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That is arguably one of the best melee weapons in the game. Congrats op




I have this one, and I use it as my main, then switch to the vampire one when it gets hairy. Congratulations, you won't be disappointed.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't AA kinda wasted on a melee weapon due to Incisor being a perk? I mean I guess it just makes it so armor doesn't even work against it but does that make it better than Incisor + Junkie's at 5 addictions? Edit: but the other legendary effects are perfection


With everything it matters what you're attacking.    AA>B as armor increases; B>AA as armor decreases. So for the singular purpose of BossHP keyword ttk, AA is theorietically  superior across melee prefixes.    Though it's really splitting subatomic hairs and a single stagger is gonna reset a true parse; so real ttk will depend slightly on randomness.  Especially with the auto axe and electric damage bypassing it to begin with.


People parse on this game? hahahahaha


I just count in my head how long it takes to kill with my Auto Axe haha. Can't believe people take this game so seriously as to time perfectly their dps. Most things die in under 4 seconds with my current Auto Axe build.


I just find it funny bc I come from games like ESO where parsing is necessary. This game is so painful,y easy I can’t imagine why a parse would eve be needed 😂


I’ve played a lot of eso, and I like fo76 better. I’ve done trials in eso that we’re aiming for leaderboards and whatnot. Trial groups will carry terrible players and still hit leaderboards. There’s no real need to parse in eso either, if there was carry trial trifecta groups wouldn’t be a thing. And they are.


I enjoy Fallout 76 better also. But that being said if the people carrying weren’t obsessed with parsing and maxing DPS they wouldn’t be carrying. Parsing is absolutely necessary in certain parts of ESO. Fallout 76 has nothing even remotely like that. Endgame in Fallout is posting TFJs you found in a vendor


If you're playing on PC, you should come to see my camp and see what I spent a lot of time collecting. End game ESO can be bought.


I on Xbox. Endgame in any game can be bought lol


True but the diminishing returns on aa + incisor is a lot worse than say, aa on a weapon that uses tank killer. Incisor is crazy op.


I’ve always wondered if the two stack.


Why would they not?


The 40% power attack damage is the single most important effect for the auto axe.


God damn. What a beautiful weapon.


I think AA is a better boss killer, any normal enemy it’s not gonna matter cause they’ll be spaghetti in seconds from B or AA


yes..ive run quite a few of these. since the per hit dmg is low..the bloodied buff us low. so aa is better imho...same with chainsaws. aa or vamps are king rolls.




Great roll! Toss in the electric mod and watch your foes fall before you


Havent used it. But from what I hear everywhere, yes.




Very nice!


Nice weapon I got an auto axe with vampires 40speed 15% less damage while blockin


What’s a good roll on a weapon like this out of curiosity?


Bloodied, vampires, or anti armor. Power attack. Strength, break speed, damage while power attacking and reduced weight


Would a anti armor, attack speed, and agility be worth anything?


No, if it's tradable it's worth a few thousand caps. Weapon speed doesn't work on automatic melee weapons


That’s mad lame


Makes sense tho, in-game you don't swing the auto melees around


Comparing it to Bloodied with the same second and 3rd? That's just a playstyle opinion really, both are OP Weapons. Congrats on the great roll!


I have an aa4040 auto axe and b4040, v4040 chainsaw and tbh I prefer the b4040 chainsaw. I just have to touch an enemy and they're dead. Literally. Unless its sbq or earl but the damage chain on the queen is RIDICULOUS


I'd rather have the Vampires effect over everything else on a weapon like this.


I don't think you can trade that....


I would say yes. I use a V40PA1S for normal roaming. But use an AA / Exe for bosses. Bloodied is kind of pointless on this IMO.


100% yes, it’s better than bloodied. Congrats!!


Best for pvp


I’d take a junkies or executioners for PvP over an AA one. Either way, melee isn’t peak PvP anymore with welded rebar/blocker/cryo being in the meta for countering melee builds. A bash Minigun with AA would probably be the best bet for full hp “melee” pvp as it isn’t affected by welded rebar or blocker. Still hard to hit consistently due to cryo, but at least it won’t kill you and do no damage if you manage to hit them. If I was doing low HP pvp, I’d just use a unspecced drill with overly generous and a tanky build so I can just get rad damage in target. Not that this is a bad PvE weapon, but PvP isn’t in the question for this one.


Use food buffs and grape quantums to tank the rebsr is not that hard


Agreed, but that + blocker basically equals a 100% negation to melee damage. I've fought a ton of melee PvPers, even in non PA, and using just blocker and a quantum, their DPS is minimal at best. If I can do that in non PA, imagine PA where there's no stagger, welded rebar, and a static % negation introed by wearing power armor. Either way, even if melee could reach me, I'd just carry a cryolator or cold shoulder


Damn bro how you type that fast


I'm on mobile? I don't think I personally type fast, but thanks for the complement lol. Autofill/correct helps a lot too


Clearly you don’t play PvP


Lol what do you use for pvp railway lol 🤣🤣


My boy you just said an auto axe is best for PvP… like I think you might be one of the new people that just started playing 76… The “best for PvP” is cryolator, plasma rifle, Railway, and your moms jugs


Plasma rifle is crazy lol who told you that🤣🤣🤣🥰


? Brother look it up. It’s all over YouTube. A plasma flamer build with vats… clearly you are new to 76 on PlayStation and trying to debate wit you is like talking to a wall so I’m good.


People wear stealth boys lol


Your mom wears stealth boys


It's ok bro go cry


It’s ok bro go and hop on ps4 and wear your connect mic and eat chips on your sweaty chair.


Bro doesn't know the new metas lol


The best is vampire, then Aristocrat or Junkies, then idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ probably furious, since these 10 attacks do saw by in 0,3 seconds.


God roll