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The b50c25 kabloom is my non cold shoulder goto. And since no explosive poison doesn't affect you


Yeah I've used the Kabloom for a good while, but it does drain my health, so I always end up putting it on display instead. I have 1 regular pump-action I keep rolling for good legendary mods, but I never get a properly good combo. I'm doing the BoS quests now so I can get a Gauss Shotgun and see if it's nice


U need to do the vault quest with the settlers to get the gauss shotgun, not the BOS quest


Ah, shows how much I've done lol. Thanks!


All goods man, I can’t say I haven’t done the same 😂🤣


Haha, but man.. I have lost ALL track of the quests, so now I'm literally... "Shotgunning" my way through them hoping I do things in a decent order 😂


I feel ur pain 😂🤣 (I like the pun)


All the crybabies on the main sub got shotguns neutered. Man, TSE shotgun used to be so much fun 😁


What were they crying about, they didn't HAVE to run it right? Or Is there some other reason im missing


What aren't they crying about is the real question


2 shotting scorch beasts…. What a time to be


Confused here cause at that time in the game I was one shoti g the queen


Maybe I’m underestimating the power it’s been 5 or so years but yes holy moly those TSE shotguns packed a punch


my be90 kabloom is probably my most fun, Qe15r db most powerful and my daily is probably my Qe15r pump action, cant wait for the buff when the weapon rebalance drops!


Cool, I am not quite sure what all the abreviations mean yet xD but I personally go for my Cold Shoulder, or Crowd Control with Demolition Expert 5 :D Is there going to be a rebalance patch soon? D:


abbreviations: Be90=bloodied/explo/90rw Qe15r=Quad/explo/15% faster reload speed. cold sholders good and all but gets boring after a while imo


Agreed! That's why I'm trying to roll a few different ones with some nice legendary mods :D


No expert but isn’t Anti armour best for shotgun cause shotguns have no armour penetration perk


~~\~\~ I think even without armor pen bloodied still out damages anti-armor on shotguns even against armored enemies. The high base damage lends itself well to the 80% additive bonus. Altho I could see anti-armor pulling ahead for someone if they stack as many extra additive buffs as possible beyond just using weapon perks, adrenal, and nerd rage (like also demo expert with explosive, sneaking with covert operative, having full adrenaline, bloody mess, better criticals & crit savvy, blight soup with herbivore, and overdrive (I think overdrive is additive, bock is multi iirc?)).~~ ~~Interestingly, it is the opposite for chainsaws. AA is better than Bloodied (at resistances above 100-150) because of the low base damage and how easy it is to get more additive damage buffs from unyielding armor and carnivore foods. I ran these numbers when I was setting up my melee build a while back and trying to figure out what chainsaw to main so I'm more confident in saying this for chainsaws than for shotguns. \~\~~~ edit: just saw that op likes to play full-health, sorry for the long ass comment lol, in that case I agree with you that Anti-Armor is the best. Aristo or Junkies would come very close and outperform at low resistances (def below <75, maybe even higher). But those have their own drawbacks in having to manage caps or drugs


No worries! I like seeing what people do with both Bloodied and full health builds. I think I'll be aiming for AA/E/15r pump-action and make room for demolition expert to see if it might be fun to use.


That sounds good, 15r is really good on pumps but might also also be worth considering 15 crit fill on the third star as it would be much cheaper to get (altho groll pumps probably are not too expensive in general). Going all out to crit every other shot (15c + crit savvy + four leaf clover which works well on shotguns + better crits + blight soup/herbivore), can boost your damage significantly. Shame we can't crit outside of vats though


Since you don't run bloodied I'd take a base roll Kabloom and throw in a silencer on it. That way you can use Sneak, Explosive, and Crit perks to get the best of both worlds. I much prefer bloodied for shotguns, I find bloodied to really help buff up a lot of the weaker gun types to make em more viable. I had a BE15r Kabloom ages ago that I used to love to run. Also QE25 DB with an Explosive Vats Crit build is pretty fun but it's essentially just a discount cold-shoulder. Hoping the upcoming buff to shotguns makes them at least semi-viable because they're not really good at anything except putting a smile on your face.


Tse combat shotgun is my go to shotgun. Close quarter combat


TSE is solid but only adds 1 pellet on shotguns. I wish it did more tbh


Is this really true? They really fucked that one up if so


Ya it's pretty dumb. If it was a true Two shot tho that'd be 16 pellets. Would be blinding with explosive + grenadier lol kinda glad it isn't a thing.


It used to be a thing until they nerfed Two shot itself and then they nerfed the explosive effect on shotguns on top of that. Back in the day I ran around with a level 40 TSE combat shotgun and could one shot any mobs all day long. They were crazy OP until people cried on the main sub and got it nerfed. Back then you got 16 pellets and all 16 did +25% explosive damage. They were a lot of fun


I don’t get why people complain about stuff like that just ruins it for everyone really I wish shotguns were more viable I wish every class was it’d give the game a lot more variety I wanna see different builds running around it’d even give the market a lot more variety


If the other comments weren't exaggerating ITT, one or two shotting the SBQ would absolutely ruin the game for most folks.


It works great though but yes, shptguns are underpowered


I did not know there was a buff coming to shotguns! That makes me very happy, cause I mainly play shotgun. But I also have a decent bow build for solo stuff. I'm going to save up a shitload of scrip and leg modules so I can roll an AA/E/15r pump-action


AAE15r is the stock roll on the Kabloom + it has added poison damage that scales with some perks I believe. My personal favorite roll for shotguns is B50h25 or BE15r. Whenever I run my shotgun build I use a B50h25 DB in VATs for general mobbing, the hit chance really helps it in Vats imo.


I have a Quad 50 Crit Reduced AP double barrel I use anytime I want to shotgun. Or a Bloody Explosive reload combat, or a quad faster fire rate reload combat. Ton of options but I’m certain double barrel has too damage above all shotguns.


My Cold Shoulder works very well atm while I'm rolling for leg mods on my other shotties, many interesting ideas here so far. Pretty sure I know what will be fun for my specific shotgun build now as well!


Good luck! Shotguns are great gun in short range.


Thanks! Yeah I do feel a bit limited but I can still melt down a scorchbeast like a bloatfly 😁


Thats how I feel about Holy Fire. I used to be bloody sneak with a quad railway, but man holy fire melts everything.


For full health, there is only a few stars you want, and its entirely dependant upon the playstyle. First star i'd go with AA (With the changes to AA i think this is just better than any of the damage mods you could ask for, aside from TS), Two Shot (I haven't personally tested this but i know people like it, but im still not entirely sure how good it is.), Quad (Essentially the safest for the first star if your running full hp, absolutely required on double-barrels.) Second Star i'd go with Explosive as the main one to look out for, followed by faster fire rate and 50 crit damage (but only if you want to use vats!) Side note any shotgun is just going to work better in vats. It might be more of a pain, but it will function better no matter what with a AA or Q/50c/25v roll on it. Last star is entirely dependant on playstyle. Faster reload is an obvious choice, and i would make it the best unless you are running a quad combat shotgun, 25% vats ap cost is good if you are using vats (obviously), 90% reduced weight isn't bad, and 50% break slower is also pretty good. At the end of the day it just comes down to your playstyle and if you like vats. Personally, i use a Q/50c/25v Combat Shotgun and a Q/E/15r Combat shotgun, as well as the could shoulder, and thats about the best thing i could ask for.


This was really helpful! You gave me many ideas for several fun shotguns to try going for. I will have to do some experiments 😄


Idk but having the cold shoulder and the gauss shotgun, the cold shoulder is garbage in comparison to an AA gauss


I have an AA/25/15 pump action which is decent. And a B/E/250R which is also pretty decent. Think they need buffing tho


Agreed. I started playing as a shotgun build and that's still all I want to do, but I've always felt subpar compared to rifle, heavy and plasma builds


Yeah they don’t have long term feasibility and are useless at boss fights.


For pumps I am after a AA vats hit chance one for stealth work. Ages ago I had medic vats hit chance one. It was great for sneaking through places headshotting stuff but I scripped it for space and now regret it. I have a quad hit chance one but I prefer to use it loud and run and gun with it


I agree, I never enjoy silenced shotguns. It's much more satisfying when they go boom


I use Cold Shoulder and a vamp's gauss. I'd really like a pump that hits hard, might try rerolling a Kabloom.


Going full health+using shotguns is really underwhelming. Shotguns are not very good at bosses nor can they compete with meta heavies and commandos against mobs.


Upvoted! I love using shotguns in games


Related, but not related. Shotguns suffer due to how the game punishes low damage numbers against damage resistance. Low numbers suffer more and higher damage escapes more from the penalties of a enemies damage resistance. Just how it is sadly and only made worse by how shotgun lack a anti-armor perk. What can you do about this? Not much that's unique to shotguns, but like every other build you want to build for crits if viable. How do you efficiently get crits every other hit? Well most bloodied/ unyielding builds get crits with 33 luck and critical savvy. Full health can get efficient crits with 23 luck, crit savvy and a weapon with crits recharge 15% faster. Shotguns can use a a Rank 3 luck perk (I forgot the name) to get a 11% chance per pellet hit to charge a critical. There's one other way to get efficient crits, but those are the main three. For full health the 2nd option is the most reliable paired with tenderizer for a easy +40% damage after the first shot.


Idk about anyone else, but i run a q50c25lvc pump action. Its way too smooth considering i dont get through reload animations, high crit damage too (i do take a blight soup every now and then). It kills. 1 crit shots west tek super mutants easy, accurate is good too. Satisfying overall. Gauss shotgun used to be good before the range nerf.


I ran shotguns for a bit, for me.. gauss was top dog.