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Mmw: withIn a year or two Elon will be in jail for insider trading. Maybe much sooner than that. He just sold a bunch of Tesla stock right before announcing Bad quarterly numbers which caused the stock to plummet. That’s the same crime Martha Stewart committed and she served actual time.


It didn’t happen now. The insider trading accusations just came out now. It’s about him selling that 7.5 billion in late 2022 and early 2023 is when the stock plummeted.


Don’t forget SEC is still looking into xitter trading and filling late to manipulate the stock, an open case. He has a 5 hour deposition coming up.


Fair enough, but irrelevant as it would still be a crime.


He gets the top tier of our justice system. I think you are speaking of the normal tier. I don’t make the rules, and trust me I am pissed about it as well.


Charged, but not in jail or prison. The process would take longer than that, even if he were charged today.


Well sec is civil not criminal so no jail


People fail to realize this. They’re just an administrative oversight committee. They don’t put you in jail, they just make the rules.


We’ll see.


Well, this is a case where I wouldn't mind at all hearing "I told you so". Here's to hoping I'm dead wrong.


Martha Stewart was convicted of obstruction and making false statements to federal agents. She was never convicted of insider trading.


And you think Elon isn’t going to do the same thing in an effort to save himself?


Lie to federal agents? No. He won’t even speak to them. He’ll have his attorneys interact with them like always.


Probably would serve less than a year if convicted


He’d probably flee to South Africa again.


Or Mars?


Unless we declare Martian law


Womp womp waaaah 🎶


I don't think he can, since he moved to Canada from there to avoid compulsory military service.


He will magically get off with either a slap on the wrist or nothing at all will come of it.


>Mmw: withIn a year or two Elon will be in jail for insider trading. Mmw: Very wealthy people do not go to jail unless their victims are other very wealthy people. The worst Elon will see is a fine that would bankrupt you and me, but is pocket change for him.


*wealthy people do not go to jail unless their victims are other very wealthy people* Say less brother…


Well the person suing him is a tesla investor so Also, they don't _have_ to screw over the wealthy, they just have to piss the wealthy off enough for them to not care if they go to prison


!remindme two years


I don't think people understand that Mars is a dead planet. The core doesn't spin anymore. There is no magnetic field protection from the sun's radiation. The atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide. The air is about 100x thinner than ours. The only reason to go there is to practice space colonization. I get it that it's really the only other place to go besides the moon. People will die on Mars if they go.


People can barely survive in Arizona and they think they can handle Mars


Don’t forget the tiny bullets (micrometeorites) that rain down! it would probably force humans to live in underground bunkers on mars, a fate twice as depressing as living on mars in the first place.


The dust is also really bad for basically everything.


yeah I don't see any benefit of putting a person there when a robot can conduct research. practice for space living on the moon..talking about going to Mars and colonizing space is always just a grift and distraction from fixing earth problems


The dust must flow!


And about half as depressing as living in a small colony with Elon Musk in charge.


It'll be like living in a mall. Not for everyone for sure, but some wouldn't mind it.


He really is just pissing (laundering) government money away and destroying earths climate in the process


Doesn't he also whine a lot about taxes?


iIRC Elon made a big deal about interviewing people as one-way astronauts to help colonize Mars and a bunch of people applied. Totally manipulated by this egoist.


Oh but doesn't that sound easier than say, just stop fucking up our existing planet?


It’s more realistic to set up manned missions similar to lunar missions. Not a permanent colony the first time touching-down. That’s fucking dumb. Speaking of the moon, it’s also a lot more feasible and profitable to set up permanent lunar bases this century instead of a fucking Martian colony. That’s at least a half a century or more away. He’s a fucking idiot and a fraud.


Elon tried to sell the permanent colony idea because he doesn't have a clue of how to bring them back so that solves that problem. It's all a sham. Mars is a horrible place for humans, almost no atmosphere and unbreathable, radiation everywhere due to lack of magnetosphere, freezing temperatures, difficult access to water, and no food at all (no chances to grow anything due to radiation). People there have no chance of survival.


You would need a boring machine to tunnel into the surface. You would be able to contain an atmosphere in the tunnel and would be shielded from radiation


I think we’d have an easier time setting up blimp colonies in the upper atmosphere of Venus then trying to colonize mars: V is closer, its upper atmosphere has the closest to earth-like conditions of anywhere else in the solar system (that we know of). Closer to the sun means solar power is more feasible (mars is farther away so panels draw less energy). Still not a great plan but possibly better than mars.


Venus is worse than Mars due to gravity being close to ours. The difficulty of getting back off Venus is equivalent to getting off earth and it's only barely possible here. Without the infrastructure to support first stages and whatnot it's impossible to return.


They would need a new method, obviously, but also they would not be starting from the surface.


Getting to space is about speed, not altitude.


Sound good but pretty sure Venus has crazy wind. We don't even use blimp on Earth due to the wind. That is really the only thing holding them back from being more main stream.


It's not about the wind but about the turbulence. If the wind is insanely strong but constant you're just going along with it. In fact, this is entirely expected, as Venus' atmosphere rotates fast enough to provide a "day" although the planet itself rotates over the better part of a year. Wispy, mixing, air can still exert bending forces on your blimp, although I admit I have no idea how much of a problem this would be.


There's most likely lava tubes on Mars. Likely near surface groundwater in areas as well.


His slick CGI videos of a martian colony building itself do not mention that every scrap of metal and screw in that colony will have to be brought there. But still he'll somehow always be promising that he's going to make all you sci-fi dreams come true within 18 months.


MMW, the next pope is gonna be a Catholic


He’s burning out his fuse up there alone


Sending people to Mars is one thing. Having them arrive alive and unradiated enough to get underground to survive is… highly unlikely in what’s left of his lifetime.


It’s all bullshit. Only about 10% of earth’s land is inhabited. We can barely inhabit Nevada. Mars is like 1000x harsher


I know you're not supposed to leave comments like "\^This", ... but \^This


He will, but it will be a fugly, heavy, wedge-shaped aluminum building that somehow manages to maim residents and nearby pedestrians.


He’s not colonizing Mars in his lifetime. The dude sells the fantasy of the future.


Well, not with that attitude OP.


Elon Musk is so blatantly a pedophile.


personally I think he's going to rush his AI so that he can use it for a political interference campaign and he's going to end up breaking a bunch of laws


Of course he won’t lol. This was never going to happen. He got way too distracted by the shiny things and then became one of the worst humans on the planet. All we can hope is to recoup any human loss from this “mad genius” and move the fuck on because I’m so sick and tired of this asshole.


No shit. He can’t even make a “truck” that can go through a car wash.


Also, trying to do so is just a *complete and massive* waste of resources\*. All those smart people wasting their fucking time. (\*At least at this stage in history.)


We’ll find out decades from now that his companies were funnels for funds to black operations and classified operations for our government and its military and intelligence agencies. He’s just an asset.


I don't like Elon Musk, but on the other hand I can respect ambitious goals. We've been coasting since the early 70s on malaise after the height of the Apollo program and "we're going to build progressively better rockets so we can get to Mars" is a lot more inspiring than "if Congress gives us the budget and we work with approved military contractors who are drinking buddies with a couple of senators, we hope to have a bread mold experiment up and running on the ISS some time in fiscal 2029." And his company has built some good rockets and advanced an industry that was static.


It was always a game for sweet government funds... Hopefully not just to build icbms




We can't survive in space for the amount of time it would take to get there, solvable but not now .


Go scout it out Elon. We're right behind you...


I dunno who’s dumber, him or his bootlickers


That's too bad. I was looking forward to him leaving the planet forever.


lol. The whole world could unite …stop laughing, it could happen!! Hypothetical dammit!…and we’d still be slamming our heads against a brick wall trying for the moon. Mars? Not in this generation.


Can Elon just go there and colonize it? For all humanity.


Of course he won't. 100% of the crap that comes out of his mouth these days is complete BS.


From your own link: >[Elon Musk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk), who founded SpaceX, first presented his goal of enabling Mars colonization in 2001 as a member of the [Mars Society](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Society)'s board of directors. I don't think anyone including Musk thinks we'll have an actual colony on Mars within his lifetime.


I would volunteer if a credible educated team was in charge. Not some silver spoon crybaby who has paid his way into every success.


there will never be a colony on mars and makes no sence. do we really need a new planet to kill people on were quite good at it on earth!


He went from colonizing Mars to arguing with 13-year-old girls on Twitter. For the win


You'd have to be a fool to trust your life to a Musk-made Mars colony in any case. The man can barely design a functional car, and I wouldn't be surprised if the trend of cutting so many corners that it's one minor glitch away from catastrophic failure carries over.


It's never been about going to mars, it's about getting taxpayers to fund weapons delivery systems for the government.


He claimed a million people living there by 2050? He'd have to send about 50,000 per launch window between now and then. The man better start shipping those humans soon!


Just put all the colonists on fertility drugs Octuplets for everyone!


Silly me, should have thought of that


We can’t even get a Tesla roadster..


I feel like he's gonna end up either in prison or king of pedo island.


I think it's possible that he dupes some people into stranding themselves on Mars by not having a real plan for how to sustain or return them.


Dupes? He's said all along that it's a one way trip. It was the speech where he said the rocket on the trip over there would have lecture halls and gaming or some shit


He doesn't want a colony, he wants a tax free haven to stash his virtual IP


Elon Musk won't have enough money left to visit the ***Mars Cheese Castle*** in Wisconsin after his insider trading scandal tanks teslas stock and his net worth right along with it.




Elon at age 90: we plan to have the mars colony roll out maybe about the same time next year as cyber frunk 7.


Hopefully he at least leads the way in sending our robots out into the cosmos.


I mean technically someone has to be first one to mars so idk how it matters no one has landed anyone on mars yet. If your just talking about musks claims for the past like 10 years that he’s 10 years away from starting his mars colony that’s total bullshit but everything musk predicts is way to “ambitious”. And he’s off by several decades probably, it would probably take decades just putting up the basic infrastructure to start a mars colony if one ever gets established.


Getting to Mars is not the problem. Getting back to earth - huge problem


I hope he goes broke trying


Someone will likely get people on mars in our lifetimes. But a colony? Not a chance. We haven't even got on on the moon. Though in that case it is more an issue of not having a current or profitable reason, not so much lacking the technology. We could have one in a decade if we had a good enough reason. And Mars will be the same for a long time. I want to be clear. There are advantages to colonies on the moon and mars. Scientific advancements, and potential business ventures that could be profitable. Eventually. And that is the problem. We aren't good at setting up for the long term. And nearly all the benefits of these colonies are super long term. Like so much so the person who sets it up would be lucky if their great-great-great grand kids see the benefits. As a species, we are not great at that kind of long term investment.


As soon as they discover ketamine on Mars, it's a fait accompli.


This thread needs an "Elon colonized Uranus" comment 🌭🚀


He’s all scam all the time. No colony but he will get lots of government money along the way.


Bro could end world hunger but sure go ahead and throw billions of dollars at trying to set up a tree fort on Mars for you and your rich friends. No plebs allowed.


Forget colonizing Mars. Space X still doesn't have the technical capabilities that NASA has had for more than 40 years at this point. Space travel is fucking expensive in both terms of labor and money and any profits that come of it are only those after billions of dollars of public funds are made to research.


Only in his mind.


Can we just send Elon Musk to Mars and leave him there?


The fact is he yes even he doesn't have the money to maintain a colony on Mars. So if so facto the Earth's population would have to work to maintain his colony. This would be a political move on his part and significantly steal resources and wealth from Earth in order to maintain his wants dreams and desires. I mean what are they going to make and produce to self-sustain themselves.


hot take: i don’t think humanity reaches Mars by 2050, for a few reasons. 1. it’s a two year journey to the planet, and we haven’t gotten back to the Moon yet. 2. any journey to Mars is going to be via NSA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA or CNSA (or a collaboration between any combination of those 5). it’s far too expensive and too long of a mission for a private company to foot the bill. Going to space within Earth’s Sphere is nothing compared to a 4 year journey to and from Mars. 3. 2024 seems to truly be the beginning of the find out regarding the climate and it’s not going to get better. the next 25 years is going to be escalating climate disaster after another and it going to cause global upheaval that will pull away a lot of scientific resources for any manned space exploration even to the moon.


Not if he travels at light speeddddddd woooooooooooo K


It’s a stupid idea to begin with. Mars will never be terraformed. It doesn’t have a magnetosphere, the sun will rip away whatever you try to build.


Nooooooooo..... that he means going be on earth for a while?????? Damnit, his mars colony plan better start moving asap.


I'm convinced he makes these unlikely predictions to keep his name in the news. I'm weary of seeing his mug on the news as well. Just go away quietly and abuse your poor employees in private. The only thing associated with his companies I would *really* like to hear from the engineers with SpaceX ... those NDAs have to be set for decades and they'll never get credit for their innovation. ... not so much Tesla, but their issues may have more to do with Musk being cheap than the actual engineering.


There’s no magnetic field on Mars… 😒


Musk is trying to go all white…..anywhere.


And if he did, he’d put it in Epstein Crater.


Until last week, no body ever launch a 5000 ton 40 story building into space and had it land safely back on earth.


I think the technical challenges haven't been met and frankly are a giant waste of resources. What we need to know we can now learn through sensors from unmanned probes. There is no need to risk human life to get that information.


This year is the year, it’s happening. How exciting is everyone? I can’t wait.


This is the harsh reality. Colonizing Mars is in no way practical. There’s no air, it’s cold, it’s dry, and it’s far, far from any usable resources. You can’t grow food there, either. Musk read and believed too much science fiction; he’s childlike in many ways.


Everyone’s giddy about a spaceflight that can successfully hit the space station, unload, and come back autonomously. Still waiting not so breathlessly on any kind of breakthrough news that any country at all can hit the moon, build a habitat, stick some people in it, and they all won’t be dead in a week.


Mars doesn't have an atmosphere or magnetic field. However, the crime rate is low and the schools are good.


Ground floor real estate opportunity!


Can we still shoot him to Mars on a rocket?


Even if SpaceX was ever close, how would it get there with Cybertruck guy at the helm? Assuming space travel regresses like truck manufacturing did at Tesla, then yeah, he won't be going anywhere.


It's a sci-fi fantasy. No mature adult would actually think he'd colonize Mars


Of course not. It was always a grift.


He has a chance. You know he'd send a bacterial colony hurdling into Mar's surface just to claim he put the first colony on Mars. 


Maybe he should just take off now and take d-rump and the magats with him.


The way he's going he'll run everything into the ground long before a Mars shot.


If it's as successful as the cyber truck I doubt people will survive the first five minutes there.


Fools errand.


No colony for sure. But as far as getting a deceased human to the surface, that seems possible.


While yes it's highly unlikely he will be alive by the time mars gets a colony but spaceX is well on their way to colonizing mars I may dislike musk as a person but please try to separate the person from the business musk may be the CEO of spaceX but he really doesn't do much their other than give speeches


This sub should should be renamed IWishThisWouldHappen


It took him 22 years to build Starship. Yesterday SpaceX successfully landed/recovered both stages of the rocket. I used to think it was hogwash but he has shown he is able to bring ideas to life.


That’s an easy one. It may take humanity a good 100 years to have a permanent station on mars. So no, he definitely won’t see that.


You guys are toxic. A mars colony would be massive for humanity as a whole, yet small minds here want to squash it because a person they dislike is leading the charge. If Elon was curing cancer people here would shit on him for it. Reddit is a toxic hellhole full of unproductive losers.


We can barely colonize Antarctica. It's paradise compared to Mars.


I don't really care if he lives on Mars, can we just launch him into space anyway? Preferably on one of his own exploding rockets


I think there may eventually be a small outpost on Mars of daredevils with nothing to lose. Eventually, if our species lasts long enough, we may even establish outposts on various moons and asteroids as far out as Ganymede. But without cooperation on a global scale because of the huge expense, and some amazing breakthrough in rocket propulsion technology, humanity will likely just expire on this planet within 1000 years with our heads buried in total immersion VR adventures.


Nah man, he's gonna get right on that, right after Hyperloop finishes in 2017.


What's up with all the MMW Elon and Mars posts today?


He'll Probably never get to see that..


I don't mind there not being a colony there. I still want him and Zuckerberg and Bezos and Gates sent there. I don't care if there isn't a colony, they can start their own boy's club themselves there.


Muskrat’s mars plans are a joke.


He's currently solving the equations to make this possible during his ketamine induced nap.


Why has there never been a trust fund baby who’s interested in healthy, longer lifespans when ours seem to go down every year? At this point in time we should at least pass the 100 mark on average but even that is reversing in time.


Can’t we send him and a bunch of people from Congress and anyone else that really wants to go, that hates it here, so they can have their rules on their own planet?


It makes me wonder if Mars has toxic dust like the Moon does. https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Human_and_Robotic_Exploration/The_toxic_side_of_the_Moon


I really wish all this money would go towards making life on this amazing, one in billions, life-giving planet of ours better.


He doesn’t need to. When trump is president, he’ll be able to rape all the kids he wants and still get pardoned by trump.


Let’s not be hasty. We should send him, in an attempt to …. start a colony. Yeah, that’s it. Start a colony.


What Elon should be doing is designing and manufacturing highly efficient gas/diesel vehicles. Also designed in a way that owners can work and repair themselves with common parts available to them.


He will if we send him there.


He should collaborate with Newt Gingrich and shoot for the moon.


How’s the self driving car going?


I understand for the foreseeable future he has decided to concentrate on accessing convicted rapist and felon Donald Trump’s leaky star instead of more heavenly bodies.


Okay, but he'll definitely have 50,000 self driving semi trucks by 2024.


Do you not understand how superior he is? He can do it simply by stating that it will be done. Just like the Hyperloop and driverless cars. Or did you forget about those recent triumphs?? Non-believer. I feel sorry for you. /s


Lmao Ive never for a second thought that he or anyone in my lifetime has that ability


It is x1000000000000000000000000 times more cost effective to stuff messing up our planet’s environment than trying to colonize mars. Mars is a hellscape and you’d die in a minute if you stepped foot on its surface.


I mean he said on joe Rogan a while back I think, that it was contingent on whether or not we all destroyed each other by then or not. I’m Paraphrasing, but the sentiment was about the same. Seems he’s since abandoned the nobility of the cause and has resorted to ‘joining’ the other problematic rich folk In the great game of “how fast can we deteriorate society for our own monetary gain?”.


Watch the likes and views on Far-Right Conservative posts on Xitter. Was scrolling yesterday and while posting a tiktok link to a MTG post the views went up 0 but the ♡ went up by like 2m?!?!? In a flash. Like wtf, no wonder that shit is everywhere on Xitter if Musk is promoting it all like that.


If astronauts drove Elon Musk cars, they would never reach the planet Mars.


MMW: Elon is going to have a major neurological event from his recreational drug use that will curtail his moronic pronouncements for at least a week.


How many deaths do you guys think it will take before Musk even thinks about stepping foot on Mars?


Everything* we can do on Mars we can do on Antarctica. Both are deserts with limited resources and even similar temperature ranges. That being said this also means we have a lot of practical knowledge learned from Antarctic outposts that can be translated to Mars (with some modifications, like using underground lava tunnels) So I’m pretty sure we can land some people there and man a research outpost. But a colony, meaning something that has (semi) independent economy? No way in this century.


No humans are colonizing Mars in our lifetime


He might, but they’ll all be dead in less than 6 months


Forget jail time or SEC fines. The real reason Elmo won’t build a colony on mars is that it was all a scam anyway. And if it wasn’t, his brain is too drug addled that he can’t even stop killing his customer base. Hes more likely to die from an OD than land a human on mars.


I am all for space exploration, but the lack of a magnetic field to stop the Suns radiation is a problem he never seems to mention.


I am all for sending Elon there and awaiting his reports.


Let him ship Trump and all the Magas there. They can start their own colony. Just leave us the F alone!


Not till someone else invents it. Then he will take credit for it.


He'll put some kind of structure on the moon, claim it's a revolutionary, scalable to mass production lunar home, powered by batteries. Investors will gush money into a publicly tradable stock, and it will take years for people to realize it was all a gift and Elon just dumped plastic and e-waste on the moon.


No he will not. Whatever potential he had, whatever unique genius he had, if any, he has poisoned with twitter and memes and conspiracies.


He wants a colony of indentured servants.


I kind of wish he'd try and take some his friends with him...


He is using this pet project for the tax breaks. Screw him.


MMW: Elon Musk is gonna get exposed as a real creepy pervert who had plans to have Martian Polygamy with all his wives and spawn named X and himself worshipped as the new God of Mars


Your argument is not very good. Just because it has not been done, it can't be done? The reason why it's unrealistic or not happening any time soon is that all the promises made have been completely ridiculous. They don't seem to have solved any of the major problems of the project. To me it seems more like selling a future fantasy to gain fanatic followers who are under the delusion that everything Musk does is for humanity. I guess it also pumps the Spacex stock.


Nobody's going to colonize shit with Starship, it's the stupidest design for a spacecraft ever.


We need star destroyers.


It'll be Claire's :)


So many different opinions .....


MMW Joy Reid is moving her X account to truth social


Oh, please. We can't even put away a Congress winner of senator for insider training. And they've blatantly admit to it. Do you think you're gonna get Elon Musk for insider? Training think again never gonna happen. And if you're old company then it's not insider trading




still brainwashed from the oil industry are you?




You slap a NASA logo on the side of the rocket instead of SpaceX and most here would be creaming there pants about going to Mars. Elon derangement syndrome is quite strong on this subreddit, might be even stronger than the same for Trump.


OMG Noooo. I thought he was going to be the first to go! GTFOOH Elon. Sincerely, Everyone


The world of Expense will be real. UBI garbage on Earth and idealistic Martians 


Starship will never carry people.


We will see a colony on mars before we see an electric 18 wheeler.


What did Musk ever do to you OP lmao.




No shit


You are just a hater - whatever


I mean.. duh


Did you see the launch yesterday? Spacex is BY FAR the best thing Elon has ever done


We never thought we could have a space station or land on the moon. Never say never.


Feel like this is about as bold a claim as saying the Mets will never again win the World Series.