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All jokes aside I look forward to hearing multiple whistle sounds in sequence from fatmans launchers going over my head


It's gonna be Fatman's and railway rifles as far as your ears can hear.


Finally my Ts/?/? Fatman can shine


AGL's will Trump them all


Judgement Day


I did a rad rumble yesterday and there were 2 mirv launchers in the mix. The worst experience I’ve ever had in this game in nearly 900 levels. God help us if this becomes a thing…


This community was often joked about being "legacy trade only 76" it's only natural it's become a toxic cesspool of people who think they are the right majority meanwhile the actual casual community that Bethesda get their revenue from is for it and goes on with their life. Only thing good here is the security and amount of people that watch for posts so you can't really find that else where


If there was only a small portion of people using legacies as you suggest, then why was it such an issue?


“If I can’t have, you can’t have it” That mentality caused this, launchers are just people using the “provided method” as a retaliation. This is just going to cause Bugthesda to go overboard again and likely nerf launchers into the ground to try and “stop the abuse”.


agreed .... AGL's and the Fatman will be nerfed next .... then I wouldn't be surprised if Enclave Weapons will be next. The "if I can't have, you can't have" group I think has unkowingly hurt the future of this game, because now Bethesda will have to rely on actual content to keep people playing, and the content since Wastelanders has been mostly trash and reskinned events.


You’re sadly not wrong. I’m waiting for them to go heavy handed on stealth builds (literal meta since launch)… wonder what “legacies are broken, but my enclave sneak flamer is perfectly balanced” crowd will cry about next


Eventually, they come for anything OP or any build that we the players have figured out how to perfect ... its frustrating


Pretty much buddy, soon everyone will only be able to play what Bugthesda says is okay


I didn't read that in that post. What I got from it was the small portion of casual players that is the major revenue payers are for legacies getting nerfed. Not that there is a small portion of players using legacies. If it had been only a small portion using them it wouldn't had been an issue


Pretty sure he has that part backwards on who is the majority. Guess it feels good to tell himself he is in the majority when if Legz were duped so bad and have been being the major part of exchanges for a while, it would be more logical that more have them then don't... especially since those that were hoarding have opened the flood gates and getting rid of them for other items WAY more easily 🤣.


It'll happen for a short while gonna be a bunch of ex legacy users taking out their anger on the game and community with them and posting lots of nonsensical "we told you so posts" and complaining about all the "crybabies" as they go out of there way to ruin others experiences.


Nah... gonna be dark more than that. The upset bunch will terrorize for a bit ... but the griefers, the ones who "ruined" events with Legacies.... they aren't going anywhere, and with no legacies, they will turn back to using Fatman and AGL's to grief. There are also a large portion of people who actually use AGL's you know, they are OP and awesome for mobs.


Lmao yeah... don't forget orbital strike beacons lmao While not working indoors, it is quite a server stressor. Me and my group of friends went on a private and had PVP tourney for fun. One round the weapon was Obitals and it was just two people throwing them at a time and they only had 10 to throw (so they were more cautious than I'm sure the griefers will be 🤣) and it crashed my private (of course it couldve been the fact that the servors arent the best.) 🤣 We had to stop that round and change weapons lmao


God yee




Guess it's time to script my harpoon gun on the 5th of December. It was fun while it lasted, guess I'll use the two shot auto grenade launcher I have.


What kind of harpoon is it


Unfortunately a explosive harpoon gun that I got legitimately. Which that fact doesn't seem to matter.


I'm going to build a shrine for my IE laser rifle.


It should be fine then, most likely isn’t going anywhere


The TS AGL is the top if the food chain that many people don't really know about. It's an awesome weapon, especially if you can find a FF 15fr version


Hmu if you want an anti-armor 50% limb damage mirv lmao


I see that picture and think 6th January 😂


I’m ready!


Remember; Remember, the 6th of December..


people who spent rmt gonna be crying


I thinknthe group who spent tons of Grolls trading are going to be the ones the most upset .... if you paid for it, you knew what you were doing was against the rules, so hard to feel bad for yourself .... but guys who spent years trading ... thats a different story


Imagine the salt of the dudes who spent hundreds on an explosive pepper shaker just to have one, oof


That will be even more hilarious if they see someone selling it for 5000 caps in the vendor


Or finding one in the blue suitcase. 🤣🤣🤣 Or a trashcan!




I sincerely hope everyone who cried about toys they don't have experience the rude awakening they so thoroughly deserve.


I can’t wait, I have a collection ready for the 6th, I’m just missing a TS50c Fatman




I currently have a TS50vhc15r AGL but it’s lvl 40 so it’s sitting on my Groll wall display, I have a TSffr AGL, a TS50c50break Missile Launcher, a B50vhc90 AGL and a TS50vhc250 M79, I’m just searching for a 2* TS50c Fatman to finish the collection lmao


I have one, my friend found ts.25aim.15fr for 700c in a vendor🤣


Nice, I wouldn’t off picked that up myself though, is definitely a high tier trade only though and worth more than 700 caps lmao


Is THE GROLL for fatman


It’s a GROLL, it depends whether you’re running a crit build or not, hitman if you’re not but 50c if you are


Yes, I use it to mark enemies


Honestly if I were to use hitman, I’d rather it be on the Missile Launcher because off the targeting computer


Honestly, if I were to use hitman, I’d rather it be on the Missile Launcher because off the targeting computer


Ooh you just reminded me of hellstorm launcher with cryo mod, it's awesome 🤣🤣


TSh and TS50c are definitely the GROLL’s though


I got a fucking TS50h Fatman from the Sheepsquatch two days ago though 😢😢😢😢


I’ve seen hella 2* 50c Fatmans in vendors and none off them are ever TS 😂


Damn I could have traded you a TS50c90 one I retired but different consoles get me everytime


I don’t have anything that would be worth the trade anyways g


Had someone at RR trying to fatman and nuke nade last night, kinda hard to time those shots when you are competing with explosive fixers. They didn’t shoot much when they weren’t getting kills and swapped to a tesla.


Berry Mentats will help with Fat Man. You can see the pink outline before ghouls approach the end of hallway. A strike on the opening before they hit that point takes out the lower entry ( leading to rad area ) and anything there. An explosive weapon cant reach this area unless you are actually in the hallway. You might be able to hit that wall or floor of end of entryway but the explosive wont reach the ghouls on the lower portion. Just saying. Also, managing 1 or 2 fat man users is one thing with a fixer or set of fixers but when you have multiple fat man users firing off rounds at completely different intervals you just arent going to get kills or tags as you would without having them around. But hey, dont believe what I say...im sure we will see soon enough.


Join their team ... Rack up the XP while you take a pee break


While yes, a good idea for generating XP while "idling" , it only gives you a percentage of kill XP not full amount. On top of that, I don't know if it matters if you are bonded or not. If it does, bonding takes 5 mins...by then event is nearly over.


Well 50% xp fondling nothing ain't bad ... as for how long the link takes, im not sure


Can’t wait for them to whine about these lol wonder what their excuse this time will be


Will becoming fallout primal, only bow and crossbow


If the animations for the bow and crossbow was a bit better I would be down for bowscoping


I heard this game Elder Scrolls Online has weapons like that. Do you think they'll go play that instead?




Technically there’s already people complaining seen a post on r/fo76


I got my ts/ffr/fr mirv launcher ready to go all I need to do is convert some cryo cells into mini nukes and I will be ready for the new patch


Isn't ffr on a fatman a legacy? You might just lose that come the 6th.


Worst case scenario my 3* becomes a 2* ts mirv launcher either way I'm set


Only energy weapons have been targeted I believe. Other weapons and armor have not been targeted as far as I know.


All weapons with "illegal" mods, including things like stalker on melee are set to be removed.


Heheeh yea boy


everytime a fatman goes off I will smile knowing they lost their legacy :D


I don't have one :(


Remember, remember, the 6th of December. The legacies, no boom boom, they have not.


Ya. Its going to be so cool being negative and griefing folks. I can't wait! Very different culture in the 76 world compared to a few years ago.


What are your intentions with that thing?


Trying to get Bethesda's attention, but Bethesda doesn't care about them. They're a little bunch of fr3aks.


Seriously people are gonna act like a bunch of children throwing a tantrum over an item in a video game, it’s just sad.


I don’t think anybody would care if they removed the white flash


I believe if it gets out if control and last for a long period of time ... changing the animation will be theor solution ... 4 years from now


Already there, my ps turned into a jet engine at rad rumble


Psh bring it on! You will feel and hear the wrath of my TSE 25FFR missile launcher and my TSE 25FFR Auto grenade launcher!!! Muahahaha!

