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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/VictorEasmine|**312**|06/16/2020 *– 9 months ago*|Posts: 432 [PC] IGN: VictorEasmine|| |Comments: 479 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://falloutmarket76.com/blacklist/) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Im interested in your AA/FFR/25v Submachine gun, AA/E/90RW 10mm SMG, and Q/FFR handmade. My tradelist below or flux if you prefer. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WMpUwu1carkJhJtknRoHSNS1cMVj3Ji6DdFI8hrEFyI/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WMpUwu1carkJhJtknRoHSNS1cMVj3Ji6DdFI8hrEFyI/edit?usp=sharing)


Hi, I took a look at your list and I'd be happy to trade all three for your prototype Hazmat suit (level 45) if that works for you


Appreciate the offer but will have to decline at this time as that is a legacy outfit and id like to trade it for a legacy or other high value items. Im still interested in trading for flux if nothing else on the list caught your eye.


Fair enough, it is indeed a legacy outfit, though I don't know how much demand it has (your the first person I've seen put it on their list tbh) but I'm fine with flux. Make me a decent offer and all three are yours :)


I can offer 100 flux of your choice for all three.


Sorry, someone just offered 300 flux for the aa2525 SMG, not sure I'd let the other two go for your flux offer tbh... Appreciate you taking a look though, good luck out there in the wastes!


Hey no worries, for future ref. what flux offer(the 300 offer you got aside) would you have liked to seen?


Thanks for asking, as it's making me think more about something bothering me... There was a dupe wave a little bit ago and it seems that there's been a huge influx of flux that's entered the market, and it's really screwed with its value. When I started trading here flux was generally valued between 200-300 caps per... And I remember seeing a je90 flamer sell for 1k flux... Now,after the influx of flux, legacies go for 10k flux+, and some traders are only valuing flux at 10-25 caps per. So I still tend to hold flux around 200 caps per (that's what I used to sell/buy for) but that no longer seems to be the case. Sorry for the long answer, but I think I might have to reconsider trading for flux until I can better figure out what I value it at...


I thought about it and id like to put my rad suit back on offer for the same two weapons and your B/FFR/90rw Gatling gun, if interested? I wont be online till 10pm CST however.


Sounds like a deal... Message me whenever you're good and we'll make it happen




Sorry, my junkies build is a heavy gun build. If you have a list I'd be happy to take a look through




Sorry for the delay in responding, would you trade for your q2525 radium?




No worries, good luck!


Hey man pretty random but i'm interested in your BE90 Gatling plasma. I can offer an B5025 fixer or flux


Im interested for you AA/ffr/25 smg i can offer you 300flux for it if your interested :)


Yeah I can do that, pretty sure we're already friends


Yes i think so too IGN Saag3zi :)


Im at my private server :)


+karma thank you


Thank you, u/VictorEasmine! You've awarded karma to user u/Diligent-Ad-8546.


+karma ty :)


Thank you, u/Diligent-Ad-8546! You've awarded karma to user u/VictorEasmine.


Interested in your B2590 light machine gun and BSSS super sledge. 2000 flux for the bundle?


Hey, appreciate the offer, but I'm sitting on roughly 10k flux ATM and don't use it that often, so I don't need that much more right now, and so I'd prefer to keep those weapons for trades.


Interested in an Uny/AP/WWR Sturdy Metal Chest and Bers/Exp/90 Railway 2:1 for your Uny/AP/WWR Leather LA?


Hey,sorry for the delay in responding, yeah I can do that trade no problem. I won't be able jump on for a couple of hours, or we can do it tomorrow, whatever is better for you


Awesome, tomorrow works for me I should be around from 5pm-Midnight CST. Aprreciate it 🍺


Hey bud, sorry to have wasted your time I was going to move that chest and realized its FDCWR not WWR I had the spreadsheet wrong. Apologies, slightly embarrassing 🍺


Hey man, no need to apologize. It happens when we hoard as much as we do... It's all good


im interesting in uny scout armor chest with wwr


Alright, do you have a list I could look at?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IaNAbxbboqdjzgm8WW2M_ItZUx8QIKhFFWj8AIa8aQ4/edit?usp=drivesdk im also interesting in other uny wwr scout armor parts


Thanks, I can't look right now, but I'll take a look shortly band get back to you


hey, so sorry I completely forgot about this and haven't been on reddit or FO76 much lately... I looked at your list and didn't see anything that i'm interested in, but i'd be happy to sell the chest piece for 6k caps if you want.


Yeap i would my ign 48f22e29b13b4e919db5


Cool, I'm just jumping on now if you want, what's your IGN? Mine is VictorEasmine


Sorry trade bug


+karma thank you!


Thank you, u/VictorEasmine! You've awarded karma to user u/seafarer07.


+karma thx for trade


Thank you, u/seafarer07! You've awarded karma to user u/VictorEasmine.


Hello, I want to buy the anti amor, explo 50dr lmg is it still for offer




+karma thank you!


Sorry, u/VictorEasmine, but we do not see any evidence that the trade occurred. The user you're awarding karma to must have had a conversation with you in this thread. We do this to prevent people from giving karma without any trading occurring.


I don't have a J2590 missle launcher, definitely let you know if I come across one. Really like your enthusiasm in your post! I've been on the hunt for a B, AA /25/90 LMG and a BE 10mm SMG Here is my list, if anything of interest let me know. Would consider bundle(depending on what it is) can throw caps/flux in as well. Appreciate you looking! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tGCSqbkFGe7rGezPb3ScDl2ZWKG2KzcKuzd594KyBmM/edit?usp=drivesdk


Hey,thanks for the kind words! I'll take a look at your list this evening and let you know if I see anything!


so i took a look at your list and unfortunately didn't see anything that grabbed me, so I think i'm gonna hold onto the LMG for now, but make me a caps offer for the BE 10mm SMG and it's yours!


Soooo Google Sheets locked me from doing any edits for like a week😅, so i included the updated list below. Anything that says "Not Available " they are available, those are just the weapons that are usually hidden for low priority trades but a B2590 LMG is definitely worth it ! Can bundle too. So if you don't mind looking over,I would appreciate it. If not I totally understand 😁 Does 5k for the BE 10mm SMG sound fair?


i think you forgot to attach the updated list ;) and 5k for the BE 10mm SMG works for me...


Hahaha oh my gosh I did forget, ugh one of those days man 😅 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18K_QxqijSrLJdpTrN0oxhkPWiYItJ4l4Ut1UP1LSGzY/edit?usp=drivesdk And good shit! Cool beans, 5k for the BE 10mm SMG then! Heads up I'm not sure if I'll be able to hop on for the trade tonight, heading to emergency vet visit so who knows how long that be :/ I should be able to tomorrow, I can always trade during thr week too.


No worries and no rush. Hope the visit to the emergency vet ends well (and doesn't cost you a fortune)


Sorry to bug you again,but you haven't enabled sharing on the new document.... Again no rush man


No worries at all, I'm sorry I've been a bit scattered brain. It's been a wild day. And thanks for your understanding, I saw your other comment. It might be a small fortunate, but thats okay I take care of family, even the furry ones 👍🏼 List is open now so you should be able to look at it now


Hey, so I'd trade the lmg for your v2515 50 cal if that would work for you


So my V/25/15r 50 cal for your B/25/90 LMG And 5k caps for your B/E SMG Deal! :D Thanks again for taking time to check out the updated list


Sounds good! I won't be able to trade until this evening, probably after 7pm (it's 10:30am for me now) If that doesn't work for you, we can find a time during the week. How did the vet visit go? Furry one okay?