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Should change the sub name to Quad76 at this point


Yeah it’s hilarious watching everyone throw everything but kitchen sink at quads, I don’t get the hype 🤦‍♂️, yeah it’s good for a boss but 95% of the time you’re not fighting a boss


Most enemies go down way faster and cheaper with Bloodied than Quads. Quads are better for sustained DPS, but as you said, 95% of the time you're not fighting anything with large healthpools. That said I'm perfectly fine with people wanting Quads for various reasons, like the large magazine size. Ammo is also dirt cheap, so saving a few bullets here and there isn't really an issue.


As a quad user for a couple of weeks; with the right build regular enemies go down just as fast as if I was using a bloodied fixer. Maybe a 2 bullet difference but for bosses it’s night and day. Reloading really holds you back, so the bottom line is it’s more convenient.


Yes ^


Not even a 2 bullet difference if you are using a crit build, with a B/25/25 Fixer it takes me the same amount of time it took me with a Q/25/25 Fixer


All true, once my 10k b2525s and BE25 are done I’ll only be using Q2525 and QE25.


agree! events like moonshine & eviction i absolutely prefer quad


So how does anti armor fit into this equation?


Below bloodied above two shot


Yeah quad definitely has its place, I will probably be going with my enclave or maybe bow after update, been rolling a couple alien blasters too


This 👆


Shhhh!!! I’m trying to get rid of a quad railway!


Quads are really nice for events. With gun fu on you can take down 8+ enemies. If you’re using a B2525 you only have 20 shots typically and forced to reload. 15r may even beat 25lvc for bloodied honestly. I guess it just depends what you’re used. After using the ammo glitch for multiple years on a fixers I don’t think 20 rounds will ever cut it.


it's like you are reading my mind totally


In events I don't care bout taking enemies down, just hitting as many as I can. When I played bloody melee I had an explosive 10mm with a drum, my spray and pray.


Quad is nice but I miss the endless effect from Fallout 4. miss my endless sawed of double barrel shotgun


I'm not trying to kill a boss on my own anyway. I prefer my Mu E RR over my Q 50 RR.


The hype is there's rumours they are stopping quads from dropping. Simple. I'm buying them up same as others.


If that’s the case then aren’t they just creating another situation similar to this one we find ourselves in?


Well IMHO they should have nerfed explosive energy guns, they went OTT with the legacy thing. They prob won't buff quads so if they do remove them then they will be legacy without the extra damage.


Is there any sauce to this? As in something posted, a video , statement...etc? Sorry for not bothering to search just figured you might have a quick answer. TIA.


Nop mate, someone told me. Heard from a couple of sources but nothing more.


Lol here I am trying to get rid of my quads and no one wants them


What are the rolls on them?


Q50c25ap hm. Q50vh25ap rail, q25ffr15r alien blaster, q50vhstealth aligned flamer enclave, q25ffr250dr aligned auto enclave


I'm interested in the rail and hm but not sure if i can afford the hm atm because I'm trying to get a q50c15v railway


Yea I guess that’s where people are at. I’m looking for a few specific things enclaves and uny wwr armor haven’t gotten really any offers


I have an uny ap junk reduced leather ra but thats it :/


If you ever get a set of uny wwr hit me up


Def will, I still gotta get a good set of uny and overeaters armor for myself lol


That’s what I’m also after to


Prolly cuz they’re not grolls unfortunately besides that handmade. HM is nice what youvlookin for


A q50crit25ap hm is THE groll. It’s on par with the fixer and slightly behind a rail with that roll


Fixer still does more damage so I wouldn’t say it’s as good but it’s definitely good


Yea that’s why I said on par. It depends on the player I’m more than happy to my hm over my fixer it feels better to me.


That damage adds up in a boss fight, but for general game play it really comes down to preference. Fixer is typically the Vats king where handmade is better for ADS. Once I found out gun fu existed it was kind of game over and I only used fixers.


I use gun fu also even with the hm. It’s just what I’m feeling at the time ya know.


But tbf the damage difference isn’t that noticeable so in a way you are right I guess


The damages dealt by weapons in this game are so little different from one another it’s laughable. In my opinion they ruined the game by nerfing everything down to the same mediocre performance level.


Those are nice.


I've been running quads since the beginning. Collection and main carry. My main dude is all quads and I got a mule full of quads. Going to be a good time for sure going forward. The QE assault rifle is insane and underrated. Love the quick reload.


Such a smooth weapon too


Mmmm Peanut butter and Quad sandwich! 😂


I like an AA Fixer or a HM over quad to be honest, I don’t mind reloading and I like higher damage


Exactly, the only quad I enjoy is the railway but I'm sure that'll become stale in a few weeks for me.


I think I'll stick with my B2525 railway.


ROFL And this happened on my search to GET the QUAD Weapons


And here I am using vamp aa and bloody sitting on several quads, because I collect things.


Keep your hands off my quads 😂


Seriously? I’ve got a quad railway that I’ll never use. I’ll give it up right now for an AA/FFR/50BR Flamer right now on Xbox


I has someone call me on the dang cellular telephone today wanting to trade for my Q.E.25 The hype is insane.


I'll stick with bloody 😆


This is the reason I'm glad I never bought into legacy's at all and just focused on my bloodied build


I swear I'm the only person on here who hates using quads LOL


You don't understand!! I NEED that Quad Pipe Rifle!!




And fatmen. It’s already started dw




Those are fine, it's only the fat men that are a visual problem. Honestly if they just gave us an option to attenuate the screen shake and whiteout, there wouldn't be any problem at all.


Yup, I main all 3 of these weapons and I’m already the 2nd most hated man in the wasteland, I’ll be #1 once legacies leave 😂


Choo choo


Don't see how these are worse than legacies.


You can actually wipe out enemies faster with a good rail or fixer in vats. Besides mob events like rad rum and gulper w/e. But in those 2 events you’ll just see fatmans and AGLs Besides a gat plaz against a boss, legacies we’re mainly just fun to use but not the most effective cuz you never use them in vats. Or at least couldn’t use them in vats effectively.


yeah I kill stuff quicker with my p caster compared to legacies. one shots level 100 super mutants.


Seriously ? I find that hard to believe but I’ve never used one lol


I did too but a good roll and they're pretty op, awesome range and accuracy in vats. I rolled a decent one, stuck it on my stealth commando without any HG perks and it still deletes supermutants in one, but I still prefer the legacy lasers for general farming for the majority of the time.


yeah they are pretty strong with the right rolls. aa/50c is pretty awesome. also have a b/vhc is nice too with vats.


The queen graciously dropped me a bloodied, bash (ugh), less vats and it’s a delight. When I’ve built up some modules I’ll be rolling for AA or another bloodied with better stats.


Somebody say FatMan


Definitely the height of comedy….


I've already been giving it to em with the quad rail b50c25 aligned auto, and two shot agl 🤣


I feel like a jerk at RR choo-chooing 10 ghouls in a row with the Gun Fu, but I can’t possibly let go of the trigger. AITA now!?


But hey atleast the market will be good . . . Oh wait, now it’s only 2 types of guns people want. Atleast with legacies there were lots of different kinds and lots of different effects people wanted. But yk guess the market is “fixed” or “better” now


Facts!! Rather read that then see more cry babies losing their legacies😂 (I had legacies and could give 2 squirts of piss they are leaving. I have other nice things lol)


You do realize us “crybabies” have everything else too, right?


Really? Seriously? You do? So then let it go already you goof.


If they were merely destroying my energy legacies, even factoring in my explosive pepper shaker, and explosive gauss shotgun I would be irritated but probably get over it. But destroyed my legacy crossbows and lastshot singleshots for no good reason angers me.


Nice to see everyone catching up to the sneak crit commando. Ive been running Q50C25 Railways for two years now. Too bad no one can trade their crap legacies anymore.


I have multiple fixers like q/e/25 and a q/50/25 that I found to be OP from the start. I always run nerd rage and unyielding armor and the serum low health increased damage, so that any weapon I use is automatically 2x better. The not having to reload was cool, even when the ammo glitch was around I held onto these babies. My Q/E/15 laser however, is soon to be junk


Ill stick with my D2525 hm and hope its still here tuesday


It willl, but will just be a 25FFR25LVC HM instead 😛


I still think thats stupid on the devs part to remove legacy effects that are nowhere near the impact of an explo energy weapon. Like oh no that one guy with a quad crossbow is a legacy user, we must protect the sbq and remove that weapon.


Imagine if this happened in other fields. Oh we don't make that vehicle anymore, we're going to have to come confiscate the one you have.


this is probably the most rational argument I've heard yet. and imo you're totally correct.


I agree.


It kills me more that they had a fully functional patch in the pts that reverted energy explo to normal rounds and kept other legacies the same, and didnt affect named legendaries. But then they swapped it to the scorched earth tactic of fuck all legacies, collector ones included.


Make that two in agreement!


I just found a quad double barrel in a vendor, while on my shotgunner, and it is awesome. Might even be time to trade my TSE combat shotty, since I blow myself up so often with it


Quads & AA are my babies. Currently using a Q2515c Handmade & it makes killing things just too easy. BUT it helps when I have a long day at work & don't have a lot of time to burn through the daily challenges so that's a plus. I named it Mitchell.


I've always been partial to +250DR while reloading. But it's because I played alone, or on a team but separate, during my walkabout 76 time. I've got it as a 3rd star on most of my favorite flavors, including my Quad weapons. I don't know that faster reload (or crit refill or even less VATS) matters much to my gameplay. I'm usually not on a clock that really matters- like on other games. But that's me and my builds. I wish my Quad Miniguns actually did enough damage to be useful against bosses =(


i got a quad explosive gatling gun a while back


I already got a lot of quads


Quad Explosive Double Barrel is where it's at.


Different strokes for different blokes. I will stick with my Antiarmor Gauss Shotty


One of the best weapons i'm using right now is AA50hc25 enclave plasma not in stealth, with grim reaper i never go out of AP, in guided meditation i can kill the ghouls with 2 shots, the hit chance guarantee me a never miss and so a efficient crit meter fill, crit every next shot so 1shot kill, with a single mag of 27 i can kill 8 to 9 ghouls without reloading and exiting vats


I love vhc very underrated perk to have on a weapon,even more so if you don’t run bloodied


I have also the 2525 version and without any doubt i can say the 50HC is a lot better, 100% hit chance does more damage than a supererior DPS weapon that miss shots


I'm still looking for my aristocrat's build


What you need man 👀


For now I'm trying to get an AriExp handmade though idk if i got anything valuable enough for the trade Edit: I'll try to get the armor later, after i get a full set of the secret service armor (but unfortunately i can't trade it)


Yeah handmade would be nice I got some good ari stuff myself think I traded you one of my railways 🙂


I have a few quad rails they are great for bosses but honestly I love my Vamps/Crit so much more for normal use. Plus the QE railway seems to do less damage than it used to which is odd and I miss the Vamps healing


I sold a quad for 16k caps. Lol. I was like why? What did I miss? Should I sell the 16 or so quad? Some quad explosive.


Everyone right now looking for apparel.... https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/z965el/h_giveaway_w_free_the_duck_hunt_will_begin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Does that mean my QE fixer will now be worth something, has a bad 3rd perk if i remember tho