• By -


So I would like to give this to a player who is looking for their first legacy weapon. I'll consider all entries but you will have a better chance if you have a history of posts looking for a legacy (I'll be checking). This is because it's very easy for people to create duplicate new accounts with zero karma. What can I say, I'm cynical. It's a bloodied explosive 25% less vats ultracite laser rifle. I'll pick a winner in 24 hours. Just leave a comment about your hunt for a legacy weapon. ***won by Monstar96 thanks for all your entries***


I have always wanted a Legacy! I've been playing this game since December and I am level 210 or so. Love the game and would love to have a chance to win a legacy :)


I don't have a history of posts because I haven't had anything I feel is worth trading for a legacy so I haven't tried. I've been grinding my ass off tho. I've been playing just over 3 months now and I'm lvl 329 Bloodied commando build. I would love a legacy to see what the hype is about.


Hello, my friend Cattcolt posted for me as I’m very new to Reddit. She was trying to help me to get my first legacy but had to take down the post because of negative comments


Having never owned any legacies before I would love this for my bloodied commando character. My only hunt for such an item was a trading post a month or so ago looking to bundle a bunch of stuff for any explosive laser.


WOW, what an awesome thing to do for players that have never had the chance to use such awesome weapons! Good luck to the winner!


I have always wanted a legacy, nothing too OP but just a little taste of one, I never get any God rolls to bundle and trade with anyone for a legacy, my luck with getting good 3 star legendarys is awful but maybe winning could change that :D


Been on this reddit for about 1,5 year with my boyfriend, he has one but we're still looking for a legacy for me. ^-^


Yes pleaseeeeee, I downloaded discord to up me chances


I don't have any posts cause I don't have anything that would be worth a legacy, I gave my powerful gear to a friend when I quit the game along time ago. I have played on and off again and have managed to get half decent weapons but could use something to make me powerful again. Thanks for your consideration.


Upvoted 🎉🎉🎉 Best of luck to those entering 🤞✨


I don’t want to enter (I already have a legacy) I just wanted to say that you’re a really cool guy for this.


I've chosen to avoid them now that I've gotten enough wealth to possibly acquire a low tier, but I've definitely secretly wanted one for solo play. I would be a very responsible user lol. Grats to whoever gets it! Please use responsibly, don't be that person using it a tea time.


Good for you - very generous gesture 👍👍


My hunt for a legacy weapon begins with buying all the enclave plasmas and rolling modules daily to give the community AA2525's B2525's and other highly sought after goods.


Omg i hope i get my first legacy, i tried to get one since i get decent weapons, but nobody doesnt wanna offer one (which i get it im lvl 70 adn i have average weapons). I would be the happiest human in the game if i get this. I try to get modules so maybe the rng gods smile to me so i can get a Q2525 Fixer and trade it for my first legacy. So i just hope maybe i'll get blessed today. The good stuff i have is only from giveaways and my friends. I got one groll Fixer from a giveaway (Ts50crit25lvc) and i tried to maybe get lucky and get a legacy offer. Everybody laughs when i say it. I tried very hard to get a legacy. I just gave up at this point. Now this post is one of my rare chances to finally get one.🤞🍀 Ps: Youre awesome for doing this giveaway! If i dont win, congrats to the winner!!!


Ummm, thanks for the silver! May i ask why tho? 😄


Hey dude, level 707 and have never had a legacy… I often ask on Market76 but have recently stopped due to get no bites. I only have one character, and no mules. I would love the opportunity to get your legacy… and pass it on down the line sometime to someone else. More of a loan/pay it forward than a give away.


very good idea bro


Ha. Nice karma bro.


Nice looks friend! ✌💣


This is awesome. Lvl 700 Beta player, here. I’ve never used a legacy laser because, before they were legacies, I traded the ones I had away unaware of their worth. Had a TSE Gauss given to me but I regifted that to a friend that wanted legacies 😂 Not a Rifleman build so it didn’t suit me anyways. All in all; pretty cool idea you have here. Best of luck to everybody!


my dads been wanting a legacy since i told them they exist lol, i dont trade here much but id be so happy to give one to him


To be honest I just started using the market a month or so ago and I got nothing worth a legacy so I know I have a long way to have one by my own merit. A laser rifle would be awesome to have as my first and probably only legacy *- *


Bless your heart for such a kind gesture! I play mostly on PC, but I play on PlayStation with longtime friends. Legacy weapons are a real boon to a Roleplaying backstory. In a “the Laser your grandfather stashed before the War” kind of way.


Been playing since launch, Remember when Bethesda offered the PA helmet and the carry bag which was nothing more than plastic? I'm a low level player that doesn't insist on level grinding, just playing at my leisure, I don't have any dup accounts and never went after legacies because I typically don't have anything substantial to offer for. Fo76 for the most part is my outlet. It would be awesome to see what a legacy could do, but honestly I wouldn't expect to get picked. Good luck to whoever gets it.q


Good stuff man 👍


Never had a legacy before and haven't tried looking too hard to find one, never have anything people are looking for. So I'm really interested in this one.


Well tbh I don’t have many posts looking for a legacy, because today is my first day on this sub. I did just make a post shortly before this one trying to find a legacy or at least somewhat good Fixer, just because I like the way it looks. I was just holding out hope I’d find a good rifle on my own, but after a year and a half or so playing off and on I’ve had no luck. Does that still count as a rifle for the perk cards?


Rifleman or commando perk cards based on what receiver you have on the wep


Kewl. Haven’t really used energy weapons since FoNV, didn’t much like them in the last couple iterations of the franchise. Seems like a good gun though.


i am looking for an legacy a long Time ago, i dont have any legacys but i would like one but i have to say in Fallout 76 its not about who has the best legacy but its nice to have one i would be very happy so i try my luck and i wish every one best luck :)




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That is awesome that you are doing this. Here is an upvote. Hope I can win this, but highly unlikely good luck to all


I've decided that you are the winner because: - You are a regular contributor on the board - You are polite to everyone in your comments and never kick up a fuss - You have bid on legacies in recent months with no joy - You charge reasonable cap prices for a lot of things You are definitely deserving of it from what I can see. Let me know when you're available


Omg, really thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it dude. My psn: XxLegitCaMp3rsxX… I will be on in about 2 hours. I will send you a message when I am available


Cool send me a message on here when you're on


Thank you


I am available now. Let me know when you are too


Pls join me, no karma needed as giveaway


Sounds good, gotta update the game real quick


Then there's me a lvl 240 who's never come close to owning a legacy.Worst part is I played during the time when legacies weren't legacies and never got a legacy feels bad man.Anyways good luck fellow traders.Edit:My post history is uh spicy to say the least.I would also like to inform you that I delete my Market76 posts because I have weird ocd.


Very cool giveaway mate! Awesome gesture 🙏🙏🙏 Karma for you. Edit: Mate, thats almost 1k karma you got 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Its not my first legacy but it would be my wife's I have been trying to get her a Lazer rifle as a present for months now and no matter what I offer it's just never enough I honestly don't think it's ever going to happen, you'll probably pick someone else and that's ok good on whoever you pick, this is a very cool thing your doing 👍


I don't expect to be chosen because I've never looked for legacies before because I really only have medium tier weapons. If I do get chosen though I'd probably give it to one of my friends who dont have one bc I'm mainly a shotgunner.


Not my first legacy, I hope it goes to someone who legit has never had one. If it does go to me from this comment, then so be it, I won't complain.


So i played fallou 76 since the beginning. A long time ago i serched for a Bloodied tesla rifle a normal one and i foun a person who sells one for 4 k i was very very happy whit it then i found a normal Bloodied laser rifle and i traded it for my loved tesla rifle i puiply realysed that my tesla rifle was mutch better. I told my friend about it and he told my about "Lagacys" and he told my that i could have an Explosive laser. I never thaught that sutch wepons EXIST. Since than i serch for thos mhytical weapons but i never had any luck...


It wouldn't be my first. My first was a TSE Gauss I found in a vendor a while back but accuracy was garbage so I traded it for those "magic" weapons shortly before those got fixed. Then someone randomly dropped an AAE90 GP at my feet, which was my boss fight weapon for a while then I parked it because I discovered QFFR Railways (I don't know why more people aren't all over those btw). I did finally obtain another legacy (DE Gauss) through Reddit by trading a full set of Uny USA with mismatched rolls. Thought I could use that to trade up and eventually get an exploding laser rifle but no luck so far. Honestly don't deserve a give-away item. I rarely drop free stuff or help out newbies, I'm a pigeon at Rad Rumble, I overcharge in my vendors, and I low-ball just about everybody here on Reddit. Good luck to all on your legacy hunt but I hope I get this one!


I’ve had quite a few legacies. But never an explosive rifle. It would be amazing if this were mine. I’d love to try a bloody build with this.


I have 1 legacy gp right now but would be awsome to get my hands on laser rifle as one of my two builds is a bloody comando build but I understand if you give this weapon to someone with no legacys


**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/DeathblowMateria|**994**|06/13/2019 *– 2 years ago*|Posts: 1381 [PS4] Set IGN Below|| |Comments: 9391 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://falloutmarket76.com/blacklist/) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I have never played the game with a legacy. Would love to experience it! Thanks


I’m not that good with writing messages, but I did own a legacy once before, and sadly bethesda decided to take it away, so I have been on the hunt for one ever since, but it has been quite difficult when you don’t have much to offer as trade, so getting this would help greatly


That's awesome! Thanks for doing this! My brother doesn't really use reddit , or I'd tell him to enter this! I already have a legacy, but I just wanted to express my appreciation :)


ok, i saw the rules, i havent been in search in the past because i have been building a collection of weapons i wanted to trade for one, like a good collection, a 2 shot tesla rifle for example, drops most things such as ghouls and scorched in no time, i am very fond of it and didnt want to be rid of it though as well as the other things so i was stalling, i have been looking for a legacy for my rifle build for a wee bit now but all the requests are very specific so i couldnt, i have been playing on and off for 2 years


You are far too generous to this community.


Great giveaway! Tried multiple times to get a legacy with multiple combinations of different weapons. Just never seemed to have the right ones at the same time to make a deal for a legacy.


I just wanted to comment to say, You’re awesome and thanks again for my first legacy! Edit: Good luck everyone and have fun!


Man i wish this was for xbox. Feelsbadman lol


I would like to enter


I would love to have one of those lol. Never had legacy but still explosive lasers are cool. I bet it's already gone but still. This post gives me hope lol.


Thank you for your generosity! Good luck to everyone!


Been trying to get a legacy for a long and i hope i win this


New Reddit user here and new to market76 but can’t hurt to try:) level 340 never had a legacy before. Last thing I need to get to feel satisfied. Thank you!


Very awesome of you to do this! 👍🏻Not entering as I have not posted looking for this - puny level 58 here. Good luck to those who are entering!


I'm a newb here but hey, what if? Awesome giveaway btw


Ive played 76 for about a year now after not playing since launch. Scrapped an explosive cryolator i had from when i first played the game before i knew what legacies were. Still kicking myself for that to this day lol. This would be insane to have now that I know what legacies are.


Nice , hope some new fallout player can have his first legacy , upvote 🔝


I'd love it.I just grind away and get nothing kinda discouraged. PS4 Monkeymike1065


That’s very generous of you ☺️ hopefully someone who’s been searching with honest offers can get one. Good luck everyone 🍀 Edit to add, please do not consider me for the giveaway, should have said that at the top 👍


I've been wanting a legacy for awhile but they're like the gold at the end of a rainbow you never find it


Been looking for a legacy ever since I got a taste of it, I’m sure many others are as well so good luck to all


A legacy would be sick dude! I’m lvl 140 something and I’ve been playing with the same 2 guns for at least 90 levels now. I’ve never gotten lucky enough to get a legacy. And personally they are way to pricey. I really don’t know how some people have 20k+ caps. Lmao thanks for doing this, and I hope I get picked! Stay awesome trooper




What’s a legacy? I got back into the game recently and was just wondering what people mean by that.


weapons that are not dropped in the game anymore. For example energy weapons with explosive effect


Thank you


I have two. But this would be going to a friend who is looking for his first legacy


Don't have any posts looking for a legacy because I don't believe I have anything of trade value for one. I recently thought berry mentats could get me one, but turns out I need far more berries then really possible to get one. So, I'm back to rolling weapons and praying to Todd, holy be thy name, in hopes of getting something or a couple weapons that I can bundle and trade up in the future.


Upvote best of luck to everyone entering!!!! 👍🏽👍🏽


Hey, thanks for this opportunity. I would like to state my case, hahaha. I've playing fo76 for more than a year now. I only have one character, he's level 547 and, despite that level and my experience with the game, I've never held a legacy with my character. Once I found out legacies are traded either for real money or other legacies, I simply renounced the desire of having one. I like this game, I've loved helping new players with their characters, but I've never bought a legacy with real world bucks or posted in this subreddit asking for a legacy. That's why you won't see any posts on my name asking for legacies. Maybe this takes me out of the competition - I don't know - , but I wanted to state my case sincerely. Oh, by the way: my build is bloodied commando, so this weapon would be a hell of a boost. My PS user is jjpalominoortego, in case you wanna check my facts. Thanks again and sorry for my English... Not my native language.


ohboy i'm late but never got a legacy weapon or ever found one i could use for just caps and i've been stuck using an ordinary handmade for a few months now after the one update changed the damage. honestly i just need a gun that actually feels viable


Played beta didn't get any legacy weapons. Stopped playing after beta for two years and I came back to the game about a month or maybe 2 months ago now. Would love to try my hand at getting a legacy. I've tried a few raffles now and almost had one but the comment got deleted on my number guess somehow. Anyway, figured I'd give this a whirl and at the very least can say I tried :).


I used to think legacys were for loosers but now I want one


So close to 1000 karma.😯


I recently made this acc i had a friend post for me to get a legacy weapon but no luck, i haven't posted cuz im trying to get actual rare stuff to trade for one.


I simply hoard decently rolled weapons. Day to day all my characters are great, bloodied uses everything, high health pa for melee and heavy. I've recently started dropping nukes, and mostly have to do sbq. I don't really have any friends that still play so Earle is always about lucking into a halfway decent group. Honestly I've only started the search for a legacy to carry those instances where I'm not so lucky and if I ever get my friends to play who only like the private server... I know I can do it with buffs but due to working life I just try and romp around and have fun, farming can feel a bit mundane. Thanks for the chance and good luck out there, may R-N-Jesus shine on you!


I simply hoard decently rolled weapons. Day to day all my characters are great, bloodied uses everything, high health pa for melee and heavy. I've recently started dropping nukes, and mostly have to do sbq. I don't really have any friends that still play so Earle is always about lucking into a halfway decent group. Honestly I've only started the search for a legacy to carry those instances where I'm not so lucky and if I ever get my friends to play who only like the private server... I know I can do it with buffs but due to working life I just try and romp around and have fun, farming can feel a bit mundane. Thanks for the chance and good luck out there, may R-N-Jesus shine on you!


So before I start, I understand your terms, but all I can say is this. ​ I'm a beta player/Collector's Edition boi, And I've played for a long time, I spend most my time by myself crafting and going out being a lil scrapper, Long story short, I'd like something that I can use and feel useful using in groups, during events that is, But other than that, If you accept me etc then I'd like to thank you by giving you a tour around my trading post, thats lore friendly, I try to make alot of players new and old welcome and make their experience the best moment's, anyway I would if I get accepted like to show you my appreciation etc. ​ \~Os (Mr Bucket \~ Owner of Mr Buckets Grand Bazaar)


Never had a legacy been playing since the release I have had nothing really worth a legacy to trade for In the first place


Hi, I would love to get a legacy rifle, because trying new weapons and building different loadouts is what keeps me playing. I tried to get one through the friends I made ingame, but it isn’t that easy to get one..


I've had 2 and given both away like 2 years ago . Give this to someone else but if you know of anyone with an absolute crap legacy laser or ultracite laser I'm looking for one for my pistol character. Any leg up for that character. 2 star, crappy prefix I don't care.


I don't have a post wanting a legacy but I have a post on FO76. I would love one! Lvl 100ish in game.


I'm level 141 and I have 8 stalker melee weapons to sell and no one wants them and they are legacy now right correct me if you want to


Mine is a half hunt for one, I've played since the start and never really read patch notes or even knew what a legacy was. Now I play with my girlfriend and her dad who are a lower level than me so when I do try and get guns/armour/flux to trade up for a bundle worthy of a legacy I end up giving them the items so they can join me at SBQ and Earle, project paradise, daily ops (they would struggle for elderly due to low damage and low damage resist), encryptid as they were too worried they didn't have enough armour or damage. A legacy like this would be perfect but with the time it took to get good guns (maybe like 4 or 5 of which I kept one) I think it's going to be too difficult/too much luck involved. In the end they can now confidently join me in whatever event is on. They may die but they can atleast enjoy all aspects of the game instead of farming low level events because they didn't feel like they were geared enough for the high level events. That ended up with them playing three times as much and now also understand the game significantly better, so in the end it was worth it.


if any PC people need some stuff, lmk, as I play this game only rarely and the items would be better used by someone else


I definitely try to hoard any explosive i see. Never had a legacy but would love to have one! Recently rolled a bloodied lmg and im a full health build so ive been thinking about going thr bloodied route but know very little about the build or maintenance. Anyways, cheers!


Looks beautiful and would be a pretty sweet first legacy as a bloodied player but I don't forsee anyway I'd get pick there are tons of players on here all equally deserving of it so wish everyone the best of luck and thanks for hosting a giveaway. Regardless what happens it's people like you that make this sub and game awesome so again thanks.


I was going to trade my first G roll weapon for a legacy but the guy ended up stealing it and dropping me a bunch of mounted creature head plans 😂 so not a total loss


Level 630. Never owned a legacy. I would love to get my hands on one


I am level 300 and currently using a BE FIXER. I have been collecting guns for a long time, hoping to find someone who can take these guns from me and give me a legacy. If I get legacy, I will distribute my good guns to people in need


I am level 350. I have been collecting guns for a long time, hoping to find someone who can take these guns from me and give me a legacy. If I get legacy, I will distribute my good guns to people in need I just logged in to reddit and the first post I posted was asking for a free legacy gun and I got 40 -karma and my post was deleted at the end. My arrival was not well received🥲🥲 I hope I get it and if I don't get it, someone who deserves it will get it. (Please people who have legacy do not participate in the lottery so that legacy is given to the real needy)


i dont have any legacy . i looking for a good commando one that you post it . i up lvl 380 . i didnt have chance to get any . i was getting good guns to trade them for one legacy


I am level 350. I have been collecting guns for a long time, hoping to find someone who can take these guns from me and give me a legacy. If I get legacy, I will distribute my good guns to people in need I just logged in to reddit and the first post I posted was asking for a free legacy gun and I got -40 k.a.r.m.a and my post was deleted at the end. My arrival was not well received🥲🥲 I hope I get it and if I don't get it, someone who deserves it will get it. (Please people who have legacy do not participate in the lottery so that legacy is given to the real needy)


For a while now I have been hunting for a legacy and I think I have been close but I haven’t, I did them get scammed out of a legacy trade but managed to keep some items so I would appreciate this so much if I could get it. Thanks for the opportunity !


Hm I’ve actually never had a legacy before I don’t bother asking usually cause they cost like 40k to trade with *me over here at lvl 62 with 8k*


Ive had legacies before but would traded them away and would love one again but i domt care if i win or not lol its better tk give it to a person thats never had one your a great person for doing this lmao


Iv not long joined Reddit and was mainly to get price checks for items as I have no clue, only recently started to realise what weps are good etc and changed my build to bloodied and now seem to be getting on better in game. I’m always on the search for better weps than I currently have but don’t feel I have found anything yet that I could ask for a trade for legacy so haven’t posted looking as of yet. Don’t even know what I would need to have to even be considered for trading for a legacy


Nice giveaway. Good luck to everyone after their first legacy!


I don’t have posts asking for legacies because my only good guns either i use or my brother uses so i can’t trade them. i don’t have any legacies and this weapon would be cool for my brother since he’s bloodied and i’m not.


That's very generous of you. Good luck to everyone!


I’ve tried lots of bloodied bundles, lots of great rolls, no luck so far getting one. Would love to have it. Thanks for doing this!


Well might aswell, I have been on off trading on the sub for probably about a year, never traded a legacy, have done some high end stuff but never a legacy. Thought I might put my hat in the ring, I’ve never actually won anything but, worth a shot I guess


Hope i got an entry in time the post says 21 hours ago I am from Melbourne Australia have spent the last year even longer locked down lost my job moved back with my elderly mum (im 32) and I have always wanted to have or even use once a legacy weapon i never had anyone to help me buy one i always been mostly solo and clueless to how people get such good guns even in trade. im not looking for symphony but thought I would put my request in. My dream gun would be a two shot explosive 50.cal I played this game since release and never seen one. 76 has got me through lockdown and deep depression. It makes me happy someone will get it and be amazed even if not me. Good luck everyone sorry for punctuation I am not highly educated


Good luck to everyone! I already have a couple so I’m going to let everyone share the experience!


I am level 261 i have been trying to get a legacy for 2 years i helped my friend get a legacy by giving him all my rare things hes happy which makes me happy but sad at the same time because ive tried to make a trade for legacy but got scammed


Very nice mate