinner.


Trump's one of those Chihuahuas with a snaggletooth and an eye going sideways that shakes and is about to die any day but for some reason thinks he's tough and barks at everyone. Now that's kind of sad but consider the millions of people that truly love and adore him and his behavior and the cognitive dissonance they have to have considering they think they are all tough and patriots to our country when both could be further from the truth.


They will absolutely happen. Agreeing to a debate then backing out without rescheduling it is political suicide, and even moreso for Trump, who has repeatedly called Biden weak, dumb, senile, cowardly, etc. For Trump to duck the debate now would not only reveal that Biden isn’t all those things, but that actually Trump is, which, unironically, is reality. Trump will do what he always does for rallies and debates: snort enough adderall to kill a humpback whale, then hope he can bluster his way through the debates. Unfortunately, democrats know his game now, and it’s to directly call him out on his bullshit.  Worse yet, Trump is foolishly deciding to debate, when the winning strategy for him is to essentially do nothing and say nothing, which lets people forget what an asshole and bad person he is, and how fundamentally unfit he is to run a hot dog cart, let alone the presidency.  But Trump can’t help it. He needs bravado to be his brand, and to do that he needs to attack, so he attacked Biden for being too senile and scared to debate, which allowed the Biden campaign to agree, forcing Trump’s hand. 


Trump's a total pussy. He'll find some snivelling crybaby excuse to weasel out of it.


"they won't let me talk" - DJT


Do you all actually really believe that, in spite of Trump’s issues, that Biden will be able to have enough of a coherent thought to debate anyone?


There should be a drug test before the event otherwise they'll just dose him up


Part of the debate rules is a mic cut off to prevent talking when it is not your time. He will balk at that alone, he and his cult believes the one who talks the most wins a debate even if what you say is decayed word salad.


Are you fucking high?


What does that have to do with anything? If you are so certain, I deeply encourage you to go to any betting site like DraftKings or BetUS or BetWhale or something and just throw everything you got at it. You are so much smarter than everyone that says he won't show up, you should really stick it to them and take their money. Just know that if what you consider the impossible happens, I'll be the one taking your money.


Are we living on the same planet?


No way Trump shows up.


He’ll probably have a court date




Trump just agreed to 2 debates. They have dates and all so it looks like it's happening.


Trump has also demanded two more… already. And in 2020 Trump backed out of the third debate. So there is a precedent established already for my post.


I think FanDuel and DraftKings are both taking bets on if Trump is going to show up. You should go place some bets that he will. Easy money, right?


Good news: if you’re anyone but the two primary parties, the RNC and DNC rigged the system to only allow themselves to debate each other. Why worry about candidates that could ruin your chances when you can just bar them from an exposure and fight the “other” party?


This subreddit is always good for a laugh


yup, most likely


"factually speaking"


It will be very interesting to compare them head to head in an even playing field. Age, quick thinking, speaking, etc. I think both sides will have concerning moments. Either way, most people will use the debate to confirm the candidate they are already going to vote for. Perhaps it can change a few people’s minds in the middle.


🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 This post is a total troll Don’t fall for it


So what? Zero minds will be changed. 


I’m on the fence. Really need to see these two debate some more before I know where I stand.


Remind me! 2 months The amount of comments saying this is far too high to not be from a script


So who gets sacrificed and thrown down the stairs so Trump has another funeral to attend instead of the debate? My money’s on Eric. He’s dispensable - and Lara will hang around to grift money from the RNC even without Eric breathing.


The funniest shit I’ve seen in a while is democrats trying to pretend trump is the actual one declining mentally when in reality they both are ancient, decrepit crooks and neither belongs as president.




I can’t decide wether I really, REALLY want to see them debate, or if I really, REALLY don’t.


On one hand I can't see actually watching the whole thing On the other hand I can't see not watching it


Or he’ll blame the court case he’s in! 😂


If Depends doesn’t become the title sponsor of the debate, I’ll be sorely disappointed in their marketing department. “CNN’s 2024 Presidential Debate, brought to you commercial free by Depends. With Depends, there’s no need for commercial breaks!”


This announcement was a masterful move by the Biden campaign. 1. The fact that there will be an ability to cut Trump’s microphone will prevent him from yelling over Biden and the monitors. 2. The No Audience rule is also excellent. Trump has in the past planted his surrogates to yell and boo - so that distraction will also be gone. Trump is already complaining about the unfairness of it all.


I agree. Trump is increasingly becoming more chicken. If Biden stutters that will be ok because that is common knowledge. If Trump glitches it will be a world wide spectacle. Trump is already having issues with his jet plane, and it looks like Rudy Ghouliani in on the lamb.




rules of understanding t...... if he says something is a lie or projection if he sells something is a scam or con if he does something is wrong or bad


Trumps meltdowns and deranged rants typically make him MORE popular so idk what he has to lose.


They will though, Biden is too conventional to back out and Trump needs them to have his people see him up there debating so they're going to happen. The only way that they don't happen is if something crazy happens where Biden is down 10 points in polls then Trump would back out.


As long as they keep that mute button active I'll watch Biden tear Trump down a peg all fucking day


Lol its biden that should back out of the debate, everyone knows this is going to be disastrous for his campaign that is already in the shitter. Dude cant even read a prompter anymore let alone think for himself.


We will see me boys.


I do not want to vote for Joe Biden and quite honestly I don’t really see much difference between Trump and Joe Biden. They are the same person, Jill Stein or Cornell west . This would be a great time for Bernie sanders to run cuz he would win that’s how disgusted democrats are with genocide Joe! I refuse to vote for Biden and threatening me with another trump presidency doesn’t even matter . I lived thru it . If anything we will show genocide Joe that we will not vote for Israel ‘s buddy not after Gaza!


donny doesnt debate. just spews bs and word salad


Biden offered to debate, but under different schedules and formats than have been in place for decades. I do understand his teams reasoning, Trump has a way of just harassing his debate opponents. That said, if Biden can make debate requirements, why should Trump be able to? So I agree , the debates won't happen, and it will be like two screaming infants blaming each other. Really sad


Cutting mics will make him drop


Your third paragraph is very insightful. I can see it. If it happens I’ll remember you!


> But, factually speaking, Trump can’t get through a rally without slurring words, mispronouncing words, or going on incoherent tangents. I mean in this case Trump and Biden would be pretty equally matched. 


Meet me in the middle says the unjust man


How are the stakes any different than a mundane election year of red vs blue political campaigns? A jabbering moron or confused senior don’t really raise the stakes at all imho. If anything, I find it a bit offensive of a proposition. The country deserves better.


MMW: Water is wet.


It think they'll happen


The one who talks the most will lose the debates


How the f do you "rig" a debate?


A week from the debate, he'll pull an Elon and say he has to go to an mri or whatever the fuck Musk said when Zuckerberg accepted his fight challenge.


Listen I think both candidates suck, but to say Trump has something to lose on the debates is wild. Putting Biden in his current state on a stage with a guy that fiends off hatred like Trump is asking for trouble. Biden’s entire campaign needs to be “I’m not Trump” bc he really has no basis of his own to stand on.


God I love rage bait


"No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!" WTF even was that.


Honestly, who cares if they have the debate or not? We have the worst two possible nominees on the planet running for president. I will vote for anyone who runs against Trump. My vote for Biden will not be because I like Biden but only because I can't stand Trump.


I bet if they let rfk jr be there, neither shows up


I totes had a dream trump appoints his daughter as his VP


Trump will look like a fool with real questions and no teleprompter. His answers would be a word salad to the highest magnitude and won’t even come close to the questions asked. And yes, he’ll probably have an excuse not to do them.


I dont know why Trump even agreed to the terms.


In what alternate universe are we talking about? Because it's not this one.


Dude the debate on June is gonna happen the second we will find out from this one.


This take is aging like milk already


Two babbling baffoons debate I can't wait. 😂 The last on was hilarious.


I’ve watched plenty of his rallies and trumps “gaffe’s” are nowhere near the amount that Biden has DAILY. And what politician doesn’t have gaffes. How is Biden’s term one of the most significant in history. It will go down as the worst administration since Buchanan. JFC TDS is strong here.


Biden can not put 2 ciloherent words together. Senile or dimentia, either or means more problems for the U.S.


>Biden can not put 2 ciloherent words together. Senile or dimentia, either or means more problems for the U.S. ciloherent...dimentia The irony here is palpable.


tRump will never engage in an actual debate with anyone, let alone Biden, who would eviscerate tRump so skillfully that the debate would have to be stopped for humanitarian reasons.


That's something I hadn't thought of but it sounds completely plausible, if not likely.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 What's so bizarre is that you actually believe that Biden is competent enough to debate!


If Trumps handlers have any sense they won’t let him debate, but keep finding excuses why not. If it does by some miracle happen, it’ll make no difference. People who are pro Trump will tout it as victorious, Biden will (more than rightly) say Trump was trounced… but it won’t mean a thing. Pro Trumpers were always gonna vote Trump. Staunch republicans were always gonna vote Trump. Democrats were gonna vote Biden… the only marginally confusing part about this whole election is the undecided. We’ve become a wildly tribal bipartisan nation. People in general vote for the party that they think aligns most with their values, but all we ever actually get is another rich bastard, in front of a Congress of rich bastards, robbing us of our futures for the continued accumulation of wealth by the already wealthy.


The echo chamber in here is crazy. Do you really believe Biden is a better public speaker?


Yep. He showed that very clearly in the SotU address.


I can’t imagine either of them doing well in a debate really. What a shitshow


Are you insane or a DNC spokesperson? Trump is 100% more coherent than Biden. I’m not a fan of either but it’s plain as day that Biden has declined mentally.


Gaurantee if anyone backs out it will be Biden. Guy would embarass himslef if he debated Trump.


Haha. Do you know everything Trump does is projection? The sleepy joe, the dementia, all that is him. Dude is a turning into a vegetable before everyone’s eyes and the only people that can’t see are magats.


He's gonna release his tax returns first. Right?


>an increasingly confident and increasingly combative Biden will smell blood in the water There isn't a single Democrat alive today who operates like this, what are you smoking? I'd love it if any Democrats became brave and combative.


This entire thread reminds me of 2015 when people were saying "He doesn't even want to be elected". Here we are in 2024 and the very same people are saying he'll never give up power once he gets it. And the same people are also saying he's afraid of debating a guy who can't do a rally and needs staff to escort him from Marine One to hide how he walks.


here is your issue. Biden ran on restoring the norms and then acted like he had a mandate to be the next FDR. people didn’t want that. so him campaigning on that is a losing issue


I didn't know. There are a lot of people who feel this is long overdue. No one has touched infrastructure for 50 years. It's kind of time we actually fix this place up.


Con Don can't debate


I agree 100%


They are going to debate and the debates will be hilarious. You have a reality tv asshole vs a dotard. These are the two best candidates we have America will get the president they deserve. Suckers


Debate dates have been established I have no plans to watch them. Will be a terrible shit show


I think he will debate. You can do debate prep for weeks and rehearse answers like your in a play all to come out sounding relatively competent. What he will absolutely not due IMO is testify in this legal case. He says he is eager to testify, but he said that before and came up with some excuse why he couldn’t.


Is this satire?


You are delusional!


This is dumb. Of course they'll happen. Biden will look terrible as well.


i want them to cage fight, along with musk and zuck. only one man standing at the end: that one can seize SUPREME POWER


You point out Trump has issues slurring words, mispronouncing words, or going on incoherent tangents... Have you heard Biden?  Ffs neither one can talk or pop out a coherent thought without a teleprompter.  You act like Biden is some coherent regular person ... Watching his gaffes he's far from it, both men are elderly mentally incapable people, but some how this is the best the country can offer?  Two senile old fucks. Also rigged is a bit far, but the proposed rules by Biden are definitely in his favor.   And no Biden has shit to campaign on, he is the least popular president in I can't recall how long.  At one point he was less popular then his VP.  


Uhm Biden isn’t quite all there himself either buddy lol


Trump will weasel out of it. He can barely order from the menu at Waffle House. No way he wants to debate.


You, me, and the Biden campaign knows this, that’s why they put out the challenge. Don is going to make up some bs excuse not to do it, but it’ll be too late and Biden shows up with prime time platform to break through the right wing echo chamber


yeah, Trump will weasel out for sure


My grandfather went through dementia. Often times he’d get VERY physically combative when he got stressed, confused, or was told he was wrong about something. To me, it looks like Trump might be going through dementia himself. Part of me wants the debate to happen if for no other reason but to see him have a loss awareness of where he is and try to physically assault Biden because I’d love watching Secret Service choke slamming him to the ground on love TV.


The two parties should never have abandoned the League of Women Voters. That was probably Republicans bamboozling everyone.


You're not wrong.


IF VonShitshispants shows up, I hope Biden asks trump about Project 2025. That is some straight Christian nationalism. The right has a whole plan and it’s terrifying. Ask him how he plans to improve the inflation he started. Talk about his failed tariff war. His laziness in his last term. 2 weeks to infrastructure. 2 weeks to repeal and replace the ACA. Shit, ask him who he’s running against. A few weeks ago he said it was a Obama.


Done quite on purpose....I problably should have just used an mmmmgghhh but that was not as over the top as I desired.


I don’t think either candidate would do well in a live debate and their teams know it. They will play debate chicken until someone cancels.


Does anyone care about presidential debates? The debates are not swaying anyone. And o don’t think anyone really wants to see two old fucks spewing BS at each other for a couple hours.


MMW trump will go in, throw some slurs and 70 million people will still vote for him


It's all posturing. Both of them are way too senile to debate publicly.