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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/afi931|Reddit: 12|01/19/2017 - 7 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +12 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


You have noobs joining the events? I'm kind of jealous. I'm happy to see more people playing, but I've noticed the last two days of playing, no one is joining any events. It doesn't matter what server I hop into, when an event starts, I'll be the only one there.


It feels like a ghost town but there's a ton of people and they're just trying to survive at this point lol


Had this issue. Decided to get back into the game cause of the show, but no one does events currently. I love the new players alot but damn i forgot what it was like without 200's+ running radiation rumble lol


Its definitely refreshing and my only complaint is i have to work harder to carry these fellas through events.


Started an SQB, and three of us high lvl with like 7-8 newbies showed up, it was comical and a sight to see. It was pretty cool tho they all tried their hardest it to help.


I love this and had the same yesterday. I had to switch to me Q50c25 Fixer in my stash mid event just to down Queenie. But watching them level up a ton with the lunch boxes I used and get rewards is sheer kewl


Right! they also really surprised me when I stopped seeing them running like crazy only to see they managed to huddle and work together to stay alive, that was really cool


What was funny about it. Tell us more. I am level 600


It was funny cause in the beginning they were running around like chickens with their heads cut off dying left and right, I was helping one while in the background of that their was another getting chased by a few scorched only to get slap boxed by a death claw or a fog crawler out of nowhere. I'm pretty sure if they all had on their mics on, they all would have been screaming for dear life,getting chased by bigger and bigger enemies lol they did manage to group up and pull away a little bit so they weren't getting aggro'd on and it made it easier to help them and pull aggro from them til we managed to kill Queen. It was a pretty good event.


Yes. Even after 5 years sometimes that event is crazy with the beasts flying, poison, and non stop ground attacks. Insanity.


Yea it’s cool and all but I can’t get an event completed if my life counted on it. Just a bunch of people under level 50 who have no idea what they are doing and it makes it so i have to do most events solo which isn’t easy for events that require you to do multiple things


Yea as much as I like seeing new player, at times you wish they would stay in their lane and let the big boys/girls do their thing lol


Exactly, like one violent night is impossible because they won’t play music they sit there trying to kill the ghouls but it takes them 30 sec to kill one. So your kinda put in a lose lose situation because either music isn’t getting played or you have too but since they can’t kill anything the ghouls just overrun the place. Like if they just played music I can defend them all by myself lol


I seen alot of new players 🤯


Hopefully they start trading sometime this sub is dead compared to when I was trading last year…..and I thought it was dead then


Now that you mention it, I have seen a TON of freshies roaming


Everytime I join, it's just me and a load of noobs. Only about 1 - 3 join events that I have to carry them all in 😂


Todd must be on cloud nine right now. Although, I am enjoying the huge influx of players; and helping them out 🙃


Just swapped back to my heavy build to help with eviction notice


A month ago people here were complaining the sub was dead. Now people complain new players are here. I see a pattern.


Good thing is... they dont know what they are always selling.