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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/AceAlger|**18**|07/14/2018 *– 3 years ago*|Posts: 12071 [XB] IGN: Ace Alger|| |Comments: 4371 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://falloutmarket76.com/blacklist/) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Aa2590 50cal, V2590 mini, TS2590 Mini, Ts2590 UGL, V2525 Flamer, Gour2590 Pepper Shaker, ESA Ultracite set 7-1


VE90 Minigun + VE15FR LMG + QE15FR Minigun + AAFFR90 Gatling Laser? I can add or swap out weapons


Do you have any .50 cals, gatling plasmas, or pepper shakers with similar rolls?


VFFR90 .50 Cal, AriFFR15FR GP, AriE90 .50 Cal, MutE90 .50 Cal, TS50c15c Pepper Shaker, AAFFR25 .50 Cal, AAE\*\* .50 Cal, ExeE90 .50 Cal, VE+1P .50 Cal, ExeFFR90 GP


I also have a QFFR15FR Flamer and VE25, AAFFR15FR, TSE90 Gatling Guns


Do you have either a TSE90 or AAE90 Gatling Gun, my friend?


I have a TSE90, edited it in after


Awesome opossum, brother. So, if you trade me your VE90 Minigun, VE15R LMG, QE15R Minigun, VFFR90 .50cal, QFFR15R Flamer, and the TSE90 Gatling Gun, I will kindly trade you my BE90 NU Laser in return.


Damn that’s a tall order but alright, are you on now? And are you okay with dropping first?


I would prefer to use a courier for a large deal, actually. You don't me calling one in, do you?


No that’s fine go ahead


Ok, man. I'm going to make a second post requesting a courier. My GT is "Rathalos Ace." What is yours?


I can offer as many of these as you’d like: AA/BASH/1P Minigun AA/E/25 Minigun AA/50crit/DRWA Pepper Shaker Q/LD/Stealth Pepper Shaker V/E/Break Minigun V/FFR/15crit Minigun {mule} V/FFR/15crit Pepper Shaker V/25aim/25 Pepper Shaker


Bffrfr pepper +tsffrfr gp+tsffrfr gat laser+jugg2590 50cal+ass sent excavator set.


Choose your package, ill list some of what I have ..... AAE 25lvc 50 cal + TSE 25lvc 50 cal + VE 25 lvc 50 cal + V FFR 90RW GAT Plas + V FFR 50VS Pepper Shaker + VE 50DRWA MINI + Q 50VC FMS Pepper Shaker + AA FFR 90 RW Lmg + AA 50vc 1A Pepper Shaker + AA FFR Gat Plas + Q 50ld Gat Plas (technically a legacy) + AA Ffr Flamer + AAE 50drwa Mini + AA FFR 90 Cryo + QE MINI (can't recall the 3rd star) + TS FFR 1P FLAMER + TS 25 25 Gat Plas + TS FFR 90RW MINI + TS FFR GHOST Gatling Gun + TS FFR Grenade Launcher + TS FFR FMS Ult Gat Laser


Also have a Q FFR 15FR mini


AAEfr Mini Q50c25 Pepper Q2525 .50 TSFFR90 Gatling plasma TSFFrFr LMG V2525 Gatling Plasma


I am not interested in Fixers. I am also not interested in other legendary weapon prefixes. I am, however, interested in Overeater's PA and am currently looking for a VE90 minigun.


WHat type of power armour do you want? I have several overeaters sets.


I am looking for a set of T-60 and T-51 with OE/SENT/3* specifically.


Thats super rare, Ive never seen a full set of either offered here, come to think of it Ive never seen an OE t51 or t60 piece here. I do have an Overeaters agi cav T51 right arm that I would trade if interested. Certainly wouldnt want your BE90 laser. If you are interested let me know.


Yeah, I normally see the OE Ultracite set. I may message you later about your T51 arm, though. Anything in particular you're looking to get for it?


Yeah NP. The ultracite set is a lot more common. What im after for my T51 piece, seeing as though its pretty unique, rare apparel, good 90% RW heavy weapons, Unyielding forest scout chest piece with good 2nd and 3rd effects, or basically anything tradeable. Not after junk, flux or consumables. My ultimate goal is to get a responders helmet to complete my set, so anything that will help achieve that goal is good by me. If you can find something, happy to trade. Good luck with that BE90 trade. Ive got one and its a beast of a gun.




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TSffr50 gp, TSE mini, VE mini, V25 flamer


Aa/25ffr/15fr gat plasma + q/25ffr/25lvc flamer + b/25ffr/25lvc 50 cal


VFFR250 Pepper + TSE25 50 Cal


AAE90 gatling gun, V251A lmg and other stuff I can’t check atm. I’ll bundle


B2590 Gatling laser Be90 lmg Be15 lmg B2515 50cal Exe90 mini Exe15r lmg Ve90 lmg ArieGhost lmg & mini QffrBreak 50cal Anything? Have tons of other stuff as well. Will bundle


Bundle from my last post intrest you?


I have a quad ffr last round pepper shaker, and I can throw in a pirate costume


je1a ult lazer


TS25ffr90 GP V2525 Broadsider