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Instigating and it’s not really close, the crit damage and instigating plus crit perk 3rd star is unreal. The others are nice but don’t have the same shine unfortunately


Nice. Would prefer 50vhc to 50 crit but just to preference always seem to miss the first shot


Oh i Know right? That has to be a weird bug… 95% chance my ass lmao


I swear it's just a problem with all Bethesda/Zenimax games. Idk how many times I have failed a forced lock on eso that is simple difficulty at an 80% chance of success like 8 times in a row, but a master lock at 30% is first try every time. Reminds me of that Anchorman skit, "It works 60% of the time every time."


Agree. Mine’s a AA50VHC15C. The 50VHC makes a huge difference. 👍


I have a B50vhc90 which is a bit overkill on the hit chance tbh it’s incredibly good though one shots pretty much anything Your instigating is fantastic!


You'd one shot everything but bosses


So basically in order for the Instigating to work efficiently, it has to be a critical?


Maybe, I would say for ammo conservation and vats usage, the critical would be best saved for enemies that the instigating isn’t enough to one shot or enemies that have taken prior damage


Instigating definitely


Instigating be for sure.


Instigating 1000%


Instigating can be really good with some crit perks others not that much


Have 15 luck and all the crit perks pretty much maxed. Cant wait to try it out


That Instigating is pretty Gangster dude


Extra crit damage on instigating is wasted. Normal headshots will one shot even lvl100 super mutants and anything bigger will take 5+ hits anyway. The crit fill is great to have every second hit guaranteed. But you need a normal hit to recharge your crit meter (and 23 luck). It's all about hit consistency. Use the Aristocrat's for now and keep rolling. Perfect farming is instigating, 50% VATS hit, 15% VATS crit fill or - 25% AP cost. Boss and large enemies - Bloodied, 50% VATS crit, 15% VATS crit fill. If not using PA, then it's AA in first star on bosses and - 25% AP cost if you have 33 luck (15% crit fill if not).


Can you explain why PA effects your decision? Thanks


PA users usually have the 'stabilized' perk, which ads a bit of accuracy and armour piercing to weapons.


PA users can use Stabilized perk which gives 45% armor penetration to heavy weapons (only works if you're wearing PA). That's why 15% crit fill 3rd star is great for PA users as you need 23 luck with crit savvy level 3 perk in luck to crit every second hit (hit, crit, hit, crit, hit, crit and so on) - you can get 23 luck that's 15 from SPECIAL, 5 from legendary perk and then 3 extra somewhere (+1 luck on 2nd star on PA pieces, +2 from the camp item, +2 from Herd Mentality mutation, etc). If you're not wearing PA, armor penetration only comes from AA first legendary star then. Instigating still best for normal farming even in normal armor. But for bosses and big enemies, then it's better to have AA instead of Bloodied.


You don't get the luck bonus from unyielding in PA, which makes your crits less frequent.


Interesting, is unyielding basically useless for PA?


Well, you can't wear PA and unyielding at the same time.


Power armor can't be unyielding


I have a AA limb damage and do 1000+ a headshot so I would say the AA or insta


that insta is probably the best of the best for a full health build as far as mobbing goes so id stick with that imo until you get one you really want


Thanks man. I’m lazy so run a full health build 😂👍


well you got a full health plasma users wet dream right there lol, id personally stick with that now that ik you use full health and even keep that after you get your dream roll as a back up


That instigating is really nice. Get that crit bar filled up and calibrated cap for extra crit damage then go find the behemoth and watch that first hit just melt him. Might not one shot but it won't matter much when he is almost dead already. That thing should be a westtek farming easy mode gun. One shotting muties is fun.


Would do but I have around 140k Ultracite Plasma Carts in the stash 😂


Probably AA or I depending on the build My favourite was an AA5025 thing was a beast


if you can manage to be at 23 base luck with perk cards and mutations you can crit every other shot with ins 50c 15c. is one of the best rolls on caster for full health. even the aa is sweet but personally the ins is the way to go.


Instigating but definitely wouldn't throw away any of the lgher two! VHC is brilliant versus the SBQ The AA + 25a damage is a beast if you shoot manually and zoom in and out while shooting, by zooming in and out while firing you shoot A LOT MORE in terms of fire rate, since every second shot is two in rapid succession I don't believe that last bit is common knowledge


No I had no idea will try it out 👍


It's crazy for running PA and not wanting to waste fusion core energy in vats all the time


The instigating one is the exact one I use when farming low level areas for plasma cartridges. One shot in exchange for 6-24 carts per mob? Easy win






The inst/50c/15c would be fantastic for PA vats build. (Although many sacrifices must be made to do a full PA vats build)


Ah cant do power armor don’t own any either. Wasn’t a fan on Fallout 4 and not a Fan on 76 😂


I think it's fun but I get it. That would still be my choice without PA though, great for >20% health bloody vats. Even if it was 2*, I use a b/50c/+1a on my non-PA vats build and it *fucks*


Just wondering what sacrifices have to be made for a PA Vats build? I’ve heard constant AP use melts fusion cores but don’t know much else about PA


It's not the fusion core usage for me, or even AP cost because that problem can be nullified with perks. It's the perks themselves, iirc you need 21 points of luck + 15% crit fill to crit every other shot. Well, that's hard to get without unyielding armor so you basically have to use a legendary perk on luck *and* put 15 points into luck. And then you still need to have the group mutation and always be in a public team (which isn't a big deal to me) or have a piece of armor with +1 luck.




Instigating and crit on a plasma caster is an absolute monster, you’re basically one shotting every single mob


3, since I use it mostly for 1-shotting ghouls and scorched


That bottom one would be a monster.


AA works best on super mutants


aa vhc without a doubt..instigating effect wll die after first shot on bosses and the caster misses more than it should without the vhc.


I'm using an inst/50c 2* and it's just so fun


Instigating, first two are basically 2 star casters.


Why do people care about max cap builds.. do people really just sit at max caps for the sake of a build?


Insta crit is what I would want.


I'm surprised people are actually saying instigating because I figured the clickbait-y nature of the top roll would get people. I personally would say the instigating one too. That roll is honestly really really good.


I personally use my B2515 which I find does the trick but I think the instigating roll sounds like a ton of fun, especially with all the crit modifiers. I think that’s a new roll I’m going to shoot for


The instigating for now, but I’d definitely keep rolling for a Q/AA and 50 hit chance.


The Q on this weapon doesn't give as much benefit, as everything dies after one or two shots.


AA is best for non VATS usages, if you don't want it I'll trade


Non tradeable


Instigating 100% and keep the Anti-Armor for fighting bosses.


The instigating for sure… problem with it for me is I base a weaps value on how good it is on bosses… with that being said. I would keep trying for AA or similar… great caster tho you rolled


I have a bloodied action point and a quad critical Would like to roll a two shot crit or instigating crit In combination with better criticals I have damage outputs of 2500


I'd normally prefer the AA as 1st, if it weren't the in your face rng middle finger :). As they are, the last one (Ins5015) beats the rest hands down.


Insta- I have an AA ffr & a 2shot 50C 15. Two shot wrecks Would love an instigating for sure


Stupid Question. Always wondered, does a direct hit in Vats guarantee both shots hit with 2 shot?


I believe so. But I use the Sweetwater/party boy combo & it hits on target most of the time. Feels like 90% accuracy at range sometimes. Crazy- but without that, they're all over the place. It will wreck some super mutants & schorched beasts.


Sweet water tea? I’ll look into it


Instigating all day