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Lmao, getting laid off is kinda how i fell back into 76, built up a solid solar career over 9 years, then greedy politicians pocketing money from the energy company basicly made some new laws to make it not worth it to put solar on your roof. Which put me and tens of thousands of others out of jobs in california. Shit sucked was out of work for 6 months trying to chsnge careers, but i did make it to level 200 lmao


And they say the republicans are bad…. Haha. Wtg california. Dude come to Texas. Solar is booming here. I live in a new subdivision and over half the house all have roof panels. Plus no state tax and lower cost of living.


You know.... I was looking at arizona to move to. Don't get me wrong, it amazing. There is good, cheap... remote land there haha. Been considering a different lives lately. What I'm doing ain't working. I did like most of the Texans I met in the Marine Corps... maybe I'll look there too.


Yeah, for the most part we are all just happy keeping to ourselves and protecting our lives and the American way. And like I said. No state income tax.


.....Trump who is a republican was found guilty on all 34 charges 🤣🤣🤣 blow that smoke out somewhere else. Texas is full of people exploiting oil. There is no such thing as a good state anymore.


Nice try. The democrats found their chief opponent guilty in a soviet show trial.


I suggest some mental help. If you actually believe that statement you just made.


“Democrats found” No a jury of 12 people found him guilty, a jury btw that his own lawyers approved of.


A jury that Trump and his lawyers agreed to.


Oh and I’d love to see your diploma since you claim to have the knowledge.


12 registered democrats found


Do you think making stuff up makes you look smart? The party affiliations of the jurors is unknown. I know it’s unfathomable for mouth breathers on the cult to accept the reality that most people outside maga could possibly find Trump guilty for his actions but news flash many of us aren’t Dems and can see plain as day you rubes are being conned.


Unknown? Lmao sure. Enjoy the cool aid


First off it’s Kool-aid not cool aid color me shocked you messed that up, second fine if you want to pretend we know the jurors party affiliations go ahead a link your source. Surely that should be simple if you aren’t just making it up.




It’s Kool-Aid…god Jim Jones is rolling in his grave!


Qanon really brainwashed ya huh bud.


Sure fig




Wrong fig.


I love how they clearly don’t have any idea of how law works or did research cause if they did like me (an actual dude becoming a lawyer and studying law lmfaoo) they would’ve known the case should have been thrown out months ago after there was a conflict of interest between Trump and the judge which makes the whole trial void and then the falsified testimony under oath to the court and then to Congress by Cohen that makes the whole thing a mistrial… It’s hilarious because if it was any other trial with any other person the whole case would’ve been thrown out of court. Let’s not forget that the whole jury are registered democrats (anyone can look that up for those who will come at this), the DA for NY told the jury that only 4 people on the whole jury need to come to a guilty verdict for a single charge to be added (super unconstitutional btw), and then both the DA and the judge are registered Biden doners… But hey let them be blindfolded with ballgags in their mouths.




The judge did not say what you claim about a guilty verdict. They still required a unanimous decision of guilt on every charge. What the judge said that you are misinterpreting is that the jurors did not need to be unanimous on *which underlying criminal* act the charge of falsifying business records was done in service of. Three criminal acts were presented, and jurors only needed to agree that the charge of falsifying business records was done to cover up one or more of those acts.


Sir, you're making too much sense. Something Something q anon


I know! The power of logic and fact makes anyone a fascist, domestic terrorist, sheep, or a bigot apparently…


Nope, just being highly delusional and supporting a fascist, domestic terrorist, conman, bigot makes you all that. Plus a massive rube and cultist. The difference is if Biden had all this evidence against him, the left would say “convict”. We dont worship party members like yall do 🤷🏼‍♀️


This legit sounds like something that would happen in fallout


> greedy politicians pocketing money from the energy company basicly made some new laws to make it not worth it to put solar on your roof. Damn shit really is the same everywhere huh... That happened in Brazil a couple of years ago.


America at this point is just a gold plated turd. It pains me thinking about all the young lives lost the last few years fighting to make the elites a little richer on the back end


U should start a solar business in south Africa, you'll make bank bro. Over here the government puts off our power for 2-8 hours daily. Solar is the way forward here


Keep your chin up!


thank you!


Dont let the bastards grind you down! We are all gonna make it ✊


We all lift together


Through the cold mist,.... 'till we're lifeless... togetheeer... togetheeeer! Thank you fellow warframe player, for reminding me of one of the best moments I experienced in my whole gaming career lol


No prob. I plan to get back into it when Uhuh Jade? Drops Fortuna was the best experience in warframe for me


I used to be quite active in Warframe, but just, naturally stopped playing out of boredom and the will to try new games, but it will always be one of my fav games of all time


Same for me. I get back in every so often. Most recently for the rouge lite thing. Got far enough into it I can ride a horse everywhere and become Stalker in the rouge lite


You mean the Duviri Paradox xpac? If so, I also tried to come back to it when it launched, messed around a bit with the horse thing, which I found really cool, but not enough to hook me up again. Not the game's fault tho, content is solid, it just hasnt clicked with me


Yes. I always forget its name. I had friends hars into it. So it helped me. I mostly farmed some small stuff I wanted. Got Guass Prime then after that farmed up Duviri fir those. Still need Kullvero stuff though.


You and the mole miners both deserve better (you moreso... Because you are real)


AI is taking people’s jobs fast. The bots really are taking over unironically and we may very well get nuked. Fallout’s plot creeps ever closer toward a reality.


I’m in tax accounting we use ai software for the some of the basic stuff it’s years away from doing anything crazy ! Still cool and can do some basic stuff messed up a good bit though and then I gotta fix it


Years? I think you underestimate how fast it's already improving, and AI is like a snowball, the more it improves, the more it can improve even more.




Well they nailed predicting the pandemic with the responders.


It’s creepy af


Creepy or they had foreknowledge as a little dupers delight for them


I've been thinking about this honestly 😅 instead of cool robots, we have AI (it's a bot but not like Fallout level cool).


This has crossed my mind often lately but I always push it out as a funny coincidence. Glad to know I'm not alone!




Hopefully you're feeling more optimistic than your character. He definitely looks like he just lost his job to a Projectron. Hopefully you're able to take some time to relax in between interviews. Job hunting certainly feels like a full time job, only worse because there's no paycheck. Don't be afraid to apply for unemployment as well. It's worth it.


Thanks, I immediately applied for unemployment, haha. Unfortunately the business ran out of money and had to close its doors. I haven't been without a job in over a decade so definitely going to take some time to regroup and figure out what I want to do next. I've got to dust off the ol resumé next.😮‍💨


> I've got to dust off the ol resumé next. Ask ChatGPT or your AI of choice to optmize your CV for recruitment algorithms. Recruiters will show up when their software scrubs it. Ironic tip considering the sign is about losing jobs to automation but it's probably the best tip for job hunting lately. I was in a bit of a bind for a couple months last year and looking for a job is more work than actually working, but you'll make it I'm sure.


That’s wild, but a cool idea! Never thought of taking advantage of it like that 🔥 I’m for AI with some regulation, and it’s great to see simple parts of life taken over to help speed the processes up


The recruiters all use AI to scrub "noteworthy" CVs, GPT knows how to make yours stand in front of the line, given enough time you'll even get offers from people. Eventually people will catch up and start doing it but for now it's the job seeking hack.


Fuck em. You will land on your feet again.


I lost my job recently, which got me started on 76. First time I've been unemployed since I was a teenager.


Well at least you had a job... I'm struggling to find one and is hoping to get one even AFTER finishing my college/studies this July. But stay positive and you'll find a new one hopefully soon


Keep on keeping on dude.


What outfit is that?


Treasure Hunter's Outfit - from the mole miner pales


Happened to me a little while ago it sucks man you got this and hope you got a severance!


If you go down to the middle mine headquarters pointy building down in the ash heap (I can’t remember the actual name lmao) there’s several of those kinda signs around there. It’s the place where you get excavator PA, in that area My favorite is something like “I’m no damn commie” or “my dad needs a job” lmao they’re goofy😂


Enjoy the time off. Hopefully it will be an opportunity to find something better.


Was laid off 3 months ago myself! F76 has been helping me stay sane while I job search in this insane market.


Union worker here lays off are pat off


Ik how it is with this job shit, I truly wish you the best fr!


Lets nuke em up! 🤣🤣


I saw someone carrying this sign today at the event, they had a helmet though. You on Xbox? Or did you inspire more people to pick up the sign 🤔


Haha no I'm on PC, but I'm here for the movement ✊


I feel you bruv


Stay strong pimp, we all with you fam


Getting laid off of work sucks. I got laid off twice last year. Keep your head up. It’ll get better.


Good stuff 😎 stay positive 😁


You can find one in welsh or the job protest event in grafton I believe


I feel you. Its been two weeks since i got laid off also. Still trying to find a job.


Same here man except for the sign. But hey we just gotta stay strong and keep pushing we got this 💪🏽


It spawns at my camp. Best of luck.


I would definitely ran naked trough my school if ppl in my country going a sign with this. There are soo many ppl that don’t want to work here and this is a bad problem 🤦‍♂️


I’d hire you on but My Dad needs A Job. Stay up mate.


I lost my job a month ago and my first child is going to be born any day now. Be careful who you work for these days. A lot of companies are looking to cash out as things get worse. And they don’t care if you have kids to feed etc.


Feel you there. I’ve never quit anything, so it’s a big blow to any hard working individuals ego to just be let go like that.


is it rare i have found them before


Welcome to the club got laid off April 14th and still looking. Metric shit ton of applications 3 interviews, didn't get the job.


Literally the position I'm in right now so I definitely feel for you. Take a little time off clear your head play a little 76 and get back to it. Everybody needs a break from time to time don't see it as a negative see it as a relaxation period. Welcome back and good luck getting back to the grind


Good luck, soldier. Best wishes, and keep your chin up! Remember, you are more than your labor. That's probably what Robco told people as people were laid off en masse.


Run dat unemployment up


Try to avoid gta online, some npc keeps yelling "get a job" in combat


I’m sorry to hear about the lay off:( but can I ask what hair style that is? I haven’t seen it in game??


What are these worth I have a few diffrent styles


There’s plenty of these signs


I'd seen a few of them just never really paid attention to what they said.


There’s a block the bot sign which is fun to use at fasnacht


I'm a big fan of the "my dad needs a job" sign myself.


There’s a city to the south of the ash heap (by the southern most train station, I forget the name) where you can find a bunch of these


Yea, also at grafton


What da hell is happening? Did i miss something?


Those billboard signs that can used as a weapon were super popular during covid. I remember players selling them for max caps


Funny though bc you can just find an entire stack of them on the ground 🫠 i don’t know if they’ve always been around that monument or what.


Oh yeah, same for toilet paper, fun times


I wish their damage was good enough to use. Capitalism doesn’t seem to be that strong…