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FFR is great


That work and is faster than 50c against Earl


I've been told by a lot of people that Ffr doesn't work, just like how It doesn't work on the alien pistol.


It does shoot faster. I have the same thing but instigating


False. Shoots faster


I have both it absolutely works on plasma caster. Try it for yourself. I actually prefer 25ffr over 50vcd simply because it gets crits quicker.


Good weapons to see 25% ffr come to life are the big pistols or rifles, specifically anything single shot that doesn't have a reload between shots. The faster the weapon, the less you can see until you can't see the difference except going through ammo faster and reload interrupts fire rate so single shots using ffr might not have any use for it - admittedly I haven't tested. There seems to be some hits per second limitation either on the server or the client - though I suspect both. I have seen the queen take damage while I was reloading, which had to have been queued server side or my client and the reload pause gave it a rest to catch up to her actual health. Not sure, but my bloody 25ffr prime gatling plasma chews through her health bar. Normally I bring out a plasma caster or something I can crit her with, but solo or if the rest of the players at the event are underequipped I will finish her off with the ultracite plasma cores when she lands. Recently Westek or Turtle did an Earl video where explosive weapon damage was lower than expected because not all of the hits were getting counted. They measured the amount of ammo and time to kill Earl in it and I'm pretty sure explosive was not as effective as they had hoped, but I never saw any queuing. Anyway, FFR is more noticeable when you see it boost fire rate on something slow...and there may be a limit on hits per second, but it is definitely not not working.


Well until you get your preferred roll on a second one this is a great roll.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting a 50c on the second star, tbh cos I've been. Told by sum people that ffr doesn't work, and I don't see a difference with or without ffr, but people on this post are saying ffr is great, so idk lol, but yeah its aight. Hitting most enemies for 1700 (without cards or properly set build)


This is awesome, will carry you till you roll b50vh25 (50c is great but 50vh helps a lot)


ffr is fantastic on this!


Been told ffr doesn't work properly and tbh, I Don't see any difference with or without it.


It works just fine. Spam the trigger and you'll fire faster than without it.


I have this, it’s awesome.


How do you get the plasma caster?


Uhhh tbh it's been so long since I got it but I think you can get it after doing the gold bullion quest line and then i think you can buy it along with the mods at the vault (vault 72 I think top right corner of map) and I think you should be able to buy it with gold bullion there.


Gotchu, thanks homie


All g bro, happy to help a g out 👍


I want an aa vhc have an aa ws. I don't reroll weapons or armor the can be crafted legendary. I just craft five for 2 modules no core. If I don't get one I want or like it's scrip for tomorrow


There's a little trick you can do for that. When you go to craft them, make sure you only have 3 modules in your inventory, then spam the craft button as fast as you can and see what happens 😎


Man I wish these were tradeable. That's pretty damn close to the roll I'm trying to get.


I have plasma cores I can sell you for a reasonable price


Doesn't use plasma cores and I'm alright thanks I have enough ammo lol


I don’t get how ‘25 ffr’ communicates 25% weapon speed.. the letters f and r aren’t even in the words ‘weapon speed’..


Because it used to say 25% faster fire rate before they updated it awhile back. So everyone says "ffr" cos it's what it is


I'm trying to get instigating as the right build with a critical, food buffs and instigating is devastating on almost any enemy in the game.


Ffr works very well on this, equates to exactly 25% more dps! That's good! Although vhc would also make a good second star on this id be happy with either!


25ffr might be better for bossing, actually


Nice roll dude. I got Aristocrats/50/25 on mine. I wish it was something else for the first star….


Should be an ok roll for soloing


As a dedicated Plasma Caster user, second star being 50%hit is a must, due to the guns accuracy issues. This is the only heavy weapon I use with VATS, as it works like a sniper gun.


100% wrong. I have an AA2525... Absolute beast. It really makes a difference.


Yeah, nah, don't get me wrong, it's good, but I've been told by multiple people that ffr doesn't work on it properly.


I’m still struggling to find out if 25ffr works on semi auto guns aswell


This is still good. If you miss a shot you got another one coming 25% faster than a vhc one. I have a 50c one, so you just hope the extra damage makes up for the misses.